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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    The Yeti arrives at Halloween Havoc This may have been posted already, but it is an interesting clip to say the least. Giant has Hogan in a bearhug, and Luger and Savage run down for the save. Then, as soon as they hit the ring, Luger turns on Savage. Then an 8 FOOT TALL MUMMY walks down to the ring, and well, it looks like he and Giant are trying to have relations with Hogan. Yeti appears to actually be humping Hogan's backside during the double-Bearhug. I hadn't gotten back into wrestling at this point (I was out of the loop from mid1993-late1995), but had the fans already started to turn on Hogan by this time? I ask because Luger throws Hogan into the Torture Rack (much to the disgust of Shiavonne) after the double-Bearhug, and a majority of the crowd goes BATSHIT with joy!
  2. haws bah gawd

    That show is still on?

    I think they switched from Americanizing a Japanese show to just making a cruddy American show, but I'm guessing that because it's Disney now, I haven't cared about it since Turbo, maybe before Actually, just browsing around, they are still using Japanese footage. So it's not totally Americanized. I may be wrong, (try as I might, I couldnt sit through an entire episode) but I think on the episode I watched, there were only 3 Power Rangers instead of the traditional 5 or 6, and they took orders from a talking Gerbil and a 6-foot tall Dog. What happened to Alpha and Zordon? I gave up on the show after the machine empire storyline came to a close.
  3. haws bah gawd

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    Gunner Scott seemed pretty impressive in the ring last night. Using him as Benoit's protege could lead to some interesting storylines, and a pretty good, if cliche, mentor vs trainee match at a future PPV. Gunner just needs to get new tights. The bullet holes on the legs look pretty neat, but the GUNNER in a 'kaboom-font' looks kind of silly.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Honestly, how can you NOT laugh at that? Really though, I still to this day miss seeing Owen perform. He could've went on to do some great things. Edit: By the way, LordsofPain had an article posted the other day that said WWE has no plans for a draft lottery this year.
  5. haws bah gawd

    School Bans Cell Phones in NY

    I don't personally have a problem with someone bring their phone into class. Just be courteous and at least turn the ringer off. If you get a call, and absolutely have to take it, just silently excuse yourself from class. This would apply to a college anyways. I know a high school teacher wouldn't take too kindly to someone just up and walking out of class. It doesn't take a genius to figure this stuff out. The youngest kid I've ever seen with a phone was this "traveler" girl that used to come into the Radio Shack where i worked. She was about 7 at the most, and had one of the most expensive phones that Sprint sold at the time. I had thought it may belong to her parents, so one day I asked her Mom (since they were frequent customers) and found out it was in fact the kid's.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Could one of you guys catch me up on the Marvel Universe?

    I've been doing a little research on the storylines and such that I've missed. Apparently Galactus died in battle with the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Star Jammers, then when he was dying, he told them his death would bring about a greater evil called Abraxas. While Galactus used the energy he drained from destroying worlds to survive, most of the energy was devoted to keeping Abraxas at bay. I'll be honest. The guy looks like a fruitcake, but he was destroyed by an Ultimate Nullifier-wielding Mr. Fantastic.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I want to say it's from around the beginning of April of this year.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I pulled this from the DVD boards. Say hello to Sean O'Haire
  9. haws bah gawd

    Who loves them some crabcakes?

    Crabcakes taste the best coming off a cheap Chinese buffet. Only the Chinese know how to cook these things right.
  10. haws bah gawd


    In a soup with some bacon bits and cheese. If you have a Logan's Roadhouse near you, try the loaded baked potatoe soup.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Mustard or Mayonaisse?

    I despise ketchup with every fiber of my being. I can't stand to smell the stuff, much less eat it. Mustard - This is ONLY for hot dogs and sausage dogs. It tastes like shit on everything else. Honey Mustard - Goes good on french fries, steak, and burgers Mayonaisse - Good for sandwiches, burgers, and chicken sandwiches.
  12. haws bah gawd

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    Anyone remember the angle with Booker T losing the "T" from his name if he lost to Big T (I think)? To this day, I still find that silly. Yea I remember this. I'll give Shavonne some credit. He was able to hype some SHIT storylines without ever cracking a smile, and stayed serious about the whole thing. He still went on to put over how that particular night was the biggest in the history of the sport. Oh, and how Booker T vs Big T for the rights to the "T" was the biggest match in the history of the sport as well.
  13. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    Who the fuck is Justin Roberts?
  14. haws bah gawd

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    Sci-Fi is one of the most heavily censored channels on cable TV. For being a dedicated horror/sci-fi network, you rarely see any blood or gore in a movie. I hope they dont make ECW tone it down any. Though I guess thats a relative statement since we dont really know how far WWE will let the company go in the violence department.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    I always figured WWE might call Burchill's move the "Sea-4" or maybe even "Sea-Floor".
  16. haws bah gawd

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    I was about to post these same spoilers, but you beat me to it. Whoever typed those remembered some pretty intricate details for having not taken any notes. I'm guessing we'll see Booker win the KotR since he has been made to look like such a joke lately (losing to Gunner Scott twice, amongst other loses), and needs a win. The stuff with Kane sounds pretty entertaining, so I'll have to make sure to catch the show. I just don't understand why WWE decided Kid Kash and Jamie Noble would be best suited for a Moondogs gimmick rehash. Makes no sense.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Could one of you guys catch me up on the Marvel Universe?

    I was under the impression that Franklin Richards powers were taken-away when Reed Richards used the Ultimate Nullifier to kill the guy that killed Galactus? You got me right there, man. I didn't read that mini-series where Galactus died so I wouldn't know. Although he's recently come back and even took the Human Torch as a Herald for a short while IIRC. And Mr. Fantastic used the Ultimate Nullifier and wasn't killed himself? I thought whomever used it would also be destroyed. Anyways, I seem to be out from the loop myself regarding Franklin Richards' power status. Here is the best I understand the story. Abraxas was some cosmic being that had some sort of terrible destructive power and was only kept at bay by Galactus. So once Galactus died, Abraxas decided it was his time to fulfill his goal of destroying all the alter realities. He was going to do with with the Ultimate Nullifier. SO long story short, there is a big battle, and Franklin Richard's uses his powers to resurrect Galactus. Galactus then takes thew Nullifier from Abraxas and gives it to Mr Fantastic. Reed then uses the Nullifier to destroy all of reality and recreate it without Abraxas all in one fell swoop. Silver Surfer was apparently also killed in the battle, but was resurrected when the Nullifier recreated everything. Franklin Richards was also recreated, but without any of his powers.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Could one of you guys catch me up on the Marvel Universe?

    I was under the impression that Franklin Richards powers were taken-away when Reed Richards used the Ultimate Nullifier to kill the guy that killed Galactus?
  19. haws bah gawd

    Possible SMACKDOWN Spoiler results !!

    I've never understood the point of sending fake Smackdown spoilers somewhere. What does it get you? Do you look cool in front of all the other nameless internet people? *Gets happy memories of the fake Smackdown spoilers circulating the internet the week before Wrestlemania X-7. Supposedly Vince would have Shawn Michaels in his corner for his match with Shane, and Shane would have GOLDBERG in his corner*
  20. haws bah gawd

    Horror Update

    Damn, John Saxon is still around? Count me in! Dario Argento directing the third part of that trilogy (I had no idea that Suspiria and Inferno were related) should be fun.
  21. haws bah gawd

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    I have no complaints in regards to Umaga. He's got some hard-hitting offense and is pretty quick in the ring. I like how he changes-up his finisher every week too. I figure if WWE does a draft this year, he'll be shipped-off to Smackdown because his gimmick seems like it would fit that show better. I just dont see the love for AAE. So, he talks with an accent and cuts the exact same intro promo every week. "Meh nim HAHA es Armando Allllllejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrada, HAHA an' heh es HAHA mah Samoah bulldozuh........HAHA UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHA!!!!!!" Whats the fuss? *Edited for Accuracy* If WWE is headed towards a D-X return, they need to straike soon while the iron is hot. Vince's reaction to Shane getting hit with the sledgehammer had me in stitches last night as well. WWWHHHYYYYYYY?!?! AAAAAAHHHHH!!! It's one of the few truly funny things, unintentional or not, that Vince has done lately. Funk's promo was pretty incoherent. "Foley, I know why you did what you did last week.........so I want to know WHY you did what you did last week! Why did you do it, Foley?" His punches looked horrible, and seeing Edge and Mick bump for them was pretty laughable. The Mandible Claw - Spear combo is slowly becoming one of my favorite team-based moves as well. In regards to HHH's theme. I guess he uses "Time to Play the Game" for his matches, since he has the water spit timed-right for it, and "Bow to the King" is used when the water-spit isn't necessary. You never see him use "Bow to the King" unless he's coming out in a non-wrestling role, or for a promo.
  22. Is it wrong for me to be glad to see Nash back? I love the guy on the mic, and always enjoy seeing him Jacknife someone. It would certainly be interesting to see him in a match with some of the X-Division wrestlers, especially AJ Styles or Jerry Lynn (if his neck is better). Whats with Shane Douglas coming out to watch the matches? Is he considering becoming an active wrestler again?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Dumbass DJ arrested and fired last week

    Personal shots at your rival DJ are perfectly fine but you DO NOT under any circumstances drag his CHILDREN into it.
  24. haws bah gawd

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    You guys are gonna have to remind me why the Great American Bash 1991 was so bad. Was this the show just after Flair left for the WWF, and they used Lex Luger vs Barry Windham to crown a new champion?