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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Discussion: Bluring / Removing "WWF" and scratch logos from

    Exactly the reason I waited for eternity until I came across an original Wrestlemania X-Seven on DVD. I could have picked up one of the History of Wrestlemania DVD sets, but once the Attitude era kicks in, you have blurry WWF logo's everywhere. Try as I might, I can't help but be a little distracted by blurry turnbuckles, logos, tshirts, and belts. Personally, I always found it a little dumb that only the scratch-style WWF logo had to be blurred per the Wildlife Fund lawsuit. Well, they also blur out when you have the letters WWF like how I just typed it on a screen. As evidenced in the DVD of the 1991 Royal Rumble after Sgt. Slaughter wins the title. Hmmm, that's interesting. I haven't noticed them editing-out the old block-style logo.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Saw V - Opening October 24th

    I've been watching the other 4 films, making sure to have all the plot twists and story elements fresh on my mind before going to see this new installment. After finishing #4 earlier this evening, I am excited as hell for #5. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go with Hoffman carrying on Jigsaw's legacy (I still think there's going to be yet another twist that involves Hoffman being part of someone else's game), and I'd like to see what happens with Agent Strahm, especially Rigg. Was he left behind to bleed to death, or did Hoffman get him some help?
  3. haws bah gawd

    Discussion: Bluring / Removing "WWF" and scratch logos from

    Exactly the reason I waited for eternity until I came across an original Wrestlemania X-Seven on DVD. I could have picked up one of the History of Wrestlemania DVD sets, but once the Attitude era kicks in, you have blurry WWF logo's everywhere. Try as I might, I can't help but be a little distracted by blurry turnbuckles, logos, tshirts, and belts. Personally, I always found it a little dumb that only the scratch-style WWF logo had to be blurred per the Wildlife Fund lawsuit.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    This is a shot of Undertaker that I got at the 12-7-04 Smackdown tapings in Greenville, SC. It's a little dark, but then again so is his entrance.
  5. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    I figure they did that for the same reason that they changed "Wrestlers" to "Superstars" Well, they are marketing almost directly to children at the moment (GOD I MISS THE ATTITUDE ERA!), so you probably hit the nail on the head with that one. Also, supposedly Vince McMahon hates the word "fan" with a passion, so WWE Universe is probably a term his ass kissing yes men came up with to placate him, so he doesn't have to call the people in the arenas fans anymore.
  6. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - October 17, 2008

    One thing I've been wanting to see them do with Festus is have the bell thing not be able to "turn him off". Here's another idea. Maria has been IMO, very uninteresting (but still nice to look at nonetheless) since they had her drop the dumb gimmick last year. They could work in a heel turn with this Maria/Festus thing where Maria starts using him and the bell ringing to her advantage. Kind of try to get him away from Jesse. Eh, it's something.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Zero Punctuation Reviews

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    Never heard that one before. I find it doubtful they would have changed the Raw title so soon after Hunter had just won it, because it would have meant the Raw title had had two short-term reigns in a row, and HBK winning the title would have only led to a third one. I remember WWE was considering giving HBK a fluke win to give fans the impression that their votes really did matter, but HBK's knee (?) injury put a quick stop to that. They did have a pretty kickass match though considering the injury.
  9. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    The minute or so of action was ok, but I could've done without the 3 minutes of noise and a black screen that followed.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    My main gripe with Create A Belt, is that the majority of the parts, especially the first game that utilized this feature (I believe it was the one in 2005), were WAY too expensive. Even more than the wrestlers you could buy. It's mainly a wasted feature, and the free memory on the disc is best used for other things anyways.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Impact goes live for one night only on 10/23

    Honestly, I'm surprised photos of the haven't leaked yet. I don't follow TNA much, so is that technically a spoiler?
  12. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 12

    Here's something I was wondering. When exactly did Garrison become a serious teacher? For the first several seasons all he did was show the kids Barnaby Jones replays and feed them a bunch of celebrity gossip. There's even an episode "Underpants Gnomes", where Garrison is called before the town committee, with his job on the line, because he doesn't actually teach the students anything. Also, how many fights has Cartman been shown to actually win? The only one that comes to mind is when he beat up the midget at some point last season. Other than that, they always portray him as being all talk and no skills.
  13. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Keep your commenth to yourthelf, you bathtard. DUH TWIBYUTE TO DUH TWOOPS IS GONNA BE GWATE! Very nice video. I'd forgotten how childish of a voice Lashley had. To think, I had ALMOST erased "We Love Ya Bobby!" from my memory. SUNUVVA BIT!
  14. haws bah gawd

    Best Hell In A Cell Match?

    I voted Brock vs Undertaker. WWE can always talking about how their new big man flavor of the month "beat the Undertaker like he has NEVER been beat before", but Brock fucked up 'Taker something fierce in this match. IMO, this is what put Lesnar over the top as a monster and the face of the company, more-so than him beating the Rock (who was getting boo'ed out of the building for the majority of the match). This is what gave Brock his "street cred". Aside from Eddy Guerrero at Judgement Day 2004 (best blade job EVER, IMO), I don't think anyone has bled like 'Taker bled in this match. After the shot to the head with the stairs, 'Taker gushed blood for the remainder of the match. Now, I won't defend 'Taker, because he didn't sell hardly anything for Brock at the September PPV, but he had his working boots on for this match. HBK vs Undertaker is good from a historical perspective, but hardly worthy of the best HIAC ever.
  15. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 12

    Great episode. Not one of the best by any means, but still fun. Cartman cracked me up trying to act tough in front of the other boys, with my favorite part of the episode being Cartman shitting on Garrison's deck followed by "WHATS UP DAWG!".
  16. haws bah gawd


    I couldn't stand Jericho during his first WWE run. I don't know what it was, but I detested the guy. I kind of like him now, and enjoy his work moreso than before.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    I have a serious question regarding the link between video games and seizures. Why is it that Nintendo is the only company (to my knowledge) that puts a seizure warning in front of their games, before you see anything regarding developers or publishers? If this fallout from the Pokemon Seizure thing from several years ago, or just Nintendo spreading awareness?
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    While I was looking through WWE's website, I saw a section called "Superstar Ink" that looks like it hasn't been updated in a while. Anyways I came across this little gem with Rey Mysterio. I especially like the quote under the pic. Of course, people are always allowed to change their minds, but I thought it was especially funny with those odd "wings" on his chest. I guess the Rosary Beads running down the middle of his chest don't count either.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    I just checked WWE.com, and they still only have the option to vote via text message. I wonder if refunds will be issued to those that went ahead and placed their vote via $.99 text message now that (I assume at some point) voting will be traditionally done on the website. At a "maximum of 10 times per vote", I wonder if someone has actually given nearly $10 to WWE to vote for a single match?
  20. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Keep your commenth to yourthelf, you bathtard. DUH TWIBYUTE TO DUH TWOOPS IS GONNA BE GWATE!
  21. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    I too grow extremely tired of the same finish in every Finlay match. WWE probably sells a crapton of those inflatable Shilleleis (however the hell you spell it), so they probably feel it's best to keep it exposed and fresh on peoples minds. Kind of the same reason why they still have HHH carrying around the "Pimp my Championship" yet have John Cena on RAW where theres really no way he could again get possession of his belt. They sell a LOT of spinners.
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - October 17, 2008

    Kung Fu Naki....ugh..... Well, at least they're using the poor guy.
  23. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    After tonights amazing showcase, I think Bourne is going to run away with the voting. I used to be torn between Shelton and Kofi having the best vertical leap in the company, but HOLY SHIT at the Hurricanrana leap to Chavo standing on the top rope. Bourne and Hardy should be able to tear the house down at the PPV if given time. (ECW title match being given time at a ppv.....HA!)
  24. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi - October 14, 2008

    Matt Hardy vs Evan Bourne would kick fucking ass!
  25. haws bah gawd

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    That someone would be Big Dave. Anyways, I figured Cade would eventually get a run with the IC belt, but probably not reach World Title level. He should be able to easily find work on the indies.