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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Live Smackdown Spoilers

    I must've missed the meeting where we all decided that we liked Mark Henry again. Kurt FUCKING Angle couldn't make Henry look good at the Rumble, so what makes you think Taker vs Henry will be good?
  2. haws bah gawd

    Could a double turn be on the cards?

    BRILLIANT! BOOK IT! As far as HHH goes, I never thought I would say this, but I long for the days of him as champion, compared to this loser thats carrying the belt now. He was at least capable of being carried to some very entertaining brawls as opposed to Cena who just flat out SUCKS. If HHH is to turn face, I don't want to see him trying to place the cool face with his current look. I want to see that sick fuck he used to portray. He needs to bring his old biker gear out of storage(the leather jacket/denim vest, jeans, biker boots), get the full beard back, and start carrying around the sledgehammer again. Biker HHH + Sledgehammer = mega face. He can then drop the title to RVD at ECW ONS 2 (if RVD wins MitB), or drop to a newly turned heel Cena at Summerslam.
  3. haws bah gawd

    School Fights...

    I only saw a handful of fights in High School. Most of the "fights" involved 2 guys butting foreheads, walking in a circle, and calling each other "bitch" and "motherfucker" for a couple minutes before going about their way. The only real physical contact I saw ended in one hit when this short preppy jackass decided he was going to pick on the 6'10, retarded kid that was in my study hall. Retarded guy grabs the kid by his neck with both hands, picks him up slightly, and drops him back-first onto one of the plastic chairs that we sat in, in the room.
  4. haws bah gawd

    Ever gotten bad service or bad treatment at a business...

    Went to the Wafflehouse in Clearwater, SC a few years back. The cook (female) and two waitresses were too busy trying to look cute for this preppy, artsy-looking guy in his polo shirt and sandals to care about the RESTURANT FULL OF PEOPLE that were there looking for something to eat or drink. My family and I sat there for a good 35-40 minutes, and got nothing, before we finally decided to leave. Everytime one of the waitresses would walk past us, I would let them know what was going on, but it did no good. I have never been back since, and I hope preppy guy tipped them well for the godly service he received.
  5. haws bah gawd

    BIG announcement expected backstage on Monday

    It was nice knowing you RVD. Good Luck in TNA!
  6. haws bah gawd

    Don Knots died

  7. haws bah gawd

    I saw this video that LOOKS like

    Yeah, it's called "No Mercy with the bloody music turned off." Sadly it doesn't work for the shitty select screen samples. "Dig-dig-diggity dawg..." I never did have the music turned on with the game. The wrestling games for the N64 had some wretched background music. I just hated speeding along in a 1-on-1 match where one of the wrestlers had a manager, only for a run-in to happen, and the games speed drop by about 50%.
  8. haws bah gawd

    So Is Nash done?

    I remember that small miracle that Jarrett pulled out of Nash at Against All Odds last year. Good times. Nash can go when he tries, and is motivated.
  9. haws bah gawd

    I saw this video that LOOKS like

    Yea I got a chuckle out of that too. A MD2 off the set doesnt get a pin, but a facebuster through a table does? OK........ It was an interesting use of the No Mercy ROM, but there was way too much use of slowmotion effects in the video. That got very annoying. Speaking of the No Mercy ROM, was one ever made that got rid of the aggrivating slow-down during tag matches?
  10. haws bah gawd

    JBL injured

    JBL puts people over in his promo's. HHH doesn't. Hey now. HHH always talks about how so and so had some level of success somewhere, but that means nothing agains him. And then Hunter wins cleanly in the middle of the ring with the Pedigree. And comes out the next night and says "I told you so" ... Okay, you're right You forgot to add the part where HHH kicks out of his opponents finisher 2 or 3 times, then hits the Pedigree, only to lay there for about 30 seconds before slumping over onto his opponent for the pin. *See his WM19 match against Booker T for the best example of this* Pedigree = Death's Icy Hand
  11. haws bah gawd

    favorite tna momments

    - Teddy Hart vs Juvi in the X-Cup tourney. I had never heard of Teddy before this match but he and Juvi set that ring on FIRE! - Juvi's reckless piledrivers: Sit-Out Tiger Driver '91 on Sabin in the first X-Cup tourney, and his "Juvi Driver 911" on Jerry Lynn in the World X-Cup tourney. What can I say, I mark for head-drops. - Elix Skipper's cage-walk 'Rana - Destiny! The TNA crowd nearly rioting on Jarrett is beautiful. - Styles Clash from the Ultimate X wires. - DDP bringing out the Death Cutter (Top Rope Diamond Cutter) during his match with Jarrett at Destination X. - Rhyno's surprise title win over Jarrett last year.
  12. haws bah gawd

    JBL injured

    I hated him at first, but I started to like him around Survivor Series 2004 and he's now one of my favorite guys in WWE. I must have missed the meeting as well. There was nothing but pissing and moaning about how much of a joke his world title reign was on these boards. Then about a week before Wrestlemania 21, everyone decided JBL IS THE BEST EVER, and shouldn't lose! There was a similar situation with the verbal blowjobs that went around for Mark henry in the weeks leading to the Rumble, before everyone realized not even Angle could make the sack of shit look good in a match.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Iconic video game music.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who liked them. I caught myself humming that tune here and there. The many chants are called "The Hymn of the Fayth". Just making sure we get the name correct. Other good tracks from the game are Otherworld, Confrontation, Challenge, Zanarkand, Someday the Dream Will End, and Summoned Beast Battle.
  14. haws bah gawd

    JBL injured

    Honestly cant say im sad to see him go. He got EXTREMELY redundant during his world title reign, and rarely won a match without cheating his balls off to near Jarrett-Levels. I can see him feuding for the US belt, but I want him nowhere near the world title ever again.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Iconic video game music.

    One-Winged Angel is my favorite boss battle theme. I recommend downloading the re-recorded version that is used in Advent Children. It far surpasses the original. Aeris's Death theme is another that sticks out. It fit the mood perfectly whenever Sephiroth killed her. The Super Mario Brothers theme is one of the most instantly-recognizable themes ever recorded. Even my Dad, who doesnt play games, knows the theme when he hears it. The Legend of Zelda Overworld theme is another favorite. It has a heroic sound to it, and fits the mood of the game perfectly.
  16. haws bah gawd

    BIG announcement expected backstage on Monday

    The roster collectively: OH FUCK! *CM Punk walks in* CM Punk: Get in line folks and have your checkbooks handy, this piss isn't cheap. I dont normally see eye-to-eye with you on your TNA and ROH rants, but that was some funny shit. Well done!
  17. haws bah gawd

    Should TNA get a new world belt??

    In the belt's defense, that guy is only 5'7'' or so. That's good to know. The guy in the pic looks like he would be around 6'3 or so, so thats why I thought the belt was bigger than it actually is.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Bringing CM Punk to main roster...

    They could build up Punk as sort of HHH's protege. It would give him an excuse to bust out the Pepsi Plunge as well. As a tribute to his 'mentor', 'boss', etc. Though knowing WWE, HHH will raise a stink about Punk's big move being a flashier version of his own, so Punk will get "standard small wrestler finisher #42-B" , that being a reverse DDT or a Shinning Enziguiri.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Could a double turn be on the cards?

    Agreed 100%. Cena is the 'pretty boy' that's loved by the teenager/female demographic of WWE. HHH is the smart, egotistical heel that most other casual fans (Males 19-34, etc.) look up to, and respect. This is why you hear HHH getting more cheers than boos most of the time. Even when he pinned RVD last night, he got a decent pop from the crowd. Remember when HHH was feuding with Eugene, and he went the "sick bastard route" and beat the holy fuck out of William Regal in some hotel room? That's the HHH I want to see. The moment HHH shows his sledgehammer, the crowds will love the guy and we will have a very interesting Wrestlemania. Of course, we could have a moment of confusion, where HHH may actually get BOOED against Cena. Then he can brag on and on about, "see, I told you Kurt Angle didn't know how to work as a heel".
  20. haws bah gawd

    Should TNA get a new world belt??

    That belt is WAY too big. I'm all for a belt being large, but that pushes the envelope a little much. Looks like the poor guy holding it is about to be crushed.
  21. haws bah gawd

    When's the last time we had a thread about cover songs?

    Message in a Bottle by Machinehead is very good. Some other covers I enjoy are: Wicked Game - H.I.M. (BEST.COVER.EVER) Rock the Casbah - TRUSTCompany Last Kiss - Pearl Jam In the Air Tonight - Nonpoint Saturday Night is Alright for Fighting - Nickelback (I like Nickelback, so fuck you!) Crazy - Mushroomhead One - Korn Land of Confusion - Disturbed I Will Survive - Cake
  22. haws bah gawd

    One and Only Thursday Night RAW Thread 2-16-06

    Hah, I would've liked to have seen this comment back around the time of the Rumble, when it seemed everyone on the board had a boner for Mark Henry. I think WWE should've given her a simpler finisher than a crucifix roll-up though. She's only been wrestling for a few months, and I can see where a move like that would be an easy fuck-up. It looked like Torrie didn't do much to grab-hold of her legs either. The women's division badly needs Jazz, Jaqueline, Molly, and Gail Kim to return if they want to add any prestige or credibility to the title. As of now, they just have some combination of Trish/Ashley/Mickie/Victoria/Torrie/Candace every week and its getting really old. They're the "Smackdown 6 from Hell". With the exception of Trish and Victoria who can actually put on a good show.
  23. haws bah gawd

    356 Million Dollar Powerball this weekend

    I would set aside about $10 million of it and just buy all the things I've always wanted. Buy a huge house (2 or 3 stories) for my family. Big enough for my parents, and my future wife's parents to stay in when they retire. The best gas mileage/performance vehicle money can buy, fully-loaded. For each member of the family that can drive. Children's college fully paid-for. Of course a few million put towards some of life's little luxuries. Home theatre, video games, etc. The rest I will place in a savings account to accumulate interest over the years, as well as invest some, and donate more of it to charity (for tax breaks since yearly taxes on that $$$ would be a bitch).
  24. haws bah gawd

    One and Only Thursday Night RAW Thread 2-16-06

    RVD is still rusty, but you would be too if you missed over a year of work at your job. I think he's coming along nicely. The crowd was beyond dead for the match though.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Suncoast/Sam Goody going out of business!

    Guess I should've put knowledgeable in quotes. Didn't mean it literally. I did my best to keep up-to-date with Rock/Alternative, but the rest of the staff was pretty much single-minded. The manager, an old hippy guy, only listened to raggae and knew jack shit about much else, and the assistant manager didnt know what you were talking about if you didnt ask for Percy Sledge or Leela James (or however the fuck you spell her name). Needless to say, that company is getting everything that it had coming.