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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    If Edge eventually dethrone's HHH, I will mark the fuck out for the possible return of the Rater R Spinner Belt. I hate the design of the belt as is, but Edge's custom version is a little more tolerable than the blinged out WWE logo in the middle.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Match is OK, just a little SLOW by Warrior standards. I'm just not digging Warrior's Bob Backlund haircut. Warrior is still (chemically-enhanced, most likely) jacked for a man of his age. Hooray for that company having their world champion job to one of the weakest shoulder blocks in history, though.
  3. haws bah gawd

    International Music

    - Norwegian Supergroup that covers pop songs from the 80's and 90's. Great cover of Tina Turner's "We Don't Need Another Hero". Nightwish - The get a lot of unfair flack due to their new singer not having the "opera" sound of their old singer, but I still enjoy them. Kamelot - The frontman is Norwegian, but the rest of the group is from Tampa, Fla. They have a small but growing cult following here in the states, but they're fairly big overseas. - Yet another Norwegian/German, Folk/Metal group. They're an acquired taste, but I enjoy them. - Fairly unknown Finnish metal group. Good stuff, even if the video is cheesy as hell.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Random Thoughts

    The sad thing is even if Cabana were called up, he'd end up like Evan Bourne now has in just a few weeks: Jobbing to Mike Knox after three wins and never seen again. Eh, maybe Bourne will be back next week. Who am I kidding, Cabana will probably be given a few token wins over some of the "lower" ECW wrestlers (Nunzio) then "pinballed" by Knox.
  5. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I have no problem with Michelle McCool possibly winning the Diva Championship. She might no sell some things, but I find her to be better in the ring than a lot of the other Divas on Smackdown. Personally, I would like to see Victoria get another Women's championship run, but given my current options, Michelle is an OK choice.
  6. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/1/2008)

    For some reason, I was half expecting a lot of the people here to be calling Atlas Ortiz the next big thing. I'm glad it wasn't just me that thought his debut match sucked.
  7. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    So, the wedding is off? Is WWE actually going to try to turn Vickie face now? Jeff Hardy vs Morrison aught to be good, and the 4 way for the US belt should be good too.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    YEA FUCKER YEA that was a great RAW. Unpredictable the whole way through, and amazing. As soon as Batista finished beating Edge, I was thinking of how great it would be for Punk to cash in MitB. Batista got to the top of the ramp, and his music was still playing, so I kind of lost hope. Then "This Fire Burns" started playing, and I just marked the fuck out like I haven't done in a LONG time. I haven't felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest while watching wrestling in a long ass time. Well done WWE!
  9. haws bah gawd

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    While I wouldn't mind seeing Punk get a month or so run with the title, I agree that he may not be all the ready for it. The spot he is in was originally groomed for Jeff Hardy, who was GOD over until his stupid ass got suspended for failing another "wellness" test. Hardy is still over, but I have to wonder if he will ever again achieve what he had a few months ago. Again, I would like to see Punk given the world, just to see what he could do with the opportunity, but I still have to wonder if he's truly "ready".
  10. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers for 6/27/08

    Sounds like a decent enough show. I wonder if WWE will ever try to do something with Koslov, or just continue to push him as the big guy in the jobber tights with no music? Also, good to see Kevin Thorn is still around. Wonder who dug him up?
  11. haws bah gawd

    Spoilers for July 3rd.

    But at least this will somewhat end the arguments about Storm and Roode just being a thrown together team. Now they at least have a team name. I am happy with this. Its a STUPID name, but at least they have some unity for their team.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE Draft 2008

    That's what Carlito gets for mouthing off about HHH at that press conference last week.
  13. haws bah gawd

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/24/2008)

    I still don't "get" Mike Knox. His finisher looks decent enough when he has someone about half his size to "ragdoll it", but aside from that he does nothing for me. WWE always seems to use him to hand some of their "flavor of the month" guys their first significant loss. Stevie Richards was returning from his 10,000th throat surgery, and pushed with vignettes and promos and even a couple wins. Mike Knox destroys him the 4rd of 4th week after he returns, and you never see him again. Evan Bourne (Matt Sydal) gets a couple wins and shows some amazing acrobatic skills that even gets the announcers and crowds into his matches. He gets a little offense but is mostly squashed by Knox last night.
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE Draft 2008

    To whoever said Chuck Palumbo can't get over. He was at least getting a good crowd response when he first returned with the biker gimmick. I went to a SD taping in late August of last year and his entrance and victory pop rivaled Batista's. Just a few weeks later though, he started slapping-around Michelle McCool, and now he's just another random guy with a biker gimmick. I would like to see Paul London get shipped back to Smackdown as well. For some reason, WWE had no interest in letting them have a decent tag title run on RAW, but didn't mind them holding the SD Tag Titles for about 10 months.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers for 6/27/08

    I wouldn't mind another HHH vs Undertaker match if they can somehow perform like they did at Wrestlemania X-7. If they can't do any better than KOTR 2002, they can stay the hell away from eachother.
  16. haws bah gawd

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    I guess were're going to see a shit load of title changes at NOC to account foe the clucterfuck that took place tonight. I figure Edge will retain against Batista since Undertaker is on the verge of a return. Since HHH has been sent to SD, I guess that leaves Cena regaining his vanity belt. Since an ECW talent exchange with RAW is about to take place, I guess Finlay and Hornswoggle will take the WWE tag belts from Mix and Morrison, but the US and ECW titles are in a strange situation. If Big Show beats Kane, that leaves a Smackdown guy holding the ECW title, so unless he ends up sticking to ECW, that leaves that belt in a strange position. Also, is Chavo officially ECW or is he still a SD guy? If so, if he beats Matt Hardy, an ECW guy holding a SD title, that leaves the title still in ECW, thus technically giving RAW the IC belt and the US belt. However, Jericho hasn't had the IC belt with him in 2 weeks so maybe the belt has been silently cast-aside in favor the the US belt? This draft special made my head hurt.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Box Office Report...

    The last, and so far only movie I have been to where multiple people walked out was 28 Days Later. By the time all was said and done, over half the audience had left. I just cant walk out on something I've paid to see. On topic, it's really good to see Iron Man has surpassed $300 Million. Can't wait for a sequel!
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE Draft 2008

    Know what I want to see? Brands share the same named titles. Why have the WWE and World Tag titles on RAW, and the World and WWE Tag Titles on Smackdown? Lets have the WWE titles on one show, and the World titles on the other show. Let's straighten that shit out, then ship Umaga to SD to give him something new to do, and bring someone like MVP to RAW.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well, if you have a beastly computer with enough ram and processor power to run the United States Nuclear Defense program, you could always give Crysis a spin. Its a decent shooter with some amazing visuals. It just consumes massive amounts of your computer's resources. BioShock is worth a spin if you haven't already played it on the 360. There's also the Orange Box.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    There was a young woman with her son at the Star Wars Episode III premiere a few years back that made no secret of informing anyone that cared, or didn't care, that her son's name was Anakin. Little shit kept running around beating the fuck out of everyone's shins with his plastic Lightsaber. We have an badly-named child in our family as well. My late, meth-addict cousin, named his daughter Arilyn Monroe.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Random Thoughts

    RVD vs Edge at Vengeance 2006 was fucking amazing, and one of the best matches either man has had in WWE, IMO. One of my favorite spots was RVD getting Powerbombed on the top of the guard wall. Also, I'm not really "feeling" any of those Jeff Hardy shirts. I like that WWE is going with 2-sided shirts, but all of those look pretty rough.
  22. I liken FF: TSW to Titan A.E. A movie with superb animation, but a shitty story. I picked up the original Prom Night last night for $5.99 at Best Buy. For as much as this film is praised, I was severely disappinted in it.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    HAHA, what a dick!
  24. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Gamecrazy probably operates under the same bullshit high-pressure sales/reservation system as the Gamestops in this area. Then again, the guy may have just been bored, and trying to start a little small talk. I know at most stores, if you even humor the thought of touching the demo kiosk's while you're on the clock, you're in for a world of trouble from your manager. When I was ASM of a local Gamestop, I honestly didn't give a shit and actually encouraged the employee's to interact with the kiosk's while on the clock. Afterall, how can you "talk up" a game with a customer if you know nothing about it? Just don't go overboard and forget you occasionally need to ring someone up, or do a little actual work while you're there. The only run-in I've really ever had with a pushy employee like the kind you describe is at a local junk/toy shop several years ago. My friend and I were looking around, and what I assume was the shop ower stood behind us, almost literally breathing down our necks the entire time we were there. My friend who is usually mild mannered turned around and asked him "Dude, what the fuck is your problem?". The guy "dickishly" responded with, "I am here to offer assistance to those that need it. If you don't like it, you can leave and never come back". I then responded with "We will gladly never come back", and we left. I don't know why some people think they need to be that way. Maybe he was worried we were going to steal or something.
  25. haws bah gawd

    The Concert Thread

    I didn't even know ICP was still around. The 11th show should kick fucking ass. The only group from the 10th I'm remotely familiar with is Children of Bodom.