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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Jesse (Ray Gordy, Terry's son) and Festus (fake Kane from earlier in the year). I went to the Smackdown tapings just before Summerslam, and a promo video was shown stating Jesse and Festus would debut at Summerslam. Did this ever make it to air? Either way, I saw them wrestle in a dark match at the tapings, and theyre passable to watch, but nothing to go crazy over. Festus does some interesting moves (he was getting good air on his running Senton) for being as big as he is, but Jesse wasn't much to write home about, and his redneck act got old really quick.
  2. haws bah gawd

    "Oops, I Forgot"

    The worst example being whenever anyone beats down The Undertaker, of course. I can't remember off the top of my head how many times it used during the Hogan era when he was on the end of a bigman beatdown. With Taker it pretty much begins every other feud and has done since Giant Gonzalez. Yep, happens all the time with Undertaker. Every time he gets beat down, it's: Cole - "NO ONE HAS EVER BEAT DOWN THE UNDERTAKER LIKE THIS!" JBL - "THIS MAN IS A MONSTER, COLE!" This may have been previously mentioned, but in 2005 during the Cena/Angle feud, the announcer's were determined to convince people that Angle had NEVER EVER tapped before. I guess I dreamed all the submission matches he lost to Benoit, getting choked-out by Tazz at Royal Rumble 2000, and when he tapped to The Rock's "Crapshooter" at Survivor Series 2001.
  3. haws bah gawd

    The Ultimate Comic Villain

    If this guy can't beat you, it doesn't deter him. No sir~! He'll hop in his time machine, go back to the BC's and try to take out your Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather. That's dedication.
  4. haws bah gawd

    "Oops, I Forgot"

    Back in 2002, on Velocity, one of the commentators stated "I don't know what this n.W.o. is, or what it means, but I can tell it's bad news". This was of course, shortly before their return/WWF debut at No Way Out, but to act like the n.W.o. is something NO ONE has ever heard of before is just plain stupid. Another example is anytime a heel is cutting a promo, and the music of the face they are feuding with hits, most commentators tend to yell "WHAT'S THIS NOW? WHO COULD THIS BE?!"
  5. haws bah gawd

    "Oops, I Forgot"

    What about Michael Cole pulling for Heidenreich back in 05 when just a few months earlier, Heidenreich "raped" him in a bathroom. I dunno abotu you guys, but I would probably hold a grudge over something like that.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Movie Theater etiquette

    The only time I've ever really experienced this problem is when we saw "The Haunting" back in the late 90's. Remember the scene during the first Scary Movie where the black girl keeps yelling at the screen during the movie? Well, it was pretty much the same situation here. SOme random black girl kept yelling "BITCH RUN!", and "AAAAAAH! DON'T RUN IN THERE! HE GON' GIT YOU!". Fucking annoying.
  7. haws bah gawd

    2007: Most disastrous year in WWE history?

    Those 2 years were VERY rough for him, but the first Elimination Chamber stands out, mainly due to association, but really all 6 guys carried their load in that match. Hell in a Cell against Nash wasn't all that bad either, IMO.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Orange Coke

    Did you taste the italian flavor "Beverly"? That shit could pass for cheap whiskey if it had any alcohol in it. I drank it and almost gave it right back to the fountain in violent flying foam form. I tried Beverly back in the early 90's when my family went to World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta one day. Mother of god, its the WORST tasting soda of all time. I can usually stomach pretty much any kind of soda, but this stuff is just wretched.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    What about it? It's a great match. I don't know if he was saying anything necessarily back about it, but Agreed 100%. If not for the dragged-out rear chinlock about midway through the match (I know both guys probably needed a chance to relax since they were both going full speed ahead) I'd have no problem calling it perfect. Completely off-topic, but I wanted to ask this. I still can't listen to "One Thing" by Finger Eleven without thinking of the uber-depressing Benoit Memorial video from RAW. Anyone else feel the same way? It's just that I now associate that song with him since his suicide. Does anyone else feel similar?
  10. haws bah gawd

    2007: Most disastrous year in WWE history?

    It was 2002 I believe. Brock took the Undisputed title exclusively to SD, and RAW was going to push the Intercontinental belt as it's top title. HHH, who had won a #1 contender match on RAW before Brock left, (if my memory serves me correctly) was supposed to be handed the IC belt, but backstage he said he was too good for it. Thus they had Bischoff hand him the old WCW World Title, and he beat Kane for the IC belt at the following PPV (Unforgiven?) to "unify" the belts. *Edit* Beat me to it! On another note, does anyone know exactly, or around when HHH stopped carrying around the actual WCW belt, and started using the current version with the WWE logo?
  11. haws bah gawd

    Scarface references in rap

    ^^ Speaking of Commando..... We could make an entire thread about funny stuff from Commando.
  12. haws bah gawd

    2007: Most disastrous year in WWE history?

    I've warmed up to HHH since 2004ish when it seemed he all of a sudden learned how to work good matches on a more consistent basis. That being said though, it pissed me off royally when he did that shit to Booker T at WMXIX. The running theme of that particular WM was that MOST wrestlers were either having to hit their finisher multiple times, or pull some surprise pin out of their ass to win (see HBK vs Jericho). Not HHH though! One single Pedigree, followed by HHH laying there for a minute or so was more than enough to put away Booker.
  13. Completely off topic, but that voice should be coming out of a big black man. Not some skinny white kid.
  14. haws bah gawd

    "I Can't Believe That Got Over!!!"

    Even though the WWE(F) was full of cartoon characters at the time of his debut, The Undertaker was so drastically different. I used to have the tape of the Survivor Series when he debuted. The crowd didn't know what to make of him, yet it was kind of like "Holy hell... who is this monster?" type of reaction. Mark was WAY into the character at the start, and again, I think he got over because it was just something different beyond the typical character that was being presented. Taker's abilities in the ring for a man his size also contributed to him getting over (Specifically - walking the top rope) You also have to throw in the presentation - The funeral march theme, the lighting effects, the costume, the urn, etc. - It added to the whole package of "The Dead Man". Paul Bearer didn't hurt his chances either. I miss when Undertaker would crumple dried roses onto his opponent and stuff them into a bodybag after a match was over. Good times.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Does the younger generation remember WCW?

    Ticked off the wrong people, and now he's a stand-up comedian. I recall reading where he didn't go up and introduce himself to Triple H or something like that (It was when Triple H was injured), so he was subsequently buried. He was apparently being groomed for some good things. Reminds me of a similar situation with Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire. They didn't introduce themselves to the Undertaker, and any hope of a push was immediately killed-off. I believe once of them was later quoted as saying something about being in awe of the Undertaker, and they didn't feel they were deserving of his attention, and didn't want to bug him. So, Old Man Calloway took it as rudeness on their part.
  16. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Truth be told, wasn't there a fad a while back where it was cool to get that tribal shit all over you? Just look at Orton.
  17. haws bah gawd

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Gay. I was about to say that' the lamest thing I've ever seen, but "gay" will suffice.
  18. haws bah gawd

    "I Can't Believe That Got Over!!!"

    Well over 6 years later, and crowds still chant WHAT?! at heels during promos (or Cena occasionally). That's staying power!
  19. haws bah gawd

    Examples of a Wrestler TRULY Being Put Over

    Does the Rock jobbing to Goldberg at Backlash 2003 count as someone being put over?
  20. haws bah gawd

    "I Can't Believe That Got Over!!!"

    I forgot about him. Dear God, I remember the pops he used to get just for dancing with Too Cool after a match. I'll give credit where it's due to the New Age Outlaws. Those guy got some stupid pops for their little pre-match promo. "Degeneration X is proud to bring you the WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD!!!!!" You're right though. I don't think even WWE could have predicted how over they would eventually become.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Impact Spoilers

    As lame as Flair in the nut house was, Flair randomly bumping into Scott Hall made the whole angle worthwhile to me.
  22. haws bah gawd

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What's going on with Waltman? I hear he's been tearing it up in Mexico.
  23. haws bah gawd

    "I Can't Believe That Got Over!!!"

    Paul Birchill was getting some respectable pops under the pirate gimmick last year.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Scarface references in rap

    From last fall to the spring of this year I worked in a Gamestop in a mostly-black town. When the Scarface game was launched, all I heard was how Scarface was everyone's "OG" and "off the chain". I caught Scarface on AMC several months ago because I wanted to see what all the hype was. Well, color me disappointed on the whole thing. I don't have a whole lot to say about it, but IMO it wasn't this masterpiece that it's been built up to be.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Guilty Pleasures

    HELL YES! "Rock DJ" is both one of the most disturbing and ridiculously hilarious videos ever. I had the song "Larger than Life" on my ipod for a short time. To whoever said Ini Kamozie and Mark Morrison, I'm with you on them. I grew up listening to our local pop channel before switching over the the rock station in the late 90's. Wasn't it Mark Morrison that did "Return of the Mack"? "Here Comes the Hot Stepper" is good fun too.