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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. Rocky 4 had those fucked up over-the-side-of-a-barn sit ups, and those lower body situps where Stallone was using his neck and shoulders to lift his entire lower body. Thats some hardcore shit.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Decent Wrestling T-Shirts

    I liked the nWo shirts. Both the Hollywood and Wolfpack versions were so simple in design, yet so effective. Until I dropped a lot of weight, I would still occasionally wear my '97 Sting shirt. It had "STING" in a thick blue font in the middle of the shirt, with Sting standing in the middle with his arms spread. I still wear my HHH "iron cross" shirt every now and then.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Circuit City Game Clearance

    I'd go, but I know it won't be there. It's never anywhere it seems. Your right, the thing about the Winning Eleven's is that, very few copies are sent to retailers. As popular as it is and also as good (so I hear), very few copies are sent or re-sent to retailers. The Gamestop I work at has 2 or 3 copies of WE 6 and 8 I believe. They've been here for quite a while.
  4. haws bah gawd

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    Best I can remember, crowd was completely into the match by the time the end came around. It was slow to start, but did it ever deliver. I am very impressed with the work that both guys put into the match. Also, RVD's spine has to be made of rubber. Theres no other explanation for the things that people can do to him and it not kill him.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Worst match you've seen live

    In October of 1999, I had the misfortune of seeing a WWF house show where nearly every match ended with a basic body slam. Chaz vs Crash Holly ended with Crash absolutely DESTROYING Chaz with a scoop slam the likes of which I have never seen. The main event was Kane vs Big Show which also ended with Kane slamming Show. That one was at least believable since for years and years, a body slam to a 400+ lb man has been billed as death in the world of pro wrestling. Aside from that, the 2nd worst match I have ever seen was easily Scott Hall vs Lex Luger in the late Fall of 1997. The match was pretty much a squash on Scott Hall with Luger drilling him with about 8 or 9 inverted atomic drops in a row before going straight to the Torture Rack for the submission. It was a 4 minute match, tops. Luger and Hall had almost a carbon copy of this match on several Nitro broadcasts over the next year.
  6. haws bah gawd

    WWE to return to Madison Square Garden

    Thanks for the info. Knew it was too convenient to be possible.
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE to return to Madison Square Garden

    Undertaker and Sid reunite as the Twin Towers (I think they were the team, its been so long) only to get toppled by the newly-shipped-to-raw Khali in a handicap match. LIVE FROM MADISON SQUARE GARDEN ON THE 5TH ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11! Im so going to Hell for the one.....
  8. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown house show 6-17-06

    So did Batista actually Powerbomb that big son of a bitch, or was it the spinebuster?
  9. haws bah gawd

    OAO Impact Thread - June/15th/06.

    Wasn't Nash's new music a re-do of Zepplin's Kashmir(sp?) ? Sounded interesting.
  10. haws bah gawd

    OAO ECW TV Thread - June 13th 2006

    I dunno about anyone else, but I for one am quite excited to see Kevin Fertig being given a second chance by WWE. I think his Mordecai character would've been more suited for a sci-fi channel role, but I'm not too bothered by vampire gimmicks. I hope he can make good on this and get over his stage fright. I didn't see this mentioned anywhere else in the thread, but did anyone else notice that Heyman handed RVD one of the $250 replica ECW belts that can be picked up at the souvenier stand at any given WWE event? Couldn't WWE at least TRY to give ECW an actual title belt?
  11. haws bah gawd

    Covers you liked better than the original?

    Quoted for truth. Motorhead can really do no wrong. I'm going to add Lacuna Coil's cover of Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence" to the list. My God is this ever superior to the original.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Stupid stuff that pisses you off

    People who use the word "as" in place of the words "because" or "since". FUCK YOU People who say "UM" a lot. People who drop their kids off at the 360 or PS2 stations in my store, and leave them there all fucking day. The local Gamestop is not a babysitting service you lazy fucks. This young middle-eastern kid that we have dubbed 'Pablo' comes in the store every Friday and Saturday and stays from open to close (10-9). I once witnessed Pablo watch FFVII Advent Children for the full 11 hours, without moving once from in front of the system. Female radio personalities who mumble nearly every word they say, making them impossible to understand. Im talking to you Delila.
  13. haws bah gawd

    "Earthquake" John Tenta passes away

    Does anyone have a recent picture of John? I don't believe I've actually seen the poor guy since the gimmick battle royal at Wrestlemania X-7. R.I.P.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Wow, Rey jobbed yet again. Exactly how many wins has Rey achieved since becoming champion?
  15. haws bah gawd

    Tough Enough 1 or 2 question

    Who was the guy from TE4 that tore his pec during his tryout, and was immediately offered a developmental deal by Johnny Ace?
  16. haws bah gawd

    Lashley's Dominator

    Didn't they have the indian death lock or something at one point? Also the sledgehammer. That counts as a finisher. In late 2000, for a small handful or matches, I believe I remember HHH using a Reverse Neckbreaker of all things in a couple matches for a finisher.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Tough Enough 1 or 2 question

    One of the main things I missed about TE 3 and 4 were the lack of tryout episodes. I got a laugh out of seeing the morbidly obese guys and girls showing up and trying to do all the running and jumping across the ring. Especially the one guy from TE2 who had so many rolls, JR (pot. kettle. black.) said he looked like he just had a litter of pups.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Hitman: Blood Money

    I picked this up tonight before I left work, for the 360. The camera in this game SUCKS ASS, and is way too sensitive when it comes to being re-adjusted. The variety of weapons is fun, and the graphics are ok. Overall the control really hurts this game.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Lashley's Dominator

    I know a wrestler always wants to look out for their opponent to prevent injury, but a super finisher for HHH could be him simply keeping the arms hooked on the Pedigree throughout the move instead of releasing them in mid air. Gregory Helms could of course use the Vertebreaker. Big Show could go back to using either the Final Cut or the Alley Oop.
  20. haws bah gawd

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    - Sid is the most underrated big man of all time. He could cut a decent promo, threw awesome sledgehammer punches (smashed his fist on top of your head, or into your face), and had one of the sickest powerbombs in history. - JBL is an attrocious wrestler with shitty mic skills and deserves to be nowhere near the main event. During his APA days and his horrid face run of early Spring 2002 you all would've agreed. You all wanted him crucified for his nazi actions in Germany in 2004, cried foul when he beat Eddie for the gold, then all of a sudden, everyone jumped on the JBL ES T3H ROXXORZ bandwagon. Fuck JBL. - Bret Hart was NOT as good as he is built up to be. - Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy in the ladder match for the Undisputed title was one of the finest 'emotional' performances of either man's career. - The Great Khali should not only NEVER EVER lose under any circumstances, but get a respectable world title run. - Mickey James vs Trish at Wrestlemania 22 SUCKED. Lita vs Trish from late 2004 on RAW is one of the top 3 greatest WWE/F Women's matches of all time. - Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak should come to an end in one of two ways: A clean, decisive job to Kane TAPPING THE FUCK OUT to the Crippler Crossface - I agree with whoever said it first in regards to 95% of the IWC magically becoming John Cena fans again as soon as he turns heel. - Fuck Carlito. He and his fro have replaced Christian as WWE's resident master of the rear chinlock.
  21. haws bah gawd

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    Think it'd be reasonable to have Kurt drop his olympic theme if hes going to go with a 'serious shootfighter' gimmick? I have to question how he would be accepted by the 'ECW' crowds if he still makes his entrance to his You Suck-singalong music. A change of attire might also be necessary. Why was Kurt brought to ECW anyways? Wasn't he one of the main anti-ECW guys last year? I Aside from giving ECW some much needed credibility in the way of an established main eventer, I guess all other logic is being thrown out the window for this one.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    All that's really set in stone at the moment are: RVD vs John Cena Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk vs Mick Foley and Edge
  23. haws bah gawd

    Short songs

    "Whats my Age Again" - Blink 182 "Time of Your Life" - Green Day "Wait and Bleed" - Slipknot
  24. haws bah gawd

    TNA iMPACT! Taping Spoilers, Taped 29/05/06

    Why does it seem that the iMPACT after every PPV, Jeff Jarrett comes out and "DEMANDS Mike Tenay and Don West tell him who his next opponent is". Why would an announcer know? Why not ask Zybyzsko? It's really a shame that Raven has to job to Jarrett yet AGAIN. Nash in the X-Division makes me quite happy for some reason. I hope some good comes of this angle.