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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The Emmy Nominations

    You can color me pissed as well that The Shield didn't get a single nomination. It's far and away my favorite show on TV, and for it to get overlooked year after year is unforgivable.
  2. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    I believe they hinted at it about the same time as they were teasing the Cade/Murdoch split, but to my knowledge they never got the official break segment as the draft split them. Bingo. WWE teased a split between them including having Kendrick abandon in a match against Umaga. It was later changed to Kendrick deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, which London was cool with and nothing else was mentioned of a split. IMO, it's a shame Vince is still holding a grudge against London for the smiling thing, since I always felt London was the better of the two.
  3. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    There was a funny pic from a house show floating around not too long ago of Umaga squeezed into Edge's tights and boots. Anyone still have it?
  4. haws bah gawd

    Does anyone collect Wrestling stuff?

    I have an RVD figure that came out shortly after ONS 2006. The figure came with a bloody ECW title rather than the usual plain gold plastic title belts that figures come with. I also have several DVDs, and my prized VHS copy of Wrestlemania X-SEVEN. Holy crap that thing was hard to get hold of. I gave up searching for an original DVD of it. Would rather not get the WM box set version with blurry logos and no Bizkit. I've also owned several title belt replicas, but they're all gone. I mostly buy them to take to shows, then sell them afterward.
  5. haws bah gawd

    The 5 Worst Teenage Cover Bands

    For our school's talent show in 1998, we had 2 different student bands perform. The first covered an Oasis song that I can't remember, complete with crazy light show. It kind of sucked due to everyone playing their instruments while sitting in those cheap plastic lunch room chairs. Even the singer sat down throughout the song, wearing his "too cool for the room" sunglasses, trying his hardest to sound like Liam Gallagher. The band that closed the show, tore the house down though. It was comprised mostly of Juniors, with a Senior for the front man. They did a spot-on cover of "Down" by 311. Was one of the best teenage cover band covers I've ever heard. Unfortunately, the year after I graduated, in 2000, I missed what is now a legendary performance. This very unpopular homosexual fellow decided he was going to sing Ricky Martin's "Cup of Life". So, according to a friend of mine (who graduated the year after me), this guy takes the stage and is doing all of Ricky Martin's mannerisms from the music video for the song. When he hits the chorus, he sings HERE WE GO, then points the mic to the crowd for the OLAY OLAY OLAY part for a sing-a-long. Unfortunately, he is met with complete silence. So, he grins, gives them a thumbs up, and proceeds to finish the song without asking for crowd support. Hate I missed that one.
  6. Probably my favorite music of the 16-bit era. The Red Soil Brinstar Theme from Super Metroid. Very creepy music.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Travis Barker

    I didn't care much for Blink 182's last album, but I enjoyed the majority of their previous work. The Burn center that Travis and the DJ are in, in Augusta, GA, is about 20 minutes from here. Don't know much about the DJ, but I hope they are able to pull through.
  8. haws bah gawd

    The OAO TEW/EWR Thread of Fun!

    Did anyone here ever play the old Promotion Wars game? I played it until I discovered EWR, and never looked back. I tried playing PW again not too long ago, and found it nearly unplayable. Was still an admirable effort on behalf of the programmer though. I still remember how resource-consuming PW was. Back in 2001, I would have to shut down nearly everything running on my computer just to get the game to boot without crashing. PW2 was supposed to be released, but IIRC whoever was working on the game encountered some "out of memory" message, and decided to cancel further development. Scotsman somehow got hold of a copy of the game, fixed the problem, and offered to give the fixed copy back to PW's programmer, but they got into a spat and the idea was thrown out. Still would have liked to have seen what PW2 had to offer, given how much it was promoted and hyped.
  9. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Yea, HBK had gone off on Umaga for wearing red tights or something, and they resembled his too much. Finally Orton had enough, and went off on HBK and HHH for being so picky over the color of someone's tights. I think that's how the story went. Could be wrong though.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Zero Punctuation Reviews

    Good review, but the 30 second NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO's got on my fucking nerves.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Sonny Siaki Donating His Kidney to His Brother

    Shame to hear about that, but it's quite honorable of him. I remember his early days in TNA, where he was the first person I ever saw do a Pumphandle Michinoku Driver (which was one of the coolest things I had seen at the time). It's a shame the guy has to leave his career behind, but there are more important things at stake here.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Jeff Hardy Strikes Out for the Final Time?

    ^^^ I'm not sure if he was already suspended for that or not, to be honest. I just remember them mentioning that he had already been suspended twice for other drug-related charges, and they didn't feel he needed to be suspended again. Could be, though.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Jeff Hardy Strikes Out for the Final Time?

    Randy Orton got tied up in that Signature Pharmacy thing last year, and because he was in the middle of a title program with John Cena, and had already been suspended a couple times, WWE chose not to punish him again. With the Jeff Hardy thing though, a WWE rep told the UK Sun that they are prepared to do what they have to do about Hardy in this situation. I'm not saying Jeff Hardy doesn't deserve to have some form of punishment, but this is a stupid show of favortism by WWE here.
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Well, if Jeff was indeed busted for Drugs, then it looks like they could go ahead and hotshot Kozlov into the title match at the PPV, though I'm not sure if he's ready for that yet. Maybe they were doing this thing with Kozlov as a backup plan just in case Jeff fucked up AGAIN when they were ready to give him a shot at the top. Regarding Batista, maybe even he recognizes the fact that he's a lame duck title contender, and is tired of getting programmed into title match after title match, only to lose or come up short every time. I'm sure he doesn't mind the title match paychecks, but you have to think he's getting tired of constantly being on the losing end of a title match.
  15. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    Oh good God yes. You can definitely tell she's completely lost anytime she has to say something.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Comcast limits internet usage at home

    My mother is considering signing us up for a satellite internet service. We live in the middle of nowhere, and nothing is available but Dialup. Anyways, this service has a 12,000mb a month download threshold and a 3,000 mb upload threshold. For someone who would spend 3-4 hours on the internet daily (including youtube and other sites of questionable morality), how long would it take to burn that up?
  17. The Office - Not a Steve Carrell fan. 24 Any of the Harry Potter Films Butterfly Effect - I have a friend who has the world's biggest boner for this movie, but I can't get past my dislike of Ashton Kutcher's acting enough to give it a watch.
  18. haws bah gawd

    The Shield

    Great episode last night. I'm really enjoying Billings right now. I like how he doesnt give a rat's left nut about a case, unless a child's well being is involved, then he turns vicious against the criminals. Kind of a good anti-hero thing with him. The porn storyline was good last night as well. I'm interested where this thing with Ronnie is going now that he's told Vic he won't drown for Shane, or him.
  19. haws bah gawd

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    I watched a show the other night and I believe Larry Nelson was trying to interview Bockwinkle after he squashed a jobber. Bockwinkle wouldn't stop cracking his whip long enough for Nelson to talk to him. It was to the point where it was even getting on my nerves. Kind of like yes, Mr. Bockwinkle, we know you have a whip.
  20. haws bah gawd

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    The crazy thing is that someone talked Dusty down off his high that produced the plexiglass maze match, but apparently they did nothing when he came up with "Chamber of Horrors". This issue has a lot of interesting tidbits in it. My 10 year old self was excited as hell for the Chamber of Horrors match...... I didn't know any better at the time.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    Bullshit around here tonight (Aiken County, SC). Gas goes anywhere from $3.99 - $5.39, depending on which station's owners are greediest. I drove around for about an hour trying to get gas at 11:00 tonight. Any stations I came across that were open were out of gas, and any that still had it were closed. I finally said Hell with it, and filled up for $4.07 a gallon at my final stop. Still a load of crap.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Defend a game nobody likes

    ...Blue and Black Hollywood Hogan!? If possible, think you could take a screenshot of that? I'm curious now. I'll see what I can do tomorrow afternoon.
  23. haws bah gawd

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    Bockwinkel isn't quite underrated, maybe underwatched. I've never really heard much anti-Bockwinkel sentiment at all. Everyone familiar with his era appreciated his work. I'm still kind of undecided about Bockwinkle. Theres no denying he's decent in the ring, but I can't get past his look. The plain white tights and knee pads, and a bullwhip for unknown reasons are just a little on the unusual side. The guy is definitely a true old school wrestler, and the crowds seem to love him though.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Foley to TNA????

    I'll drink to that.
  25. haws bah gawd

    2008: The Year in Music

    I haven't heard anything from this album yet. To be honest, it's produced by Rick Rubin, so I honestly don't have much hope for it. I just don't care much for his style. Two questions though: 1 - Did Lars drop the trashcan drums? 2 - How does Unforgiven 3 sound? 1-Yes he did. He's still not that good of a drummer, but oh well. 2-It's probably my least favorite track on the album, though it's much better than "Unforgiven II" I tried to give Unforgiven 3 a listen while I was in FYE this afternoon. All their demo station played was a 30-second clip of some pianos. No vocals or anything, so I'll probably just look on Youtube later or something.