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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    God, Khali looks all disproportionate. Kind of like a living Justice League cartoon. Huge shoulders and upper body with tiny legs.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Your five favourite guys/teams right now.

    1 - Evan Bourne 2 - Jeff Hardy 3 - Rey Mysterio (when he's motivated) - See his match against Evan Bourne a couple weeks ago 4 - Triple H / Undertaker (again, when they're "feeling it") 5 - AJ Styles
  3. haws bah gawd

    Dead Space

    I finished this game last night. The final boss is one of the more impressive ones that I've seen, but what a bullshit ending!
  4. haws bah gawd

    Column 1: Inverted Atomic Drop/Manhatn Drop

    KANERULESFAN is 1000X of a better gimmick than Noah Fentz!
  5. Jesus, is she developing a hole in her cheek? That's either rotting flesh, or the biggest blackhead in history!
  6. haws bah gawd

    Paul London and Chuck Palumbo Released.

    Yea, Snitsky decapitating London out of the '05 Rumble match was impressive, indeed. My best London memories will come from that series of fucking kickass matches he had with Akio/Jimmy Wang Yang on Velocity. They were doing shit I've never seeen a cruiserweight wrestling WWE-style do before, such as London crushing Akio's skull with that DDT leap from the second rope. Enjoy.....
  7. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    That HR Giger art is something else.....
  8. My friend's boss is Black. Wednesday morning, he brought all the white guys a sign he made on his computer that said "On January 20, 2009 at 7:00 AM, All White people are to report to the cotton fields for orientation".
  9. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - November 7, 2008

    Yea I know. I'm not discounting the guy by any means. If theres one thing he had, it was intensity. I'm just going by what Eric Bischoff had to say about him in his "Controversy Creates Cash" book, where he proclaims Goldberg as the greatest "Right Place / Right Time" story in wrestling history.
  10. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - November 7, 2008

    Maybe they figure if Austin and Goldberg became the biggest stars of their generation wearing the plainest gear in the world , it will work for these two slugs? They're just missing the whole charisma (Austin) and right place/right time (Goldberg) aspect.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Paul London and Chuck Palumbo Released.

    London's ring work is very good. Vince just can't let his childish grudges go. The Vince is dead angle was fucking retarded to begin with, and I'm sure that backstage thing wasn't done live. Why not just retape it and tell London to chill with the goofy grin? WWE missed a golden opportunity to have London tear it up with Bourne a couple times, but what can you do? I hope he goes somewhere else and makes something of himself. Palumbo is an interesting case. I went to a Smackdown taping in August of last year, and his entrance pop was off the charts. I would even go as far as to say in this Bizzaro crowd, he NEARLY outpopped Batista.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Paul London and Chuck Palumbo Released.

    FWIW, I was watching that particular RAW, and I didn't even notice the smile until I was reading the next day that Vince was so pissed over it.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Awesome pic, but who Photoshopped John Morrison's abs onto Kane?
  14. haws bah gawd

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I think she formally resigned a couple weeks ago.
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    RVD vs. Evan Bourne in 2009? I'd tune in. Throw them in a 3-way with Rey Mysterio (Bourne brought out a side of Mysterio a couple weeks ago that we haven't seen in years) and you have virtual license to print money.
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    Looks like Rob Van Dam won't be coming back to WWE any time soon. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I believe wrestlers that fail a weed test are to be fined $1,000, then $1,000 for each additional failure, up to a maximum of $5,000. When that particular rule was first mentioned, I believe someone here stated if RVD were still on the roster, he would have went ahead and cut Vince a check for $5,000.
  17. Exactly my point. For Cena to be this huge "student of the game", his signature submission is weaksauce. When Cody Rhodes can freely move his head from side to side, and up and down while you have him locked in, you're doing it wrong. He did? I just figured maybe he let himself go while he was out for 2 months, and his upper body ended up looking like hell upon his return. He still could've done better than my Grandmother's swimming suit. I agree Finlay needs to use the Celtic Cross or something. Having Hornswoggle distract the ref just long enough for Finlay to use his stick in EVERY match is beyond the point of being annoying. Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne did a pretty good job of it against Kane a couple weeks ago. It would work great for them if they became a regular team.
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    LMAO at Jericho listing his height as 6' - keep dreaming, buddy. Eh, almost all WWE competitors exaggurate their heights. Andre back in the day was only about 6'11" or so and they listed him as 7'5" Hogan was 6'5" they listed him as 6'8" Rey is only what...5'2 or 3? They listed him as 5'6 or 7 a while back. Rey's got to be one of, if not the shortest wrestler they have. I don't know any others that rebound off the middle rope when running the ropes. Not including Hornswoggle, right? True. For some reason, I consider Hornswoggle more of a manager or hideous valet than anything else.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion-November 2008

    LMAO at Jericho listing his height as 6' - keep dreaming, buddy. Eh, almost all WWE competitors exaggurate their heights. Andre back in the day was only about 6'11" or so and they listed him as 7'5" Hogan was 6'5" they listed him as 6'8" Rey is only what...5'2 or 3? They listed him as 5'6 or 7 a while back. Rey's got to be one of, if not the shortest wrestler they have. I don't know any others that rebound off the middle rope when running the ropes.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    HAHAHAHA! I voted for McCain and I find that hilarious.
  21. haws bah gawd

    they would never of worked as a heel/face

    Hell fucker yes! I loved this version of Jim Ross. Have Dr. Death stand guard at your table, then when Bart Gunn is wrestling a match, have Dr. Death give him a BackdropDriver just for the hell of it.
  22. haws bah gawd

    The official rape thread

    Age of consent is 16 far as I know.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    I'm a little low on cash, so the time I've spent with this game has come from the demo station in Gamestop. Got to say, I've loved every second of playing this. The most fun I've had playing a song on Bass/Expert has been "Stillborn". It's a VERY easy song (even on expert), but I just have a damn good time with it. "Living on a Prayer" is a lot of fun as well. Can't wait to eventually pick this up and go after some DLC.
  24. haws bah gawd


    Whatever happened to Noah Fentz anyway? You guys scare him off by continually asking what indy fed he ran? That guy was funny as hell.
  25. haws bah gawd

    The official rape thread

    Then I was 24, I was having lots of consensual sex with a 16 year old.......Does that count?