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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Predictions for 2008

    Most of what's left of the ECW roster will be let go, with just Burke and CM Punk still around. ECW will become a "Velocity" type of show, or be canceled outright. Jeff Hardy will have a short "thank you for your contributions" World title run Matt Hardy will finally win the big blow-off against MVP, only to drop the title after less than a month. John Cena will return at Summerslam to insane fanfare, only to go right back to where he was before he left. Loved by the women and children, hated by others who can see right through him. Paul Birchill will get called-up, but really not amount to much. WWE attempts to sign LAX WWE and RVD finally agree to terms on a return
  2. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The spine and neck injuries were caused by the Mortal Kombat crouching uppercut that sends opponents 10 feet into the air. Anytime you hit someone under the chin so hard, that they're launched that far into the air, only to land flat on their back, the end result will rarely be good.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Don't talk shit about Lee Greenwood. Now that I have that out of my system. I know progressive metal is kind of hit or miss amongst the posters around here, but has anyone listened to the album from Dark Moor titled "Beyond the Sea"? I picked it up on a whim mainly due to the album cover, and it's pretty damn good. Track 10, "Alea Jacta" is one of the better tracks.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Kennedy probably took extra caution to make sure he pulled his punches against Undertaker. That's one of the last people you want to work recklessly with.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    Didn't she marry the guy, and then have the baby? or was it the other way around? Yeah then they got divorced a short time later. I got $5 on her losing the baby. Who's in? But seriously, This shouldn't surprise anyone. I'm surprised she waited this long. Most southern girls get this way at 13. I'm in South Carolina, and sadly you couldn't be closer to the truth. It seems once girls down here hit puberty, they start wanting a baby so bad they can hardly stand it. I know a girl that got married at 16 just so she would feel better about getting pregnant later. Drake and Josh, Hannah Montana, That's so Raven, etc. *shudder*
  6. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers for 12/21/07

    I find it funny how Tazz is so forgive and forget with Michael Cole. When ECW restarted in 2006, Tazz looked at him with this "to hell with you" expression and jumped ship. WWE continuity at it's finest!
  7. haws bah gawd

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    Eh, she's black. Miracle she made it that long really. OH SNAP! Plus, these girls are "celebrities". Thus, they are sometimes exempt from the law.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Those two really tore into Kennedy. I can see where they're coming from, I suppose. But my question is, does anyone else here think that Kennedy is really that dangerous? The part about Michaels taking Kennedy over the ropes forcibly was something even I noticed, and I remember thinking the same thing that Bryan talked about. My favorite part of the audio show was when they were talking about how Kennedy was POUNDING on Jeff Hardy with legitimate punches in the corner, to the point that the referee had to yell at him to lighten up. Kennedy even hit Jeff Hardy in the back with a double axe handle, as hard as he could to break up a pin. Then, when HBK was lighting-up Kennedy with Chops in the corner, it seemed Ken was afraid to take them. Looks like Kennedy is one of those that can dish it out, but cant take it.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers for 12/21/07

    I thought it was decreed during Edge's previous title run, that as long as he was champion, Batista got no more title shots? Poor Big Dave is like the Lex Luger of the 21st century.
  10. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    I remember having a really hard time watching this back in 2001. Lita sold that attack so well. For a short time, post-WMX7 Austin was a perfect heel. His "10,000 Chairshots of Doom" was always something to watch. The old school STIFF Pedigrees were always fun to watch too. I miss those. Did the Hardy's ever get their heat back after this?
  11. haws bah gawd

    Year End Review

    Wrestler of the year: Jeff Hardy - The MAN in WWE right now. Tons of energy, and will willingly destroy his body to put a match/worker over. I know anytime that he comes out, I'm most likely about to see a show-stealer. Worst wrestler of the year: Snitsky - Slower than Khali, and can't even do a decent Big Boot. 90% of his offense is clubbing forearms. Most Improved Wrestler: Jeff Hardy - Again, who has improved as much as him since his previous run with the company? He has become a completely different wrestler than he was in 2003 when WWE let him go. If he can keep from fucking up this time around, he will be a world champion someday. Most Underachieving Wrestler: Mr. Kennedy - "Hey, let's have him beat Undertaker for the World Title. Oh, his shoulder's injured? Let Edge do it." & "Let's give him a fairly large rub and have him be Vince's bastard son. Oh, he's caught up in some steroids distribution angle? Let's suspend him, and give it to.......Hornswaggle". Best Tag Team: Cade and Murdoch - I enjoy the hell out of watching these guys. Cade is a really good wrestler who works fairly stiff, and if agile for his size, and Murdoch isn't afraid to take a bump on his head, and is a pretty decent mat wrester. Honorable Mention - Londrick Worst Tag Team: Holly and Rhodes - I was going to give the nod to Cryme Tyme, but I'll give it to the other guys instead. They show no unity, and you don't even get the "student / mentor" vibe from them. Best Heel: Santino! His switch from generic babyface to dick heel has been epic. His promos are the stuff of legend. Best Face: Jeff Hardy - John Cena is adored by women and children, and gets monster entrance pops. However, you don't see the majority of a crowd turning on Jeff Hardy throughout the course of a match, once his limitations come out, and he starts getting exposed. Hardy has more of an ability to keep a crowd on his side. Best Diva: This is kind of hard because I rarely pay attention to the women's division, but I'll give credit on overall ring skill to Melina. Honorable Mention - Michelle McCool Worst Diva: I'll go with Torrie Wilson who has done NOTHING of note since 2003. Match of the Year: Triple H vs Randy Orton: Last Man Standing - Orton and HHH took each other to their limits, and in the end, Orton got a decisive win (or as good as one can get with no-dq rules). Honorable Mention - Batista vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania - I believe it was the Observer that said once Batista got backstage after the match, he looked at one of the road agents and said, "Let's see anyone try to top that". Indeed. Worst Match of the Year: The Rosie vs Donald Trump embarrassment from RAW prior to Wrestlemania. It's not often that I become flat-out ashamed to be watching RAW, but this was one of those times. Quote of the Year: Nearly anything that Santino says is worthy of this. Best Comeback: HHH - The guy has been having some really good matches since his return. Mark out moment of the year: RVD returns for one night only, and beats Santino in less than a minute. Funniest moment of the year: Santino dressed like Steve Austin, on the Titantron, ranting about Steve Austin using phrases like "Cold stone" and "Can of the Ass Whip". Best brand: RAW Worst brand: ECW Best PPV: Wrestlemania 23 Worst PPV: One Night Stand 2007 Best Feud: Undertaker vs Batista - A feud that generates classic match after classic match. Honorable Mention - MVP vs Matt Hardy - This has been fun just with the backstage segments, and fairly short tag title run. Worst Feud: Lashley vs Vince McMahon Worst Moment of the Year: Vince's "Death"......nuff said *Edit* I would like to add a category here: Most Annoying Thing the Announcers Repeatedly Say - JR repeating about 27 times in every diva match that "Beth Phoenix calls herself The Glamazon, and says shes the perfect combination of strength and beauty". I know they're just trying to get the gimmick over, but it doesn't make it any less annoying when it's repeated over and over. Then as if JR hasn't hammered it home enough, Beth will grab a mic after the match and say it again.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Raw Thread For December 17th

    Jeff Hardy is the shit and deserves everything that he gets from WWE. I know they'll likely never put the title on him, but the guy has improved so much since his last run in the company, he deserves something. Even Kennedy was on fire in the main event tonight, and he usually looks like he just phones in his performances.
  13. I've always heard Faarooq / Ron Simmons was quite the badass in his day. Even to the point that The Steiners (who were notorious bullies) wouldn't mess with him in WCW. He could've probably held his own as a striker.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Script for Impact on 1/3/08 (with working link)

    I understand that it was already taped. I think what a lot of people are finding hard to believe is that TNA has a show scripted down to things like "Wrestler A steps up to Wrestler B", "The referee gives his attention to guy on the outside while wrestler A sneaks in for an attack", or "Wrestler A roll-up Wrestler B for a close 2-count as we fade to commercial". Just odd to think they would be that meticulous in their scripting.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Script for Impact on 1/3/08 (with working link)

    Am I doing something wrong? I tried to look at the script, and I get the usual pop-up window that allows me to save or open it, and oddly enough, both the OK and cancel buttons are grayed-out. Fucking Windows Vista..... *Edit* It would figure as soon as I bitch about not being able to view the file, I am magically able to look at it. If that was indeed a real script for the show, I will give TNA props in their organization. They have everything scripted from facial expressions, to which way the referee looks as they go to commercial. All these "beauty shots" are pretty funny to read about.
  16. haws bah gawd

    VH1's Top 100 songs of the 90s

    That's The Rembrants (I have no idea how to spell it). The video featuring Courtney Cox in white t-shirt sans bra meant fun times for my early teens.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Box Office Report 12/14-12/16

    Wild, Wild West sucked ass. I'm hoping to be able to see I Am Legend at some point this week.
  18. haws bah gawd

    OAO 2007 Armageddon Thread

    *shudders* Quit Calling My Mama wins the thread. I think I need counseling now.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Impact spoilers (airs December 27th and January 3rd)

    He's back now. TNA's mobile news text service has said that Karen Angle broke her leg last night at the tapings. How did she do it? She landed wrong when leaving the ring. EDIT: It's actually a broken foot. Still, it's quite the way to break a foot. So I reckon they'll film a backstage segment of Kurt putting Karen in the ankle lock leading to the big match of . . . ummmmm . . . well it'll be good for business I'm sure. Something like that. Shhhhhhh, they'll hear you.
  20. haws bah gawd

    The Baconator

    Never been a fan of crispy cheese, so that one's probably out for me.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Matches You Wish You Still Had On Tape

    I'd like to have that miracle that Chris Jericho pulled out of Jeff Hardy on RAW back in February 2003 on tape. GREAT 15+ minute match! I didn't even consider recording it at the time, but wish that I had. Big Show's world title match against Viscera from late 1999 would be a good one to still have. I know it's really only so fondly remembered due to Big Show's "missle dropkick", but it was still fun as all Hell to watch.
  22. You call someone crackhead skinney passable? I said passable as in I could look at her without my eyes bleeding. Never said I wanted to fuck her or anything.
  23. Aside from the drug use, she would be passable if not for the beehive hairpeace and ugly eyeliner she seems to always have on.
  24. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2007

    Damn Savage is CUT for a man going on 50.