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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    He was drafted to RAW. He had just finished a "beastiality" angle with Booker T's wife. He said he wanted to have Beastiality sex with her or something like that. It was a really dumb storyline.
  2. haws bah gawd

    Best Alan Moore story

    I cast my vote for the Killing Joke. Moore really went over the top in this one showing what a sick, twisted fuck the Joker is. The shooting of Barbara Gordon came completely out of the blue. I haven't read this book in a while, but I seem to remember it being implied that after shooting her, the Joker raped her. Then he had Commissioner Gordon taken to an abandoned amusement park where he stripped him naked and basically tortured him with photos of his naked daughter laying in a pool of her own blood. As much as I wanted to see the Joker get beaten within an inch of his life, Gordon telling Batman, "Don't you kill him, I want him brought in by the book" was amazing. I need to go dig out this book and give it another read.
  3. nah, in 1996 it would have been pretty good depending on how much they were willing to sell for each other. If taken place after Fall Brawl 1996, Sting would've just started his Crow gimmick. Meaning he would've had a match with HBK where he no-sold everything thrown at him. Of course, HBK was in full-political-Clique mode at this time too, so he would've been overcoming the odds every 5 minutes only to get knocked down again. Sting would do his signature "punch-back chop-kick to the gut-Scorpion Deathdrop" combo that he used every week against the nWo, then HBK would rally back with his "three punch-flying forearm-Chin Music" combo. Pretty much you'd be seeing who could kick out of who's finisher the most times before both guys just got exhausted of doing so. It wouldn't have been a GREAT match but it would've gotten a good crowd reaction. I'm not bashing the either man though because it was Sting's Crow gimmick that got me so hooked on him, and HBK was capable of doing some amazing things in the ring back then (and still is today). Pre Fall Brawl, MY GOD this would've been amazing. HBK in his prime vs Sting when he was still selling. There isnt much I can say about this one other than it had the potential to be a classic.
  4. haws bah gawd

    WWE appartanly huge in Itaily

    I'm wondering the same thing. Brock got a combat knife in the middle of his and now Steiner has his gothic cross stabbed through a heart. I guess the chest tattoo is the fad for 2005/6 like the lower/upper back tattoos were of the past couple years.
  5. haws bah gawd

    Transformers: The Live Action Movie

    That's one of those things that you see for one episode and one episode only, like certain characters flying, having gadgets hidden somewhere (like a convenient buzzsaw to cut through a rope) or something like that. Like Hot Rod in the movie had that thing that came over his eyes and he zoomed in on the shuttle coming to Earth. Haven't seen it before or since or on anybody else. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still though, a Helicopter IS still better than an IPod or a Street Lamp. Here is a fairly accurate "Street Lamp Soundwave"
  6. haws bah gawd

    WWE appartanly huge in Itaily

    Get a look at Scott Steiner's deflated chest. His arms are still massive, but the sagging chest is just sad to see. He officially has an uglier chest tattoo than Brock, though.
  7. haws bah gawd

    WWE appartanly huge in Itaily

    It's good to see that Mordecai found work somewhere. I hope hes gotten over his stage fright. I still swear WWE gave up on him way too fast.
  8. haws bah gawd


    I don't know of any documented proof. Theres always that rumor that makes its way around the net every now and then. It involves Amy Dumas, the ring, and most of the OMEGA roster. I read about this on the DVDR forums in the old "Sleeziest Wrestling Urban Legends" thread.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Ugliest WWE Belt

    Yep, I'm bringing back an old thread. The WCW Cruiserweight Tag Titles weren't all that ugly. They at least had a unique look. The only complaint I can give is if these titles are meant for cruiserweights, why are they so HUGE? One has to wonder whatever happened to these belts after WCW shut down. I'm assuming either WWE has them locked up somewhere, or Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman still have them in their possession.
  10. haws bah gawd


    I'm hoping for the Transformers that I grew up with, faithfully recreated for a new set of fans. Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Ironhide, the majority of the classic G1 stars. I haven't heard of a plot for this movie yet, but I would probably faint if I saw Unicron make an appearance in this movie.
  11. haws bah gawd

    "See No Evil" website up

    I too was thinking that Kane actually looked pretty creepy. Apparently his character's name is Lester. As long as you dont go into this movie expecting an Oscar contender, or don't try to take it seriously, it looks like it could be a fun, cheesy little movie.
  12. haws bah gawd


    That is impressive. I saw it a couple days ago. I DEMAND some Optimus Prime test footage.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    So is this the first time since the Brock/Angle iron man match in September of '03 that a new World Champion was crowned on a non-ppv show?
  14. haws bah gawd

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    Well that is completely random and out of the blue. Its a damned FUCKING shame Batista got hurt when he did. I have tickets for the January 24th Smackdown tapings and was really looking forward to seeing him. I wonder what the storyline reason will be for Angle being able to leave RAW and jump to Smackdown. This sounds like a can't miss show though.
  15. haws bah gawd

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    So who's going to be using this as their avatar for the rest of the month? You know someone will. I will!
  16. haws bah gawd

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Except Cena didnt win the Rumble. He beat Kurt Angle for the #1 contendership at No Way Out.
  17. haws bah gawd

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    Thanks for the info. That's still pretty weird seeing the World Championship around Edge's waist.
  18. haws bah gawd

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    Who is the current AWA champ anyways?
  19. haws bah gawd

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Damn good idea. If WWE were creative, they could have re-dubbed the unedited footage to put over the steel cage for doing what it was designed to do. Keep the wrestlers inside from escaping, and keep outside interference from occuring. At the same time they could have put over the ungodly strength of the worlds strongest man to be able to break into the steel cage.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Stephanie McMahon is pregnant

    Yes, theres the karma factor to think about. I dont want to wish bad things to happen to an unborn child, but years of backstabbing, and just generally being a complete dick, are going to come back and bite HHH in the ass one of these days.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Stephanie McMahon is pregnant

    Theres no better time than ever for Big Show to use his gigantic cast to give HHH a "career-ending" injury at NYR tonight. Seriously though, congrats to the two of them.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Your Favorite Return

    Damn, I cant believe I forgot about Undertaker's return at Judgement Day 2000. It's been few and far between that I've seen a crowd thrown into such a frenzy as I did that night. The creepy monologue at the beginning of his theme was the most chilling since the one that crow-Sting started using at Clash of the Champions in 1997. "As I lay me down to sleep I pray my soul is mine to keep And never step outside this bed never.....forget all the evil now back from the dead *hit creepy Undertaker gong sound* HE'S HERE!" I wish WWE would've continued to let 'Taker use American Badass for a theme instead of having him switch to the godawful Rollin'.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Sting will turn Heel at Final Resolution

    They've been shitting over the parts that involve Jarrett from what I've seen. I was thinking the same thing. Are we watching the same episodes of iMPACT!? I remember a very loud "We Want Sting!" chant last night. LMAO Yea go ahead and laugh it up. I was an impressionable young 16 year old.
  24. haws bah gawd

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    WWE Champion John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Masters vs. Carlito vs. Kane (Elimination Chamber Match) I'll go ahead and say that ONCE AGAIN, Cena defies the odds and not only wins the match, but pins every other man involved. Much to the jubilation of the crowd. Big Show vs. Triple H Triple H has won 2 matches on ppv in the past year, thos being last year's NYR and Survivor Series. Asmuch as I am enjoying the way Big Show is currently being used, I see HHH breaking-off the cast, somehow, and getting the win. Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair vs. Edge Ric Flair will win by disqualification, thus keeping Edge looking strong for when he cashes in his MITB. Gregory Helms vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler I dont know where WWE is going with heel Gregory Helms. I'm guessing he will get the pinfall with his shinning enziguiri. Ashley vs. Maria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Victoria vs. Candice Michelle (Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match) The fans are the true winners of this match when Mae Young does a run-in, exposing herself to the live crowd. I'll say Maria continues her streak of fluke wins. Women's Champion Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James If Trish retains, Monday will mark one year for her as women's champion. Impressive, considering she spent much of the year injured. I think Mickie James will snap, go heel on Trish, and end her reign. Yep, looks like a SPECTACULAR show to me.
  25. haws bah gawd

    Sting will turn Heel at Final Resolution

    Sting hada brief heel run in WCW in late 1999 that flopped miserably. He supposedly turned heel when he used the bat on Hogan to beat him for the WCW World Title at Fall Brawl of that year. The only problem was, while Shivone and the other commentators were busy condemning Sting for his actions, the crowd was popping like mad. Why? Because it was STING! Sting is one of those guys that you would have to be very creative with, if you wanted him to turn heel. Plus with the uber-smarky TNA crowds, I highly doubt theres much of anything they could do to get the crowds to boo him. I love seeing Sting in action. I have NEVER gotten behind a wrestler more than I did when Sting started his vengeful crow gimmick. I even went out and bought myself a black trenchcoat because Sting made it look so badass. I hope that TNA does the right thing and keeps Sting as a face and does with him, what the fans want, destroy Jarrett.