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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    I am SO looking forward to the payoff to this Strike Team vs Forrest Whitaker storyline. This is some fantastic television. Forrest is such a prick in this season, I can't wait to see him get his due.
  2. haws bah gawd

    TNA iMPACT Spoilers

    Thats something I didn't think about. Cena-syndrome may be setting in on AJ. I know he can only be TNA's golden boy for so long, before the fans start wanting something new.
  3. haws bah gawd

    TNA iMPACT Spoilers

    I am seriously puzzled by TNA's booking. I wonder where this angle is going with Sting? Also, will the way-too-smarkish fans at the Studio end up turning on AJ Styles, forcing TNA to give him a heel run?
  4. haws bah gawd

    WWE drops one talentless hoss, gains another...

    <Ivan Drago> I must break you </Ivan Drago>
  5. haws bah gawd

    Ugliest WWE Belt

    This is non-WWE, but Im going to have to say this is one of the most uniquely designed center plates for a belt I have ever seen. I'll have to do some looking for the "Tower" belt. I've mentioned it a few other times on this board, but the center plate was a feudal-era japanese tower that looked to be a good foot and a half, maybe 2-foot tall. Would've been pretty impractical to wear over a shoulder, but would've been....different....around someone's waist. Oh and before I forget, much love for Champagne Chris Kanyon's "Hollywood Heavyweight Championship".
  6. haws bah gawd

    The Boogeyman

    I'm headed to the Smackdown tapings next week and I am looking forward to seeing this guy. I love the gimmick and character. Sadly though, I dont see this ever getting him above mid-card.
  7. haws bah gawd

    Your Political Beliefs

    I combine a lot of my beliefs with those of the Republicans and Democrats, I think there is a proper name for this, but I'm not sure. I am much in favor of the old "majority rules" theology, so that guides most of my views. Abortion: I am on the thought of ONLY in the case of rape / incest / or a risk to the mother's health. However, you would have the occasional random slut who constantly fucks people unprotected, who knows that she can just go to a clinic and get some morning-after pills. So, she gets to live her life irresponsibly. The whole debate on this is really a no-win situation. Free Speech: We have free speech in this country for a reason. You are free to say whatever you want, about anything you want. That is your God-given right. If you don't want to hear what someone has to say, don't listen. It's that simple. Gay Rights: While I'm not in favor of a guy wanting to have another man's cock up his ass, that is his business. Keep it to yourself, I don't want to hear about it. I'm on two different sides of the fence on the marriage issue. I do believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. However, I feel we should give homosexuals the same marriage rights. Why? Because maybe if we do, they will stop complaining about it every day. I get tired of watching the nightly news only to hear the same story 2 or 3 times a week about a Gay Protest outside of a government building because 2 Lesbians couldn't share health insurance benefits. Drugs: What people want to do to their bodies and do with their money is their business. I think if they were made legal, less people would get hooked on them. It is my opinion, and mine alone, that part of the thrill of using illegal narcotics is that you know you're doing something that is illegal, and you get a thrill out of it. Sure you can fuck up your life, and ruin your family's life in the process. If you can still get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror, more power to you. Religion: I believe in God. I was raised a Baptist, and I believe that Jesus Christ was sent to the Earth to die for man's sins. If you chose not to believe what I believe, I have no problem with that. If you do not believe in what I believe, do not persecute or belittle me because of it. I don't see why those who hold no religious beliefs feel it is necessary to belittle others that do, and vice versa. I do not attend services much anymore. I don't feel it is necessary for me to go to church, in order to be closer to God. Church has become really nothing more than a social club and a business in the United States as opposed to a place of worship. Affirmative Action: Absolute bullshit. We are all one, regardless of the color of our skin. I will agree that there are those that will still judge you based on the color of your skin. I think they should be very ashamed of themselves. One thing that I will say is the biggest crock of shit is this; at more than one of the jobs I have held, for every 1 white person the company hires, they must also hire 3 minorities. Why not just offer equal employment opportunities to everyone? Welfare: In the case of a single mother, or a family where no one can find a job, I say yes to Welfare. However, I say after 18 months you should get cut off from this. In 18 months, anyone should be able to find a good job / set aside enough money to afford care services for their children. One thing that pisses me the fuck off is seeing a man walking around a grocery store with his family, his wife and kids in cheap sweatsuits, while he is in his designer jeans and shirt with more gold around his neck than Mr. T, who then pays for his groceries with WIC/Food Stamps/etc. Get your priorities straight you no-good son of a bitch, your family is more important than your fashion statement. Most of these people eat better than I do. My cousin, who was on welfare, got vouchers to go to the grocery store to buy premium deli meat, rib roasts, etc. He and his family ate better than my family could. My father busted his ass at his job, while my cousin and his worthless sack of shit wife got paid by the government to sit home and make babies. Term Limits: If a president runs the country well enough, the people will continue to vote him in. Gun Control: A gun doesnt kill someone, the person pulling the trigger does. Stop blaming inanimate objects for people's own irresponsibility. As several others have said before, I should be able to sue the Pilot ink pen company because I failed a test. A person uses a GUN to kill someone in the same way that they use a PEN to fail a test. You made the CHOICE to end someones life / you made the CHOICE to not study for your test. There is no difference. Death Penelty: I am for the death penalty. I believe that a murderer should have his/her life taken just as he/she took someone elses. I believe the only exception to this should be if the murder was commited in a proven act of self-defense. Another poster had a good idea on this. Work the fuck out of someone instead of letting them sit on death row for 20 years. 7, 23-hour days of digging holes/trenches, and just generally being put through a living Hell. Its PRISON, not a hotel. The Pledge / Prayer: (Copied from another poster because he put it so well) The most asinine debate in recent memory. Why is it all right for someone to be offneded by someone elses religious beliefs being pushed, but it's not all right for a religious person to be offended by a non-religious person pushing their beliefs. My addition to this: When I was in grade school, we had a Jehova's witness in our class. It was not in her beliefs to stand for the pledge because of the "under god" part. Fair enough, she simply did not stand for the pledge and we went about our business. These days, if there is one person in the classroom that does not stand for the pledge, then it is cut out all together. Why dishonor the beliefs of many, for the beliefs of one? Why is it ok to not observe the pledge of allegiance because of 1 or 2 peoples beliefs, but it is ok if there are 20 or more people who do not mind pledging the flag?
  8. haws bah gawd

    Ugliest WWE Belt

    I wouldn't think so either... but so far the old one has not comeback, which back when the Smoking Skull was around, the regular title came back the next night after the change. Not true. Austin lost that belt by being pinned by both Taker and Kane at the same time. The next night on Raw they brought out the red carpet for the ring and Vince was going to award the belt to one of them. They had the old WWF winged eagle belt in display case. This was segment that Austin drove the Zambone out to the ring. They didn't bring back the Attitude era belt until Rock won it at Survivor Series 98. Why do I remember this? Because I was marking out thinking that they realized how ugly the new WWF title was, came to their senses and decided to go back to the real WWF title. Another thing I hated about the beginning of the Attitude era was that all the belts were colored. The WWF title was blue (late made balck with a blue back when Rock won it), the IC was purple, the Euro was green, and the back of the Tag belts were red. Come to think of it WWE has not come out with a good looking title in years. I loved the idea of multi-colored belts. It helped distinguish them from the standard "black leather belt with gold plates" deal. I seem to remember there also being a red-strapped European belt as well. When exactly did all the titles go back to the plain black straps?
  9. haws bah gawd

    Best ppvs of the last 5 years?

    Survivor Series 2002 was pretty entertaining.
  10. haws bah gawd

    Best ppvs of the last 5 years?

    My fondest most happy memories of the past 5 years are all at Wrestlemania X-7. I have NEVER EVER been more satisfied following a PPV than I was watching this. I felt like every penny I spent on this was worth it. Edit: 800 Posts YEA!!!!!!!!
  11. haws bah gawd

    Has Raven's mystery opponent

    The match tonight wasn't too terrible. Waltman has a bit of a belly on him but other than that was his same old self. I believe Zybyzsko introduced him as X-Pac.
  12. haws bah gawd

    How many of you have actually sold

    My way to profit on ebay is to hit up the flea markets, and mom-n-pop discountshops in the area. You never know what kind of treasures you could find for next to nothing and make a significant profit from. Here are some examples of my finds (flea markets and people that dont know the value of their items are a godsend): Suikoden (100% complete mint condition) - $5.00 - highly soughtafter RPG for PSone Suikoden II (100% complete MINT condition) - $5.00, bought from same seller - outrageously in-demand RPG for the PSone. Sold for $150. Top-Loading NES - $50, sold for $175 Pretender Shell for Transformers G1 Bludgeon - $.50 sold for $20 Just keep digging around your local discount shops and see what you can find.
  13. haws bah gawd

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    Why? Interracial relationships are still frowned upon over a lot of the southern US. What he means is, the southern states are full of rednecks. Why be polite about it? They're a bunch of sociopathic gay-bashing homophobes whose idea of a good way to relate to gays is to bash their skulls in. The sad truth is, the Catholics are actually more tolerant of gays than Protestants are.... InuYasha: Trinity's not playing a gay character. Haws bah gawd & twiztedmind: This is 2006. There probably isn't any more racial prejudice in the South than in any other part of the country. Thus, singling out the South isn't fair. As I stated earlier, I do live in the south. I take objection to everyone in the south being called a redneck, when I, as well as many others down here, hardly are either. It's mainly those who's only exposure to the south is through Jerry springer and Maury Povich that think the south is full of nothing but inbred, racist, alcoholic redneck assholes.
  14. haws bah gawd

    WWE Smackdown's Junior Division

    WWE pushed this pretty hard for about 2 or 3 weeks and now the juniors have totally vanished. They went through all the trouble of signing a bunch of the little guys from Mexico. A personal favorite of mine being Super Porky, and now theres no mention of it whatsoever. So what happened? Has WWE dropped the division all together? What about the UPN network exec that was giving Teddy Long a hard time. He hasn't been seen for about a month either, and the Junior Division was "one of his ideas". Anyone have any details?
  15. haws bah gawd

    How many of you have actually sold

    Top-Loading NES is where the $$$ is on ebay. People will bid ridiculous amounts for one of those. I've been with ebay since 1999. I've had my share of bad customers/sellers. You just have to watch out when leaving feedback because you will more often than not, get a "revenge" feedback if you negative someone.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Live Punch Out!

    Way too many punches to the head. Pretty neat though.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Matt hardy trying to get fired

    When Edge won the title the other night at the pay per view, I told my friend, right now, there is someone, somewhere that is trying to pull a gun out of Matt Hardy's mouth. Do I think Matt got kinda screwed over during the feud with Edge? of course Do I think Matt deserves more than he gets now? Definitely, he is over as fuck on Smackdown, despite constantly jobbing Does Matt deserve a world title? US title for sure, but not so much the world title. Oh well, in sure TNA would love to have the Hardy Boyz back together, working for them.
  18. haws bah gawd

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    Why? Interracial relationships are still frowned upon over a lot of the southern US. What he means is, the southern states are full of rednecks. Why be polite about it? They're a bunch of sociopathic gay-bashing homophobes whose idea of a good way to relate to gays is to bash their skulls in. The sad truth is, the Catholics are actually more tolerant of gays than Protestants are.... I live in South Carolina and am as far from a Redneck as you can get, thank you very much. Way to generalize, jackass.
  19. haws bah gawd

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    Why? Interracial relationships are still frowned upon over a lot of the southern US.
  20. haws bah gawd

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    I can't really think of a more deserving world champion at the moment. After spending the fall and half of the winter jobbing left and right to John Cena, that was a good reward for Angle. I think it would've been more of a feel good moment of the year if Mysterio had won, but hopefully that will come in due time. Make it happen at Wrestlemania, WWE!
  21. haws bah gawd

    Charlotte / Greenville Tapings (Jan 23 and 24)

    Any word if there will be a post-Smackdown dark match?
  22. haws bah gawd

    WWE to Start Another "Controversial" angle

    How many times does WWE have to try it before they realize a gay/bisexual wrestler doesn't work?
  23. haws bah gawd

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    I haven't watch Smackdown in a long time. Who's the screaming girl at ring side that they keep showing? Melina? Tazz just answered my question, yep, it's Melina.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    I get a UPN affiliate out of Chicago and another one from god knows where. If Smackdown is delayed for some reason or another, they usually show it on Saturday night.
  25. haws bah gawd


    What is it with all these wrestlers supposedly having shit and piss fetishes?