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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    I've always thought the Scott Hall stunners were the best though. Shane McMahon always took good ones too. I still have a sweet spot for the Rock's flippidy-floppidy sell. Always got a laugh out of me, as ridiculous as it was to watch. When Austin made his one night face turn during the Invasion in 2001, Kanyon did a pretty good sell of the Stunner. Its kinda hard to see though, due to all the bodies in the ring.
  2. haws bah gawd


    They need to pull out all the stops, that's for sure. I watched his WWF debut on youtube not too long ago, and it never fails to give me chills with how fucking loud the crowd pops when his name shows up on the titantron. They pop pretty well for the explosion after the lights go down and the deep bass chord ends, but holy crap the place goes nuclear when the word "JERICHO" is shown on the tron. One of the best debuts EVER, IMO.
  3. Surprised no one has brought this up yet. How about The Coach no-selling Khali's karate chop of doom? I understand there was kayfabe-breaking all over the place in the opening segment, but come on. He just fell over and ran up the aisle holding his head, but otherwise looked fine. This is the same chop that's knocked Undertaker, and the Invincible John Cena on their ass before.
  4. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Time for the return of the teardrop suplex. Damn, I forgot about that. It'd certainly be interesting to see him use that, or make Orton tap with the Sharpshooter on the 10th Anniversary of the screwjob.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Pizza Hut

    Back in the 80's, we had a couple of Mazzio's Pizza shops in the area. That was the shit.
  6. ^^^ Oh, I see. I thought Harry may be banging some Diva that his father used to be with.
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    I don't see Matt Hardy ever within sneezing distance of the world title, but I would mark the fuck out for Matt Hardy to get one more "fuck you" in against Edge. I thought their feud, (which ended with Matt being sent to SD) never had a proper ending anyways.
  8. No, Vince obviously has some sort of Eeeeeeeeeeevil Plan to destroy and humiliate DX. Thus we will be treated to some awful unstoppable DX gimmick. I mean, HBK himself took at both Edge and Orton in a handicap match earlier in the year, and HHH has squashed everyone he's faced since returning. Santino should not get a win over Austin, as that would change his comic character into something it is not meant to be. Santino should get to at least escape the stunner in some dastardly manner (see above suggestion regarding the rochambeau) only to be forced into the ring with Stone Cold at the next PPV to receive his richly deserved stunner and subsequent beer-dousing. Santino's character is a comedic heel; he can't get the duke over the company's original badass face and still remain a comedy act. And let's face it, that's all Santino has is that glorious mic work. We don't want to have to watch any painful attempts at matches by him, do we? I completely agree with this logic. The only problem is, WWE's focus has been all on ratings as opposed to building to a PPV payoff. Since they view the ratings with more priority than anything else, Santino's fate is sealed. MY issue is, with Santino getting all of his cheap comedic heel heat, I can't believe they are wasting it on Austin. Santino is the type of guy (as mentioned above) that needs to be booked as the weasel, running away at the right times, only to have a face finally catch up to him and 'shut him up'. I know the Condemned DVD is out, and Bonnie "I Was A Teenaged" Hammer wants the ratings, but Santino is the type of guy that can actually be used to help build someone (i.e. as an enhancement talent). (And also: they have a built in, classic program with Maria as the "valet needed to be saved from the heel" that Santino's mic skills alone could make a golden angle) Of course, with Cody Rhodes jobbed out to Spark Plug, and DH Smith in love with his dad's mistress, there isn't really a face left that can be enhanced (minus HHH of course). Can you elaborate on this?
  9. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Punk and Balls feuding over Kelly? Could be interesting..... Eh, most likely just to pop the crowd.
  10. I'm glad someone else thinks so.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Pizza Hut

    I used to love Little Caesar's. The closest one to here is about 2 and a half hours away, so I dont get to enjoy it anymore. My current favorite is probably Dominos. CiCi's Pizza is an ok place to eat with REALLY cheap (both in quality and price) pizza. I just dont like getting "WELCOME TO CICI'S!!!!!!" yelled at me by every single person working there whenever I walk in.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Your first favorite band

    I used to go on road trips with my Dad a lot who listened to nothing but classic rock. For a while, my favorite group to listen to was Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. Good stuff that I still enjoy to this day.
  13. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 11

    I'd like to see Trey and Matt attempt another SP movie. Bigger, Longer, and Uncut was made about 8 years ago, and the quality of the animation has significantly improved since then.
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Survivor Series 2002 was pretty good.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    I have one simple question for everyone. Who would've thought this time last year, that we would be discussing BATISTA competing in some MOTY contenders?
  16. haws bah gawd

    Winter Movie Season...

    Project Cloverfield for me.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Scary games for Halloween

    Agreed. Some of the Hell levels later in the game are just as freaky.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    Edge chainsawing his way into Hell in a Cell would probably be the most badass thing in pro wrestling history.
  19. Because no matter what, ECW HAS to be made to look like the "C" show that it is. Why in God's name would Vince let a guy from that Tuesday Night show beat his Silverback?
  20. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers - 11/2/07

    Taker vs Batista in Hell in a Cell is going to kick fucking ass! I don't know what it is about the 2 that makes them click so well in the ring, but damn this is going to rule. What is with the pop's Palumbo gets? Has anyone been to a SD taping or house show since Palumbo's return with the biker gimmick? I went to a taping several months ago (in Columbia, SC), and I shit you not, this guy's pop rivaled Batista's.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Guitar Hero.

    I'm sort of glad, Through the Fire and Flames is coming off as challenging as it is. I know they're hated almost as much as Nickelback for some reason, but I enjoy the Hell out of Dragonforce. Can't wait to pick this up.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Strangest place you've met a wrestler

    Hmm, maybe he just found out he would be dropping a title to Mighty Molly the next night. So, there was a grown man with green hair, wearing a bright green t-shirt, standing in a toy store no less, and he was irritated that he stood out a little and someone recognized him? What a douche.
  23. haws bah gawd


    Amen to that. No matter what is going on in the ring, those two idiots make it all completely unbearable. I can not fathom how anyone in tna management thinks for a second those two should be anywhere near the announce table. I literally can't stand watching tna because of them. They are that horrible. Of course, the way tna is booked, I think the average IQ of those who run tna is about -50 YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! The only noteworthy thing I remember Don West doing in TNA was his GO! RED! GO! moment from early TNA. I'll have to admit that had me marking the fuck out and getting behind Red. Wait, why are we discussing the TNA announcers in the WWE folder?
  24. haws bah gawd

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    You seriously have no idea how bad I want Kevin Thorn to go back to this gimmick. On topic though, RAW really pissed me off. They're going to have to go ahead and do this Jericho return before they start turning-viewers away even more. As someone else stated, Jeff Hardy is over something fierce, and rightfully so. I think DH Smith shows some promise. HHH has the best T-Shirt in the company now. Santino is the fucking man. 'nuff said.
  25. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Yea, Rajah.com had the story posted as well. They said she was just in a bra that "greatly enhanced her assets". I call bullshit on that.