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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - December 29, 2008

    I would have liked to have seen HBK tell JBL to "do it", followed with JBL hitting the ropes and running full speed ahead only to be hit with SCM. Then, HBK could lay down next to him and drape JBL's arm over himself for the win. It would be a fun step-up from the slap last week, but as HBK said, he doesn't lay down for anyone. So, that idea's right out the window. So, redundant things I learned from RAW this week: Dolph Ziggler is undefeated, despite losing his "debut" match against Batista. Matt Hardy is the Smackdown's very own ECW Champion. (Tell me again why we have 3 rosters?) Manu can do a rather decent-looking moonsault. CM Punk apparently can't hear a referee over his head and the entire crowd counting along with each other. Kelly Kelly really knows how to pick 'em. She will go from one guy who treats her like shit, to another, to another. So, she told Kane that it was the Miz to "protect" Randy Orton? Honestly, what would Kane do to Orton at this point, aside from lose to him? Apparently, Mike Knox is a bully or something to that effect. If Orton DID get to pick Legacy's matches, Rhodes and Manu must have been awful pissed that they got a main-eventer, and an upper-mid card guy, while Sim got Charlie Haas.
  2. haws bah gawd

    GameCrazy New Year's Sale

    Blue Dragon is quite a fun RPG. I've yet to play Impact, but from what I've heard, I'll pass.
  3. They went from Winged Eagle (1988-1998) Big Eagle (1998-2002) Smoking Skull used when Austin carried the title (1998-1999) Unified WWE World (2002-2005) Spinner (2005-now) Not counting slight coloring changes, that's at least 4 unique title designs over the past 10 years alone.
  4. This may have been mentioned already in this thread. Regarding the classic Winged Eagle title, if you watch the post Wrestlemania 14 press conference with Tyson and Austin, you can clearly see that one of the side bars has been broken-off as well. IIRC, the night after WM 14 when everyone had their shiny new title belts, didn't all of them have different colored straps? I distinctly remember the Blue-Strapped Big Eagle, as well as a Purple-strapped IC title, a Red-Strapped Light Heavyweight Title (which may have been Red already), and whatever color the tag titles were.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Best Looking Championship Belts

    Hand's down my all time favorite. The mutant lovechild of the Big Gold and Winged Eagle. This is a MAN'S title belt. Millican did a good job on the IWGP Third Belt. I enjoyed this for the 2 or 3 weeks that WCW used it. The WCW Hollywood Championship. As I stated in the other thread in the WWE forum, I've always had a soft spot for the Big Green title, just for the sheer size of it more than anything. I like the "classic" IC title as much as the next guy, but I've never understood why some call it the best-looking title of all time.
  6. Eh, this is an old fantasy booking idea I had. I was thinking around Wrestlemania 22 for the Triple H vs John Cena match (the one that everyone knew Cena was going to lose), they could have had some fun with the Spinner. Perhaps have Triple H win, and be awarded the title. After he finishes his celebration, have him look at the belt like, "the fuck is this?!". Then he lays the belt in the middle of the ring, steps to the outside, grabs his sledgehammer, and proceeds to crawl back into the ring and smash the title to pieces. Of course this would have to be a replica because there's no way in Hell, WWE would let that expensive title be destroyed. Eh, it never happened, and the rest is history. I would love to see Jeff Hardy carrying around the Undisputed title, but WWE is just Hell-bent on having the spinner be their "go-to" belt right now. There was talk in another thread that Randy Orton asked if he could use the Undisputed title during his title reign, and Vince said no. Triple H asked again when he beat Randy Orton, if he could use the old belt, and Vince again said no. If Vince will tell his son-in-law, no, there's little chance we will see the Spinner go away any time soon.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    Several local stations in Aiken, SC, are having a price war. So, say hello to $.87 a gallon!!!!!
  8. I've always had a soft spot for the Big Green belt. I'd definitely be interested in buying a replica of it if one were ever marketed.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Merry Xmas!

    Updated List from Earlier: From my Parents: The Cosby Show Complete Series 19" Widescreen Computer Monitor Bowflex Pair of Jeans From my girlfriend: Saw 1 and 2 on Blu Ray History of the Intercontinental Championship Enchanted Arms for XBox 360 The Book of Lists: Horror Edition Mr. Potato Head - Optimash Prime I'd say I made out pretty well.
  10. haws bah gawd

    PlayStation 3

    FWIW, Dobbs, Ratchet and Clank is one of the best games on PS3. It plays great and looks almost as good as a Pixar film. Enjoy!
  11. haws bah gawd

    The War on Christmas: 2K8

    Christmas Shoes is a pretty damned depressing song, in and of itself. I was talking to my Mom the other day about Christmas songs, and I brought up how with songs like these being played OVER AND OVER on the radio, its a wonder the suicide rate usually skyrockets around this time of year. Seriously though, that song is pretty damned sad to listen to. Lennon and McCartney both had.....unique... takes on Christmas songs. I will agree though that I believe most people's enjoyment of this song is based off nostalgia and little else. Of "modern" Christmas songs, I really don't find much to be enjoyable. I still find myself listening to Bing Crosby or the usual Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph songs. At least the shopping 'rush' is over now, and in about a week after the majority of people are finished making their returns and exchanges, things will get a little bit back to normal.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Merry Xmas!

    Can't complain so far. Parents got me a 19" widescreen computer monitor, Cosby Show complete series on DVD, and a Bowflex. Still have to go to the girlfriend's house, and Grandma's later.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Dude, I'm not a very religious man, but that's the single most offensive thing I've seen in a LONG time.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Suikoden 1 on PSN on--today

    It's cool. If I came off as hostile, it wasn't my attention. Just saying people can spend their money however they please, even if it's paying some insane amount of money for a PS1 RPG.
  15. haws bah gawd

    List Things That Bother You

    It's not bad at all. I've done it with a couple albums. Back in 2003 I picked up "Year of the Spider" by Cold (fuck the haters), and the Tough Enough 2 theme song, "Gone Away", was a hidden track, 16 minutes into the final song on the album. I simply copied the last song the last track, renamed it in iTunes, and adjusted the begin time on the track to 16:09. It shouldn't be too much to do 2 minutes of work. Onto things that bother me: I don't know why, but I HATE HATE HATE the word "gift". I'll use "present", even if it doesn't make sense in the way it's being used, before i use "gift". It bothers me when people use "as", if they're too lazy to type "because" or "since".
  16. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Kind of lame to me. A white kid and a black kid are sharing a sign!
  17. haws bah gawd

    Suikoden 1 on PSN on--today

    I don't want to throw the thread off topic, but I would like to put in my 2 cents in regards to "ripping people off". When my copy went for $113 last week, that was including listing the game with a starting bid of $.49 with no reserve. I had $50 invested in the game, and I was looking to pad my feedback percentage more than anything. So, if someone wants to spend over $100 on a nearly 10-year old game, that's their decision. Honestly, I wish they would release the second one on PSN at a reasonable price, so not just collectors with lots of disposable income can enjoy it. Look what happened with Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. That was a $90+ (Ebay price) game for the PS2 that sold used at Gamestop for $69.99. Then the game was reissued in 2007-ish, and while the original still went for a decent price, the reissue was in decent demand for a little while as well. Now, the game has been reissued AGAIN as a greatest hit, and is pretty much worthless on the secondary market. If someone tries selling the game with a flat price of $125 or so, that's ripping someone off. If someone lists it for next to nothing, with no regard to how much it sells for, there's acceptable. If someone decides hey, I have $113 or however much, that I have nothing better to do with, and I would like to spend it on a PS1 game, I say let them. It's up to the individual what they want to do with the money they work hard for.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Batista out of Wrestlemania

    I guess I didn't get the memo about Knox. I'm not seeing the appeal at all.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Suikoden 1 on PSN on--today

    I picked up a copy of #2 at a store the other week for $50, and sold it on Ebay for $113. I love collectors and their disposable incomes.
  20. ^^^ HAH! I agree, her tits weren't that bad because the rest of her looks so lifeless and unappealing.
  21. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    What a load of crap. Kevin Fertig can't catch a break. I know Vince is a very busy man, but he seriously needs to wake the fuck up and start paying a little more attention to some of these guys they're going to call up, before airing a single promo video about them, and dropping them entirely. What would be the problem with yet another new guy coming in to feud with the Undertaker? It would go down like it always does. New guy appears in a series of vignettes, eventually mentioning that he is coming after the Undertaker. New guy would eventually show up after an Undertaker match or something and, "BEAT DOWN THE UNDERTAKER LIKE HE'S NEVER BEEN BEATEN BEFORE!!!!!" New guy would run roughshot over the Smackdown roster for a couple months, then some Undertaker videos will start up with him being dug-up from a desert, then he will return at the next PPV and promptly destroy new guy. They do the same crap every year, so why change now?
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - December 22, 2008

    For those complaining that the Walls are now worthless, it didn't look as bad as Jericho having Cena in the Walls at Armageddon for 2-3 minutes, only to get reversed into the STFU, and tap in less than 5 seconds. But that's already been discussed in the Amrageddon thread, so onto other things. Punk vs Jericho kicked fucking ass. These two click very well in the ring. Trish looked amazing tonight, and showed little if any ring rust. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets an itch to make a limited return to the ring soon.
  23. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    I disagree. At least Shelton has established himself as a champion and wins the matches that he has to win. However, Carlito and Primo have spent the majority of their reign trying to hook up with the Bella Twins and have no identity as tag champions. Their reign only supports the need to just unify both sets of tag titles. I agree 100%. Atleast Shelton defends his title and wins the matches that matter the most. I've enjoyed his US title reign. It seems the whoever becomes US Champion at least gets some consistently-long title reigns. Benoit held the title for eternity, then MVP received nearly a year-long reign, then Matt Hardy played transitional champ (before becoming ECW Champ) for Shelton, who has held the title since July (?). I agree the booking is a little off, maybe even reminiscent of Rey Mysterio as World Champion (losing each and every non-title match, but somehow retaining when the belt is on the line), but WWE always seems to be confident in Shelton enough to give him some ridiculously-long title reigns.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Batista out of Wrestlemania

    Son of a bitch, dammit. I'm gonna miss Big Dave.
  25. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Festus turned 24?! I guess it's the haircut, and sheer size that make him look so much older. I thought he was pushing 40.