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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Could you recommend some Paradise Lost? Reason I ask is my only exposure to them is the opening band for Nightwish last November in Atlanta. They must have been having a bad night, or didn't properly set-up their sound system or tune their instruments, because it was one of the roughest 45 minutes of music I've sat through in some time. Couldn't understand the front man, and their sound in general sounded very muffled. Testament is good stuff. My top 5 metal groups starting with my favorite: Kamelot Nightwish Edguy Epica Dark Moor I'm probably going to get hit with some "HAW! NIGHTWISH ES T3H SUXX LOL2008!" comments, but we can't all share the same taste in music can we?
  2. haws bah gawd

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    Love the 2 move squash matches.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    LOVE classic metal videos. Check out the awesome poofy 80's hair on the ladies in the crowd.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Symbolic is amazing. I had never heard of Death until I was at an Epica / Kamelot show in Virginia in 2006. Epica let Simone Simmons take a break in the middle of their set, and the guys in the group did a badass cover of "Crystal Mountain". Been hooked ever since.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Death did it better.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Clay Aiken tells us what we knew all along

    Disclaimer: I don't think most gay people are "fags". But Clay Aiken is. That was actually pretty damned funny.
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Jimmy Yang isn't doing anything other then being Kozlov/Khali fodder. Reunite the Dragons with Yang and Noble. They wouldn't need a gimmick change either. If they still cared, Regal and Burchill could also be a full time tag team. Many opportunities wasted. They could easily float 8-10 good teams around the three brands but that seems to be the case every year and they never pull the trigger. Speaking of the Yung Dragons, wasn't Kaz Hayashi picked up by WWE following the WCW buyout? Wonder whatever happened to him? I thought he was very solid in the ring. I LOVED The Yung Dragons' angle with Ernest Miller in the final days of WCW. Their skits were brilliant.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - September 26, 2008

    I laughed my ass off at the Gregory Helms popup: "Chavo! Undertaker is in the arena looking for you! Why are you here? Why don't you leave? Just sayin'!"
  9. haws bah gawd

    Defend a game nobody likes

    Yea, as I said before, the stable alignment feature is the one and only saving grace of Thunder. Too bad every single other detail of the game is wretched.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Defend a game nobody likes

    For the person who asked, I was finally able to spend about 10 God-Forsaken minutes with WCW/nWo Thunder earlier today taking these pics of the various changes in appearance for Hulk Hogan, depending on what stable you align him with. This is with the 1080p firmware update, so the game looks a little less crappy than normal. Enjoy! nWo Black and White - standard nWo Hogan attire with shredded tank top nWo Red and Black - same as above, but the white parts are red WCW - same as nWo Black and White, but without the tank top Four Horsemen - same as WCW Raven's Flock - black tights with black lightning bolts, "I am The Man" tank top, black knee pads with blue trim, black boots with blue trim and lightning bolts. Actually a decent look for Hogan.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Stars from the 90's the faded too soon

    Billy Kidman vs Gregory Helms on (what I believe is the only edition of) WCW Smackdown. They botch some things, though it may have been due to them being nervous about impressing their new employers. I'll agree though, Kidman was doing some amazing things for the time in the late 90's, but in this age of Canadian Destroyers and Evan Bourne going 15 feet in the air with a Shooting Star Press, he probably wouldn't be as well received. I used to enjoy the bit of "You CAN'T Powerbomb Billy Kidman".
  12. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    All it took was for our local news (Aiken, SC-Augusta, GA area) to mention that about 66% of the refineries in the Gulf are working, and everyone went crazy here yesterday. There were lines stretched out in the highways with people once again panicking over a "gas shortage". I watched a guy fill about 4, 5-gallon plastic jugs, then fill his car. I spoke with an employee at a gas station yesterday and she brought up an interesting point. She said, "For months, people haven't been able to "afford" to fill up their vehicles. They can only afford $15-20 at a time and all this. Then word of a shortage or whatever hits, and people all of a sudden, have all this disposable income to fill every vehicle and gas jug they own".
  13. haws bah gawd

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I hope the old Abyss does come out on PPV because this "I'm afraid to use weapons" pussy character is dragging on. Just gives a good excuse for him to eventually snap and go batshit on someone with a bardwire baseball bat or something. I saw a little of his interaction with Matt Morgan last night. All it took was Abyss to ask "Did you talk to my therapist?" in a normal voice, and I turned the channel. "Tame" Abyss is pretty lame. Hey, that rhymed! From Rajah Looks like there goes the Suicide character, or will they just put someone else in the outfit?
  14. haws bah gawd

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 9/25

    I caught about a half hour of TNA last night. Sting's promo was just as good as everyone has said. I got a chuckle out of the crowd chanting OVER-RATED towards the picture of Hulk Hogan. Joe's been in TNA for what, 3 years now? The majority here on the boards say he's amazing, but I still don't see it. I just don't get the love for the guy. Booker vs AJ was OK, until the lame ending.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    A Gamestop not too far from here already has several used copies of the 360 version. I played the first level on their PS3 demo kiosk, and enjoyed it for the most part. My favorite thing would have to be throwing Wookies through trees and seeing the trees reduced to splinters. BADASS.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Predictions for 2008

    ^^^ Christ, that's a stiff kick in your sig. Sad part is IIRC, Cena's dad returned faster than any active wrestler after getting kicked in the head, and gave Orton a head kick of his own at the next PPV.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Perfect timing to put the belt on a guy

    I too assumed the match was for the title. I don't remember WCW every specifically stating that it wasn't though. All I remember is a friend of mine called and said Piper had won. So, I was more than a little confused when the nWo limo pulled-up at the beginning of Nitro, and Hogan stepped out with the belt. I still have trouble grasping the concept of having your world champion in a 1-on-1 PPV main event match, and the belt not being on the line.
  18. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    "That's an arm", hah badass! Forgot about that one.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Count me in. It gave the smaller guys something to do. Let's face it, theres some guys that will NEVER be considered for a run with the WOrld or US/IC belts.
  20. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    Still amazing, and gives me chills. I'll gladly admit "Disarmed" was a great moment in Season 5, but this is this series' zenith as far as musical moments go. "Bawitdaba" also set a good tone for season one. A good fan-made video using the Overcome song, showing the Money Train Heist take place. It's rare a show can keep a singular story this interesting for nearly 5 seasons. It's been so long since he was killed, I forgot what it was like for Lem to be with the Strike Team.
  21. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    This show is going to have to do something amazing in the finale to top "Overcome" at the end of Season 2. That is still probably the best 5 minutes of television in the past decade, and one of the best ever. I enjoy the Billings character more and more every week. It's a very underutilized character, which we are finally seeing the greatness of. I also hope they revisit the teen killer from last night's episode again.
  22. Also, the segment just before Rock vs Austin started was great. You see Austin just staring into a mirror and you can tell "the gears are turning", and you even see a little desperation in his eyes. I dare WWE to try something this great again, as far as the desperation and "I need this more than you will ever know", aspect goes.
  23. RR2001 - Wrestlemania X-SEVEN - Austin coming back from his neck injury. He and Rock went on to Wrestlemania to put on what is still my favorite match of all time, despite of the overbooked finish. "My Way" made this match and PPV as well. Probably the only positive thing Limp Bizkit ever contributed to society. RR2005 - Wrestlemania 21 is another favorite. I couldn't wait for them to finally pull the trigger on the Batista face turn, and have him kick his ass at Wrestlemania.
  24. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    I'm going to go ahead and call it. Vic is getting a bullet in his head in the final episode, and Cassidy will be the one that does it. She's already shown she has no problem telling anyone and everyone about the things her Dad has done, so one would think she will finally have enough of no one listening to her, and take action. Her actress' acting is so bad, I too thought Cassidy may have had Autism like her younger brother. However, Chiklis's daughter just sucks at acting.
  25. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw - September 22, 2008

    Poor Lance Cade is probably just happy to be wrestling on TV at this point, much less getting a win over the #1 Contender. When exactly was his last match? His 2 minute destruction of Paul London a few months back?