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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    She totally has "white trash" written all over her...not b/c she ever was in dire straights, but just b/c...I don't know, she just does! She looks like she's straight out of Oshawa. Only fellow Ontarians are going to get that reference... Looks just like Benoit though. There's no denying that. Interesting how all these "love children" and lost relatives always start coming out of the woodwork after someone dies.
  2. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Yes, and it caused that year's split between Hogan and Vince. Vince wanted Hogan to face Brock again at Survivor Series, which Hogan was fine with. The problem was Vince wanted Brock to win again but Hogan refused. The match was called off, and Big Show was hurriedly turned heel to face Brock instead. I remember Big Show's sudden +1 Contender push seeming a little.....odd. He was jobbed to everyone and their mother on Heat for months on end, only to be rushed to Smackdown, given a monster 1-month push, and the first to pin Brock Lesnar (on TV at least). Also, wasn't the whole idea of Big Show beating Brock was it was originally thought that Brock would have to sit-out a couple months due to breaking some ribs at a house show doing some matches with Show? Thus they needed someone who could transition the title onto Angle at Armageddon, so they could have the dream match of Brock vs Angle at WMXIX.
  3. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Hogan put over Brock too, the Smackdown before he beat Rock for the Undisputed belt. He didn't take a pin for Brock, but he submitted to his side bearhug (or did he just pass out? 2002 was a long time ago).
  4. haws bah gawd

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    Interesting. Looks like Flair for going while the getting was good. It's all starting to make sense.....
  5. haws bah gawd

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Looking at the HHH vs Carlito and Umaga handicap match from RAW this week, looks like chairshots to the head are on a case-to-case basis, or may be done for 'injury' purposes. HHH hit Carlito in the stomach with the edge of the chair, then across the back. Then, he hit Umaga in the chest with the seat and backrest of the chair, then proceeded to pound the holy hell out of his head about 3 times with the chair.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Again, going back to the Diving Headbutt. Watch some of his matches, and him even going to the top rope and teasing the headbutt got just as loud, if not a louder pop than when he would slap-on the Crossface. The move was over, and convincing, thus he continued to use it. It's just a shame it had more of an impact on his body than anyone could've imagined.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    Have there been any significant health updates on Danielson since the accident? The last match I really saw from him was back in late 2005, against Jack Evans. Danielson folded the poor guy in half, backwards, with a Boston Crab variation for the win. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.
  8. haws bah gawd

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Come on. Jarrett overcame like 50 people. Cena overcame two. How is Jarrett's the weaker offense? I can only remember New Jack, Sandman and Justin Credible along with Raven. And he got beaten down by them and ate their finishers. It isn't like he Stroke'd them all and pinned them. He just showed the resilient to kick out of their finishers. Plus, these guys were all jobbers. I have seen a top face beating down an army of jobbers hundreds of times in pro wrestling. Cena beat Umaga, Cade and Murdoch in the same match. Lashley beat Vince, Shane and Umaga in the same match. I remember when Austin beat the whole corporation incuding Shamrock and Bossman in a gauntlet match. Not that it really matters, but I think Saturn was involved in the assault as well. Plus you left out the best part. Throughout taking the finishers of all these guys, Jarrett took at least 3 Evenflow DDT's, one of which I believe was ON A CHAIR. Then he still came back to get the win after some of TNA's faces came out of the save.
  9. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    So his wife created the "Gimmick" or the name "Stone Cold"? Austin seems dead on except the dress code thing. That is just odd all together. Hey Steve...how bout you put someone over. Acting might not be the one for you, suck it up and see if you can still draw in wrasslin. Foley and Austin's books cover this. Austin came up with the gimmick - he told WWF creative about it and how he wanted to be "cold-blooded" and have aname that sutied this. Apparently they came up with "Chilly McFreeze". Then Austin's wife (the British one before Debra I think - Jenny something?) says one day that her tea had gone "stone cold" and voila. Who was the last person Austin put over anyway? I believe it was the Rock at Wrestlemania 19. The Rock finally won the big one over Austin at a Wrestlemania. Seriously though, CHILLY MCFREEZE? The writers couldn't come up with anything better than CHILLY MC-FUCKING-FREEZE?!?!
  10. haws bah gawd

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Hooray! Now new TNA fans can witness Jarrett take a beating that even John Cena wouldn't come back from, and still win the match!
  11. haws bah gawd

    Samoa Joe and Alex Shelly staying in TNA

    Very true, but by TNA logic, Joe wasn't a star during the Attitude Era, so Kip can get away with more.
  12. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    Because it was SO good at Wrestlemania 22, they just had to do it again!
  13. haws bah gawd

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I don't want to show sympathy for him. Murder is murder. However, It's good to know he actually had something wrong with him, and he didn't just snap for no reason.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Samoa Joe and Alex Shelly staying in TNA

    HAHAHA, so much for Andrew the Punisher. I never thought he was too terribly bad in the ring, he was just always overpushed. Especially in ECW.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Either way, the in-game storyline will probably be 10X better than the '01 Invasion. But seriously, is it just me or does it seem THQ gets lazier and lazier with this game every year? Sure they add a completely different control scheme every year,but even that gets annoying. HCTP had an amazing control scheme, but that was thrown right out the window when it came time for the abortion that was the first SD vs R. Last year they had a decent enough scheme, but the move variety was pitiful.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Ric Flair quits WWE

    I would hate to see his career end like this. I was hoping Flair would get a Rocky Balboa-esque send off. I hope he and WWE are able to work something out.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Sid Vicious update

    I was watching an old Nitro main event, The Giant vs Goldberg for the WCW World Title, not too long ago. It's amazing the crowd reaction that this got. Goldberg was all about punches and kicks, but he captivated the crowd. It was his facial expressions and mannerisms, mainly. Everytime he took a shot at the Giant, it looked like he was trying to kill him, and the crowd ate it up! When Goldberg Jackhammered the Giant, which at the time was a flat-out disgusting display of strength (I got kind of jaded by Brock Lesnar tossing Big Show around like a sack of crap from 02-03), there was literally no one in the crowd sitting down! That's something you rarely see anymore. You'll see about half, or a majority of a crowd stand up and cheer for someone, but you rarely see each and every person come to their feet and rally behind someone like that anymore. That's "Hulk Hogan-esque Charisma" there, and you can't teach someone how to do that. Goldberg was one of those rare talents, but unfortunately, I think his time is gone.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    I'm fine with Punk and Cor Von being in. I'm a little pissed that Kevin Thorn is nowhere to be seen, but SABU is in. WTF?
  19. haws bah gawd

    OaO Non spoiler ECW Thread 9/4

    That was a really good main event last night. I'm looking forward to Punk hopefully having a lengthly reign. Of course the ECW title has been "cursed" in much the same way as the World Heavyweight title lately. Let's have a look: RVD - OK, he beat John Cena for the WWE title at ONS 2006 and became the ECW Champion by default. I can live with that. Big Show - RVD was busted with some mary jane and forced to take a suspension. Thus they have to get the belt off him ASAP. WWE hands the belt to the newly dubbed "Extreme Big Show". Lashley - Big Show's body has been wrecked by the constant extreme rules matches, and he decides its time to retire. WWE takes Sabu out of the EC match entirely, has no faith in RVD, and Punk isn't "ready". Again they just hand the belt to someone; Lashley. Vince McMahon - What makes your paper champion look more impressive than getting pinned by a non-wrestler? Albeit this was after Lashley played pinball for Umaga. Why not put the belt on an actual wrestler in Umaga if you have to take the belt off Lashley. You know, I've found that not trying to make sense of Vince's logic makes my head hurt a lot less. Lashley - After 2 months of "Extreme Vince McMahon", Lashley anticlimactically beats him in about 5 minutes at ONS 2007. John Morrison - Lashley gets drafted to RAW and is forced to vacate the belt (a.k.a. WWE indirectly telling the ECW roster that they don't feel anyone there is worth a win over their precious Lashley). "He who shall go Unnamed" misses Vengenace, Punk STILL isn't "ready", and JTTS Johnny Nitro is handed the ECW title. CM Punk - John Morrison is caught-up in a steroids scandal and is forced to take a suspension. WWE has painted themselves into a corner, and has to put the belt on Punk. What a mess that title's lineage is, in just a little over a year. *EDITED FOR ACCURACY*
  20. haws bah gawd

    Aliens v Predator 2

    Damn, in 4+ years you can't find time to set a wedding date? Good job though Anderson!
  21. haws bah gawd

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    Well, the Michael storyline was meant to end with Halloween 2. That's why Loomis shot out both his eyes, then blew him up. It wasn't until Pt. 4 that they decide hes just been in a coma for 10 years or so, and his eyes are magically OK. Plus both Michael and Dr. Loomis are severely burned from the explosion at the end of Pt. 2 but the scars gradually heal to the point of being non-existent by the time Curse takes place.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Recent Purchases

    Queensryche - Sign of the Times It's basically a "Greatest Hits" album. The whole thing is good.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    What's so good Tiger Woods '04? The only reason I ask is because when I used to work at Gamestop, of all the Tiger Woods games, we couldn't keep '04 in stock. Is it the end all, be all of the series, similar to what NFL 2K5 did for football?
  24. haws bah gawd

    ECW/Smackdown Spoilers for the 9/4 and 9/7 airings

    I think I can answer your question in regards to the Punk hate. It seems to be an unwritten rule around here that if someone has an IWC following, and they "take off" in WWE, you have to start looking for reasons to dislike them. My main case on this is how it seemed a lot of the board turned on "He who shall go un-named" when he won the world title at WMXX. I'm looking forward to seeing how Punk handles being on top of WWE's "C" show. It's got to be better than Johnny Nitro rambling about being the "Sultan of Sexy" sitting in his "Palace of Wisdom".
  25. haws bah gawd

    TNA Impact spoilers

    Wow... I think I booked an efed like that once. You honestly don't know how badly I'd love to see Kanyon in TNA under this gimmick.