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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    Fuck the end of this show. Triple H gets kicked in the head, and he's going to be out for a while. Cena gets chokeslammed off the stage, through a spotlight that EXPLODES, and he's back the next night. Stupid as hell. Sometimes, I wonder if Micheal Cole thinks before he speaks. He mentioned something last night about "Triple H got punted, who knows how long he's going to be gone? Batista was gone for 4 months, Mr. McMahon was gone for a month, then Shane...." and so on. I know Big Dave had yet another injury, but let's look at something storyline-wise here. A 60+ year old non-wrestler recovered faster from the punt than a mid 40's active wrestler. At least we get to see Dave choke on ANOTHER title shot in a couple weeks.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    If anyone cares, GTA Chinatown Wars is considered a flop, sales-wise: http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged...es-flop/1306797
  3. Well, damn. That kind of came out of nowhere.
  4. haws bah gawd

    SD! Spoilers 4-17-09

    From Rajah
  5. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Didn't that guy do something to cause the cops to kick the hell out of him prior to his court date or something? He was featured on "Worlds Dumbest...." on TruTV a couple weeks ago, but I don't remember the circumstances.
  6. haws bah gawd

    South Park Season 13

    AWESOME SP tonight. The Spongebob Burger King commercials are getting fucking annoying though.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Actual Raw Discussion!

    I too am enjoying Big Show being booked so dominantly. Really, there's no reason anything short of an act of God should be able to beat this man. I would like to see a slightly different look for him. I know there really isn't much you can do with his appearance, but something other than a black one-strapped singlet would be a start. Maybe a simple two-strapped singlet, or some alternate colors. There's no way he could pull off the trunks he wore in 1999 though.
  8. Edge vs Kofi for Superstars was at least announced during one of the RAW commercial breaks. This show sounds like crap, honestly.
  9. haws bah gawd

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Red makes a fine "pinball", and was getting some CRAZY pops doing his underdog thing against the SAT's way back. One of my fondest memories of early TNA is Don West standing on the announce table, leading the crowd in a chant of "GO RED GO!". Whatever happened to the SAT's anyway? Maybe he just took some time away from wrestling to heal his body?
  10. I love how Christianity seems to be the only faith that is mocked in this country, or really any other, while many others seem to be so openly accepted and unquestioned. By following her faith and what she believes, she is being a good person. Just because what she believes conflicts with what you believe does not make her a bad person. In Corinthians 6:9 - 11 of the bible, it states - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." She is a Christian, therefore that is what she believes. I'm not trying to start a spiritual war with anyone, and frankly I believe that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. I just have a problem when people start bashing someone for openly stating their religious beliefs and standing behind them. I hate to bring a TV show into a serious discussion, but they had it right on South Park I suppose: "Logic and reason aren't enough: You also have to be a dick to everyone who doesn't think like you."
  11. haws bah gawd

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Saw that on Matt's Myspace. Pretty good cut he has there.
  12. haws bah gawd

    TNA Lockdown 2009

    Sounds like typical WCW stuff there. Putting your World Champion in a non-title match as the Main Event of the PPV. Anyways, looks like Mr. Twibute-Too-Duh-Twoops is now in TNA. I hope he's at least improved his game a little with the MMA training, because he sucked ass in WWE. If he's apparently aligned with the MEM, it would be different to see him as a heel.
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - April 2009

    Shane Helms is awesome. Here's what he had to say in an interview in the new WWE magazine. I'm going off memory so the quote may be a little off: Interviewer: Those Hurrapops were pretty funny, but you don't use them anymore. Just sayin'. Shane Helms: Yea, we filmed several, but they really don't fit in with WWE's current TV-PG direction. My favorite is one I made for Vladamir Kozlov that never made it to TV. I was just sitting there silent, making Kozlov's angry face. After several seconds I stopped making the face and said "Just Sayin".
  14. haws bah gawd

    Box Office Report 4-19-09

    Anyone still care about box office numbers? 1 17 Again $ 24,070,000 3,255 1 $ 7,395 $ 24,070,000 Warner Bros. 2 State of Play 14,099,000 2,803 1 5,030 14,099,000 Universal 3 Monsters vs. Aliens 12,900,000 21,812,253 -40.9 3,662 4 3,523 162,723,000 Paramount 4 Hannah Montana The Movie 12,666,000 32,324,487 -60.8 3,118 2 4,062 56,133,000 Buena Vista 5 Fast & Furious 12,290,000 27,237,905 -54.9 3,674 3 3,345 136,721,000 Universal 6 Crank High Voltage 6,510,000 2,223 1 2,928 6,510,000 Lionsgate 7 Observe and Report 4,050,000 11,017,334 -63.2 2,727 2 1,485 18,687,000 Warner Bros. 8 Knowing 3,480,000 6,433,433 -45.9 2,405 5 1,447 73,701,000 Summit 9 I Love You, Man 3,370,000 6,280,790 -46.3 2,202 5 1,530 64,657,000 Paramount 10 The Haunting in Connecticut 3,150,000 5,901,215 -46.6 2,255 4 1,397 51,918,000 Lionsgate
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - April 2009

    Jesus Christ can you get any more obvious? HAH! I didn't even notice that the first time I read it.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Pro Wrestler prime years

    Good God yes, there's no denying that Triple H's prime ran from 1999 - Spring 2001. Dare I say he was the best in that sport during that time. There really wasn't anyone else I can think of that came off as such a dick, and could back up his trash talking with some really good matches.
  17. Using the wrong forms of "there" (their, they're), still doesn't irritate me on the level of those who use "as" instead of "because" or "since".
  18. haws bah gawd

    The Purpose of This?

    IIRC, Brock and Kurt were acting ever so slightly gay for each other around this period (Summer 2003-ish). This happened all the way up until Brock turned heel shortly before Summerslam 2003.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Pro Wrestler prime years

    IMO, Stone Cold Steve Austin hit his prime and was fucking tearing it up in the ring throughout 2001. A year after his neck fusion. I'd say really beginning with the 3 Stages of Hell against Triple H at No Way Out 2001, he really hit his stride, and had decent to amazing matches throughout the rest of the year. Once 2002 hit, you could really tell he was tired of being active though.
  20. haws bah gawd

    WWE Superstars 4/16/09 Discussion

    I only caught the last match. Cody vs Shane was actually somewhat decent aside from the DQ finish. Shane is getting really sloppy with the Terminator, though. He just barely managed to connect with the trashcan with his knee.
  21. haws bah gawd

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    May's PPV is in Chicago. I think Punk cashing in MITB for the home town crowd advantage would be a solid story to tell. Punk vs Cena in Chicago would be pretty damn good. Punk would lose, but it could still be a good story. And the crowd heat would be good as Chicago is usually a town that craps on Cena regardless the opponent. If Punk is the opponent, it could get very interesting. For some reason I suddenly really want to see this match. As long as Cena makes Punk look like a legit threat even in loss it'd be fun to watch. If done right, it could be the thing that cements Punk as a star in the fans' eyes. That's part of the reason I was intrigued in seeing the rumored Cena vs Hogan match for Wrestlemania 25. You know that match would have probably gotten heat similar to Wrestlemania X8. I still see nothing special in Cena, but I know there are those that do, and that's fine. There's just something about seeing the company's top face get booed out of the building that never gets old to me.
  22. Did Bob Barron leave with the other guys?
  23. haws bah gawd

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Damn, he's changed quite a bit. He's gone from being ripped as in that photo, to just bulky and having more of a Brock Lesnar build.
  24. haws bah gawd

    South Park Season 13

    Nice episode.