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Amazon lists a 2-disc edition of the original NOES. I don't know what are the extras. No re-releases of the other movies though. Anyway, the boxset is good enough and had dropped in price, so it's not that expensive now.
As much as I like Bobby Heenan, I really hate him saying "Whose side is he on ?" before the Hogan turn.
Speaking of WWE in-house music, I like the music they used at WM XIX for the Michaels-Jericho. They used it quite often in the past, but you don't hear it anymore.
If Savage omissions still surprise anyone, they really need to get with the program. Does anyone know for sure what the deal is? (No I won't mention That Urban Legend...) I'll try another theory besides "that urban legend" : Since Hogan and Savage hate each other, maybe Hogan got in Vince's ear and convinced him to "erase" Savage from history. Told him something like doing business with Savage would mean an end to their business relation. Since there's more money to be made with Hogan, Vince decided to go with it and agreed to never mention Savage again. I'm not sure, but I think Savage isn't even on the "Greatest stars of the 80's DVD".
That Survivor Series is fake. Most of the time, WWE will put on their posters the town where it's taking place, the date and "8 PM, call your local cable service provider". So it's just a photoshop. The ECW logo isn't the one they're using on Sci-Fi. Anyway, I could see how they would bring back the nWo after it bombed so badly in 2002 that Vince flushed the angle live on Raw, and DX v 4.0 just plain sucks.
A few weeks ago, when Triple H would make references to the guy who knocked Steph, one of my friends told me that they should make a segment where the McMahons and Dx are in the ring and they would bring back a GTV-type of video where you would see Steph being triple teamed. The first two people who would be showed first would be Vince and Shane and, after a delay, the third person revealed would be HHH. They would do the ultimate sin to create the ultimate McMahon and would feud with Christian Shawn till Wrestlemania. ...what a loon.
Man, the Gandhi-style Lakitu in the Super Mario pic scares the hell out of me.
Disc 1 is the most interesting for me, as I already saw/own all the matches on discs 2 & 3 except for Austin/Jericho. If I ever buy this, I'll pick it used.
Actually, outside of Cena, Flair, Hacksaw and Eugene, I only remember him squashing nothing but jobbers in the 10:40 timeslot.
A good team that had a too short stint back in 1996 : Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon. I know they had a short rivalry with Owen/Bulldog. The only PPV match they had I can remember was at Survivor Series 96 in a 4-on-4 match. I don't know if they had a proper PPV match between these two teams though.
I just have regular cable, so that means bye bye Raw. Wow...its gonna feel weird not to see any wrestling anymore.
Does anyone know the numbers for this year's Backlash ? How much did Vince vs God drew ?
I hated FF X-2 so much that it is one of the very few games I own in which I quitted before finishing it. At the beginning, I liked it. The battle were fast-paced and I liked the "level up" system they used. Sure, the story was silly but it would surely get better as I would progress to the game. Unfortunately, I've found out that pretty much of the game was do a job in the part of the world, clear all the overworld, a segment or two about "Tidus" and begin a new chapter where you go through all the overworld again. Rinse and repeat 4 or 5 times. You had build your characters like you wanted, there wouldn't be any progress to make with them, so combat became a chore. The story wasn't silly anymore, it was retarded, and the characters, more specifically Brother and the little bastard-with-a-mask who sings in a deadpan voice, were incredibly annoying. Some people may like X-2, but for me, it ranks as one of the worst RPG I've played. If you want to play light-hearted stuff, play a Lunar, miles ahead of X-2.
"If he dies, he dies."
Starcade '97 should have been all Sting kicking Hogan's ass to put an end to the nWo. I would have liked to see Bret vs Angle, but I don't know how good would Bret have been in the ring, even if the Kick of Doom didn't happenned. He would be in his mid-forties, so it's not like he would still be in his prime. Personally, I don't see why Hogan vs whomever is considered to be a dream match. Unless it's Hogan against another 80's wrestler, the styles won't mix and the match would suck. Just think of the Hogan vs Angle match of last year leading to Summerslam, Hogan did a sorry-ass boot to the chest and Angle laid down on the ring for like a minute. Rock is an exception, but then again, he's a exceptional performer and could have a match with practically anybody.
I saw the trailer and, though the plot is idiotic ( "Me, the champion of the world, will go after a 60 year-old guy because a videogame says he can beat me, I'll kick his ass !") I will go see it in theatres. The first Rocky is one of my favorites movies ever and, though the series took a fall since Rocky III, I still enjoy it. Anyway, it's more of a spinoff than a sixth chapter. To my knowledge, only three characters return, not counting Rocky's son. It will have just enough classic Rocky elements in it like the training scenes, the punching in meat and the running of the steps to be considered more of a Rocky than Rocky V. I think the finish will be either a lost or they will do just like Rocky I, where Stallone goes the distance when nobody said he would last. Of course, Hollywood being Hollywood, they will probably go for the happy ending where Stallone wins, but that would sucks. EDIT : Even though Poor Dumb Rocky > Millionnaire Rocky, how come he still lives in the gutter after all these years ? You would figure he would have endorsement deals ( a grill anyone ? ) or some other thing since he was an household name.
There a funny Dynamite Kid story on the Jake Roberts DVD, I don't remember all of it but it goes something like this : Jake was teaming with the Bulldogs against the Hart Foundation and someone else. Bret makes a mistake in the ring, Dynamite goes to Jake and asks "Right eye or left eye ?". Jake doesn't answer so DK says "Both ?", so Jake tell him to hit the left eye. Dynamite then asks "Punch, knee or elbow ?", Jake once again doesn't answer so Dynamite hits Bret in the left eye with the elbow. He would hit him again in all the matches for the rest of the tour. I don't think there was any serious heat between Dynamite Kid and Bret. But then again, I didn't read his book, so maybe he's bitter towards many people. Wouldn't it be funny if he called Benoit nothing but an crappy impersonator ?
I knew some of the sanity effects in advance, so some surprises were ruined for me. But when you're near the end of the game, and your character is going crazier at the end of each chapter, the creepy voices and noises are great. I was completely fooled when you're going to the menu and the game resets at the Poe quote or tells you to play the sequel to see the rest of the story.
Hooray. I think the first game didn't sold too well despite being awesome. So if the franchise can gain more exposure on either PS3 or 360, so be it. In this era of games copying every good concepts from other games, I'm surprised no company stole the sanity effects.
I'm surprised on how little response there have been on this since this is truly a hideous poster. Everybody looks like an idiot and HHH, with his big wiener ( ha ha ha ! ), looks like Jake Roberts.
They also have a new Tazz T-Shirt and the return of standups, one featuring The Rock of all people. Who would pay $30 for that ?
They suck compared to the old "ECW in barbed wire" shirt. I'd go with #1, but without the "Extreme since 1993" on the back.
I think this is the best Steph has looked since since 2000. I find pregnant womens beautiful, so she looks way better than during her woman-beast era of 2003. She's HUGE, is she supposed to deliver shortly ? And Triple H looks like a dad who's forced to go to soccer practices.
I don't think that a mark is someone who believes that everything on TV is 100% real and will cheer/boo a face/heel and do the opposite when they turn, I consider this an old definition of what a mark is. Kayfabe is dead and everybody knows that wrestling is predetermined. I think there's two categories of viewers : the fan and the smark. I'm the only smark in my group of friends and I never talk about wrestling with them the same way I would talk here. One of my friends watched during Hulkamania and the Attitude era and stopped watching since Stone Cold left. He doesn't care about seeing a good wrestling match, give him Mr. McMahon over Chris Benoit and Guerrero anyday. He only watches wrestling because it's funny. He likes DX, The Rock and Austin, even when he was in the Alliance. He and I laugh about the old cliches of wrestling and how stupid wrestling can be. He can watch a portion of a show from time to time, but the only thing he found interesting this year so far is the Spirit Squad. Another one of my friends will find practically anything on TV good. He likes the recent DX stuff, will order several PPVs throughout the year and, if there's a show, he will always talk about it the day after. He watched a few ECW matches on DVD and he actually believes that what is on Sci-Fi is the real ECW. What I can find completely insulting and retarded, he will find it funny. He likes the hoss-style matches and will find a match exceeding 10 minutes boring. To put it briefly, he's the kind of fan that WWE is after. Some others will watch a PPV in group or go to an event when there's one in town, but quitted watching the show in 2001 or when Austin and Rock left. That being said, I think that Smarks are much bigger marks than the casual viewer could ever be. To their eyes , I'm only a long-time fan. I never share the knowledge I have with them because, if I do, I will look like a total nerd. A few exemples : When one of them asked me last fall why Jim Ross wasn't announcing anymore and I told them it's because they think he's a reason of the weak ratings, he gave me a "What the fuck are you talking about ?" face. During Wrestlemania XX, they thought that Benoit getting the belt was stupid and I was the only one who knew why him and Guerrero celebrating in the ring was a great moment. They don't give a shit about workrate, backstage politics and all that insider stuff, a visit to WWE.com is all the info they need. They could stop watching anytime they want when I join the entire board bitching about how the shows are retarded and the wrestling is boring. Yet, I'll still tune in next week. The fans just enjoy the product and they quit watching if it's bad. The smarks will over-analyse everything and think about how their ideas and alternate scenarios would have been so much better than what WWE has done ( a form of fantasy booking ). We're bitching about how bad the product is and, if Vince McMahon was to die tomorrow and WWE would cease to exist, we would all be floored by this while the casual fan would simply switch to another channel on Monday nights. So I think that we're much bigger marks than the average kid wearing a Cena shirt could ever be.
Jericho did an ad for a Smackdown game, I think it was Shut Your Mouth wheere he put one of the devellopers inthe Walls to show how he did it. He also said that Stephanie might need extra polygons for her character. I remember seeing house shows promos back in maybe 2002-2003. It featured Brock Lesnar flexing at the camera and screaming "I'M COMING TO ______ !!" It wasn't a TV commercial, but we can't forget Jake Roberts in a "Say no to drugs" campaign.