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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Don't believe the hype

    How much Joe have you seen? Just curious, because anyone's who seen a lot of his non-TNA work would never, ever claim his offense is that limited. Not for any reason other than it's factually incorrect. I'll admit I haven't seen much non-TNA Joe. I've seen the tremendously overrated Kobashi match, a match with Low Ki where it seemed they were just trying to see who could kick harder, his first match with Necro Butcher, and a handful of others. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a lot of indy worker's matches. Guy like Christopher Daniels, American Dragon, Jack Evans, AJ Styles, and the Briscoes always entertain me, but I just can't see what it is that makes people so crazy about Joe based on what I've seen.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Don't believe the hype

    I'd like to see how he does against guys his size... Yea that Kobashi is such a small guy. Terrible match too. One match, one opponent doesn't really show how Samoa Joe would do in general if he's out of the X Division and have to work with guys he can't just throw around or who can't be bump machines to his offence. I've got that match downloaded off YouTube - everyone seems to love the crap out of the Joe / Kobashi match I guess I'll have to see what the hype is all about. Count me in on not feeling the love for Samoa Joe. All I ever see the guy do is stiff chop - stiff kick - stiff suplex - Muscle Buster - Chokeout. Where is the appeal in the guy? Sure he can move for a big guy, but his offense is nothing to scream about IMO. I never understood the praise behind his match with Kobashi. All they did was trade chops for a half hour and give eachother a couple head-drops. It was HARDLY the ***** classic that all the ROH fan boys build it up to be. I know that's going to piss off a lot of the people on this board because I know a lot of you see Joe as this wrestling god, but I am not impressed. Could someone explain to me why the Muscle Buster is thought of as death? When he does the move all I see is a glorified vertical suplex with a spin. Until I see him have a decent match with a guy that weighs more than 225, all I will see is a fat guy that hits really hard. *Prepares to be drawn and quartered by all the Joe fans*
  3. haws bah gawd

    The Miz Is Coming To Smackdown

    Wow that sucks. I got a laugh the time Puder slapped the Keylock on Kurt Angle on that episode of Smackdown, so I figured they had a ready-made feud for when they decided to call him up. Vince's loss.
  4. haws bah gawd

    The Miz Is Coming To Smackdown

    Someone want to tell me again why Daniel Puder was fired, but they kept this jackass?
  5. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I can almost guarantee Vic is going to kill Kavanaugh one way or another. It's one thing to do the things to Vic and the Strike Team, because afterall, they haven't exactly been saints and karma is a bitch, but its something else entirely to do these awful things to Vic's wife. She has done nothing wrong, and deserves none of the bullshit Kavanaugh is giving her. I hope to God that Vic does some terrible things to him.
  6. haws bah gawd

    Dates/Locations for '06 WWE PPV's

    Vengeance 6/25/2006 Greenville, SC - BI-LO Center 'Bout fucking time I get to go to a PPV. Thank you WWE.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Who do you hate less?

    I cast my vote for HHH. If I had a choice, I would rather watch HHH matches all day and night. I groan when I find out I have to watch Cena wrestle.
  8. haws bah gawd

    OAO 3/6 RAW th

    One has to wonder how stupid WWE thinks the average fan is? So Cena doing his flashy fireman's carry slam is impressive because no one has ever manhandled the Big Show like that? Ok WWE, I guess I IMAGINED Brock Lesnar throwing around Show like a sack of crap from late 2002 throughout 2003. No one has ever made Kurt Angle tap? Well, I guess I IMAGINED the times he has tapped to the Crossface and even the time he tapped to the Rock's Sharpshooter. Give the fans a little credit here.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Unstoppable: The Best of Samoa Joe

    So I get a DVD full of stiff kick - stiff chop - stiff suplex - muscle buster - rear choke? I'll pass, mostly because as stated previously, Joe wrestles the same match almost every week on Impact. Sure he makes his attacks look like they could kill, but he needs to mix it up a little every now and then.
  10. haws bah gawd

    2006 Wrestling Dead Pool

    I'll say Kurt Angle as well. I know we're going to see this guy die in the ring sooner than later, with the condition his neck is in. I'll also go with John Tenta, one of the Bushwhackers, and Lex Luger. On Jake's DVD, isn't there a story where Undertaker told all the guys in the back to stop ribbing Jake (during his born-again run) because he (Jake) was going to bury each and every one of them one day? Jake won't die before he turns 90. I guarantee it.
  11. haws bah gawd

    Rambo IV is now official

    I could give a fuck what the content of the new Rocky is as long as there is a training montage and some uber-cheesy "GO-FIGHT-WIN" music. Nothing and I mean NOTHING will ever top "Hearts on Fire" and "No Easy Way Out" though. Gotta say, it's just not Rocky without Eye of the Tiger.
  12. haws bah gawd


    I haven't seen the film yet but it seems, based on reviews, that the only thing it had going for it was a Milla nude scene and a decent song played during the trailer. My gf and I saw the trailer for this, for the first time, before that god-awful When a Stranger Calls, remake. Needless to say, you could tell right away that the movie would suck ass.
  13. haws bah gawd

    78th Academy Awards

    I have never actually HEARD of Capote until last night, so I was kind of surprised to see Dusty from Twister take home the best actor Oscar. I'll have to give that film a look one of these days.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What did Randy Orton change his theme song to?
  15. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    Damn straight that is the worst match ever. Note to TNA don't have Jackie wrestle nothing good comes of it That match is beautiful. Long live the phantom bulldog!
  16. haws bah gawd

    The Youtube Thread

    Hogan vs Muta 1993 Didn't see this posted alsewhere in the thread. Hogan busting out some chain-wrestling in this match is a sight to see. It is also odd to see Hogan SPRINTING around the ring.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Suncoast/Sam Goody going out of business!

    The Sam Goody in the mall here has all the video games marked to 40% off. Thinking of picking up RE4 on PS2 for $23.99.
  18. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    One thing I have been wondering is, given how mentally-unstable Kavanaugh is, would a government agency put him in the position of power that he is in? He throws tantrums like a 2-year old yet is this high-ranking government agent. Would something like this be reasonable in the real world? I am loving the work that Forrest Whitaken is doing on the show this season. He makes me hate him and want him dead, but at the same time, respect him because he's only doing his job, although he is on a witch-hunt of sorts.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Iconic video game music.

    Edited: See my post on April 8th, 2006
  20. haws bah gawd

    WON Notes - Rey hurt - Warrior lawsuits...

    Say what you want about Sid but I never had a problem with the guy. He wasn't graceful or a good wrestler by any stretch of the imagination, but he had ring presence. He looked like he could break you in half, and I still think he threw some of the best punches. He looked like he was trying to smash your head into your shoulders. I don't think he should've gotten a main event spot, but I wouldn't have minded him having a short match with someone.
  21. haws bah gawd

    School Fights...

    ??????????? All asians have bowl-cuts, hence the bowl. Get it? C'mon!
  22. haws bah gawd

    Ever gotten bad service or bad treatment at a business...

    Lesson learned. Haven't been back (to a different Waffle House, never to that one again) before midnight since.
  23. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    That was a severly intense final 10 minutes to that episode. Kavanaugh flying off the deep end when he realized his little break-down with his wife was being filmed was pretty crazy. I hadn't realized that the room Lem and Vic were watching the feed on was so close to the interrogation room. I think over the next couple of episodes were going to see Vic and the rest of the Strike Team go to some pretty extreme lengths to get Lem out jail, because as of now, hes just waiting to die.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Awesome video

    My girlfriend sent me that maze in an email a couple weeks ago. The creepy exorcist face and loud scream got me the first time, but I was able to laugh it off. I didn't beat the shit out of my monitor like that kid did.