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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    I think the Jason makeup in pt. 7 still holds up fairly well. I just hated how he went from being near-skeletal to just "pruney" in pt. 8. Even his clothes were repaired.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    Yea Part 2 is the one with the girl skinny dipping in Crystal Lake with full frontal nudity. I like how the length of her hair goes from really short at the beginning of the movie (in the early afternoon), to shoulder length by the time she gets killed (later in the evening). She was hot nonetheless. I would rank them in this order: 7 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 6 , 5 , JGTH , 8 , X Part 5 has way too many "so bad it's good" moments for me to rank it at the bottom.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    April Fool's Day is good, cheesy fun, so hopefully the remake will follow suit. About My Bloody Valentine, I assume that's the remake of the one about the town with a crazed miner that goes around cutting people's hearts out with a pick axe? I didn't know there was another film of the same name. Motel Hell should be fun. Now, Hellraiser? I thought this series had descended into direct-to-video Hell? I guess they can only do so much. Like Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy, I can't see anyone else except Doug Bradley playing Pinhead, so I hope he sticks around.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Nightmare on Elm Street

    Remakes don't really bother me. It's always interesting to see someone elses take on a movie from the past. Just as long as they dont stray too much from the root story. Nightmare on Elm Street 2 has it's moments, but Freddy's Dead is probably my favorite of the sequels. My favorite thing about Part 2 is the hilarious overacting from everyone, especially the Jessie character. My favorite line from the movie is: *walks into the family's 98 degree living room* "MY GOD.....it is hot......as an oven.......in here". I'll be willing to give this remake a chance before passing judgement.
  5. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Cena decided he wanted to go ahead and cash in his title shot at No Way Out. The purpose of the RAW EC is to determine a number 1 contender to the winner of the match between Cena and Orton. Which begs the question, why did he win the Rumble? Just to further hammer-home the point that we all already knew. Orton was just keeping the belt warm for him. Now, why they feel they have to take the belt off Orton and put it back on Cena right away is still up for debate. Maybe there was truth to the rumor that Cena is going to film a movie. Maybe they'll do the title match, orton will give him the concussion kick, allowing him to be out for 4-5 weeks to film the movie, and let someone else have the belt for a short transitional run. Though, with it being Wrestlemania time, I don't see Cena getting any time off anytime soon. It's all tough to call right now.
  6. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Cena decided he wanted to go ahead and cash in his title shot at No Way Out. The purpose of the RAW EC is to determine a number 1 contender to the winner of the match between Cena and Orton.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Wrestlemania 24

    I just posted basically the same scenario in the Raw thread - the Matt and Jeff ending anyways. However I had Matt beating MVP for the US title and Jeff winning MITB. I also had Edge vs Flair in a Title vs Career match at WM where Edge would win and retire Flair. Of course you don't want to send the fans home unhappy so Jeff Hardy cashes in his MITB match and beats Edge for the title. Hah, yea I saw that right after I posted. Jeff Hardy vs Edge would probably be a better match, but the win would be more significant if he won the WWE title from whoever has it at the end of the night. I'm all for Jeff Hardy winning MitB and cashing it in to close the show and send the fans home happy.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Wrestlemania 24

    No. The great the thing is that nobody has to do it. The more Flair wins the better the angle gets. As long as he's not winning championships what is the harm in having him on the roster? He's still delivering wonderful promos and intriguing matches. If it gets to the point where he can't wrestle a decent match than retire him. But, this angle could go on and on and on....I'd much rather see Orton vs. Cena. They are the future of the company and it's time that they had a chance to shine. Cena and Orton have been "shining" for the better part of the past 3 years. Let someone else have their moment. As long as Kennedy doesn't fuck up AGAIN between now and then, I wouldn't mind seeing him end Flair's career. He lost his World Title run due to injury and lost out on being Vince's son due to steroids, maybe the third time is the charm. Since WWE is so adamant to erase all things Benoit from history here you go. Matt Hardy FINALLY beats MVP for the United States belt. Everyone is happy there to see Matt Hardy finally get the win over this guy he's been chasing for about 9 months. Then, Jeff Hardy beats Randy orton, John Cena, or whoever in the main event for the WWE Title, thus giving us the feel-good, mark-out moment of the year. While Jeff celebrates, Matt comes down to congratulate him, and you have a new "Benoit and Eddy" moment to close off the show, and put in all the highlight videos.
  9. haws bah gawd

    American Gladiators

    As Mik and others have said, they need to get rid of the contestant gimmicks. The cowgirl from a couple weeks back especially got on my nerves with her feeling the need to do a little ho-down after every event. Also, the "positive message" crap that these contenders blurt out every episode is getting really bad. "It wasn't looking good for me back there, and I knew I had to reach down and grab that extra something inside! You have to believe in yourself and persevere!" Fuck you. Venus from the first episode was the worst perpetrator of this.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Raw Is Cena - January 28, 2008

    After watching RAW last night, with their current booking, and Jeff Hardy's "this is just the beginning" comment, it seems like they have to put Jeff Hardy in the Wrestlemania main event. He came *this* close to beating Orton, and all the No Way Out promotional material is based around him. I think WWE realizes they fucked up at the Rumble, and are going to give Hardy his day in the sun at Wrestlemania in front of 70,000 people. I just hope they do the right thing in regards to letting Hardy win, and challenge Orton one last time. Give it a "last chance" stipulation where if Hardy doesn't win, he never gets another shot regardless of who the champion may be.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Box Office Report 1/25-1/27

    What kind of budget did Juno have? It's doing some insane box office numbers. I'm sad to see Cloverfield drop to #4. I guess after the hype died down, everyone who wanted to see it, has seen it by now. I have to echo the above sentiments though, with WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH AMERICA? Date Movie and Epic Movie were TURDS, and Meet the Spartans doesn't look much better (though I haven't actually watched the MTS yet, but did see the first 2).
  12. haws bah gawd

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Did anyone else notice how PISSED Jeff Hardy looked when he made his entrance? That alone was a sure-enough sign that he wasn't going to win. I just didn't expect him to lose clean. How many clean wins has Orton picked up since being champion, and why did he have to get one over arguably the most over wrestler in the company? When I heard Cena's music start for the Number 30 position, I felt like I had just been punched in the nuts. I've rather enjoyed RAW for the past 4 months, without the same old "THE CHAMP IS HERE - Overcoming the odds" bullshit. Welcome back to the same old overpushed shit on RAW week-in and week-out. The Rumble as a whole wasn't too good this year. Anytime we get to see HBK and Undertaker go at it is a good thing, but some of the stuff seemed to drag. Can someone tell me what's the point of the ECW World Champion being in the Rumble? Plus he tossed Punk out like he was an afterthought. JBL vs Jericho was OK, but the botched Bulldog spot was hilarious. It's kind of hard to figure out who was more at fault on that one though. Edge vs Rey was alright. I got a kick out of Rey being booed out of the building for most of the match, and the match had a good enough finish. MVP vs Ric Flair was acceptable as well. Nothing TOO bad aside from a botched small package from MVP early in the match.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    As MrRant said, this is her fucking CHILD, not a little puppy or something that she can just pass off to her Mom so she can continue to play innocent little Zoey. Fucking whore. Imagine when this kid is old enough to understand what happened. Your Mom had to continue her career and just didn't have the time to take care of the child that she helped conceive. First-things-first, right? After all, children come second to careers.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Bobby Lashley released

    9: Lashley never had the dubious honor of being a member of the nWo D-Team 4-Life~!
  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    ^^Damn, was it really necessary to quote the entire interview for a one sentence response? I like RVD, pothead or not, he seems really down to Earth and humble.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Bobby Lashley released

    and "HARD HITTING". It was ALMOST as cheesy as Ric Flair's 2001-2002 Titantron video having "50% Owner" written across it.
  17. haws bah gawd


    Undertaker's entrance at Wrestlemania X-7 is a classic. Nothing quite like a crowd (what was it, 70,000+?) going batshit crazy for his Biker entrance. The Motorhead appearance at the show was quite the surprise as well. I always chuckle watching HHH go from big tough badass to a fanboy upon making his entrance with his favorite band playing his theme, live. Actually, WM X-Seven is almost one big markout moment for me. Loved the entire show.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Bobby Lashley released

    Let's be honest about one thing though; aside from his above-average size, what else did he have going for himself? What set him apart from everyone else? One of his main finishers, The Spear, is already used by World Champion Edge His other Finisher, The Dominator Powerslam, is used as a transitional move by Batista. Plus Batista is known to use the spear from time to time. His repeated belly-to-belly suplexes are all run-of-the-mill moves that guys like Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas routinely use Generic plain black tights and boots, and goofy goatee thing. Just because it worked for Goldberg and Stone Cold doesn't mean it will work for everyone. I know this is usually governed by how WWE creative wants the wrestlers to look, but it just made him look TOO generic. Brock Lesnar's apron-jump pyro The oft-stated voice of a 5 year old kid Equally goofy-looking "angry 5-year old face" I'll give credit where it's due in that he was quicker on his feet than the average hoss, had decent agility for his size, and his stage pyro was neat. It's one of those situations where you want to wish the guy luck in his future, but honestly won't miss his presence on RAW.
  19. haws bah gawd


    Shawn Michael's entrance at Wrestlemania 12. Zipline FTW! HHH's Conan the Barbarian entrance at Wrestlemania 22 Brock's SSP attempt *Edit* Yea, Kane's burning NYC was badass. Some guy's World title win at WMXX as well. His name escapes me......
  20. haws bah gawd

    Heath Ledger dead

    Sweet, Lords of Dogtown is on sale! Where's A Knight's Tale? Perhaps it's wrapped-together with The Brothers Grimm in the bargain bin?
  21. haws bah gawd

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    I want to play along too. *Saturn storms into Regals office, looking all pissed off. He immediately calms down and says Saturn: British people fight dragons........so they don't get all firey.......... Regal: Yes, thank you, that's bloody marvelous. Saturn: You're Welcome I loved Saturn's tard gimmick.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Bobby Lashley released

    I hope to not offend anyone with this post, but Mr. Kennedy seems to be one big walking bad omen for WWE. Eddie Guerrero wrestled his last match before his tragic passing against Mr. Kennedy Lashley wrestled his last televised match against Mr. Kennedy John Cena tore his pecs in a match against Mr. Kennedy HBK had better be careful. Agreeing with the previous sentiments though. Lashley's ringwork sucked the devil's cock. The only major thing he'll be remembered for is diving through a cage to get to Umaga. It's bad enough he single handedly dismantled most of the remaining ECW originals in a 3 on 1 handicap match, but when he was getting clean wins over RVD week after week, it became enough for me. One thing that surprised me though was how much he seemed to be lacking in the physical strength department given his appearance. He was just as definied physically as John Cena, (I know this doesn't mean a hill of beans in strength, just thought I'd bring it up), but he struggled just to slam Big Show while Cena seems to be able to FU Show with seemingly no effort. It seemed like he should be capable of doing some Brock Lesnar-esque feats of ungodly strength given his size.
  23. haws bah gawd


    Haha yea, the "terrible thing" comment was pretty good. Especially when they're . The girlfriend and I are probably going to see it again this weekend. One of the best times I've had at a theater since Star Wars Episode III, in that everyone was "into" the movie, and cheering and applauding for stuff. Not just sitting there observing.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Bobby Lashley released

    are you kidding? they will pick him up in a heart beat. tna doesn't seem to have many standards when it comes to wwe rejects..especially one as huge as him I'm glad to see him go personally. I was not looking forward to him coming back again and being pushed down our throats. Nevermind the fact he apparently has an altitude. good riddance. Well, one can look no further than Andrew "Punisher" Martin for why I think TNA won't touch Lashley with a 10 foot pole. No matter how much they tried to make Lashley look like this powerhouse, comes-from-nothing hero, all I remember is his smiling-goober promo prior to the 2007 Iraq show. "Aw you guys, da twib-youte to da twoops iz gunna be gwate"! They should've known they had this hulking mountain of a person, and that he spoke with the voice of a 5-year old, and NEVER EVER let him use a mic. His voice alone killed any "monster" vide he may have had. To RonL21 who made the comment about the Lashley hate, I don't recall anyone hating the guy because he was black. I personally couldn't stand him because he sucked ass in the ring, and was pushed far beyond what he should have been.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Bobby Lashley released

    Why is it always HHH? Maybe JBL tried to soap him up, once?