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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Dale Oliver

    He did a good job on Jarrett's theme (was it him that composed it?). I'll give him credit for that.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Impact Spoilers

    The only thing I enjoyed in the Nash/Macho Man feud was Nash filling Macho Man's limo with shit. My 18-year old self got a good laugh out of that. Speaking of late 90's WCW, I remember Mark Madden going on a tirade once on Nitro about how It was where the big boys play, and the referees weren't going to call DQ's unless it was absolutely necessary. He went on about the fans came to see a fight and thats what they would see, or something to that effect, only for the referee to call for a DQ during whatever match it was, seconds later. Good times......
  3. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    ^^^ OK, I'll give you that. After seeing it again on Youtube, it looked more like he was trying to give Matt a Styles Clash, with a front flip, but Matt collapsed in a heap under Murdoch's Weight. Matt may have just lost his balance, but either way it was a rough landing.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    This Danielson pirate has potential you know. There's just one thing missing. Do you guys reckon he could grow a beard? Didn't Danielson used to have a pirate gimmick back in the northwest? The Dagger or some shit. I remember Jack Evans bringing out a picture of it at Survival of the Fittest 04, trying to embarass Danielson, which in turn caused Danielson to tap Evans to the nastiest bearhug in recorded history. Danielson always kills that poor guy. I have an ROH video of him nearly bending Evans in half backwards, with some strange Boston Crab variation (he had Evans' legs tucked in what looked like a Texas Cloverleaf, but not), than after the tap, throwing him to the side like a ragdoll.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I'm one of the few that really enjoyed the PS2-launch version of Unreal Tournament. I liked the "bundle" trick that you could do with the Rocket Launcher.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    LAZINESS! I'd at least like to see Murdoch's "Redneck Destroyer". Maybe it'll be in CAW. Didn't he only attempt it once? Why would you even begin to think that they'd put it in the game for him? That didn't stop them from putting Rodney Mack's botched Tiger Driver on Al Snow into HCTP. After he nearly killed Snow, he started using the much safer Cobra Clutch. Eh, kind of an unofficial name to Murdoch's mostly-botched Canadian Destroyer that he attempted on Matt Hardy back in the Spring. He used it on Jeff Hardy at some ppv, I believe as well.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Impact Spoilers

    And to Hogan, no less....TWICE! What was the deal there anyway? Was Savage stuck in a no-win situation here, since Hogan could use his creative control clause just to ruthlessly fuck with him?
  8. haws bah gawd

    Does the younger generation remember WCW?

    Does anyone have a good picture of the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Titles? I remember them looking really nice. I'll agree with the rest of you. WCW from January-March 2001 was starting to turn into some really good tv.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Impact Spoilers

    That's not the guy's real name, it was given to him in Puerto Rico when he started wrestling. The name is somewhat a combination of Ricky Martin and Antonio Banderas. Anyway, he's been dubbed "The Messiah" (or "El Mesias" in spanish) for quite a while now, and he's been doing the vampiric/satanic gimmick for a long time. The scarred-face version was new to him in WSX (they used that to exploit his past relationship with Vampiro) but I don't know if he'll be using that in TNA. Learn something new everyday.
  10. haws bah gawd

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    Is it a safe assumption that John Morrison is the most successful Tough Enough graduate? Maven and Nowinski held the Hardcore title a couple times (for a total of about 10 seconds), but Morrison has been WWE Tag and Intercontinental Champion several times, plus an ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Not a bad resume he's built for himself. One still has to wonder what could've been if Matt Capotelli hadn't unfortunately developed a brain tumor. I always had high hopes for him.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I couldn't compare the two. I usually dislike console FPS'ers, but GoldenEye was just so much fun and so involving. For that fact I'll always love it, but Quake multiplayer really startedf me on PC shooters. I played Golden Eye at Play and Trade a couple weeks ago. It still PLAYS well, but Jesus Christ is that game ugly. I guess I'm jaded by Half Life 2 and Gears of War, but the visuals of GoldenEye have not aged well. While I never enjoyed the game much due to the control and horrid camera, I remember Mario 64 being the greatest-looking game EVER for it's time. Unfortunately, its another game who's visuals haven't aged very well. The draw-distance holds-up pretty well, but the graphics are very dated.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    I kind of like the new format that WWE Magazine uses. The one thing that really comes to mind is what appeared to be a Trish Stratus nip-shot in the first issue of the new format. If anyone has the issue, get a look at the picture of Mickie James holding a towel in front of her. It's either a nipple or Trish has a rather large mole in that general area.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Guilty Pleasures

    ^^^ Slipknot has a fairly large following, so I don't know if it'd be something to feel guilty about. I love the hell out of "These Dreams" by Heart, Phil Collins, Steve Perry (both solo and with Journey), pre-Minutes to Midnight Linkin Park, and Limp Bizkit. Beat that for "guilty pleasure".
  14. haws bah gawd

    MTV VMA awards

    I miss the early-mid 90's of MTV. Those were the days. Sure, you'd have to sit through the Real World, or Road Rules (the first couple seasons were pretty entertaining, before they started Real World vs Road Rules), but you still got to see the occasional Music Video when it wasn't 3 AM. Of all the "reality" shows on MTV, the one I miss the most is Fear. It came on from the late 90's to the early 2000's and was about a small group of people who had to go into closed prisons or hospitals to investigate hauntings. God, I wish they would give this a DVD release.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    LAZINESS! I'd at least like to see Murdoch's "Redneck Destroyer". Maybe it'll be in CAW.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Impact Spoilers

    Seems like a post-title win tradition for Lethal. The last time he won the X-Division title after feuding with Sabin for a couple months, he lost it at the following Impact tapings in a 3-way match against Sabin and Joe. I'm looking forward to seeing how Judas Mesias does in the company. I enjoyed his short run in WSX looking like the demongod of hellfire. I was just a little disappointed with the name he went by. You know, I see this guy with whited-out pupils, a big burn on the side of his face, and a blood-puking gimmick. So, I was expecting him to go by the name of "Throngar, the Unholy", "Satanus, God of Hell", or something equally "dark". But instead, he went by "Ricky Banderas". I know he'd been going by that name for a while (it may even be his real name, I dont know), but it didn't match the gimmick at all. At least Judas Mesias sounds more appropriate.
  17. haws bah gawd

    OAO 9/6 Impact Thread

    Speaking of AJ Styles during the dying days of WCW, whatever happened to his tag partner, Air Paris? I have a match saved to my computer at home with Air Raid and the Yung Dragons setting the ring on fire in a damn good cruiser tag match from what I believe to be the last episode of Thunder.
  18. haws bah gawd

    ECW/Smackdown Spoilers for this week

    That show sounds like it must've been a chore to sit through, and I thought the last SD before Summerslam that I went to was rough. To this day, the best SD taping I've ever attended was the one prior to Armageddon 2004 that featured Funaki becoming #1 contender to the Cruiserweight title, RVD/Rey Mysterio beating Kenzo Suzuki/Rene Dupree for the WWE Tag Titles, and a GREAT main event of JBL's Cabinet vs Undertaker, Eddy Guerrero, and Booker T. The Dawn Marie/Jackie Gayda feuding over Charlie Haas' affections stuff was good too, in a train-wreck sort of way.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Music in advertisements.

    The only time I've seen Target make good use of a song was when they had a commercial for their clothing line several years ago that featured Andrew W.K.'s "Don't Stop Living in the Red" playing in the background. Speaking of Michale Jackson licensing-out Beetles songs for commercial use, I like how Paul McCartney holds a death feud with Jackson because he allowed "Revolution" to be used a a shoe commercial.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Since R* was able to get the game edited and approved so quickly I'm a little skeptical. I'm just hoping we dont have a repeat of 2005's "Hot Coffee" debacle. R* simply "commented-out" the code for the AO stuff in San Andreas, and people discovered it via hack or cheat device later.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Boxoffice report 9/7 - 9/9

    310 to Yuma definitely looks interesting. I may have to give it a watch, and I'm not even a fan of westerns. I'm also glad beyond words that The Brothers Solomon tanked. Looked like a streaming pile to me. I honestly can't believe how well Transformers has done. I figured it would take, but 300+ Million is nothing to sneeze at.
  22. haws bah gawd

    MTV VMA awards

    That wasn't really the problem. It's that she made it so obvious that she just wasn't trying. She wasn't even moving her lips half the time. 50 Cent's reaction was priceless. I'm also glad that I'm not the only person that thought the opening Sarah Silverman segment was a disaster. The 1999 VMA's are still my favorite of all time. MTV desperately needs to go back to whoever was directing/producing this show in the 90's and give it a complete overhaul, or just give it a mercy kill. Also, when did MTV only start doing just a small handful of awards? What happened to the best rock/rap/pop video awards? They're REALLY stretching when they do this "Quadruple Threat" shit.
  23. haws bah gawd

    OAO 9/6 Impact Thread

    I'm glad to see Tomko catching on with more people. When I saw his match against Samoa Joe several months ago on Impact, all I could think was "Wow, someone taught Tomko how to wrestle while he was in Japan". I wouldn't mind seeing him get a small main event push.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Gas Price Check...

    In North Augusta, SC prices are anywhere from $2.44-$2.59.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Who Wants to be a Superhero?

    I'm still bitter over Major Victory getting cut last season, so count me in for "who cares?".