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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    Theres a fairly strong resemblence there. Good thing Deacon got that stupid looking "Super-D" covered-up on his arm.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It's a shame that Awesome is injured at the moment. I was looking forward to the possibility of he and Masato Tanaka tearing the fucking house down again this year.
  3. haws bah gawd

    X-Men 3

    I'll say again that I loved this movie, and I have no problem with the Phoenix's backstory not being 100% faithful to the comics. It was still interesting to hear about Phoenix being the power-hungry alter ego of Jean Grey that was blocked out by Professor X. I just hope that if an X-Men 4 is produced, we get some involvement from someone on the lines of Apocalypse or Mr. Sinister, or maybe a spin on Age of Apocalypse or Onslaught.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Lacuna Coil

    I heard that the band asked her to leave because she got all pissy about money (more or less.) She's going solo now. Yea, her firing was a very public thing that included her termination letter being posted on the group's official site. It came down to her being "too much of a diva". What that apparently meant was she was refusing to tour with the rest of Nightwish. She would take her own jet. She also wouldn't do practise sessions anymore with the band either. I had heard rumors of a possible new female vocalist that the rest of the band was wanting to hire, but I cant remember the name of the band she was affiliated with. If you like Nightwish though, you should track down some music from their bass player's side project, Tarot. They have a great 80s 'hair metal' sound.
  5. haws bah gawd

    X-Men 3

    I saw this today and I loved it. The action scenes were fast and well-filmed. I can forgive some of the dialogue because the rest of the movie was so enjoyable. I'm looking forward to getting the DVD of this in a few months.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Username and Password-Protected Video Files

    Gratitude and respect from a fellow board member?
  7. Do any of you know any tricks to get around username/password locks on video files?
  8. haws bah gawd


    Upon checking my opening email, I saw that we (Gamestop) will be taking PS3 preorders, but not before October. Gamestop wants to avoid that 360 problems (reserving WAY more systems than they were actually going to receive) from last year. The same email also said that as of the most recent information, each store will only receive 10 systems or less. There is nothing set in stone, but the DM says corporate will be asking between $50-$200 for reservations on the system. So, take that for what you will.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Red Hot Chili Plagerists?

    You are correct, sir. Personally I have no problem with their music, but I will admit that they have been making a killing since 2001 by rewriting "This is How You Remind Me", over and over. See "Someday", "Photograph", and "Far Away" for proof of this.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Fuck Jack Black. Batista is channeling the spirit of Rocky Balboa! That looks pretty cool actually although it would have been better if Angle was on it instead I think. Too bad Batista's opponent for the PPV will most likely be . Ugh. Oh and yea. Perhaps after the match, Batista will cut an "If I can change, you can change......EVERYONE CAN CHANGE!" promo.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Complete Smackdown Spoilers

    I'll ask the same question I posted last week, what is the point of posting fake spoilers? Do these people get a kick out of thinking they tricked everyone online? What is the fun of posting a fake match that happened between Khali and Matt Hardy of all people? Guess I've answered my own question.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Maybe there is more to the story then that. I hate when people make general sweeping comments like that when you don't even know a fraction of the reality. Hey theres an IF in my previous post. Hence by the IF I am acknowledging the possibility of it being true but not accepting it as such just yet. I hate when people dont fully read and understand posts before responding to them.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If the rumored reltaionship between Batista and Melina is true, I would lose a lot of respect for Batista. This is a man with a wife, (who just beat CANCER about 3 years ago) and 3 kids, and hes going to run around on his wife with someone that's not much older than his oldest daughter. Thats kind of shitty. I know it would be HARD to resist fucking, or even just fooling around with Melina if the opportunity arised, but he should have more respect for the mother of his children than that. As far as the heat on Nitro is concerned for letting it happen, to be honest he's probably afraid that big Dave would rip him in half if he tried to do anything about it. Then again he is a bitch for staying with Melina in the first place if shes running around on him.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Reissue of D-X DVD (with extra matches)

    What is/was the release date of the WWE Homecoming DVD? The Wal-Mart close to here already has it on sale along with the ECW 2-Pack, Undertaker: He Buries them Alive (rerelease), and Shawn Michaels: Boyhood Dream(rerelease too) DVDs.
  15. Ok everyone, like the title says, I've been out of comics for a long time. The last major story I kept-up with was "The Twelve" from the X-Men comics. Could any of you answer a few questions so I can get my bearings straight again? 1. What's the deal with Spiderman's Iron Man armor? 2. Apocalypse is back (I lost my interest in comics when they killed-off my favorite villian at the close of The Twelve) and Gambit and Sunfire have voluntarily become Horsemen. Who are his other Horsemen, and what is the purpose of his return? 3. Who is the current end-all, be-all most powerful being in all of the Marvel Universe? I would assume it is still The Living Tribunal since it is the closest thing to God that I have seen come out of Marvel, and the only being who I don't remember backing-down from the Infinity Gauntlet. 4. Speaking of the Infinity Gauntlet, what is the current most powerful weapon in all of the Marvel Universe? The way I understand it, when the Infinity Gems were seperated, The Living Tribunal decreed that the Gems would never again work when brought together, and would only work seperately. That leaves the Ultimate Nullifier as the most powerful weapon? 5. Who is the current overall most powerful mutant? From what I have read about the House of M, and a few other stories, it seems Scarlett Witch is the most powerful non-enhanced mutant. I would guess Dark Phoenix would rank as the all-time most powerful enhanced mutant? 6. I understand Eddie Brock apparently commited suicide, and the symbiote joined with Scorpion of all people. Does Mac Gargan wear the Scorpion suit, in addition to the symbiote? If I can think of any other questions, I will add them. Thanks in advance for taking the time to catch me up.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    From Meltzer Clean huh?
  17. haws bah gawd

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Hah, that's one of the few songs by them that I like. I'd like to add the studio version of Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band. I loved the live version that most radio stations were playing in the mid-90's, but thought the studio version sucked ass.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Flipping Out On A Rude Customer At Work

    Someone tell me if I went a little too far in this situation: Today was my last day working at a Cingular store. Around 9:30 this morning, I was setting up a new account for a customer, nothing out of the ordinary, when this Middle-Eastern fellow walks in. I promply tell him that I will be with him as soon as I finish with my current customer. Well, he apparently doesnt have the time, and immediately wants to buy a replacement for his broken Treo650 because hes leaving the country on Friday. So, I tell him I have none in stock at the moment, but I can call the store owner as soon as I finish with my current customer, and see if he can have one overnight-shipped to the store. So, he says how about I just come back in a little while? I tell him that is fine. Anyways, around 12, he comes back to the store and is ready to go ahead and pay for the phone. So, I proceed like usual. I give a call to the store owner and tell him I need the phone overnighted to the store. He tells me to tell the customer that the warehouse might be out of stock, so he recommends checking the other Cingular stores in the area to see if they have one before he pays for the phone, just in case we cant get the phone delivered on time. Well, this guy just didnt want to hear that. He then starts yelling at me about how that is bullshit, and he just wasted his 'entire day' for nothing. Keep in mind, its been 2 and a half hours. Then he asks for my name, the store owner's name, and the owner's number because he wants to tell him how badly I fucked him over. So, again, I told him it was the store owner, and not me, that gave him the recommendation to check the other stores in the area. Well, he still didnt want to hear that, and again demanded the information. So, I had heard enough of this and told the guy my first name. He asked for my lst, but I told him he wasnt getting it. He then asked for the owner's name and phone number. I told him that was priviledged information and I wasnt just going to give out the owner's personal number. So then he yelled again that he demanded to know the information because 'something had to be done about the way I treated him'. So, at this point I had had enough, so I told him today was my last day with the company, and to be honest I could care less what he thinks of me, and as far as I'm concerned, he had about 2 seconds to leave the store before I showed him out myself. He finally left after I stared him down for what seemed like eternity. Fucking aggrivating.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Songs you hate by artists you like

    Korn - Make me Bad Metallica - St. Anger Breaking Benjamin - Rain (seriously, what were they thinking when they recorded this?)
  20. haws bah gawd

    Insider Timeline: 1995

    Weird, I thought it was just me that got the MSN Messenger popup. KTID, are you running some scripts in your posts that force that aggrivating shit to happen?
  21. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    Vampiro, I may be wrong, but I want to say Juvi got the upset over Reese at Great American Bash '98, or some other ppv around there. Not too long after that, they were a tag team for a short time.
  22. haws bah gawd

    E3 2006: The Thread

    The biggest laugh out of the video was "This game features battles that actually took place in ancient Japan.......so here is the GIANT ENEMY CRAB ".
  23. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    I pulled this from ObsessedwithWrestling.com Ron Reis/Yeti/Big Ron Studd/Reese/Giant Ninja - 7'2, 365 lbs Big Show - 7'1, 493 lbs Reis has him by 1 inch.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    Must've been pulled already.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Another reference to the Reformation of DX

    D-X Promo from WWE.com Well, theres all the proof you'll ever need. One has to wonder why WWE seems to enjoy spoiling their own storylines.