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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Attitude Era Timeline in your opinion?

    Thats the beauty of Wrestlemania X-SEVEN. Not only was it probably the climax of the Attitude Era, but also a fitting close, and the beginning of a new direction for the company. Austin shaking hands with "Satan, himself", put the perfect end to the wildest era WWE has ever seen.
  2. haws bah gawd

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    Or in typical ECW fashion, after cutting the speech, someone comes out, destroys him and wins the title. To kind of emphasize what I stated earlier. Having Tommy finally get the win over Swagger in an Extreme Rules match, at ONS would be the perfect way to send him off. Tommy's promo could be about how he just wanted to see if he still had it. Now he knows that he does, and he'll never have to worry about what might have been. He tearfully retires as ECW Champion. It could go down as a classic WWE PPV moment if they do it right. You're probably right though HSJ. WWE will pull some bullshit where some new up-and-coming heel will hit the ring, challenge Dreamer, destroy him, and become champion.
  3. haws bah gawd

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    Dreamer winning the title at ONS would be quite appropriate. Knowing WWE though, if they were to go in that direction, they would have Dreamer win, then cut some emotional speech about how "he just wanted to see if he still had it". Then he would immediately announce his retirement following the win.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Who's the chick?
  5. haws bah gawd

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    So, Jack fucking Swagger is now a "World" Champion. It's time to change his attire or do a little to spruce up his image. For several weeks, it's been looking like he and Jesse get their singlets from the same tailor.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Christ. Say what you will about the guy, but he's got self esteem. Now way in hell if I had a body that looked like that, and a second navel for a penis, would I ever walk around a beach naked. That must be embarrassing as fuck.
  7. haws bah gawd

    How did you get into wrestling?

    Oh hell yes, Wrestling Buddies! I too had the Ultimate Warrior. I used to beat the shit out of that thing on my trampoline in my earlier days. I probably still have it around here somewhere.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Al Snow talks about the state of wrestling.

    Typical TNA.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Cuts are a comin!

    I'm fucking PISSED that Kevin Thorn was released. The guy was decent enough in the ring, and made the most out of what he was given. What was the guy supposed to do as Mordecai aside from eventually lose to Undertaker? Same with the goth gimmick. I'm anxious to see where he ends up. HOW IN THE HELL HAS HARDCORE HOLLY NOT BEEN RELEASED?!
  10. haws bah gawd

    Let the music set the mood...

    I know the band, Cold, probably isn't considered hip around these parts, but they did a fucking badass song for Psi-Ops
  11. haws bah gawd

    Cuts are a comin!

    Talent Cut days are always fun. You usually get a few no-name developmental guys, and a handful of notable talent. Should be an interesting day. I'm glad Low Ki finally got signed. If he can behave himself, he should go far with WWE. I'd love to see he and Evan Bourne or Rey Mysterio tear it up in the ring at some point.
  12. haws bah gawd

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    TNA Genesis: January 11 (all predictions must be made by 7pm Eastern Sunday to count): Predict the winners to all seven matches and receive a 5 point bonus. Also make sure to answer the three bonus questions for additional points. 1. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Shane Sewell Shane Sewell 2. TNA X Division Title Tournament Final: Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley Chris Sabin 3. TNA Women's Knockout Title Lumberjack Match: Christy Hemme vs. Awesome Kong© Christy Hemme's replacement BONUS (1 pt): Whose interference will lead to the pin? Roxxi 4. TNA World Tag Team Title Three Way Match: Matt Morgan & Abyss vs. Beer Money Inc vs. Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed© Matt Morgan and Abyss BONUS (1pt): Who will get pinned in the match? Consequences Creed 5. Booker T & Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash vs. Brother Devon & AJ Styles & Mick Foley Devon, Styles and Mick BONUS (1pt): Who will score the pin in this match? Mick 6. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett Kurt Angle 7. TNA World Heavyweight Title: Rhino vs. Sting© Sting
  13. haws bah gawd

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I think she's supposed to be brought to Smackdown to feud with Maryse, but that's all I've heard.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Let's talk about: Randy Orton's face run

    God I hated Orton during this phase. Everything he did seemed to forced, and you couldn't buy for a second that he was this devastating force that he was portrayed as. The psychopathic Orton that we have these days, sure, I'll buy it. Oiled-up, Stacy Keibler-kissing pretty boy, running roughshot over Evolution? Not so much. I believe that concussion angle came from his match against Triple H at RR 2005. For a couple weeks, Orton would get his head attacked, and always pull off the win. All the while JR was flipping his lid about Orton having this never say die attitude, and will to win. Lame.
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Hah, I didn't even notice the typo, until you mentioned it. Anytime someone brings up the Big Show / Viscera match for the title from 1999, I don't mind bragging about it. If ever there were two guys who had no business clicking as well as they did in a short, throwaway TV match, it's these two.
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    This match was so good, it's scary. Probably Big Daddy V's best work to date, and very strong work from Big Show. I too sided with Big Show during that little angle with The Rock. The guy was right, afterall.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Street Fighter is the best movie ever.

    Had they focused more on the Judge Dredd character, and kept a dark feel it might have worked a little better. In my younger days, I thought Dredd's voice-activated pistol was one of the coolest things ever. As it is, the movie is a Rob Schneider vehicle and little else.
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    According to IMDb, it's in production. Mick's wife must be proud. Of Abe Vigoda? HAH! Sorry, I'm running on 26 hours with zero sleep, and quoted the wrong set of posts. Fixed.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Best Metal Albums of 2008

    Amon Amarth - TWILIGHT OF THE THUNDER GOD - This was pretty good, if you're into viking metal. Whitesnake – Good To Be Bad - A giant steaming pile of ass. It's quite a stretch to call anything from this album, metal.
  20. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    That's confusing and hilarious at the same time. Next time we'll see socko down the throat of someone during a bondage act. Mick's wife must be proud.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I enjoyed it a lot. I'm a pretty big fan of the film, Event Horizon, so I was pleased to more or less get a video game version of it. I don't see why Capcom can't pull off RE like this.
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    God yes, the Nightstick Elbow was badass. Didn't they do some stupid angle with Test around this time where he kept getting his nose rebroken every week?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Street Fighter is the best movie ever.

    Cause that would mean it sold 10 more copies than it did when it was originally released? And you know, as hilariously awesome as Street Fighter is...did it really need to come to Blu-Ray? I mean, we are talking about 20 to 13 dollars for a movie that was just on FUSE a week or so ago. Sure it's great and I welcome a new DVD release but Blu-Ray? I remember around '97 or so, EB Games was giving away copies of this game when you bought a Playstation. I agree with everyone else though in regards to the hilarity this movie brings. Does anyone think they meant for this film to be taken seriously? You can't make a film this hilariously bad by accident. I like to think of it as the Director and cast coming up with more ridiculous and over-the-top ideas, trying to one-up each other, and putting them on film. For fucks sake, Andrew Bryniarski and Miguel Nunez steal the show with their stupid one liners.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Peace out EGM

    Agreed. Hsu did great things with the magazine. I remember an issue from the early 90's. It had X-Men Mutant Apocalypse on the cover, and the issue was over 400 pages. Completely unheard of in this day and age. I used to like the ads in the back of the magazine for all the import companies and such.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Peace out EGM

    I used to love the hell out of the Gamepro spinoff, SWATPro, in the early 90's.