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haws bah gawd

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Everything posted by haws bah gawd

  1. haws bah gawd

    OAO 1/7 Impact Thread

    No, not WWA. Sting had a run in TNA at some point in 2003. He teamed with Jarrett (when he was still a face and doing his 'Dragonslayer' gimmick) to beat Sean Waltman and AJ Styles in a tag match, then made a couple other appearances before getting a non-title win over heel Jarrett on one of the Wednesday PPVs.
  2. haws bah gawd

    OAO 1/7 Impact Thread

    Didn't Jarrett mention something about Sting not being seen in over 5 years? Did he already forget Sting's previous run with the company (about 2 years ago), not to mention doing the JOB to him?
  3. haws bah gawd

    Video of JFK gettin shot

    Is there another link available for this? The other link is dead.
  4. haws bah gawd

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    A little off topic, but since there is a little talk of Cena's overness in this thread, I thought I would bring this up. From a sheer crowd reaction standpoint, I am craving an RVD vs Cena match. That would be a quick way to guage Cena's popularity. RVD's godlike overness vs Cena's "dropping more and more by the week" overness. However, when you have the crowd popping for DAIVARI interfering on Angle's behalf, you know things arent looking good. Back to the topic though, I really can't pick a rumble winner thus far, even though there are rumors of an Orton victory. Last year it was for sure it would be either Batista or Cena pulling off the win. The year before you KNEW Benoit would go the distance, Brock in '03, etc. However this year there really isn't anyone thats being prepared to go to the next level. I've been praying to the wrestling gods for an Undertaker victory though, just because I am dying for Batista vs 'Taker. I'm guessing Batista will go over Mark Henry in a fairly short match, and Cena will continue to defy the odds and beat HBK in what should be a good one. One thing I've been wondering though is just how many times is WWE willing to let Angle do the job to Cena. You know thats got to be pissing off Angle.
  5. haws bah gawd

    oAo Hostel Thread

    Im just trying to get a grasp on the gore-level of this film. To those of you that have seen it, would you say the violence is on the level of The Cannibal Holocaust, more/less?
  6. haws bah gawd

    Your Favorite Return

    Say what you will about the man, but HHH's return to RAW in early 2002, after the quad tear was unbelievable. That's still one of the loudest crowd reactions I've ever heard. That's one of the few returns to send chills down my spine. I had several friends over at the house that night to watch his return, and we were not disappointed. The all-time best though has to be Flair's return to WCW and the Horsemen after Bischoff suspended him. Flair pretty much shooting on Bischoff was a thing of beauty. "You son of a bitch.....you abuse of power.......fire me.....I'm already fired!!!!!"
  7. haws bah gawd

    June 2002 in the new WWE:

    Theres really no way to guess for sure how things would have changed for WWE in 2002 if Rock wouldve stayed around, since the company was obviously aiming to get built around Brock. I'm holding onto the hope that one day we get to see The Rock take on HBK. They are both such dramatic sellers, that it would make the match that more entertaining. After seeing over there years how Rock oversold the Stunner, and how HBK oversold Hogan's big boot at Summerslam, it would be a sight to see with both of these guys overselling eachothers moves.
  8. haws bah gawd

    WWE Smackdown! Superstar Released

    Nice triple post there buddy. I'm sad to see Juvi go. He could really tear it up in the ring if given the opportunity. As much as I would like to see him go back to TNA and have some more classics with Sabin, due to burning his bridges, I guess he'll have to findwork elsewhere.
  9. haws bah gawd

    Chuck Norris facts

    A surprisingly original gimmick post.....I like it!
  10. haws bah gawd

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    To those of you that own both the DVD and VHS sets, ever notice at the beginning of Dream Warriors, when Christen turns on her radio, there is a different song playing depending on whether you have VHS or DVD? The VHS version plays a poppy dance song, and the DVD plays an 80's hair metal song.
  11. haws bah gawd

    TNA Spoilers from Orlando

    How many times is TNA going to have Rhyno vs Abyss? Its getting really old.
  12. haws bah gawd

    Charlotte / Greenville Tapings (Jan 23 and 24)

    Me and 2 friends are going to the Greenville show. Really looking forward to it. Should hopefully be good since its a pre-ppv show. The last time SD came to Greenville, it was the SD before Armageddon 2004, and it was the most fun I'd ever had at a live show.
  13. haws bah gawd

    Interesting Prelim Matches

    AJ Styles vs Hurricane There is a link to the AJ vs Hurricane match. Conspiracy Victim, IIRC, the last Vertebreaker was taken by Stevie Richards on an episode of Sunday Night Heat in the Summer of '03.
  14. haws bah gawd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Road Dogg makes fun of HHH's moustache, and Billy Gunn says hes a fucking idiot. Road Dogg says there was several times he wanted to break HHH's nose, and Billy said pretty much the same, but they didnt because if you beat him up you get fired. You just have to coexist with him. Billy says "I promise...promise....promise that if HHH came up to me, I would beat his fucking brains in because hes a no good motherfucker". Billy says he cant understand why HHH wouldnt want to help elevate the other people in the company to better the product. But figures its because he wants to stand alone at the top of the mountain. Billy says bad things happen to bad people, and when the motherfucker passes Billy on the way down, and hes not married to the boss's daughter, and hes fucking in trouble, if he passes him in the airport he will knock his fucking ass out. Billy gets irritated and asks why are there so many questions about Hunter, because hes just a no good piece of fucking shit. Billy says theyre (he and Road Dogg) not close to him, and they dont want to be close to him. Bad things happen to bad people, and he stabs people in the back. Billy says HHH fucked Randy Orton so bad it was ridiculous. Orton was one of the premiere kids coming up, and HHH fucked him. Billy said HHH was going to lose the title because he had to go do some movie, and Orton stepped up and was carrying everything great. He says Orton is a great entertainer with great charisma, and a great personality, and HHH stabbed Orton in the back. He says HHH is garbage, just fucking garbage, and thats the way it is. Road Dogg sneaked in a 'ditto' after that comment. All in all, Billy did most of the talking and Road Dogg sat there and nodded his head in agreement.
  15. haws bah gawd

    Outlaws talking about Triple H

    Im enjoying this interview. Its like Billy is trying to see how many times he can fit cock and fuck into the same sentence.
  16. haws bah gawd

    Interesting Prelim Matches

    WWF @ Greenville, SC - Bi-Lo Center - January 21, 2002 (9,420) Jakked: The Hurricane (w/ Molly Holly) pinned AJ Styles with the Vertebreaker at 4:36 after Styles missed a Shooting Star Press You can Add the following to this since I attended this show: Brock Lesnar pinned Rico with the F-5 Randy Orton pinned Ron Waterman with a small package. After the match, Ron destroyed him with a couple Pearl River Plunge's. Also, that AJ vs Hurricane match is pretty easy to track down. I believe it is on Putfile and Youtube. Its a good match with a very skinny AJ Styles bumping like a champ for the Hurricane. Vertebreaker was a thrill to see.
  17. haws bah gawd

    Vengeance 02 on DVD or VHS

    Lucky, Im Jealous, I guess I should hit up some flea markets and small mom and pop shops first. There's a used video/music store chain in my area called "Vintage Stock" that sells it for $30. What's the big deal about x-7? Was it the last WWF Wrestlemania? no x-8 was, X-7 is considered by many to be one of the greatest manias of all time, the original dvd is out of print due to the wwf logo and name. So to find a copy would be a rare thing. For those that have the original DVD, did WWE/F edit-out "My Way" (I know this is edited out in the Wrestlemania boxset)?
  18. haws bah gawd

    Any idea when RVD is gonna return?

    Yea he also got attacked by Carlito on his first appearance on RAW.
  19. haws bah gawd

    Online $$$ theft

    I fell for the "your Ebay/Paypal account has been compromised, please respond to this email to confirm your password" email that had been going around last year. In short, I lost over $600 from my checking account. My ebay account ended up being used by someone in Madrid, Spain, to buy lots of overpriced shit, and they paid for it with Paypal. The brightside was I have a friend who handles fraud investigations at the credit union where my checking account is, so I was able to get a little extra help with the matter. A visit to the local police department to file a report, about 7 business days of waiting, and my money was back in my account.
  20. haws bah gawd

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Downhome, Those graphics for Under Defeat are fucking beautiful. I had no idea that system was capable of such graphics.
  21. haws bah gawd

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    What about Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon in the WWF in late 1996? The way they were initially pushed, I thought they were going to be huge stars, but alas.
  22. haws bah gawd

    Wearing belts

    Two tag titles stacked on top of eachother is always fun too. Of course, you could always be like Hogan and do the "Here's some belts I had laying around the house" pose.
  23. haws bah gawd

    Wearing belts

    Austin's "Carry the belt in one hand and throw it into the ring" routine was always fun to watch. I also liked when Undertaker would wear titles around his neck when he was Bikertaker.
  24. haws bah gawd

    Best twist/swerve in a video game?

    FFX: 1. Tidus being a dream of the Fayth 2. Sin (most badass looking creature from any of the FF's) being Jecht 3. Auron being an unsent FFVII: 1. You killed my strongest magic user you bastards! 2. Pretty much Cloud's entire backstory being fake 3. Hojo was Sephiroth's Father and Jenova was an Alien MGS2 1. Only getting to play as Solid Snake for about 45 minutes 2. The Colonel and Raiden's girlfriend being in on the whole thing with the Sons of Liberty The most favorable swerve has to be in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Playing through the 3 palaces, and getting to Aganim (sp?), beating him, then finding out there is a whole other 7 or 8 palaces to explore in the dark world. I was about 10 years old when this game came out, so I had no clue about there being a Dark World (other than that few short minutes you spend there getting to the Palace on Death Mountain).
  25. haws bah gawd

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    I dont remember Jeff Jarrett amounting to much of anything when he went to the WWF in the mid 90's with his NWA North American Champion gimmick.