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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    I wonder what The Rock's reaction will be to the inevitable chants of "ONE MORE MATCH!"?
  2. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    I remember when that was Test's gimmick for a while. For some reason I was expecting HBK to pull a major dick move and Superkick Flair after the hug.
  3. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    Umaga vs Big Dave would kick all sorts of ass.
  4. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    I just told my girlfriend the exact same thing, about this taking male soap operas to a whole new level.
  5. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    Color me unimpressed.
  6. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    I'm ok with Jericho. That match was really good with only a couple mis-timed spots. I don't think it was a burial of Hardy. There was a hot, fast-paced finishing sequence, and Jericho snuck one past him.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Compare 90s WWF to 00s WWE

    There were for the most part, some more memorable storylines in the 90's, but the 00's have had better wrestling. Austin had a great 2001, 2002 belonged the the SD 6, 2003 was Brock's year, etc. While the speed is toned-down somewhat, it seems the match quality is far better. The 90s had the nWo & Goth Sting, the Attitude Era & Austin vs McMahon, etc. Not to say the 90's didnt have it's share of stellar matches, just the storylines seemed to stand out more.
  8. haws bah gawd

    The Oscars

    Speaking of the Razzies, am I the only person that LIKED Norbit?
  9. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown *Spoilers* 2/19/08

    credit: wrestlingobserver.com Smackdown Spoilers 2-19-2008 San Diego, CA Dark match: McCool beat Victoria with a very nice looking Angel's Wings. ECW notes: After their match CM Punk got on the mat and bowed to Flair. Flair told him to get up and they hugged. Flair got a good reception walking up the ramp to the back. Edge comes out for a promo with his two buddies. He basically says that he, unlike most the crowd full of people who are scared of failing, is an opportunist. He said he's going to use the opportunity at Wrestlemania to end Undertaker's streak. Very good promo, Edge is awesome. Lights go out. Lights come back on and Undertaker has his hand around Edge's throat. The lackeys attack Taker, and they get beat up for it but Edge escapes. Shelton Benjamin beat Jimmy Wang Yang in a MITB Qualifying match with his jumping faceplant finisher. Yang looked good and got the crowd into the match a bit near the end. Teddy runs into Maryse backstage and she asks for a private meeting. Jesse and Festus beat Deuce and Domino with a Festus aided top rope splash. The Greasers get the heat on Jesse by using Cherry as a shield on the outside and jump kicking him in the face. He was bleeding from the nose, so it looks like it was a real stiff kick. Big Daddy V beat Shannon Moore via the fat elbow. Went too long for a squash match. Batista beat MVP after 3 spinebusters and a Batista bomb. MVP was selling his back from the Chamber match, so Dave thought it would be fun to give him three spinebusters. During the match MVP got the heat on Dave by working over his head (front face locks) after MVP's big boot on the outside. Kane pinned Khali when Khali had the headsqueeze on Kane and Kane pushed off the turnbuckle with his legs to land on top of Khali in a pinning position. (Think Hart v Piper but not a full roll through.) Afterward Khali kept the hold on and released because he thought he had won. Match was bad. Chuck beat Mac Jackson (enhancement guy) with his finisher (has guy on his shoulder into RKO-like move). Quick and brutal squash, Chuck even stopped a pin one time to give more punishment. Video with Rey coming to the ring. Rey comes out to the ring. Rey is GOD in San Diego. Rey says his bicep is completely torn and has to get surgery on it tomorrow. Says he's missing Wrestlemania. Vicky interrupts. SO MUCH HEAT for Vicky just coming out. I've never heard so many 12 year old girls and boys cussing out someone in Spanish than I did when Vicky came out. They replay Rey giving her the silla from last week. Vickys says she thinks Rey did it on purpose and wants to hurt Rey now, so Rey must perform tonight against Chavo! Match goes along and Rey hits the 619, but can't do the springboard because his bicep hurts too much. Chavo takes over with 3 Amigos and goes up for frog splash. He misses and Rey rolls up Chavo for the pin. Vicky tells Rey to stop celebrating and then tells him she's got something else to hurt him. Big Show comes out to beat Rey down, crush him in the corner, and step over his injured arm. Show then holds Rey up for a LONG chokeslam and hits it. Show gets a mic and simply states that this is what Mayweather has coming to him at Wrestlemania. Dark Main Event: Edge, Curt, and Zack vs Kane, Taker and Batista. Edge avoided Taker for the majority of the match, tagging in the other two quickly. End comes when Undertaker throw Curt and Zack at Batista and Kane for respective spinebuster and chokeslam and then Taker gives Edge the tombstone for the pin.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I guess this is as good of a place as any for this one: Beavis and Butthead rip on Steve-O's Rap Video from the 24-Hour Jackass MTV takeover this past weekend. Good to see new B&B stuff.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Guitar Hero.

    Yea I would like to know how those are made too. Being a fan of Kamelot, I marked the fuck out when I came across this for Guitar Hero 2:
  12. haws bah gawd

    The Baconator

    That thing sounds insane. Anyone tried the Firecracker Tendercrisp Chicken Sandwich from Burger King? I enjoy spicy food as much as the next guy, but I was only able to get through about half of one, before the heat began to overtake me. They put WAY too much of that pepper sauce on it.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown *Spoilers* 2/19/08

    Shelton vs Yang was pretty good for the time it was given. Hopefully we'll get our semi-annual Shelton does some crazy move off the ladder spot in the MitB match.
  14. haws bah gawd

    The Oscars

    I kind of giggled at Colin Farrell nearly busting his ass on the slick floor, walking up to the podium. At first he seemed to be covering well, but then he laughed, walked back to the slick part and slid up to the podium. No one else in the room seemed to find any humor in it. Someone at the academy must have had some kind of vendetta against having to refer to Transformers as an Oscar winner. Really, there was no other movie that had better visual effects.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Authority Figures...

    During one of the last WCW PPV's, the Dragons tried a sneak attack on him. Dragon said something like "Ah, c'mon guys, I'm busy! I don't have time to play right now!". The Dragons insisted on fighting him, so he kicked all of them in the balls and walked away like nothing happened. Good stuff. Vince McMahon during the Attitude Era is the alpha and omega of Authority figures.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Stephanie and HHH

    Maybe third time is the charm? Congrats to them both regardless though.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Worst Show You've Ever Been To

    I've only been to a handful of shows. I saw Nightwish and Paradise Lost at the Masquerade in Atlanta back in November. Nightwish kicked fucking ass, even though it took them over an hour after Paradise Lost finished, to get on the stage. Paradise Lost sucked the Devil's cock. I don't know if their sound set-up was bad or what, but you couldn't understand anything Nick Holmes said or sang, and the music in general was pretty rough. I also fault the staff of the Masquerade for making the night kind of miserable. The Heaven Room was kept at a balmy 100+ degrees throughout the show, with the air conditioners only turned on while Nightwish's crew set-up their equipment. A few people passed out from overheating during Paradise Lost's set.
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Part of me hopes he's getting a match with Flair. I'm going to the last RAW before Wrestlemania, and I've never seen Hogan live before. Would be fun to see him and Flair hype a match. On the other hand, the match would suck suck SUCK, so I hope Flair gets a good opponent for his final match.
  19. And it lead to their most profitable year ever (IIRC), so yeah that would be a TERRIBLE idea. Im sure it was ALL because of Cena. Im sure it had nothing to do with DX being the hottest item since their return. Honestly, Cena's year-long reign had me ordering more PPVs than I had in a while. Why? Because I was hoping that some built-up monster heel would FINALLY beat him. Instead, we had the DONE TO FUCKING DEATH, "overcoming of the odds" finish to every single match he was in. It got old. I guess you could say I'm living in the past, but I long for the Attitude Era. I miss the anti-heroes. I just can't stand a squeaky-clean top face. I like someone with a bit of an edge and mean streak to them. With Orton on top, we have a champ who has to punch someone in the balls or have some cheap stipulation in each of his matches to get a win, but at least its something different. It's hard to pick the lesser of the 2 evils.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Pitch Will Ferrell Movie Ideas

    Will Ferrell was a successful investment banker. Until one day, he woke up and he was A STAPLER! Will Ferrell - "Ah, IM A STAPLER!" And he's about to find out.....that being a stapler.....is no fun! Will Ferrell is The Stapler, Rated PG-13 Whats a sport that Ferrell hasn't lampooned yet? Perhaps he could play a professional wrestler who's company is about to go under? So, he has to do everything he can to stop that from happening! Hilarious ad-libbing, and ackward shots of a hairy, near-nude Ferrell follow in this comedy adventure!
  21. haws bah gawd

    Mysterio to have surgery, out 4-6 months

    I enjoy watching Rey, and think he's one of the best Cruiserweights out there. However, he needs to seriously consider hanging it up. His body has obviously hit it's peak.
  22. haws bah gawd

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    I laughed at Vince spanking Hornswoggle with the belt, but I thought JBL's beatdown went a little far. Ramming him into the cage was more than enough to get the point across. I was kinda surprised he didn't go for a mini CFH. The main event was pretty slow and not too good. The bad part about these Cena/Orton matches is the crowd is uncertain of who to cheer/boo. Women, Children, and some Guys cheer Cena, while the rest cheers Orton. They do get the crowd into their matches though, and at least creative is doing something right in that regard. Not much to say about the rest of the show. Kinda an average week.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Box Office Report 2/15-2/17

    Damn, really? The way it's scored on IMDB, I figured it was a bomb. Though, to be fair, Epic & Date Movie along with Meet the Spartans are all scored low, and look at the box office they did their first week.
  24. haws bah gawd

    American Gladiators

    What will Evan's Gladiator name be?
  25. haws bah gawd

    Box Office Report 2/15-2/17

    I was expecting Step Up 2 to go the way of You Got Served. I didn't expect it to come anywhere close to #2. It's a shame Cloverfield has plummeted from the Top 12. I figured it would've hung on for longer.