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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    WCW Monday Nitro 3-26-2001(Last Episode)

    One of these things is not like the others! One of these things does not belong! That aside, all 3 cruiserweight matches kick fucking ass on this show!
  2. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    I get that joke. Gotta love WCW/nWo Thunder.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Best Buy Service Plans

    This is my best advice if you decide to go through with it (accepting the Paypal payment). DO NOT ship the item unless the buyer has a confirmed address (this way you are protected under the seller protection policy), then wait until the buyers payment clears your bank. This way, depending on your bank's policies, you would most likely be protected if something goes screwy with the payment. Always best to cover all your bases.
  4. haws bah gawd


    Funny. The only games where I truly notice input lag on PS2 are the Mega Man collections; though I know it has to be happening on all PS2 games. The only other PS2 game I own that shows any hints of irregularity if Final Fantasy X. About 1 out of every 10 battles doesn't render properly or something, and you will see a very slight shadow behind the characters. Otherwise, everything else displays and performs without a problem.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Halloween 2008

    HAH! Nah, though it did freak out some younger kids. My girlfriend and I usually dress-up and hand-out candy at my mother's salon. Last year, instead of the "no face" mask, I wore a pig mask under the hood. My girlfriend ended up having to hand-out nearly all the candy since the pig face scared the shit out of most of the children. Who would have thought livestock was so frightening?
  6. haws bah gawd

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    So, I was in Moviestop this afternoon and came across this gem for the reasonable price of $8.99!!!! Finally have one of my grails, and IMO, the pinnacle of The Attitude Era on DVD (already had the official VHS release)!
  7. haws bah gawd

    Halloween 2008

    This is my Ringwraith costume from 2006. Might do this again.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Cornette Firing/Russo Hiring

    I gotta say I was slightly pissed that after everything, Piper didn't win the gold at Superbrawl.
  9. haws bah gawd

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Were Mero and Rena dating/married prior to his jump to WWE, or was this something that happened later?
  10. I LOVED Commissioner Foley! I thought he was great in that role! Nothing beats Foley and HHH's interaction during HHH's kinda-face run in mid 2000, where HHH and Foley would make fun of Kurt crying at the Olympics. Funny shit.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Bound for Glory Discussion

    New, yes, but exciting? To each his own. You could compare Wilde's blatant push to Santino in WWE. Santino has been around for about a year and a half, and is a 2-time IC champ, yet he has no distinct finisher. He, like Wilde, seems to always win with a fluke roll-up, school boy, or blind luck with someone missing a big move. Their gimmicks are entirely different, but the blatant pushes are similar.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    But that would be smart and require HHH to lose the belt, something he won't do especially if he's worried about looking bad in video game screenshots in magazines. I agree. That completely redefines vanity and ego. But HHH is also looking to pad his title reigns so that he can blow Flair's count out of the water. I was wondering yesterday when his next major injury will be coming. He's got another 2-3 years before another injury if he sticks to his current track-record. Next time, he'll probably tear both his quads at the same time, and make his triumphant return 8 months later. I too agree that now is the time to give Jeff the World, and let him run with it. A better time would have been to have him win at the Rumble when he was the biggest face in the company going into the match, but what can you do right? As others have said, if he fucks up again, have Vickie book him in a loser gets fired match against HHH (convenient time for HHH to use his automatic rematch clause), and the rest writes itself. The WWE title has been "hot-potato'ed" before (Ex: Summerslam 1999, In Your House Final Four), so if he only makes it a week, or a month before failing another drug test, then so be it. A 7-month title reign (the birth of his daughter not withstanding) was what it finally took to make Randy Orton grow up a little bit, so I think they should give Jeff a chance.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    So, since we supposedly finally have a date on this thing, will Dr. Pepper hold to their promise? Didn't they promise a free Dr. Pepper to every man, woman, and child in America if Chinese Democracy was released in 2008? http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=90067
  14. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    Someone educate me a little. I was under the impression that Ethanol was a good thing. However, lately I have seen several gas stations around here that advertise with these huge-ass banners that they only sell Non-Ethanol fuel. If Ethanol is a good thing to add to fuel, why brag that you sell fuel that is Ethanol-Free? Turn my ignorance into understanding.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Bound for Glory Discussion

    I've seen Wilde wrestle once, and she wasn't too terribly bad. Personally, I don't see the Awesome Kong love. Shes a gigantic woman that has some convincing offense, but not a lot else, IMO.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    Someone tell me why the Hell I am excited to see gas for $2.95/gallon?!?!?!?! I guess it beats paying $3.99/gallon.
  17. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    But that would be smart and require HHH to lose the belt, something he won't do especially if he's worried about looking bad in video game screenshots in magazines. I agree. That completely redefines vanity and ego.
  18. haws bah gawd


    I've noticed little if any lag time. In fact, I can only name 1 PS2 game (Mega Man X Collection) where I have seen any kind of delay between controller input and onscreen movement, and it may just be because I'm playing on a 20gb PS3 (backwards compatibility issues?). Blu Rays, DVDs, even broadcast television all come off without a hitch. This is the first product I can remember buying that was made by Philips, but I am very impressed.
  19. haws bah gawd


    Speaking only for Target, I know for a fact that management could give a shit if you knew anything or not. Your job was to sell accessories and credit card subscriptions. I am positive Best Buy is the same. Yea, I could have probably used to term switcher instead of splitter, but in the end I would have most likely got the same "uh, huh?" response. I can't fucking stand these places putting people in departments where they know nothing about the products. By the way, if anyone is looking for a high-quality HDTV, I bought one back in May that is really awesome, and a great value for the price. I picked-up a 42" 1080p LCD by Philips. It has 4 HDMI inputs and 3 Component inputs, as well as a 29,000:1 contrast ratio. I have it mainly outputting to my 5.1 surround receiver, but even the built-in speakers sound great. Cost me a little under $900.
  20. haws bah gawd

    What kinda weapons do you own?

    That's nice, how much? It was around $75-ish. Found it on clearance at some comic shop in Columbia, SC a few years ago. I was really surprised by the quality, but it's an officially-licensed replica. It's pretty sharp on the edges, ESPECIALLY the tip. Heavy as all Hell too. I had it displayed in the corner of my room for a while, but it's now mounted.
  21. haws bah gawd

    What kinda weapons do you own?

    Guns: bolt-action .22 rifle semi-automatic .22 rifle - both given to me by my Dad Colt .45 revolver that I inherited from my Pop when he was killed in 1998. Swords: Witch King - for my inner Geek
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    I would like to see HHH and Jeff go at it again. They always seem to have good chemistry, even though it will most likely end with Jeff again coming THIS close. I'm not so sure how well Kozlov will come across against HHH, and personally I don't think he's ready to be World Champion. A three way would be interesting, but personally I'm not ready to see Kozlov in a ppv main event.
  23. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    I too was thinking he didn't seem near as ripped or built as Chavo's caddy or a Spirit Squad member.
  24. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - October 10, 2008

    KUNG...FU...NAKI! wow.............
  25. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - October 10, 2008

    I've noticed a few obvious clip-aways during this diva match.