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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Impact! Spoilers for 1/8/09

    I've got no problem with how wrestlers, face or heel, cash in title shots. WWE has given me something to look forward to every year, wondering when the MitB winner will cash in his shot. Like this year, when Batista came out and beat down Edge, I didn't really think about CM Punk potentially cashing in his shot. I was just thinking it was another way of helping Big Dave get his heat back. Then low and behold, Killswitch Engage hits, and here comes Punk, briefcase and referee in tow. Like I said in the WWE folder, it's been probably since Benoit won the gold, that I've actually stood up and cheered a title change, not worrying about looking like an ass in front of anyone, for cheering a predetermined pro rasslin' angle. Similary, TNA has given us FoF, with the twist of handing out shots at all their major titles. I marked last year for Petey Williams "Edging" his shot against Lethal, and I'll tune in this year for Creed and Lethal doing the same for the tag titles.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    I really enjoy most of this series. I own every entry on DVD, but mostly for the sake of having a complete series. Part 1 - A definite classic. Some horrid acting, especially from Ned, the "clown" of the counselors. Gotta love the part where Ms. Voorhees' is decapitated. If you watch it in slow mo, or just pay close attention, Alice hits Ms. Voorhees' neck from the left with the machete, but her head severs from the right. C'mon, we even got Kevin Bacon! Part 2 - A fun sequel. Ted steals the show in this one. The "fitness chick" Terri had a GREAT body, made all the more-enjoyable during her skinny-dipping scene. Jeff and Sondra, being the first two major characters introduced, get surprisingly killed about half-way through the film. Part 3 - One of the better sequels. Gave us the hockey mask, Shelly, Chuck and Chili (the potheads). A bit of a cop-out ending though. Part 4 - Again, gave us Crispin Glover and Corey Feldman. A very enjoyable, well-done "finish" to the series, with gore and makeup effects done by the master, Tom Savini. Also has one of the best killings of Jason in the series, with Feldman hitting him in the side of the head with a Machete, then Jason's head slowly sliding down the blade once he hits the floor. Part 5 - I actually like this one. It plays into the whole "New Beginning" subtitle, by setting up Tommy as the "new" Jason at the end of the film. Obviously a lot of people shit all over this one for Jason not actually being in the film, but I enjoy it for it's camp and humor. Junior and Ethel are great here, and there's even a short part with Miguel Núñez Jr. (Juwana Man, DJ from Street Fighter, etc.). Plus this film features a young Shavar Ross (Weasel from Family Matters). As a young man, I thought Robin was HAWT, and really enjoyed her topless scene. This one, IMO, is very passable and an acceptable entry in the series. Part 6 - OK, so we're going to act as though Part 5 didn't happen. Alrighty then. This is one of the best of the series. It maintains the cheesiness of the series, but is actually very well done, and well acted. Hard to believe huh? This is the first film to give us unstoppable zombie Jason. Some great kills, and just a really fun movie. I enjoyed Jason getting his neck torn to shreds by the boat motor. Part 7 - The first of the series I ever saw, so I am admittedly biased to it. This is my favorite entry, by far. The makeup department did the best job with Jason's overall look in this film. Kane Hodder, IMO, is the best Jason actor. He's a huge guy with a heavy muscle-build. The scenes of him "chasing" people through the woods are extra creepy. Upon rewatching this one recently, I'm not a big fan of Tina's father (who has been dead for about 10 years or so, and surprisingly, hasn't decomposed) magically coming to life, wrapping a chain around Jason's neck , and dragging him back into the lake. LAME. At least we were treated to a small role from Susan Blu (the voice of Arcee from the original Transformers Movie) as Tina's mom. Part 8 - So, we go from badass rotting body, so Jason looking like he's just been sitting in a bathtub for too long. REALLY lame entry in the series. So, after swimming in some New York City toxic waste, Jason is reduced back to a child, and that's it? Paramount made my head hurt here. Jason Goes to Hell - New Line Cinema: "OK everyone, we just got the rights to this series, so first order of business, let's KILL JASON FOR GOOD!". Fucking stupid idea, just relying on a gimmick to sell movie tickets (which didn't appear to work). So, Jason is actually a demon snake thing that hops from body to body, and when his body becomes too damaged, or rotted to use, he simply hops to another one? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GO AND CHANGE THE ENTIRE BACK STORY, 9 ENTRIES INTO THE SERIES?!?!?! This one had some incredible gore effects, and a rather explicit (for the time, anyways) sex scene in the unrated edition. The "diner massacre" is one of my all-time favorite rampages. Jason X - UGH! I like to think that the director/producers just said, "Hey, let's just have fun with this one!". That doesn't really make sense either, though. I don't even know where to being with the stupidity used in the making of this one, not do I have the time or effort to go into it. Freddy vs Jason - I enoyed the hell out of this. It wasn't a GREAT film, but it was a hell of a lot of fun, and Monica Keena running around in a push-up bra for the entire film was perfectly acceptable to me. Ken Kirzinger did a good job as Jason, and Freddy dropped the wise-cracks, and went back to being evil incarnate. Freddy was allowed to hit, IMO, way too much offense on Jason in the final fight, but it's a fine entry in both series, IMO. Last but not least, we have a little info on some new DVD's/Blu-Rays (FINALLY a home, 3-D version of Part 3) for the original series from IconsofFright.com: Here's some "fun" news, from the same site, regarding the Halloween sequel:
  3. haws bah gawd

    The Dark Knight

    Bear in mind that I would have said even worse of Heath Ledger. (Did you see A Knight's Tale?) I must be the only person that half-way liked A Knight's Tale. My girlfriend enjoyed Knight's Tale. The only experience I've had watching it is the Best Buy Blu-Ray demo kiosk where they show a Half DVD/Half Blu-Ray scene from the film to show the added detail of HD.
  4. haws bah gawd

    The 2008 Pitchfork 100

    I guess I'm out of touch. I've never even heard of about 99% of that list.
  5. haws bah gawd

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    I'll play too.
  6. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - December 19, 2008

    Wow, Maria actually beat McCool a few weeks ago, and never got shit for it. Now Maryse gets to put on another classic with McCool at the Rumble(?). Can't even let Jeff Hardy get a clean win his first night as Champion? Honestly, what does Kozlov bring to the table? Sometimes this company makes my head hurt.
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Nah no mask, but he hasn't changed much in the face since the late 90's in WCW.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Well, in the picture I took with Kennedy, at first he was standing next to me, doing his "hand in the air, waiting for a mic" pose, which I thought was going to make an awesome picture. Then, while my friend was getting the camera to focus, Kennedy dropped his hand, got this psycho look on his face, and ended up about 6 inches from my face with this "I'm going to fuck you up" look to him. I burst out laughing, and my friend took the pic. So, I have this pic of a psycho Mr. Kennedy standing next to me in mid laugh, with my eyes closed. I look like a complete tool.
  9. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    FWIW, I bumped into Mr. Kennedy at a Columbia, SC Waffle House, back in October 2006, following the 3-hour RAW taped there. He was traveling with Rey Mysterio (who is a lot stockier in person than he appears on TV, or was at the time), and another person I didn't recognize, probably a production member or something. I walked up, spoke briefly, shook his hand, and got a photo taken with him. He seemed like a genuinely nice person. I didn't even notice Rey was there until I walked outside to call my other friend who went to the show with us, (who decided to drive straight back home,) that the rest of us met Mr. Kennedy, Then I noticed a short, stocky guy chatting on a phone a couple feet away from me, and it was Rey. He stayed on his phone the entire time they were there, so I didn't bother him. Maybe Tomster just caught Kennedy having a bad day or something?
  10. haws bah gawd

    OaO Monday Night Raw thread 12/15/2008

    Kelly Kelly definitely has something Kane wants... It won't be a heel turn though, because they need her a face for her Playboy push (after which she'll be yesterdays news like Candace and Maria). It has to be a little guy, otherwise why not just say Batista, Cena or whomever who regularly kick Kanes ass. My thoughts, exactly. Honestly, I don't see Kane as a threat, and haven't for a while. He received a VERY short push earlier this year when he beat Chavo for the ECW title in 8 seconds, but really, who HASN'T beat Kane? Rey Mysterio owned him throughout their feud over the Fall, Cena beat him in a horrid match a couple weeks ago, and Batista always beats him. The only person I remember Kane getting a decisive win over recently was the handful of times he destroyed Jamie Noble and Evan Bourne, the latter of which gave Kane a run for his money before losing. Who would Kane be her bodyguard against? Noble? Sim Snuka? Watch out, here comes Hacksaw! RAW actually wasn't too bad last night. I kind of felt sorry for Hacksaw getting dogged by Jericho during their segment. I would have liked to have seen Hacksaw yell "Who you calling a Has-been?", then take a swing at Jericho with the 2 X 4, but instead, it just looks like we'll see a pimped-out Duggan next week.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Armageddon 2008

    Thanks for the link! This will definitely be an all-time classic moment. Jeff kneeling with the belt, after they cut the announcer's mics, is a great visual. Congrats WWE, I dared you to make me mark-out more than CM Punk winning the World title, and you've done it!
  12. haws bah gawd

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas from the Westboro Baptists!
  13. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I dunno, I always find humor in a tough guy that has a certain article of clothing or something else that he doesn't want "dirtied" up or messed with: Indiana Jones with his hat (Anyone played by) Jason Statham with his suit The Long Ranger and his Horse
  14. haws bah gawd

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Nice trailer. Glad to see after promising, and then pulling him from the past 2 X-Men films, Gambit is finally making an appearance. I'm looking forward to this one!
  15. haws bah gawd

    Mike Bell Passes Away

    Shame to hear of his passing. You gotta love Saturn blatantly calling-out the go-home sequence at the end, "duck my clothesline, superkick".
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - December 12, 2008

    I hope Braylon Edwards does a bumbling commercial for this stuff. Looks like JBL <fat bastard>ATE A BABY</fat bastard>. Anyone watch Wrestlemania 22 lately? When JBL came out for his US Title match with Benoit, he had bigger tits than Jillian. The guy has indeed dropped a LOT of weight since then.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Armageddon 2008

    People just need to stop bitching. WWE finally let Jeff win the big one, and people are going to bitch because the timing was bad, or because he didn't celebrate like Eddie Guerrero. You could tell the guy was emotionally overcome, and the crowd fucking exploded when he won. Just because he didn't jump into the crowd to celebrate, or it didn't happen at a "Big" PPV, doesn't take away from the fact that despite being a seemingly never-ending, walking fuck-up, Jeff Hardy finally became WWE Champion! Perhaps giving him the responsibility of being WWE Champion, and the top guy on Smackdown, will finally be the "kick in the BUTT" Jeff needs. I'm anxious to see where they go with him now. He beat Triple H, cleanly, to become #1 contender last year, and he finally won the title a year later. Well Done, Jeff!
  18. haws bah gawd

    Armageddon 2008

    I was hoping it would be Christian. Yeah, I was really excited for half a second. Count me in too.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Hey, if anyone cares, Kevin Thorn re-appeared at an FCW show a week or so back: It's a small miracle this guy has escaped the talent cuts. Wish WWE would do something with him.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I saw a trailer, last night, for some new animated film called Delgo. I had never heard of it, it was the first time I'd seen the trailer, and it was apparently opening this weekend. I checked BoxOfficeGuru.com, and it barely hit the top 20. Ouch. I see that it's opening day according to some random poster on the IMDB boards was only $125,000. Double ouch. Looks like the Punisher also fell to #14, after a disappointing opening weekend. Unless this one produces some ungodly-high DVD sales figures like the first one, looks like we won't be seeing Thomas Jane in a potential third one. That looks like kind of a disappointing number for The Day the Earth Stood Still. Does anyone know how faithful it is to the original? I gotta be honest, I watched the original on AMC over the weekend, and I was bored to tears. Social commentary or not, the film just didn't appeal to me.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Wrestlers who you did not want to see succeed

    Oh, God yes, in regards to Lashley. I don't wish bad things or failure on anyone, but I just didn't give a rat's ass about the guy. Vince sent him to ECW and rammed him down everyone's throats, even to the point of having him destroy three of ECW's originals in an Extreme Rules Handicap match. Through all that, I still didn't give a damn.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    HAH, Chris Hansen?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Was wrestling popular at your school?

    Wrestlers and Stables were equally popular at my High School. I was the first person I remember wearing an nWo shirt at my high school in the fall of 1996. A year or so later, you started to see a shitload of Austin 3:16 shirts. Not the one's that were sold at WWE live events but the one you could get at places like Sears that had Austin 3:16 writtin in purple on the front of the shirt, and a skull carved out of stone on the back. Towards the end of my high school years, you couldn't turn a corner and not see someone with a D-X, Austin, or nWo shirt. This was during the "Attitude Boom" era.
  24. Anyone have a good-quality version of "Voices" by Rev Theory? I downloaded a full version from a link on YouTube, but it sounds kind of muffled.