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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    And of course it had to get worse

    Remember when Eddie died and Vince said his family would get royalties for life, I think this is what he invisioned. Maybe Eddie's wife will wrestle Orton or Mando and Chavo Sr will interfere in the match. I know it was generally frowned-upon back in '04 when Chavo Classic won the Cruiserweight Title, but if he interfered and helped Rey win the match, I would mark the fuck out! Knowing WWE, though, if one of Eddy's brothers were to interfere, it would be to help ORTON win.
  2. haws bah gawd

    WON Notes - HOF inductee - Eddy....

    I heard that WWE has repeatedly asked his widow to allow him to be inducted, and she has turned them down everytime because she wants nothing to do with the wrestling business anymore.
  3. haws bah gawd

    WON Notes - HOF inductee - Eddy....

    *groan* I have to disagree with you. That is brilliant! I just wish he had a better move than "Standard Hoss Wrestler Finisher #42-B: Pumphandle Slam." Give him back that reverse powerslam that he used on Simon Dean. So how do you "beat" the guy? Hit him with 9 moves then reverse the Slam and nail your big move? Maybe the Boogeyman "loses all his powers" if his big move doesnt pay off?
  4. haws bah gawd

    What about the 2008 Olympics?

    Number 2 gets my vote. I like the spikey roof on it. Star Ocean said it best. Whoever designed these stadiums is obviously a fan of Final Fantasy X and X-2. Especially Stadium #1 which is a blatant copy of a Blitzball Stadium from the game.
  5. haws bah gawd

    New TNA Shirts

    I like all 3 with the exception of the silhouette's of the James Gang on the front of their shirt. TNA has been surprising me with some of their well-designed shirts lately.
  6. haws bah gawd

    ROH guarantees something HUGE

    If it IS Punk, do any of you think he could still tear the house down after being brainwashed with the "WWE Style", in OVW, for the past few months? My vote is: yes.
  7. haws bah gawd

    I do not masturbate;

    I have a friend who is 24, a virgin, and says he has only masturbated 4 times in his life. He either has the greatest will power known to man, or is a fucking liar.
  8. haws bah gawd

    Matt Cappotelli has a brain tumor

    No, I got your point. I don't have a problem with his beliefs, he can believe what he wants. I have a problem with him vocalizing them, and making another man feel lesser, because he believes in something else. That's my main problem with some Christians - they believe that they're right, and feel it's their place to tell everyone else that they're wrong. But then again, arent you doing the same by telling Christians that they are wrong because you feel you are right? I'm not trying to piss you off or not respect your opinions, it's just a question.
  9. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    [Note the following spoiler bars mask MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR SPOILERS for the rest of the season. Read at your own risk if you want to stay unspoiled] Killing Kavanaugh won't be an option for Vic since Kavanaugh
  10. haws bah gawd


    Seconded. Anybody who's signature is a lyric of the Evolution theme song and pictures of them getting progressively fatter and uglier should be nomintated. Hey now, don't hate on the Mayer. That guy's sig cracks me up. MAYERLUTION! My vote goes to WildPegasus.
  11. haws bah gawd

    College Major

    I'm in my last semester. Finishing with an Associates in Web-Based Programming and Cert.'s in Multimedia, Computer Programming, and the absolutely worthless Computer Applications.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Good funeral songs

    My buddy has made me promise that whenever he dies, Metallica's "Unforgiven" will be played at his funeral. He's an odd guy. I'll take having "Dust in the Wind" played at mine.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Matt Cappotelli has a brain tumor

    What the fuck, when did Carnival drop the Jarrett avatar?
  14. haws bah gawd

    Matt Cappotelli has a brain tumor

    I'm waiting to see the IWC rebuttal if one day Chris Benoit or Kurt Angle were to develop a tumor, and it is reported that one of them once said "I hate fags". Of course, all this anti-homophobia, anti-racism ranting is coming from a guy with the word "Nigger" in his avatar. So, I can find humor in that. I have nothing against anyone, personally. Regardless of race, sexual preference, creed, nationality, etc. Just live your life, and be happy.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Matt Cappotelli has a brain tumor

    Ok so you guys are saying because he might not be in favor of homosexuals that he deserves his brain tumor? Why? Because his thoughts, and opinions are different than your own? Should everyone who does not hold your beliefs get a tumor and die? Some people are tolerant of gays and others are not. Those are his beliefs and you should respect that. Maybe he doesnt like steak, but you do? Should he develop a tumor and die because he doesnt share your love of beef? Oh I get it, he doesnt share your beliefs, so hes an asshole that deserves to die. I swear, some of these "tolerant" people are actually some of the most hypocritical. You're only tolerant of those that share your same thoughts and "open-mindedness". If you're so tolerant and accepting of a homosexual, why can't you be tolerant and accepting of this man's beliefs that he apparently does not agree with gays? His beliefs are different than your own and if you all are truly as tolerant as you say you are, you would respect that.
  16. haws bah gawd

    WCW "Secondary" Shows I.E.-Worldwide,Pro

    Went to a Saturday Night taping in Augusta, Georgia in September of '96. It was an extremely long show that felt like it had at least 25 - 30 matches taped, so you got your money's worth. One neat thing was Raven was doing his "sitting in the crowd and not caring" gimmick, so he was sitting directly in front of me. Sone of the wrestlers I remember seeing are DDP, Glacier (hate the guy all you want, his entrance was cool live), Chris Jericho, Raven, Stevie Richards, Steiners, Scott Norton, Wrath, Mortis, Alex Wright, and Yuji Nagata. Not a bad show at all.
  17. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I haven't read any spoilers for this season, but after seeing what a prick Kavanaugh can be, I'm not so sure I want his character to disappear. I'm not sure if Kavanaugh is actually going to succeed in bringing the Strike Team down, but I am certain of what I feel his fate could be. I think we will see Vic "pull a Terry" on him.
  18. haws bah gawd

    Shelton's Mama

    Brilliant! Book it WWE!
  19. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown spoilers?

    Maybe I skipped over it, but wheres the Cruiserweight title match that they hyped last week? I guess it got bumped-off the show so that RKO could do his little segment with the low rider.
  20. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    She literally walked into one of the support-poles in the barn. When she came to, she tried to save-face and say "Who put that pole there?".
  21. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I thought for a minute there that the strike team ahd actually gotten busted on murder and drug trafficking. Then they pull a fast one on us and show that the bullets were blanks and it was a sting operation. That was beautiful, and I really enjoyed Kavanaugh's hissy fit at the end of the episode. It looks like next week some brutal shit is going to start happening.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Brokeback Mountain

    I brought this up on another board, but I want to get you guy's two cents on it. Do you all think this movie would have gotten the attention that it has, if it were about a more traditional man/woman relationship as opposed to a homosexual relationship? It seems to me that this movie is getting praise from critics and the majority of those that go to see it because they are afraid to give it a potentially less than positive review at the risk of being labeled a 'homophobe'. I will admit that I have not seen this movie. Not because of the homosexual material, but because it just doesn't appeal to me. I'm not too big on romance movies.
  23. haws bah gawd

    OAO 02/06/06 RAW thread - WM22 Tournament Begins

    When HHH wins this tournament, does any of you think he may try to push for a Cena heel turn and give himself another run as a face? The crowds are about 50/50 on HHH at the moment, and the majority of them boo Cena. Think the crowds will buy it?
  24. haws bah gawd

    Recent purchases

    My Bloody Valentine The Wickerman Jeepers Creepers 2 Rammstein Video Collection
  25. haws bah gawd

    ROH guarantees something HUGE

    When is Brock's court case supposed to be settled? If not him I'm calling Jericho.