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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 26-28

    As long as they can keep upping the gore factor and the deaths, you probably can plan to go see SAW 27 around Halloween of 2030 because idiots will keep going to see the movies for no other reason than those two things. Count me in!
  2. haws bah gawd

    SAW IV

    Yea, I could've went all day without that.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Austin's missed feuds

    Speaking of Ken Shamrock, I had forgotten how badass he used to be in the ring. I was watching some of his Attitude-Era stuff on YouTube, and he came across as a legitimate killer in the ring. When I was a teenage mark, I used to mark out when he would snap and get that "angry retard" look on his face, then start beating the shit out of people. He also made a simple Belly-to-Belly Suplex look like death! Not one of those Scott Steiner rolling suplexes, he would pick the opponent up, slam the shit out of them, and throw them into the ankle lock. I'd like to see him have another run, if he's got anything left. Back on topic though, it's really a shame Austin let his ego get to him when he was at his peak. Remember when Hogan went to WCW, and had all his buddies running roughshot over guys like Austin? Austin ended up becoming the same thing he always spoke out against by refusing to work with guys that were "beneath him", and then as stated, "taking his ball and going home". I would've liked to have had the chance to see him go up against Brock Lesnar, like they had planned for the Spring of 2002. Austin later said in his Stone Cold Truth book that he didn't have a problem jobbing to Lesnar. (I may have this misquoted, but it's been a while.) I believe Austin's comments in regards to the Lesnar situation was "I didn't have a problem losing a match to Brock Lesnar. I think he's a great kid with a lot of talent and a bright future. However, I am the biggest-drawing star in the history of this business, and if you're going to put me up against the monster Brock Lesnar, you don't put me on the front line. I'm the last line." In short, if WWE had advertised the match in advance, rather than just making it a nothing King of the Ring qualifying match, Austin may not have "taken his ball, and went home".
  4. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 26-28

    Want to talk about staying power? Look at The Comebacks. I figured this would bomb out of theaters during it's opening weekend, but it's now survived for 2 weeks. It's held a low position in the top 10 since it's release, but still. It's hanging on.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I mentioned this in the "Comments That Don't Warrant a Thread", thread. If you go to the toy department of Wal-Mart, which is the only chain of stores where I've seen this particular line, look at the some of the packaging on the newest line of WWE figures. This line also has William Regal (in purple trunks), and John Cena(I think). On the back of the card, you will see what would've been a new Chris Benoit figure. However, there are 2 sloppily-applied WWE logo stickers covering most of the figure's upper body as well as his name, and lower body. This just struck me as kind of funny.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Storyline Relationships

    Nunzio was originally Jamie Noble's "cousin", but that's long-since been forgotten.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Strangest place you've met a wrestler

    I met Kennedy at a Waffle House outside Columbia, SC after the RAW Family Reunion show in October, 2006. Very nice guy. Mysterio was with him as well. Mysterio is pretty bulky in person for such a short guy.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Best sell jobs in wrestling?

    RVD selling the move by taking it on the top of his head was crap (when most wrestlers just bump off Orton's shoulder)? Ok......
  9. haws bah gawd

    Best sell jobs in wrestling?

    Someone has to gave a gif of HBK selling the Big Boot at Summerslam 2005. That was a thing of beauty. Of all the people on RAW, I've noticed that Trevor Murdoch is pretty good at taking bumps on the back of his head/neck. Big, ugly guy is one of the better sellers on RAW right now. RVD's sell of any kind of head-dropping move was always good too.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    I think that has to do with can-con legislation and Zajonc's (pronounced science with a z) mere exposure theory: if the federal government mandates that your radio stations play a fuckload of Nickelback and Brian Adams, I guess you'll grow to like it sooner or later. Finger Eleven had a pretty big hit with their ballad-esque song "One Thing" a few years ago. For the wrestling fans, you will remember that song being used in Child-Murderer's "Desire" video, and it was used heavily on his DVD as well. Still can't listen to that song without thinking of him though. I find Canada's law that the radio stations have to play mostly Canadian groups and singers to be pretty damn funny.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    The song is called "Paralyzer", and yes it sounds pretty close to "Take Me Out". I'll admit to enjoying it for a short time due to it sounding different than a lot of their other stuff, but due to the local channels blowing-up the radio with it, and calling it a "new song" well into late August/ early September, I grew tired of it.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Ya. The Smackdown/ECW taping I went to Sep. 25th, he had a dark match w/ Kahli for the title. After the match, there was a kid (around 8) who had gotten a pair of black trunks to match Batista's and actually took his shit off and just wore the trunks and was standing up on his chair in the 1st row. When batista was posing in the corners of the ring, after he won the match and kahli had gone to the back, he got to the post by where the kid was and started to climb the turnbuckles, but saw the kid and fell back down laughing. He was pointing at the kid and told one of the security guys to get the kid and bring him up. The security helped the kid over the guardrail and got up in the ring w/ Batista. Batista posed with the kid for the crowd in the middle of the ring and shook the ropes with the kid. Then he handed him the belt and the kid posed w/ it in the middle of the ring and climbed the turnbuckles in the corner and posed with it. After all that, which lasted around 10 minutes, Batista walked around the ringside and gave fives to everyone who had their hand out. If he missed someone, he went back and made sure he got everybody. It was crazy. I didn't expect anything like that from him. I have a hard time respecting anyone who writes something like this. I don't give a fuck how many hands he has slapped. "Now, don't get me wrong, my ex-wife is the love of my life and I would never knowingly hurt her. However, while I was busting my BUTT on the road like a dog, she would sit around the house and do nothing. I mean, yeah, she had cancer, but she couldn't vacuum? And since the chemo made her "not in the mood", I had no choice but to have threesomes on the road. I mean, she's talented and I hated to see her waste her life like that when she could be a dancer, or maybe a nurse. But she's not a bad person and I take full responsibility for my actions, even though it was her fault." -From Batista's book I read that not too long ago as well. While I will give him credit where it's due for his fan interaction, he is one sorry sack of shit when it comes to his now ex-wife. Your ex wasn't in the mood due to chemo, AND ITS HER FAULT YOU DECIDED TO CHEAT ON HER?! Since when is it anyones fault that they get cancer? Batista can eat a dick for that. EDIT:.......oh....
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    I think he got a win over Tajiri with it. I may be wrong though; 2002 was a long time ago.
  14. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Who would have the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) ratio of getting title shots to losing the match? HBK or Batista?
  15. Didn't he lose clean to Kanyon earlier the same night as well?
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    There's a lot of stories you hear about the guy that make you not want to like him, but the guy's such a nice person to his fans, you cant help but do so. Good story about him from a Smackdown taping I went to several months ago. Batista was wrestling Khali in the dark match after ECW ended, and he won by DQ, but not before giving Khali a spinebuster to pop the crowd. After the match, Batista took what seemed like 15-20 minutes to walk around ringside and shake hands / take pictures / or just chat with anyone who wanted to do so. Then, he finally went to leave, and stood at the ECW entrance and bowed to everyone. Then the 300-400 people that were still there all started chanting for him, so he gave this "ah, what the hell?" expression, smiled, and walked back up to ringside to make sure he didn't miss anyone the first time. The guy seems like a truly nice and humble person, and is nothing but classy with his fans. Especially with the young kids who look up to these guys as real-life superheroes.
  17. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    But HBK's a face, why would he do that? They always try to have HBK stick his nose into a title match. Remember Wrestlemania 20? Child-Murderer was supposed to get the title shot due to winning the Rumble, but HBK superkicked him and put HIS name on the contract.
  18. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    I do like how JR and the King made sure to mention last week that Jeff Hardy was leading in the voting thus far. The only thing I DONT like is how they repeatedly harp on and on about how Orton feels HBK is his TRUE adversary. Hardy also brought up a valid point in his backstage segment last night, telling HBK "he's had his shot (HBK), now he wants his (Hardy)". I'm all for Hardy getting the shot. Compared to how he performed in 2003, Hardy is one of the most improved wrestlers I've watched in sometime, and he deserves something in return.
  19. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    [This is where a gif of Michaels overselling the big boot would be if I wasn't at work and had the image with me.] Shawn's promo the next night was fucking brilliant. It went something like, "He was just....TOO FAST! His technical prowess is unmatched! I couldn't keep up with him, and the better man won!". Shawn should really consider a more permanent heel run because theres hardly anyone in the business that's better at being a total dick than him.
  20. Eh, that was mostly because Austin refused to drop the title to HHH (feeling he wasn't ready for the main event) and Mick Foley had no problem doing so. Still a shock though that Mick Foley earned an almost unheard-of 100% clean win over Austin. Gotta love the post match beat down from HHH as well. You're no the only one who this shocked. The WWF hadn't really dipped too much into worked-shoot angles like this before, and I thought something had seriously happened to him. Ah, to be a 14 year old mark again......
  21. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I happened across a copy of FEAR for the PC for $7.48 at Target last weekend. See if one in your area has a similar clearance sale.
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    I kind of enjoyed Vladimir Kozlov for the short time he was on TV. His "promos" we're kind of funny. "I can beat ZEH JOHN CENA......I can beat ZEH GREH KHALI.....I can beat......ZEM BOTH!" Good times.
  23. Balls to the face would be enough to make nearly anyone tap immediately.
  24. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 11

    If Kyle's Mom was at the drunken barn dance, with Mrs. Cartman is a hermaphrodite, it's certainly not completely impossible......... What an ironic turn of events, indeed.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Is ECW about to end as we know it? (ECW renewed)

    ding. A few fresh ideas (good fresh ideas) would draw attention to ECW. It's the lack of starpower that hurts ECW and that it's clearly promoted as the C show. ECW is the better show of the three, at least with pacing. Dusty is clearly writing better stuff then what the other two brands are doing. Balls and Kelly is the most compelling story in WWE right now and it's done with the most overused plot in history but it works because the involved parties are good at getting the crowd into it. Meanwhile, the fans sit on their hands watching Batista do whatever Batista does. I fully agree with you. If you told a casual wrestling fan, who doesn't watch all the shows, who was on ECW, you'd most likely get a lot of "who?" responses, but I don't really think Kane is going to be able to help ECW when it comes to star power all that much, but he looked freaking great on ECW on Tuesday so I could be wrong. Kane's Extreme Rules match against Big Show during the Summer of 2006 was one of the best brawls of last year. The guy can really do when he wants to. It just always amazed me how well Kane and Big Show clicked.