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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    Striker and Grisham by a mile. Grisham is just there for the sake of having a 2-man commentary team, but Striker is amazing. The guy really found his niche. Haas as Mr. Perfect gets my vote. I got a laugh out of him playing around at Dave & Busters.
  2. haws bah gawd

    I hope Frank Caliendo dies soon

    I have no problem with Dunham. With as many puppets as he uses, he's always got room for something different. Fuck the haters, he's funny as Hell. My girlfriend and I were watching some "Top Comedies of the Year", thing on TBS last week that was hosted by Caliendo. He wouldn't stop trying to impersonate someone long enough to form a coherent sentence. He'd go from Bush, to Madden, to something else. After a couple minutes, I had to turn the channel.
  3. haws bah gawd

    I think it's time to Upgrade the PC

    ^^^ Hah, the program I was using to get those stats was a trial version, so some of the stuff was labeled "Trial Version".
  4. haws bah gawd

    I think it's time to Upgrade the PC

    Thanks for the reply. I think I'm going to give the second one a try. I'll let you know how it works out. I didn't know Dell's were to stingy with their BIOS. It reminds me of an old Packard-Bell computer that I had in the early 90's that you could only upgrade with Packard-Bell parts. Lame.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Bad Ass!
  6. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

  7. haws bah gawd

    Impact *SPOILERS* for 12/4

    Yeah, it was. I like ODB, but she is better working in the ring then with an interview show. That Sarah Palin thing was HORRIBLE. Eh, as soon as OBD started talking about her favorite instruments being the Rusty Trombone and the Skin Flute, I turned the channel.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    Hell's Gate? I thought JR had been calling it The Devil's Triangle for several weeks?
  9. haws bah gawd

    The Time Is Now... to Change Cena's Theme

    I knew he did his own TNA theme, but that's Jeff singing his current theme? Big improvement. Could have sworn it was Rev Theory, though.
  10. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Eh, the shitty part about that whole thing was Tommy Dreamer won, then was immediately beaten by Big Daddy V. Armando came out when Dreamer was celebrating and told him he had to win one more match, and he was promptly destroyed, though he did put up a good fight. I wouldn't mind them doing it again though, just without the bullshit ending.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Taylor Swift melts my ice-cold heart.

    2Gold, if it makes you feel any better, the Jonas Brothers, who are all uber-religious, took a vow of Celibacy until marriage, so whichever one was dating her, did not hit it. Instead, from what I hear he broke up with her for Camilla Belle. The girl from that God awful remake of "When a Stranger Calls". Win-Win? Yeah you know, I don't buy for one minute any one of those little weasels is uber-religious. It comes off more like them playing up their image to Disney so they can sell more merch as the wholesome rock band. Every Disney star plays up that innocent shit and I don't think one of them lasted til past 16 with it. If they lasted to 16. The only guy I ever believed took a vow of celibacy and meant it was A.C Green and THAT guy deserves a god damn medal AND movie deal for pulling it off so long in the NBA. And really, I didn't even think that deep into it. Where are you getting all your Jonas knowledge? I've been subjected to their "performing" twice and holy shit, do they fucking suck. They make me hate having nieces. Watching Camp Rock AND their live DVD in one night...bullet, gun, head, click, boom is what you start thinking about. With Taylor, I don't know. Her videos always made me feel uncomfortably wrong and I like the beat and the way she sings in her songs but the lyrics are total teen girl lyrics so not meant for me to understand. But she still isn't Miranda Lambert. Seeing that girl live, she is one attractive young lady and good singer. But she also comes off like someone who if you cheated on her, she would chop off your dick and set you on fire while laughing. Eh, my girlfriend's niece and nephew live with her. The niece and nephew are Disney-holic's, so my girlfriend has learned a lot about Raven, The Jonas's, HSM actors, and I hear it from her, so you get the idea. Honestly though, I had never heard of the Jonas's until all that HOOPLAH went around during the VMA's where that skinny British guy went off on them for wearing Purity rings. Speaking of Disney, and it's wholesome image, I have an off-topic question. I seem to remember Anne Hathaway being released from her Disney contract after doing a topless scene in a film (Havoc?). Well, that one girl from High School Musical had nude pics that she "took for her boyfriend" leaked-out onto the net, and Disney instantly forgives her saying "she made a mistake, and she has learned from it". Hell, they nearly ex-communicated Miley Cyrus for *gasp* showing her back in Vanity Fair (though that was probably due more to the fact that she's underage). I don't get it.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    I want to say that it was the RAW on 01/16/01, which was one week after he returned after being a month-long absence. Thanks!
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    That also kind of occurred to me. If Edge forgot his tights, why ask to borrow the fat guy's tights? Why not Cade's, since he's closer to Edge's size? I remember the picture of Umaga in Orton's trunks that was floating around. Those trunks must have a LOT of give on them. FWIW, I was at a WCW house show in 1997 or 1998, sometime around there. DDP was the United States champion at the time, and made his entrance wearing the Television title. I always figured maybe he forgot the belt at home, or something. At the Tribute to the Troops in 2006, didn't Lashley wear the World title rather than the ECW Belt? Wonder what was going on there?
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    This is completely off topic, but it's something I've been wondering. What was the first PPV/TV Taping where Triple H dropped "My Time" and used "The Game"? I want to say it was Royal Rumble 2001, but I could be wrong
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    OMG Moment of the Year - CM Punk cashes in Money in the Bank to win the World Heavyweight Title on RAW - As I said previously, and Franchise and I'm sure many others agreed with, I fucking dare WWE to make me mark out like that again. It takes a LOT to get me so into a wrestling event on TV that I stand up and cheer for someone. Damn, I loved this moment. It's going to take a lot for WWE to top this. Probably the last time I actually stood up and cheered a victory was Benoit making Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania XX. Couple of the Year - Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix - No on screen couple has been this consistently entertaining in a long time.
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    That would weird me out something fierce. Having to wear another guy's tights. Maybe he just forgot his or something. It grosses me the fuck out if I've slacked on laundry, and I'm out of clean underwear and have to borrow a pair of my Dad's. Yea, it was a pretty chilling event. Long story short, Shane (disgraced former police officer) didn't want himself or his pregnant wife to have to go to jail for some murders that they were linked to. They had a very young son (how old was Jackson, 2? 3?), and Shane didn't want him to grow up in foster care knowing his parents were murderers, or for his unborn daughter to share a similar fate. So, he drugged some drinking water that he gave his wife and son, and they simply died in their sleep. "Happy and innocent. Just the way I found them", as his suicide note read. He placed them side by side on a bed, and left a bouquet of flowers in his wife's hands, and a toy police car in his son's hands. Similar to Chris Benoit leaving bibles next to Daniel and Nancy's bodies. While Shane was in the process of writing his suicide note, an army of police knocked-down the door of his house, and when a couple female officers turned a corner and saw him sitting in his bathroom, he shot himself in the head. I don't think chilling is a proper word to describe the event, it was just terribly sad more than anything.
  17. haws bah gawd

    The Time Is Now... to Change Cena's Theme

    It would be another Rev Theory song if it is rock knowing WWE. If not, they'll probably give him "Spoilin' For a Fight" just to shove that song and phrase down our throats again. That actually wouldn't be a bad idea. The theme that Rev Theory made for Randy Orton is perfectly acceptable, and a hell of an improvement over "Burn in my Light". Did they also do Jeff Hardy's theme? Either way, I'd like to see them do something for Cena.
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    There is a sense of "credibility" to the short trunks. Look at all the world champions who wore short trunks compared to the ones who wore long ones. Some just look better in the long though. Jericho, IMO, did. And don't say that too much, or Edge will be the next to lose the long trunks. It took me forever to get used to Triple H when he ditched the long tights in 1999. Macho Man Randy Savage is a unique case, going from trunks to long tights.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Taylor Swift melts my ice-cold heart.

    2Gold, if it makes you feel any better, the Jonas Brothers, who are all uber-religious, took a vow of Celibacy until marriage, so whichever one was dating her, did not hit it. Instead, from what I hear he broke up with her for Camilla Belle. The girl from that God awful remake of "When a Stranger Calls". Win-Win?
  20. haws bah gawd

    TSM 2008 Year-End Awards: Music

    You know, that's actually not that bad. The lyrics are laughable, but the music is listenable. That really fast-singing part is funny as hell. I've heard much MUCH worse. I listen to mostly European Power Metal, so most of my favorites from the year are songs / bands few have heard of. Best Album - "Rethroned" by Northern Kings - This was released a week ago in Europe, and I haven't stopped listening. For those that don't know, Northern Kings is a "super group" featuring Jarkko Ahola from Teräsbetoni, Marco Hietala from Nightwish and Tarot, Tony Kakko from Sonata Arctica and Juha-Pekka Leppäluoto from Charon. Rethroned is a cover album featuring Power Metal renditions of popular pop songs from the 80's, 90's, and 2000's. They produced some truly amazing recreations of "Kiss From a Rose", "Wanted Dead or Alive", "Take on Me", and "Nothing Compares 2 U". They also made a goth rendition of "I Should be So Lucky" by Kylie Minogue. It's a really fun album with an interesting twist on several popular songs. Best Live Album - "Ghost Opera: The Second Coming" by Kamelot - This not only featured a reissue of their 2007 Studio album Ghost Opera, but also came with an bonus disc featuring a 10-track live performance recorded in Belgrade, Serbia, along with a couple unreleased tracks. Roy Khan has one of the best voices in Power Metal, and their live shows never cease to amaze. Worst Album - "Anthems for the Damned" by Filter - I enjoyed these guys in the 90's and early 2000's, mainly due to vocalist Richard Patrick's inhuman vocal chords. I was excited to hear they were working on a new album, but this was a huge let down. Long gone are Patrick's screams, and the rest of the band seems to have mellowed-out as well. Really, I'm just glad I downloaded it, and saved myself $16. Biggest Shock of the Year - "Chinese Democracy" was finally released.
  21. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Watch out, there's a crap ton of people here that will jump on you for suggesting anything that doesn't adhere to WWE's current kid friendly image. Personally, I would find that (Jericho dogging Steph) funny as hell!
  22. haws bah gawd


    I had no idea.....my old jewelry was worth so much....money?!
  23. haws bah gawd

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    Oh, heavens no! We'll sell the GTA series, R-Rated Movies, Tobacco, Alcohol, and any other "questionable" material. but we are NOT going to poison your children's minds with that horrible Rock or Rap language.
  24. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    I believe he addressed this on one of the first episodes of the original Tough Enough series. One of the trainees, Kenny I think, asked about the Liontamer, so Jericho put him in it. After letting the guy experience a little "discomfort" for a few minutes, Jericho asked "how would he like to be in this position after wrestling a 15-20 minute match", or something to that effect. The guy said he understood completely.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Discussion: The Miz and John Morrison

    When WWE made the decision to put the ECW World Title on John Morrison in 2007, I was fucking pissed. I knew CM Punk may have not been ready to be the brand's top star at that point, but come on, Johnny Fucking Nitro?! I will say though that the guy has improved by leaps and bounds since then, and is one of the more impressive wrestlers they have. His agility and flexibility are probably only matched by Evan Bourne, and he can almost always be counted on for a good showing.