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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 11

    I wouldn't mind seeing Skeletor and some Decepticons come from the other side of the wall.
  2. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    He's since divorced the ogre and married another reasonably attractive woman. Or at least I remember her as such.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    I'll never understand the Nickelback hate. I've enjoyed the hell out of them for a while now. Oh well, to each his own.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Impact spoilers for 10/25

    Nash recently stated, in some interview, that he's in better shape, physically, then he's been in his entire career, and requested to have one more run in the ring, to see "if he still has it". All I want to see of Nash is his sick powerbomb, and not much else. I'll give credit where it's due though, in 2005, he and Jeff Jarrett put on a pretty good PPV main event (I think it was the one where Billy Gunn debuted for TNA).
  5. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    One of my favorite Gamefan reviews was for Marvel vs Capcom 2. They spent about 2 paragraphs talking about how fun it was to play, and how nice the graphics were. Then about 3 pages bitching about the jazz music that was chosen for the game. Funny stuff.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Total Non-Stop Action

    Completely off-topic, but has anyone attempted to play Thunder on a PS3 with the 1080p PS1 and 2 update? Despite it being the biggest piece of shit wrestling game in history, (as far as controls go), with the PS3 firmware update, and all the polygons (or lack thereof) smoothed-over, the game looks pretty good. Still plays like shit though .
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    That HHH shirt is badass. It's one of the few wrestling-related shirts that I definitely wouldn't be embarrassed to wear in public.
  8. haws bah gawd

    the shittest album cover in recent memory

    Looks like the guy on the right is about to go down on the guy on the left.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Let's start talking Worst Song of 2007

    Far and fucking away, "Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park. "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne is a close second. When did she change gimmicks anyway? She was a pop/punker, now she's singing these little bubblegum pop songs.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    I'm with the rest of you. Money in the Bank, and that song with all the sound clips from Rocky 3 were far and away the worst song's on last year's mostly-good track list. I didn't even mind the Three Days Grace and Godsmack songs being in the game. I believe Punk's original WWE Uranage/Anaconda Vice finisher was in the game last year.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Full ECW Spoilers

    Holy shit, where'd they dig up Nunzio?
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    You're not the only one. I used to go out of my way to catch Paul London vs Akio (Jimmy Wang Yang) anytime it happened on Velocity. It was ALWAYS good.
  13. haws bah gawd

    The OaO ECW thread for October 16 2007.

    According to Rajah.com the mystery partner is supposed to be Also, anyone else think this whole "open-door" thing is WWE's way of eventually killing-off ECW to permanently merge it with Smackdown?
  14. haws bah gawd

    Booker T Quits WWE

    Maybe Kurt can cut another promo about how he wants to have bestiality sex with Sharmell......
  15. haws bah gawd

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    If that is indeed a botch, then Kurt Angle has some of the greatest improv skills in history. As if he had the frame of mind and fast-enough reaction time to know he overshot Sting on the 450, then in a split second he thought to roll through it like he MEANT to do a double knee drop. Gold.
  16. haws bah gawd

    RAW thread for 10/15

    I find it funny how JR and the King mentioned that Jeff Hardy was the current leader in the voting for the title shot, yet out of all 3 matches, Jeff was the only guy that had to eat a pinfall. Also, Candace Michelle now pumping her fists to the "Raise your Hands Up" lines in her entrance music is about the most laughable and goofy-looking thing I've seen in a while. Jericho can't come back fast enough.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    I'm with you on that. Same here. The guy is insanely talented, and really shouldn't be playing Christian's second banana. I'll give credit where it's due though. He can be funny at times, despite his lack of charisma.
  18. haws bah gawd

    South Park: Season 11

    Let's just hope they never again reach the lows of "A Million Little Fibers". This week's episode wasn't all that great, but nearly anything involving Randy is good. Is there a synopsis for next week's episode yet?
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Fuck you Teddy Hart. I wanted to him get called-up SO bad. He might be a complete asshole, but his matches entertain the hell out of me. Have fun working the indy's for eternity, prick.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Does knowing a simillar plot line...

    House of 1000 Corpses shared so many similarities to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, that I'm surprised Rob Zombie wasn't sued for plagiarism.
  21. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    I think HBK had a severely inujured knee at the time. Despite that, as a testament to just how good he is though, he managed to carry HHH to a MOTY candidate, on one leg. I'll agree though. The interactions between Kennedy and HBK as tag champs would make for some great tv.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Let's Start Talking Worst Album of 2007

    Coming from someone who usually enjoys the material produced by both groups, I feel Linkin Park's "Minutes to Midnight" and Korn's "Untitled" were utter shit.
  23. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Has anyone seen the new wave of WWE action figures? If you look at the back of the card, there is Mr. Child-Murderer himself, with a couple WWE logo stickers sloppily-applied to the card to try to cover-up the figure. You can still see the majority of his upper body, and most of his lower torso however.
  24. haws bah gawd

    The Fast and The Furious 4

    Riddick was cool, but after seeing Ice Cube's performance, I wish Diesel had came back for XXX 2. (Were they filming the sequels at the same time?) My best guess is that Vin was trying to use The Pacifier as his own "Kindergarten Cop", but he hasn't amounted to much since then except "Find Me Guilty".
  25. haws bah gawd

    The Fast and The Furious 4

    I'm kind of surprised to see Vin Diesel attached to this. No saying the Fast and the Furious franchise is anything big to be linked to, but I had figured that the Pacifier did irreparable harm to his career. I guess he needs to try to restart things again.