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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    RAW XV

    Rajah.com had a posting that said WWE Management was well aware of the monster pop that RVD received, and are now interested in bringing him back. As much as I would love to see RVD back, I don't want to see him being the jobber bitch that he was for his last year in WWE, following the drug charges.
  2. She's insisting that shes "OK" to perform on the Grammys. I say let her do it! Could lead to some fun live TV once she gets onstage all hammered, then stops singing after 30 seconds to taunt the crowd before walking offstage.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers for 12/14/2007

    Chaz/Marianna angle all over again. That at least had the funny spot of some lower-midcarders coming out and beating the shit out of Chaz for beating up Marianna. Maybe Palumbo will get attacked by The Majors, Funaki & Shannon Moore for potentially beating up Michelle?.........nah.......
  4. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    See the botch at 1:50? I bet the Steiners fucked their shit up backstage after that one.
  5. That 2nd "Horse Teeth" picture had me nearly spit out my soda.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Impact spoilers (airs December 20th)

    Whats going on with AJ Styles? He's a former 3 or 4-time TNA World Champion, and hasn't won a match in ages it seems, aside from the occasional tag match with Tomko. The Dudley's in an Ultimate X match should be fairly..........entertaining.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Aliens v Predator 2

    Event Horizon fucking RULES. It's just a shame that a lot of the extra gory footage is lost forever due to the crew not thinking to keep it around for future media releases at the time of filming. If anyone has the 2-Disc version, theres one really creepy scene of . Watching the unscrambled Hell video in slow-mo shows some fucked-up material as well.
  8. haws bah gawd

    RAW XV

    People can say what the want about their ability as in ring performers and how stale their acts are now, but Too Cool was mad over from 2000-2001. At a house show here in mid 2000, Too Cool closed the show with their dance with Rikishi, and the 1500 people in attendance sounded more like 10,000. Watch some 2004-2005 Velocity, and Scotty 2 Hotty still outpops nearly anyone.
  9. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    Anyone have a video of the Hart Foundations entrance at In Your House Canadian Stampede? Mother of God, the crowd is so fucking loud that the cameras shake.
  10. haws bah gawd

    RAW XV

    Wasn't the RAW X show just a glorified Slammy Awards? My favorite part of that disaster was Rock's prerecorded promo that was drowned-out by the "YOU SOLD OUT" AND "YOU SUCK DICK" chants. Good times.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Did Ralphie May disgust anyone else as much as he did me? His whole routine is "HEY MAN IM SO FAT THAT I ........." or "MY FAT ASS IS SO BIG THAT....." Fuck you dude. But as others have said, this was a slight improvement over previous years. When Madden won GOTY in 2005, but didn't even win best sports game, the show lost a lot of credibility right off the bat.
  12. haws bah gawd

    iMPACT 12/06

    Johnny Devine I mean. Shows how much I watch Impact I guess.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Grammy nominees

    Song of the Year goes to the song writer, while Record of the Year goes to the Artist. How a song can be nominated for one and not the other though, makes little sense to me. I've been surprised by the success Daughtry has had. Thats actually a pretty good album, though the singles get played a little much over radio.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Box Office report 12/7-12/9

    This saddens me to no end. The trailer for this abortion even looks bad. Why do I have a feeling this could potentially climb to #1 closer to Christmas? Has there ever been a movie to do that (be around number 6 or so for several weeks, and eventually climb to #1?)?
  15. haws bah gawd

    iMPACT 12/06

    You guys have to admit one thing about this week's impact. Some of Nash's spots in the main event were gold. A favorite of mine was when everyone was doing the usual "One wrestler dives out of the ring onto another / then another wrestler dives off the top rope onto those two / then another flies through the top and middle rops onto those 3 / etc." spot. After everyone else did that, Nash was alone in the ring, and charged full speed ahead to the opposite ropes like he was about to do a dive too, then stopped half-way across the ring, looked at the other guys and gave a "whatever" look. Awesome shit. Admittedly though, the booking for this week's episode made zero sense. I ran the Jay Lethal / Chris Devine storyline past my girlfriend who occasionally humors me by watching wrestling, but really doesn't know much about it. Even she said having a match to decide who has POSSESSION of a belt, but isn't necessarily champion makes no sense.
  16. haws bah gawd

    the new subway feast

    They're OK, but nothing special, IMO. Yea, they're just OK. No better or worse than what Pizza Hut serves.
  17. haws bah gawd

    There's a hair in my food!

    Brilliant! Anyways, it doesn't really bother me. Just pick it out and continue to eat. My Grandma though, is a different story. We were eating Chinese One Night, and she saw a hair on her plate, and proceeded to vomit all over our table.
  18. haws bah gawd

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Nothing Ever Dies" by Kamelot
  19. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Cake had some fun songs. I play a little bass in my spare time, and their songs are always fun to play along with. I enjoyed Local H as well. "The Kids Are Right" is one of my favorites from them. I didn't know Third Eye Blind was still around, or had lasting popularity. I enjoyed what I presume was their first album, the one where over half of it got radio play (it had "Semi Charmed Life" and "Graduate"). I saw them live with Our Lady Peace and Eve 6 ("Inside Out" was just starting to get a little radip play, so no one really knew who they were) back in the late 90's. Eve 6 put up an admirable effort, Our Lady Peace was amazing and about half the crowd left after their set, and Third Eye Blind did a good job closing the show. Overall it was a pretty good 5 hours.
  20. haws bah gawd

    John Carpenter deserves a thread

    Carpenter's "Apocalypse Trilogy" (Thing, Price of Darkness, & Mouth of Madness) is great, classic horror stuff. Prince of Darkness is probably the weakest of the three (even though it is a classic in it's own right) but the ending is great, and Mouth of Madness is a total mindfuck. You don't see too many horror movies NOT have a happy ending, so it was kind of different to see the end of the world happen. For as little as you actually see it, the huge Monster that chases Sam Neil down the hall close to the end of MoM looks fantastic. Kind of random, but did Carpenter and Clive Barker ever collaborate on a project? Seems their horror styles would have meshed well.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Impact spoilers (airs December 13th)

    Angle has shown that he really has little to no regard for his physical well-being, so I wouldn't put it past him for a second. On the subject though, has any WWE-castaway taken the Canadian Destroyer? Back in 05 or maybe a little earlier, Petey teased giving Jeff Hardy a C.D. but someone ran in for the save.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Best member of the nWo

    I hate when any established finisher is no-sold. It makes the worker doing it and every other person whose sold it look like pussies. The only exception is when there's a special and/or specific reason to do it (ie: Warriors SS return, no selling HHH's Pedigree). However, Norton was one of my guilty pleasures. A huge guy with a believable power offence. Used properly, he could have been a great monster. It was played off perfectly. The whole match was "Benoit is getting thrown around by Norton. At least he has the Crossface! There it is! The Crippler Crossface! It's all over, not even Norton can get out of...oh wait, he just got out of it. Shoulderbreaker and its over. What a monster." True, it did make for a good story in the match, but seeing how Norton went nowhere, why pussify the finisher for a mid-carder in a mid-card match. They did the same routine with Batista, but seeing how Batista went on to become a dominant main-eventer, those were acceptable circumstances. Wasn't that the same match where Batista stood up while still in the Crossface, walked to the corner, and rammed Benoit's head into the top turnbuckle until he released the hold? That was badass. I'm all for this.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Christmas music

    A friend of mine has a version of "O Holy Night" sang in Finnish by Nightwish's Marco Heitala. Fucking amazing. I enjoy pretty much any rendition of O Holy Night, though.
  24. haws bah gawd


    The hole that's knocked out of the city in the promotional poster doesn't appear to big large enough for something that big to pass through. That's one HUGE monster though, and the movie should be a fun popcorn flick. *edit* On closer inspection, it actually does seem to be WIDE enough for something that large to fit through.