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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Impact goes live for one night only on 10/23

    Someone fill me in. Who are the heels in all this? I saw Nash hit Joe with the belt and get the pin, much to the delight of the crowd. From what I've seen of TNA lately, Joe seems to come off as too much of a whiny bitch to be a face at this point.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    I'll be there opening night. I'm just a little miffed that they're rebooting the franchise without bringing closure to the original series. They did what, 11 installments (counting Freddy vs Jason) of the Friday the 13th series, so why not finish it? Eh, oh well. They're about to Reboot Hellraiser and that franchise has been going nowhere since the early 90's.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    The lowest I have seen gas for is $2.55/gallon. It's nice to be able to drive for longer than a day on $20 worth of gas now. The E85 fuel is $2.19/gallon. From what I understand though, you have to have a certain engine to run that stuff. Am I correct?
  4. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    You know what would be perfect? Randy Orton gets voted in over Stone Cold and HBK, defying all logic. The announcers say this is the first time Shawn has lost a fan vote at Cyber Sunday. Whatever the result, Orton, Priceless, and Manu beat down Batista to end the show. Then they reveal the next night on Raw that although it cost thousands of dollars in texts, DiBiase was easily able to buy enough votes for Randy so that they could wreak havoc. I like it, it'd shit on the fans and probably kill the Cyber Sunday concept, but still I like it. Has anyone here actually texted a vote? I'm sorry, but my phone bill costs enough without having to add in text messaging fees, plus $.99 per vote just for something that's probably rigged anyway. I voted for a no holds barred match, but I dare anyone to say the Undertaker vs Big Show match won't end up being a knockout match.
  5. haws bah gawd


  6. haws bah gawd

    First "CD" you ever bought

    Yes, it is. I have only my age at the time to blame. Tell me that's the album that featured "Rock DJ". Holy shit, that song was so bad it was funny. The video has to be one of the worst ever. Oh what the hell, let's post it for everyone to enjoy:
  7. haws bah gawd

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    This will be the first album I've bought in over a year. I downloaded everything after getting burned too many times by albums that were just a single and a bunch of crap. I almost feel obligated to buy this just based off how long the poor guy's been working on it.
  8. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 12

    Me and a buddy were just discussing that exact thing. There was no 'to be continued' at the end of this episode, so what if next week, they do an entirely new episode and don't even mention this one? Hey, they've done dumber things before with this show.
  9. haws bah gawd


    I had no idea this was a remake. Let me guess, another Americanized version of a Japanese Horror movie?
  10. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    Here's one odd thing that sticks out to me currently. Last week, or the week before, Corrine was literally begging Vic to not take the kids away from her because it was discovered that she had a slight drug problem. Now, this week she grows a huge set of balls and tells Vic she will help him this one last time, then he will never see her or his kids ever again. That's kind of a bitch thing to do no matter what Vic has done. It's because of the money he has made (mostly through less than legal means) that they are able to care for their special needs children, and now because Shane's bitch of a wife has come to Corrine acting all big and bad, she's telling Vic she will make sure he never sees his kids again after all is said and done. Fuck that. Corrine told Vic she has known all along that he killed Terry. and now she has a problem with him. I'll be the first to admit that Vic is a lying, cheating, asshole, and everything he's done is rightfully coming back to bite him in the ass, but he's shown he REALLY cares for his children above all else, and it's really just a bitch move to try to take his kids away from him now after everything else. I'm interesed to see where they're going with the Danny storyline. Last week it was shown that she was trying to pack things up and get the hell out of dodge before Vic has a chance to challenge her for custody. That's really going to look good for her if Vic ends up taking her to family court, if it's proven she tried to take his son and skip town.
  11. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 12

    That was a great episode. Parker and Stone are kind of hit or miss when it comes to multiple-part episodes, but this definitely looks interesting. I can't wait to see where they go with it next week.
  12. haws bah gawd

    First "CD" you ever bought

    ^^^ Is that Robbie Williams?
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown! - October 24, 2008

    That's Funaki. WWE's #1 jobber for the past 9 years, with some stupid-ass new gimmick "given to him" by R-Truth a couple weeks ago.
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown! - October 24, 2008

    YAY! PEDIGREE TIME, BABY! Badass. I miss the old style Pedigree of keeping the guy's arms hooked throughout the move.
  15. haws bah gawd

    First "CD" you ever bought

    This was around '94 IIRC Ugh.........this was the first (single) CD I ever bought. This is the first (full-length) CD I ever bought, which was about a week or 2 later. Talk about going from one extreme to the other.....
  16. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    I loved watching Shane run for his life as soon as he saw his guy on the verge of cracking under the interrogation. Vic is now completely out of Claudette's control, and it could lead to some interesting stuff. Even more than Shane, I want to see his cunt wife get hers over all this.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    My God, I wonder what the blood pressure on someone that large is like?
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Batista has had so many (failed) title shots, I've gotten to where I more or less expect him to be in the title match at every ppv.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Does it look to anyone else like Chris Jericho is carrying around a shiny new World Championship? The strap and plates all look a lot shinier than usual.
  20. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    I know they mention that she is a second-generation superstar/Diva, but I don't know if they have outright said she is the daughter of Jim Neidhart.
  21. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    While she has improved by leaps and bounds, does it bother anyone else that the backflip spot has to be worked into every single match of hers? I know it's a signature spot of hers, but I find it hard to suspend disbelief enough to think that no other diva has picked up on "hey, if I catch her foot and pull it upwards, she is liable to backflip them clothesline me".
  22. haws bah gawd

    Saw V - Opening October 24th

    3 was good for gore, and the usual decent plot twist at the end. The rest of the film was kind of eh. I've rewatched 4, twice this week and IMO it gets better each time. I love how the end pays homage to the first Saw with the mastermind being in the room the whole time. This has become one of my favorite horror series, so I'm really looking forward to this new one.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    With Beverly Hills Chihuahua still being at #2, it's really a testament to the staying power of some of these horrible-looking family films. I honestly expected this to bomb out of theaters in less than a weekend, but it's really hanging in there. All this despite it being #78 on IMDB's Bottom 100 list. Impressive, indeed. I expected Max Payne to tank this weekend, but I was VERY wrong about that one.
  24. Wow, it's funny how "generations" only last 1 or 2 years now. That's honestly about as lame as The Rocker's trailer referring to it as "the sleeper hit of the summer", before it had even hit theaters.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Discussion: Bluring / Removing "WWF" and scratch logos from

    Exactly the reason I waited for eternity until I came across an original Wrestlemania X-Seven on DVD. I could have picked up one of the History of Wrestlemania DVD sets, but once the Attitude era kicks in, you have blurry WWF logo's everywhere. Try as I might, I can't help but be a little distracted by blurry turnbuckles, logos, tshirts, and belts. Personally, I always found it a little dumb that only the scratch-style WWF logo had to be blurred per the Wildlife Fund lawsuit. Well, they also blur out when you have the letters WWF like how I just typed it on a screen. As evidenced in the DVD of the 1991 Royal Rumble after Sgt. Slaughter wins the title. Hmmm, that's interesting. I haven't noticed them editing-out the old block-style logo. They don't edit out the block logo. They just edit out when it's typed out WWF like how I just typed it out. Ah, I see. That's still kind of silly.