haws bah gawd
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Everything posted by haws bah gawd
So Scarlett Johansson and Penelope Cruz are doing
haws bah gawd replied to MFer's topic in Television & Film
and the Lord said unto thee, You have done well, and thus you will be rewarded. -
God bless you and your family. So sorry for your loss.
WWE General Discussion - February 2008
haws bah gawd replied to DrVenkman PhD's topic in The WWE Folder
http://cgi.ebay.com/Real-Ring-Used-WWF-Wre...1QQcmdZViewItem If anyone here has an extra 10 Grand laying around, and you can think of nothing better to use it on, then the actual WWF World Title Belt that Mr. Perfect smashed during Saturday Night's Main Event is on Ebay. I always thought this what what eventually became the Hardcore Championship. Would still be an interesting piece of history to own. You even get a little baggie with most of the plate pieces. -
I believe they owned/own "Angle Slam" which is why he changed it back to Olympic Slam(Which I still called it anyways) when he went to TNA. I don't know if the copyright ran out and they changed it back though.. Probably putting too much thought into this but speaking of Angle Slam, I have a question about the name of the move. I seem to remember it being changed from Olympic Slam to Angle Slam, because WWE was coming under fire from the Olympics. (?) Does the Olympic Committee not really care about TNA enough to create a fuss over it, or did WWE simply change it to Angle Slam so they could copyright the name? There was something similar with WWE making Rhino go by "Rhyno" because Marvel Comics was making a fuss over it, but may it have been because WWE knew they could copyright "Rhyno"?
Anyone have a pic of Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle's pose in tribute to Bobby Knight? That was funny as fuck. Angle on his knees choking himself, and Edge and Christian choking each other.
I had forgotten about it being time for Lent. I was wondering why all the fast food restaurants around here were starting to really push their "New and Improved Fish Sandwiches".
Did anyone happen to tally the number of times Joey Styles and Tazz said "To win this match, you have to literally HURL your opponent into a body of water!". I ended up changing channels at one point due to it getting so annoying. I know it was to inform people who may have just been tuning in, but it still got on my nerves. Last night was my first time seeing Kofi Kingston. He's got some good agility and inventive moves, but I'm not a big fan of the finisher.
Eh, to each his own.
I hope we don't have to see a repeat of that ever again. "Some of the voters were confused about who they were voting for".
As I stated earlier in the thread, his voice killed him for me amongst other things I don't want to get into. He reminded me of the bounty hunter character that Undertaker played in Suburban Commando. This big guy that looks like he can rough you up, but talks with the voice of a small child.
That's a lot of his appeal. He's really hot. For you guys, I guess it's sort of like how Jessica Alba keeps getting film roles even though she's not really a good actress. Ryan Reynolds was passable in Just Friends and Waiting. He does best in comedies.
My girlfriend and I were talking about the same thing the other day. If Britney were to die tomorrow, she would be almost martyred to the same level as Marilyn Monroe. Regarding her being overstressed. She's been swarmed by cameras for the better part of 10 years. Maybe she just couldn't take it anymore? On the other hand, if this guy that's her manager is drugging her with a mix of Tequila, stuff to induce insomnia, and medicine to fix her bipolar disorder, maybe her system is just going into shock over all the crap shes injecting into herself? Not to mention she's taking 10+ laxatives a day. The body can only take so much before it starts shutting down, and maybe that's whats happening here? Plus, is there any talk of this guy being brought up on any charges for drugging her like this?
This is what I've picked up, having worked at Gamestop a few times before. If a game is STREET DATED, unless it's done so by Nintendo, (which has this knack of releasing stuff on Sundays) it typically ships a week or less in advance and is on shelves by Tuesday. However, 90% of the time, any other release date is simply a ship date, and the store will have on the shelf on Wednesday. Either way, this game looks pretty badass. I may have to get it. Just hope it isn't as smash-your-controller-into-the-ground hard as the first DMC3. The SE of DMC 3 was a cakewalk, and a little TOO easy.
Here's something I have wondered. What does the Intercontinental in "Intercontinental Championship" mean anyway? Wouldd you be considered the champion of whatever continent you happen to be wrestling on at the given time, or the champion of several continents, but not necessarily a World champion just yet?
From thesuperficial.com
He had a torn pec you moron. He hasn't said that once since return and was great tonight with the intense segment with Orton. A vast improvement over fucking Jericho with his "Blue ball magazine" childish insults and his gay clothes. WWE would be absolutely stupid to change belt when the spinner is the best selling belt they've had you clueless cunt. I'm also tired of the "same old shit" since Cena's return, but it has nothing to do with Cena.... I can play the childish name-calling game too douche bag. It's bee a couple weeks since Jericho last wore his "gay" vest and leather pants. It looked no gayer than his 1999 debut of sparkly shirt, oiled-up chest, ponytail, and tight leather pants. The Spinner Belt also stopped looking cool about 3 years ago jackass. Whats a torn pec have to do with Cena FUing Mark Henry and the announcers acting like he's never FUed anyone bigger before. Yea he recovered in record time from an inury that have set people back 6+ months before, but don't act like he's never thrown around any other big man before.
Matches that shouldn't have been on PPV
haws bah gawd replied to King Kamala's topic in General Wrestling
are you kidding me? i loved that match! So do I, but should a world champion against one half of a tag team be on PPV? Probably not. Eh, FWIW it happened at Wrestlemania last year. Tag Champions fighting each other for the WWE title. Still, I too would rather not see it happen. I love Ultimate Warrior vs HHH at Wrestlemania 12 mainly due to Warrior eating a Pedigree then standing up and laughing in HHH's face. I've been waiting years for another disgruntled WWE employee to do the same thing. off topic, but speaking of the Pedigree. HHH hasn't been a blue blood for the better part of about 10 years now. Why was the name of his finisher never changed? I always figured "Game Over" would've been a perfect replacement name for the Pedigree. Though, he wasn't "The Game" until when? 1999? Have you even seen that match? It's one of the best, if not the best, SmackDown-only PPV main events that I can think of! I am not much into JBL either, and his matches tend to be very boring if they are not gimmicked, but this match owns. Let's play devils advocate here for a second. Is the match good because it's a good match, or is it good because Eddy Guerrero bled buckets trying to make JBL a star? Personally, I remember the match more for Eddy's insane blade-job, but it was an acceptable brawl, nonetheless. I greatly enjoyed the PPV as a whole however. It looked horrible on PPV, but a lot of the matches were pretty good. Another thing I remember from the show is Rene Dupree landing a stiff shot to John Cena (intentional?), followed by Cena laying into Dupree with so many stiff shots, that Dupree had to duck out of the ring. -
WWE General Discussion - February 2008
haws bah gawd replied to DrVenkman PhD's topic in The WWE Folder
All in the name of making $$$. Though it does seem like quite the double-standard. Maybe he was just trying to score points with upper-management at the time by having some quality matches with the boss's daughter's boyfriend? -
Here's my thoughts on the incest angle. I find it funny that Vince is so willing to push them as brother and sister. This coming from the same guy that found out the Majors weren't really brothers, and asked his creative team "If they aren't really brothers, why do we market them as such?". How many fake siblings has WWE had over the years? Edge and Christian Kane and Undertaker The Dudleyz I guess it's OK to market 2 performers as siblings if it's toward something Vince wants? Yes, this incest angle is in fairly poor taste, and just further hammers home the wrestling is for rednecks stereotype. I would like to reserve judgement and see how it comes across on TV, but there really isn't much of a good direction they can go with this.
They act like Cena FU-ing Mark Henry is a big deal, when he used-to routinely do it to Big Show. BAH GAWD HOW STRONG IS CENA?!?!?!?! It's just sad that we have to go right back to where we've been 3 times already. Cena holding his goofy spinning belt (are spinning rims even still considered cool?), coming out and cutting a promo that starts with THE CHAMP IS HERE, followed by him FU-ing a fat midcard wrestler just so Jim Ross can scream-out HOW STRONG IS CENA? Some did call it at the No Mercy PPV though in regards to WWE not bringing back Brock's Belt. Orton was just keeping the belt warm for Cena. I don't mean to sound so bitter about the guy, but he's been back for a little over a week and I'm already tired of the same old shit with him.
It's pretty cool that THAT particular Gamestop store manager would allow something like that in his or her store. I've worked for Gamestop on 3 separate occasions (the 3rd of which happened against my will, in the Rhino Video Games takeover), and both of my managers were corporate douchebags who wouldn't allow anything like that to happen. Oh HELLO NO on bringing in a Japanese copy of a highly-anticipated game to let customers try! We have to leave Excite Truck in the system so customers can enjoy crappy motion-sensored driving.
I know its still early, but are there any word on DVD special features yet? After all the marketing, and 10,000 different trailers this film had, its bound to have a ton of bonus content.
I'm still stumped as to how Meet the Spartans can open at #1, but Strange Wilderness bombs into oblivion.
WWE General Discussion - January 2008
haws bah gawd replied to Prophet of Mike Zagurski's topic in The WWE Folder
Hell yes! I was loving the smartass dick heel that Shawn played for all of 3 weeks. A lot of heels could look at Shawn's work from this period and apply it to their mannerisms and mic work. Shawn wasn't vulgar or crass in anyway, but was able to come off as a complete dick with seemingly little effort. His promo the night after Summerslam talking about how Hogan displayed blinding speed, and mat skills the likes of which he had never seen, was hilarious. -
I'll vouch for that as well. He was at least #1 contender at the time, and it was better than some random joe being handed a new World Title. The SHOULD have had a tournament or something, but you take what you can get sometimes. They were going to make the IC title RAW's top belt, but HHH didn't want to defend the second-tier belt, so they had to come up with a new World Title after Brock became Smackdown-Exclusive. How about the WCW World Title switching hands every week or so in 2000? There were more title changes before the big reset of 2000, than some titles experience in a year or more.