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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Wrestling Quirks

    How about Cena's 5 moves of doom? You would especially thing Edge of all people would know by now that if Cena hits you with 2 Shoulder Blocks, it's probably not wise to try to throw a wild punch at him after the 2nd one. He is just going to duck it and use your momentum to pick you up for that weak-as-hell Spinning Backdrop. I'm waiting for the day someone books the match to have Cena's opponent fake him out by throwing a punch, Cena ducks, only to stand back up and get hit by the opponents other fist.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Meeting Sports Entertainers - Autographs, etc.

    MVP and Maria are supposed to be signing autographs at a local K-Mart on Saturday afternoon. My girlfriend and I are planning to go. I'll try to take some pictures while we're there.
  3. haws bah gawd

    TSM Remembers: The Boogeyman

    No problems here with Boogeyman. He had a unique ringstyle to say the least, and I just got a laugh out of watching him move in the ring. I'm sure Booker T will help him find work in TNA.
  4. haws bah gawd

    WWE SmackDown - March 13, 2009

    Fuck yes for Shelton in MitB. I always look forward to whatever crazy shit he is going to do with a ladder each year. Fucking bullshit to Finlay going over TBK for the MitB.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Wrestling Quirks

    I've mentioned this one, time and again. Tag team match. Face team is trying to get the tag. Heel team keeps blindly tagging behind the referee's back, and because he hears a hand slap, or the devious heel tells him a tag was made, he goes with it. Face team makes a tag behind the Ref's back, NO! That is just not going to work, because the referee didn't SEE it. This has bugged me ever since I first started watching.
  6. haws bah gawd

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    How many WM's in a row does this make it where the IC title won't be defended?
  7. haws bah gawd

    Steve Austin in 2009

    he is looking slim. AUSTIN VS CENA?!??!?!?!?! Austin's arms at least look in great shape. Must have been from that gladiator-style film he was working on not too long ago. If anything I'd say if things with Rourke don't work out, Austin might step up to knock some sense into Jericho at 'Mania. Regarding Cena, I think I could find him slightly more tolerable if he dropped that salute thing from his entrance. Kind of like Rey flapping his arms like a bird shortly after his return last Fall. It's little mannerisms like that, that really get on my nerves.
  8. haws bah gawd

    ECW - March 3, 2009

    Nothing worth noting. He's just held the title forever.
  9. haws bah gawd

    ECW - March 3, 2009

    If the guy is ready to go in time, Evan Bourne almost has to be in the match. I wouldn't mind seeing Shelton find his way into the match, just for his obligatory "run up the ladder" spot that he always finds a way to work in. Though now, it seems like we may be seeing Shelton vs MVP for the US belt. I just looked it up on Wiki, and Christ, Shelton has held that title for a long time. Still a little more than 100 days short of MVP's sick reign from 07-08 but still impressive. Shelton - 226+ days MVP - 343 days!
  10. haws bah gawd

    What will be the worst movie of 2009?

    I agree. The first MK is a decent martial arts flick with some fantasy thrown in. Annihilation though, is TRASH. It's not even a "so bad, it's still funny to watch" film. It really has no redeeming qualities. Though Paul W.S. Anderson has made some turds, at least Mortal Kombat, and Event Horizon are enjoyable. Event Horizon was supposedly MUCH more gory and violent than it ended up being, but the majority of the footage had to be cut from the film, and was never preserved, and likely lost forever. There were a couple scenes that were luckily preserved, and ended up on the Special Edition DVD re-release, but aside from that, any of the other cut footage is gone forever.
  11. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    That looks badass.
  12. haws bah gawd

    I want to discuss Kanye West's insanity

    Don't know how long this link will actually stay active since SuperFicial isn't friendly about image linking, but this is apparently Kanye West's current girlfriend. Thoughts?
  13. haws bah gawd

    BNL doesn't break up

    They had a pretty decent single that got significant radio play in 2000 called "Pinch Me". I always enjoyed pretty much anything I heard from them.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Box Office Report

  15. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    That happened once when WCW came through my area in the late 1997 or so. This show had 6 or 7 matches, and not one went longer than 5 minutes. The main event was Lex Luger vs Scott Hall with them practicing the repeated-inverted atomic drops spot that they soon worked into EVERY MATCH THEY HAD. I have yet to have a less than satisfying experience at a WWE house show. About 2 weeks before Wrestlemania 21, WWE stopped in Columbia for a house show. Batista and Triple H were practicing their match for the WM, and the crowd was eating up everything Big Dave did. I believe this was the Sunday after his big face turn on RAW. The only downside was when WM came a couple weeks later, their match was nearly spot-for-spot, what I had saw in Columbia just a couple weeks prior.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Friday the 13th is fucking awesome. I had a lot of fun watching it. Seeing how well Taken is doing, I may have to give it a look.
  17. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    Starting Weight: 270 (officially started losing weight on 1/1 at 278, but entered this contest at 270) Ending Weight: 252 as of this morning Total Pounds Lost: 18 Avg. Loss Per Week: 2.5lb. Weight Lost as a %: 6.67% (I think I did that right) Did you reach your goal? My goal is 220, so I still have a little further to go. If I had hit 220 in a span of 2 months, I would probably need to go see a doctor. It hasn't been too hard to drop the weight. My girlfriend has been really supportive. Reflections: In 2004, I managed to go from 284 to 199 in a span of just 8 months. I dropped a ton of weight, but because I did it with little to no exercise, I still looked like shit. I had since ballooned back up to 278. You know it's time for a change when your XXL shirts are getting too tight, and your gut is starting to hang out from under your shirt. This time I've been doing it right. I drink a lot of water, and watch what I eat. I also go to the jobbing track 3 or 4 times a week and do about 3 miles. On top of this, I do the strength training program on the Bowflex 3 times a week for a half hour a day. My goal is to look good naked. The end. Thanks to Cheech for keeping up with all the numbers.
  18. haws bah gawd

    BNL doesn't break up

    I thought they were a "fun" group with some catchy songs. Sad to see them gone.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I remember the Goldberg/Scott Steiner matches. I thought they clicked pretty well, and would have liked to have seen more of them. The only thing I can even remember from the Goldberg heel run, is WCW turning his botched kick on Bret Hart into a bit of a secondary finisher for him (IIRC), dubbing it the "Concussion Kick". Classy, I know. I vaguely remember WCW trying to get heat on him by having him beat the holy hell out of Hacksaw Jim shortly after he had gotten some kind of surgery.
  20. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Damn, sucks for him if that's true. Wonder what happened?
  21. haws bah gawd

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Wow. I didn't have internet access until late 1999, so I missed out on all the buzz from the WCW/WWF war until then. I can only imagine all the crazy stuff that was going around.
  22. haws bah gawd

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Before Goldberg turned heel, WCW was hyping that something HUGE was going to happen at their PPV, and "there was nothing that Vince McMahon could do about it". Pretty fucking stupid when all it was, was Goldberg turning heel.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Pictures I Like

    Hah, that's horrible and great all at the same time.
  24. haws bah gawd

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    Not sure if we're still doing the usual Wednesday update or not, but I'm down to 255. Guess I'll have a final number in by Monday.
  25. haws bah gawd

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Don't know if this has been discussed already, but according to Rajah, a big reason for Scotty Goldman's release from WWE was because he didn't sell Umaga's finisher correctly on Smackdown. He supposedly did a bit of a "jump" to sell the Spike, causing Umaga's thumb to not make contact. Umaga went ahead and pinned him, and Vickie had the match restarted. Goldman then took the bump correctly. Kind of a shitty reason to let go of someone.