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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The Dark Knight

    I finally picked this up on Blu Ray this past Saturday. DAMN, the IMAX scenes look amazing. I didn't know it was possible for 1080p to look this good. The IMAX scenes make my TV do stuff I didn't know it was capable of.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Subway thread

    So I was trying to get some supper at the Subway in the mall where I work, tonight. I wanted to get the Subway Club, but they were OUT of turkey and ham. How does a fucking SANDWICH SHOP not keep ham and turkey in stock? It's been about 2 weeks since they had any ham, so I wasn't really expecting them to have any in, but not having turkey is just ridiculous.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Well, that's somethin......I'm kind of unsure about the method, but the end result looks interesting. Must have hurt like hell for a while.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Attitude Era Timeline in your opinion?

    GOD YES!!! Granted, Bret had some redeeming qualities, but he was also a fantastic villan and I couldn't wait for Austin to beat his ass. Really, was there anybody that didn't go crazy when Austin attacked Bret in the ambulance? I was marking out like never before (I hope I remember this correctly) when HBK lured the Hart Foundation away, and Austin hit the ring for the beatdown on Bret. I swear Austin held him in a Sharpshooter for about 10 minutes, even through a commercial break. Then, when Austin made his way to the ambulance, and continued the beatdown, it was even more fun.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Kind of surprised MBV wasn't #1. It's been a while since I've seen that many people crammed in a theater watching the same movie.
  6. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    I weighed this morning, and I'm down to 267.5. I can wear either a 36 or 38 waist, depending on the brand of jeans. My Dad has gone from about 230-ish to close to 300 in recent years, and still somehow squeezes into his 38-waist Levis. I'm doing a combination of Weight Watchers, a shit load of walking, and working out on a Bowflex. I'd like to not look like I just had a litter of pups come June, if at all possible.
  7. haws bah gawd

    List things that don't interest you

    Cars World of Warcraft - I have a friend who I can call at any given point of the day, and he's playing. Tennis Golf Football Baseball Barack Obama Harry Potter
  8. haws bah gawd

    My Bloody Valentine 3D

    I watched this tonight, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It wasn't a great film by any stretch, but it was a fun movie to sit through. , but aside from that, I thought it was an acceptable remake.
  9. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    I sent a PM to Cheech, but haven't heard a response yet. So, if it's not too late for me to join. I weighed last Sunday morning, and I was at a healthy 270 lb. I'm 6'2". My goal is to drop 50 lbs.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Circuit City to liquidate remaining U.S. stores

    $350 for a Divx/DVD Player. Those were the good old days 10 years ago. When was the last time a Divx movie was released at retail? I honestly don't remember, or just haven't noticed.
  11. haws bah gawd

    What will be the worst movie of 2009?

    How come it has nothing to do with the Dragonball universe? Isn't it going to be the story of Goku and the gang that was told in the Dragonball cartoons? Of course, he does look nothing like kid Goku. I'd prefer a Dragonball Z movie to it as well. I think it's a movie I might end up liking just cause. Like Mortal Kombat. It does have something to do with the Dragonball Universe.. it has the characters and the Dragonballs.. but it just doesn't follow the same plot as the anime. And why would it follow the exact same canon of the anime? When does a live action version of a cartoon, videogame, comic ever follow exact canon? Hardly ever. I still don't understand why people get upset about that. It's movie canon, it's going to be different, get over it. Also, it's called Dragonball: Evolution. I agree. Look at Dark Knight for an example. It is so different from The Long Halloween (the story that inspired it), they don't even bother saying it was based off of it. On the other hand, the Dragonball trailer is so awful it makes it look like an Uwe Boll movie, so I don't exactly have high hopes for it for different reasons. The Dragonball anime won't work in live action without changes. You can't have a little kid getting the crap kicked out of him by grown men, aliens and demons without it being simply disturbing. And that's without the talking animals and dinosaurs. If they make a film that has the Videl / Spopovich fight in it, I'm there. Otherwise, not so much. I am interested to see how Marsters does Piccolo though, but I'll wait until it's on TV next year. Hah, I remember that. It was one of the most disturbing fights from the series, especially with Gohan having to watch his girlfriend be nearly beat to death. If this does well, and a sequel gets made, I hope they jump into Goku vs Vegeta. That would at least be a fun special effects showcase.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Cassie Young. Wonder whatever happened to her?
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - January 16, 2009

    From Rajah I wonder what kind of contract incentives MVP will receive for his losing streak finally ending?
  14. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

  15. haws bah gawd

    PlayStation 3

    Thanks for the info about 300, everyone. That was the first time I had seen it, and DAMN that's a man's movie. The only other Blu Ray I own that gets a little grainy from time to time is The Mist, but I already knew it was supposed to look that way.
  16. haws bah gawd

    What will be the worst movie of 2009?

    Didn't they miss the "Dragonball Z Boom" by about 10 years? I guess better late than never, but still. It looks like a fun popcorn flick. I'm a sucker for apocalypse movies, so I'll be watching 2012. I'm giving my vote to Mall Cop, although I have a feeling it will get a decent box office from children, alone. My girlfriend's nephew and niece are begging her to take them to see it.
  17. haws bah gawd

    WWE / Low-Ki talk

    From his wiki - HAH! Yes! Another reason for the change could probably be WWE doesn't want any more trouble from Marvel comics. I believe they have a Loki character. Though, with it simply being the name of a Norse God, I'm not sure of the legalities surrounding that.
  18. haws bah gawd

    My Bloody Valentine 3D

    I'll be seeing it on Saturday. I really like the original, and I'm interested to see how the remake goes.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Cuts are a comin!

    That's an ass thing to say Bob. Matt Cappotelli was a Christian, and sees homosexuality as a sin and immoral. That's his choice, his religion. No one, regardless of their beliefs, deserves a brain tumor. You seem like a mature voice around here, but for something that childish to come from you, is ridiculous. Go fuck yourself.
  20. haws bah gawd

    PlayStation 3

    That's probably either just the film, or you're sitting too close to the TV. How big is it and how far away do you sit? 42" LCD. I sit about 6 feet away usually.
  21. haws bah gawd

    PlayStation 3

    I have a quick question about Blu Ray playback. I borrowed 300 from a friend. My tv can display full 1080p. My main question is, from time to time, mainly when the colors get bright (which is 99% of this film), the picture still looks sharp as ever, but gets a little "grainy". That's the best way I can describe it. Any ideas how to prevent this? I've checked my HDMI cable, and it's properly connected on both ends.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Caught Jerking

    Was walking in whackin' it by my Grandmother when I was 13 or so. I passed it off as my balls hurt, and I was giving them a visual inspection to make sue all looked well. She bought it. When I was 23, my 17 year old (gotta love that age of consent) girlfriend and I were doing our thing. My mother, who had gone to church, all of a sudden returned to the house about 5 minute after she left. Luckily, she was just getting something out of her room, and never came back our way.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Close your eyes for a surprise

    Hmmm, if Jack Thompson hadn't been disbarred, he wouldve probably loved to be the kids defense attourney.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Potential WWE "Big Surprises"

    Regarding Tommy Dreamer. As I stated in the ECW thread, have him stay tru to his promise of a June retirement if he doesn't win the ECW title. Have him challenge Jack Swagger at One Night Stand in an Extreme Rules match. Let him win, then gracefully retire as champion. I still don't think Dreamer is too "jobbed out" to be built back up and made into a legit threat for Swagger. Maybe even bring back some old ECW names for a one-time cameo appearance for his victory celebration. About the biggest surprise they could have right now would be for Sting to sign-on following the end of his TNA deal, and work an HBK-esque schedule.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    I'm having a really hard time believing that one. I'm fairly certain its at least partly true...I recall hearing it before JESUS CHRIST! That's somethin.........