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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Many guys released

    Really can't say I'll miss Colin Delaney. He was amazing at taking bumps, but that's where all his appeal ended. He looked like a high school kid, and after the heel turn, it's kind of like "what now?". I really hoped Stevie saved his $$$. I'm shocked he was with WWE for as long as he was. I see him maybe making an occasional ROH or TNA appearance, but I don't really see him in much demand otherwise. He's been jobbed so much over the past decade, he really doesn't have much to offer. However, he was so over as a heel with the RTC in 2000, I think WWE really missed an opportunity to give him a push. The Highlanders were over as fuck for a short time in 2006, but WWE really dropped the ball by not letting them get a win over the spirit squad, rather passing-on that win to Roddy Piper and Ric Flair. I don't watch a lot of SD, so I won't really miss Cherry. Someone want to tell me HOW THE HELL Bob Holly and Ricky Ortiz are still employed? Ortiz sucked just as badly as Braden Walker.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Batman: Akham Asylum

    Another awesome video. The Joker got on my nerves something fierce, but AVGN always delivers. I think his next review is supposed to be NES's "Deadly Towers".
  3. haws bah gawd

    Many guys released

    Tribute to the great Braden Walker DVD Trailer: "Leave the Memories Alone" MAKES that video. Awesome.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Foley to TNA????

    If Foley is there to work one insanely hardcore match once in a blue moon (ex: vs Edge at WM22), for the sake of putting someone over, then have a strictly non-competitive role, then hell yes make it happen. Foley just has no place working match after match.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I remember as late as 2005, when I was working at Gamestop, my store would still get the occasional new PS1 game. I see games, or at least Madden, being released for the PS2 for at least another 2 years or so.
  6. haws bah gawd

    SummerSlam 1999

    IMO, the main event is fucking awesome. I love seeing Mankind sneak-in the win just when you think HHH is about to win. It kind of came out of nowhere too, since the crowd wasn't even counting along with the pin, like they knew Austin would kick out. You had to figure HHH would win the title the next night, or very soon afterwards due to him destroying Austin after the pinfall. I enjoyed the team of Big Show and Undertaker at the time, if only for their entrance music. It just went to the crapper when Undertaker cut some incoherent promo about leaving Big Show stranded in a desert and making him walk back to civilization carrying a motorcycle on his back. Shane vs Test was awesome, but led to nothing of importance. The Rock and Billy Gunn put up an admirable effort.
  7. Yea, new poop jokes! JBL is Poopy is getting kinda old. The kids ought to eat it up.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Sid coming back?

    YES YES YES! MAKE IT HAPPEN! Either a powerbomb or that swank one-armed chokeslam he used to do. He has to wear his old WWE get-up though, not that lame "long black tights under jean shorts" look he had in WCW in 2000. Wonder if WWE will dig out the big sparkly "SID" sign that used to drop to the ring during his entrance?
  9. haws bah gawd

    Sid coming back?

    Doesn't "Serious" talk of a Sid return come up at least once a year? Personally, I am all for it. Sid always was one of my favorite big men, and had a pretty imposing presence to him. I saw footage of Sid wrestling a match on the indy's not too long ago, and he looked to be in as good of shape as ever. He may not have been the most technically sound wrestler, but damn did I enjoy watching him do his stuff in the ring.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Ron "R-Truth" Killings

    On the Smackdown side is he a face or heel? Judging by his hype videos, I see him as a face for now. Will the fans get behind him immediately? Well, the kids love them some rap. The guy's got some great speed and agility, and is a solid wrestler. I think he'll have no problem earning fan support. As a side note, I saw him wrestle a dark match prior to the RAW tapings on March 24th, against Paul London. He got an instant pop upon his entrance, and had the crowd behind him throughout the bout. Where will he peak at? US Title or WWE Championship? I see him getting into the US title picture very soon. It's a little soon to predict if he will become a viable main eventer. Can he become a big enough star? He'll definitely get popular in a hurry. Where do you see him by Wrestlemania 25? Wrestling for the US title, or in MitB at least.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Randy Orton Reinjured

    I honestly can't say I've missed him. Though I was glad to see someone other than John Cena get a run at the top for a while, I soon became bored with his tired headlock schtick. Still a shame that he was reinjured shortly before his return. No matter how tired I get of seeing someone perform, I would never wish injury on anyone. Seems like the guy's almost as fragile as Kennedy.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Paul Newman has only a few weeks left

    Damn shame really. To be honest, I've never watched any of his work, however, I've seen the guy's face all over all kinds of things at the grocery store, and he seemed like a genuinley good person. Hate to see him go.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Bernie Mac Dead

    I haven't seen much of his work. I enjoyed his role as the used care salesman in Transformers, but Mr. 3000 was kinda bad. Still, you hate to see someone go so young. RIP
  14. haws bah gawd

    Your favorite near fall spots/moves

    Don't want to stray too far from the topic, but what's Chetti up to these days? Yea, RVD and Lynn had their matches planned perfectly. I couldn't ever get enough of watching them.
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE Smackdown (8/8/2008)

    We can't have that now. Remember, Mr. McMahon's rule of characters. If they aren't really brothers, why market them as such, and deceive the fans? I guess he forgot about Kane and Undertaker, The Dudleys, and I'm sure a couple others I may be missing.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Many guys released

    Can't say I'm sad to see Braden Walker gone. Guy was HORRIBLE during his past couple performances. I had a soft spot for Big Daddy V, if just for his wicked rolling kick thing, I'm not even sure which was which out of Deuce and Domino. I assume whichever is Jimmy Snuka's adopted son is still employed? I figured Nunzio and Shannon Moore were lifers if just to use as jobbers. Nunzio's sell of Kevin Thorn's version of the Razor's Edge was a thing of beauty, and he had a great "ragdoll" ability. How many tag title shots against Miz and Morrison did Yang/Moore get anyway? Val Venis and Funaki better watch themselves. James Curtis didn't do much for me.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Another Windows Vista Problem

    I've tried power cycling the computer, but nothing really helps. I don't get a black screen. My wallpaper remains the same. I was going to try the system restore because I already have all my important stuff backed-up. Unfortunately, my computer's "last known good configuration" is about an hour after it initially began to have problems. I would prefer to just do a complete factory restore, or destructive reformat, but I haven't seen where that is an option.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Another Windows Vista Problem

    I am having an interesting problem with my PC. It is running Windows Vista, and after about 5 minutes of the computer being on, the taskbar and desktop will completely vanish. Also, the only program I can actually have up and running for any amount of time is Internet Explorer. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING else, that I open will stay up for about 5 seconds then automatically close. Any suggestions?
  19. haws bah gawd

    Another Windows Vista Problem

    It just disappears and is gone. I have to go into task manager and manually tell it to restart the explorer.exe task in order to get everything up again. So, in a way it is the explorer.exe that continues to crash. The other problem, and one I haven't figured out yet is why nothing wants to stay open. I have about a 5-10 second window before anything closes.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown spoilers (a little basic)

    Considering the epic heel heat that Vickie has been getting, Edge probably shoved her out of her wheelchair and got pop of the night. I know crowds got behind Chavo on the heels of Eddy's passing, but I honestly don't want to see Chavo with another face run. Does this mean the Edgeheads are face now as well?
  21. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi (8/5/2008)

    I don't know what's happened with Chris Harris. He was above average in TNA, and I thought he would be the breakout star of AMW. Now, James Storm is in TNA teaming with Robert Roode and getting a decent amout of TV time, while Chris Harris goes on ECW and puts on sub-par performance after sub-par performance. Maybe it's just the weight he's put on, or maybe he just hasn't grasped "WWE-Style"? Plus, his finisher is a weak ass fisherman's suplex? I guess WWE figured if he couldn't do a crossbody right (admittedly, Estrada screwed up the spot just as badly), maybe he could at least get a suplex right. I didn't really see the point of teaming Evan Bourne, one of the best new cruiserweights to come along in years, with Ricky Ortiz, who rivals Chris Harris for worst wrestler in ECW. I loved the roll-up thing that Bourne used on Neely for the win, but when Ortiz was in the ring, things really dragged. I'll agree with the rest of you that Striker's commentary was a pleasant surprise. I wouldn't mind seeing him take-up a permanent position as a commentator.
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw (8/4/08)

    There were a couple decent things about last night's RAW, and a few bad things: Good: More Santino/Beth hijinx The drama towards the end of the handicap match Bad: JBL getting another lame duck title shot. He's got to be tied with Batista now for the most-lost title matches. Cena cutting another horribly cheesy promo backstage. I know he's meant to be the top face but his promos make me turn the channel faster than just about anything. Both the Burchill's losing so decisively. I agree Paul Birchill may not be ready for an IC title run, but the finish to his match with Kofi came out of left field. Iffy: Jericho's new look. It took me a couple months to get used to HHH when he dropped the long tights back in 1999, and it will probably take a while to get used to this as well.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Impact Spoilers for 8/7

    From Meltzer. Nothing new with Nash, though having someone eliminated during a commercial break is beyond stupid on any level. Going to miss Tomko. The guy had improved by leaps and bounds since his days in WWE. It's sad to think (or know) Kurt Angle is probably going to die in a wrestling ring one day. If he doesn't die, he will most likely be on the business end of a career-ending neck injury. Shame too, I really enjoy his matches, but I think he sometimes pushes himself too hard.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Fuck You Bennigan's You're Dead

    I once got some kind of food poisoning, or a bug, or SOMETHING from a local Arby's. That night when I was home, I was taking a shit, and just thought I had really bad diarrhea. I stood up, looked down, and saw that I had just shit a LOT of blood. I probably should have went to the emergency room, but I was so weak afterwards, all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. It was still until around 11:00 AM the next day before I felt OK again. Probably missed my chance for one hell of a lawsuit there.
  25. haws bah gawd

    SmackDown Spoilers - August 1, 2008

    Well, to be honest if either is capable of putting on a Hardcore match like they did at Wrestlemania 22, I say go for it. Sure it won't really take Edge anywhere, but damn that match was awesome.