haws bah gawd
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Everything posted by haws bah gawd
Yikes, let's hope he fails the drug test. On the contrary, I hope to see him come back. WWE seriously dropped the ball in not giving him just a simple one month world title run. It was definitely the wrong decision to let him lose the ladder match with the Undertaker in the Summer of 2002. There wasn't a person sitting down in the crowd when he brained 'Taker with the chair, and was within a couple inches of grabbing the belt. Smarks may hate the guy with undying passion, but he is over as fuck with the crowds. If he is truly clean, I would love to see him get a second chance. Since Jeff is at his best in hardcore style matches, put him in the new ECW and use him to elevate the new talent there. He was actually getting somewhat watchable in the ring again shortly before he was suspended from TNA, so I hope he gets his act together and takes advantage of this second chance that WWE is offering him.
That's some great news on WWE resigning Akio. They were fools to let him go in the first place. I'll say it again, the match with Charlie Haas on Heat this week is fantastic. I just hope he goes back to Smackdown so he and Paul London can tear it up some more.
So calling everything and everyone a 'fag' is an example of Christian values? I've been of the Christian faith for all of my life, and I don't remember this being preached in any church I've ever been to. I hope this guy's funeral is protested to no end.
Sorry Inuyasha, I didn't see it. A mod can close this if necessary.
I'm not sure if this counts as a current event since I don't know how old this video is, so I put it in general chat. Feel free to move it if necessary. You know, I consider myself a member of the Christian faith, even though I am FAR from a choir boy. This woman, Shirly Phelps-Roeper and her "church" give all Christians a bad name. I truly pity her and anyone else who has the gall to say things like this about a soldier who died, fighting in the Middle-East. Watch the look on her face throughout the interview. She never loses that shit-eating grin of hers: http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2178.html Seriously lady, fuck you.
Maybe I 've just never payed that much attention, or JBL is a really big guy, but the United States Belt is REALLY tiny.
The 75% or so of you that alter between liking and hating Mark Henry every month will probably rejoice at this:
Congrats to the two of them. I guess TNA will have to wrap-up that silly feud between her and Jarrett soon. Has anyone watched Heat yet? Charlie Haas and Akio put on a damn good match. Akio is just as agile as ever, and Haas brings the stiffness with some rough kicks, a wicked big boot (the force of which makes Akio flip backwards onto the top of his head), and a snap reverse ddt to end things. WWE needs to resign Akio ASAP.
More awesomeness from Wrestlemania X-7, The Rock doing the most elaborate oversell of the Stone Cold Stunner in history One of the biggest crowd pops of all time. Stone Cold helps Mankind win his first World Title. The Rock and Stone Cold vs nWo Part 1 Part 2 It's interesting to note that the interaction between Austin and Hogan is kept to a minimum. You can also kind of understand where Austin's frustration came from in mid-2002. Austin was made to look like a bitch in this match in particular. He gets destroyed by Hall and Nash while they no-sell almost everything he throws at them. nWo Back in Black Documentary
I haven't read through the other 7 pages of the thread, but has there been any word on the guys being allowed to exhibit the balls-out full-speed-ahead style of ECW, or will they be forced to work the WWE-style of Hardcore matches (cookie sheets and trashcans for everyone!)?
I think I just creamed my pants over the SD vs R trailer. I hope the 360 and/or PS3 will be able to pump-out some graphics similar to those. You have Angle busting a monitor over Cenas head, getting a light tube broken over his own shoulder, then making the comeback with an Angle Slam through a ringside table and moonsaulting off a balconey. I'm sold.
So what ended up happening with the bomb in his head? Feel free to go ahead and throw up some spoilers.
Sho nuff. This had me nearly wetting myself with anticipation at the time. The only good thing Limp Bizkit has ever been involved in. Why is My Way unedited? It's probably undedited because it is ripped from either the PPV live or the WWF release of WrestleMania X-7 (pre WWE dvd). Austin kept stunning the Rock through out the whole feud, and boom, the Rock hit the Stunner on Austin just before Mania. Great feud! I can't remember them playing My Way unedited, even on the ppv. But oh well, if they did, cool. The week before Wrestlemania X-7, there was a fake Smackdown spoiler going around that said Austin hit the Rock Bottom on the Rock and even gave him the People's Elbow. I would've given my left nut for the hilarity of Austin doing the People's Elbow, but alas. The same fake spoiler (this should have really gave it away as fake, but I wanted to believe it so bad) had HBK returning as a heel to be in the corner of Vince McMahon for the match with Shane, but then Shane dropped his own bombshell by saying, "Vince, you may have the Heartbreak Kid in your corner, but I've got THE MAN in my corner, and YOU'RE NEXT!" I nearly pissed myself reading this, but the next day the REAL spoilers were released.
Finlay with a midget sidekick would make me giggle with glee. I want another Mike Awesome/Masato Tanaka match at ONS...those two can beat the shit out of each other for 15 minutes, but I know they wont get Awesome back.. I agree with this. I think it was one of the biggest tragedies of 2005 that neither Mike Awesome or Masato Tanaka landed a fulltime deal with WWE after they tore the fucking house down at ONS last year. I guess its because Heyman has to hold his little 6+ year grudge against Mike Awesome for taking a better-paying job with WCW, that we will probably never see him wrestle fulltime for a major North American company again.
Randy Savage could never get the win over Hulk Hogan Big Show can never beat John Cena Chris Jericho can never get the big win over Triple H and now, Rey Mysterio, the fucking WORLD 'HEAVYWEIGHT' CHAMPION, can't get a win over Mark Henry?!?!?!?!?! BTW, someone tell me when we started liking Mark Henry again. I didn't get the memo. Oh well, at least Rey Jr. vs Khali next week should be somewhat entertaining to me at least. I always mark for little guy vs giant matches.
I hope to God, WWE signs him back. I never understood the point of letting him go in the first place. One of the bonuses of watching Velocity was to see if he would have a match with Paul London because they ALWAYS delivered in the ring together.
Another reference to the Reformation of DX
haws bah gawd replied to res37618's topic in The WWE Folder
Yea, it would be good to know if there is going to be a presale or not. Me and a friend are looking to drive up that way from lower SC, and it would be good to get some close-up seats. -
Again let me repeat myself, anyone who can let THIS happen to themselves, I really have a hard time feeling sorry for.
With WWE focusing on restarting ECW, is there any news of them continuing the annual roster draft and trade? That is always one of the things I look forward to in the Spring/Summer from WWE.
Don't bitch. If you didn't want the altered versions, you didn't HAVE to buy them back in '04. I never had any problems with the changes Lucas made. They're his movies, and he can pretty much do whatever he wants with them. If you don't like it, you don't have to buy them. At least now all the Greedo vs Hans people can stop whining over 2 seconds of footage from Episode IV. Yes, I will most likely end up buying the new set along with all the rest of you.
This week's episode was pretty good. I loved the spoofs of the Nanny shows. I had been waiting for some monster bastard kid to pull some stuff on one of the nannies like Cartman was doing. The ending wasn't too great, but the rest of the episode was fine. This is still far and away the worst season of this show ever, though.
What the fuck is that hanging in front of him? Looks like a giant nutsack. While I hope the doctors can help him, I have a hard time finding pity for people who let these kinds of things happen to themselves.
Great Khali brings back such fond memories of the dying days of WCW. Who could forget when Scott Steiner would use his "lead pipe" to break all the cruiser's legs? Not even Christopher Daniels and Mike Modest were able to escape his wrath. All in all though, this Smackdown sounds horrible. I guess they had Finlay go over Benoit because Benoit vs Booker T has been DONE TO DEATH.
I still don't see the fuss in Carlito. Average mic skills, and he's decent in the ring at best, though he impressed the hell out of me in his tournament match with RVD when he used the springboard corkscrew death. If he truly is capable of more in the ring than what he's showing off, I would love to see it, and my opinion of him would probably change. He has the look of a heel, and IMO should've stayed one, mainly because he LOOKS like he would be a complete asshole.
I have a tape of a 1986 Challenge ep where the Rougeaus defeat Stamp and another shlub. He looked pretty much the same in 86 as he did in 97. Holy shit, if you can capture the video and put it on YouTube, YouSendIt, YouShareit, or something else like that, you would win the "You are the fucking man of the day" award.