10 Pounds
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The "Vent about not having Program X on 24/7" Thread
10 Pounds replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in WWE Multimedia
I hope we'll get the PYOB, LOW and PPV. However, I don't think we'll have them right on time since last month, they have all appeared on either Friday or Monday instead of the usual Wednesday. As far as Bad Blood goes, sure there's some awful stuff like Test vs Steiner (Superman plundge of death !), Kane/RVD vs Resistance and the dreaded Redneck Triathlon but there's also Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels, career on the li.....oh wait. Still, if I remember correctly, it was soon after they had the Flair celebration which relighted his fire and rejuvenated his career, so that will be good. Out of the three programs, I want the Wrestlecrap roundtable the most. -
WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion
10 Pounds replied to DrVenkman PhD's topic in WWE Multimedia
In the preview show for April, they said that they would show the entire 2008 Hall of Fame Ceremony. So it will be availlable on 24/7 before coming to DVD ? (yay, an exclusive!). Really hope they show Flair's speech complete and unedited. -
Good April's Fools joke. If this was real, I don't know if this would be good. Legend of Zelda is among the greatest videogames series ever but I don't think it would break the videogames-to-movie curse as pretty much every movie inspired by a game is average-at-best or downright horrible. Just for the hell of it, whatever happened to the Peter Jackson Halo film ?
I won't go into many details since my thoughts echoes pretty much most of the thread. - The biggest pop in the living room was the Orton win as no one saw that coming. - I hope the plane buzz will be edited off the DVD - Flair crying as he took the pinfall and Michaels crying at his head like Flair had just died was an epic finish to an instant classic. - The Edge/Taker match took a while to took off but, as good as the match got, it was ruined by the awful announcing job. It seemed all you could hear was "THE STREAK IS OVER !!!!!" every 20 seconds. - "Marching band" Cena doesn't surpasses Cello-Kane as far as orchestrated themes goes
Predictions and match order : ECW Title : I'd like to see Dreamer getting his big Wrestlemania moment (even if it's in the opener) but I think Colin Delaney wins to absolutely no reaction at all from the 65 000+ crowd. JBL vs Finlay : JBL by cheating, feud continues. Money in the Bank : Ken Kennedy, Shelton will do again a crazy-ass spot. Batista vs Umaga : Batista, Feud continues. Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels : Michaels wins with the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere after Flair murders the leg the entire match. Michaels has the "What have I done" look on his face. They embrace after the match and Flair walks into the sunset to a huge ovation, crying like a baby. Any match following this will have no chance at all, much like the diva match after Rock-Hogan. Big Show vs Mayweather : This has the chance to be the greatest celebrity match in history or the biggest clusterfuck since Goldberg/Lesnar. It's a guarantee the crowd turns on Mayweather since he's the outsider and he's following Flair's last match, anything Show does will be wildly cheered. Still, there's no way Mayweather came to lose, especially since he's undefeated in real life and won't compromise his rematch against De La Hoya for "fake stuff" (to the general public). Playboy Bunny match : Don't know the rules of the match, don't care but Snoop Dogg will favor the Playmates team. World Title: Undertaker, no question. I think the match won't be as good as most people will expect. Kennedy will cash the money in the bank but will be the first to lose his shot in record time. Hall of Fame recap, another huge Flair ovation. Triple Threat : The H's win by pinning Orton, Cena gets booed out of the building.
I wonder how much Flair's speech would have been if not for the time constraints for the USA show. The reports indicates that Flair would have talked all night long and no one would have objected. I hope the complete, unedited version makes it to the Wrestlemania DVD. The idea mentionned earlier of Flair's walking the aisle for the last time right after the presentation of the Hall of Famers is perfect.
The "Vent about not having Program X on 24/7" Thread
10 Pounds replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in WWE Multimedia
Unbelievable, after missing all of the 2007 PPVs since the Rumble, Armageddon 2007 actually showed up in the menus. Getting all the content you pay for truly is a crazy concept. Let's just hope these improvements are defenitive and are not good for a month or two. -
Just to say something different... Federation Era : VIII. I like III but I prefer Piper/Hart - Flair/Savage over Savage-Steamboat. Attitude Era : X-7. Current Era : XX. The finale is pretty much in my top 3 wrestling moments ever, despite of what happened to Benoit and Guerrero. All the big matches delivered wrestling wise more than the following WMs, with the exception of Angle/Michaels. The return of the Deadman gimmick is still a great markout moment. The only matches that slows down the card are the two 4-ways, Goldberg/Lesnar is an entertaining trainwreck. I don't know if XIX is fitting in the current era or the Attitude era, but it takes second place either way as it really is an underrated Wrestlemania. I think the frustration comes more from the booking of the event with the Booker/HHH match and all the focus being on McMahon/Hogan instead of Angle/Lesnar. Still, it is a very good show with solid matches.
I use VHS tapes since I don't have a DVD recorder. It's more convenient that way since I usually record only segments of shows (good matches, either good or horrible promos and angles). Full shows would be better DVD-quality, but I think I've only recorded three or four in a year, so it's not that big of a deal.
Venkman, you have the Roundtable show ? There was WM VIII added last Tuesday, but that's all I had. Edit : I've checked and I have it too. Weird to see programming being added over the weekend. If Cogeco finally resolved all their programming problems (it only took 10 months) and we will see Armageddon on the next update, it will truly be a glorious day.
I think the sit-down interview was made a long time ago. There have been several clips of him in his home where you can see various title belts in the background. I remember last year's footage for Ross' induction, the comments for Trump/McMahon and RAW XV were made in that background.
That is the stuff nightmares are made of.
It goes from bad to worse.
Do you enjoy seeing a Woman get beat up, if shes an annoying heel?
10 Pounds replied to a topic in General Wrestling
Who the hell enjoys seeing a woman get beat up anyway ? However, since this IS wrestling after all where there's no such thing as logic (where a woman who doesn't want to either take off her clothes in front of thousands or having bi tendencies is either a jezebel or the most frigid woman there is), there are some cases where attacks can be effective. In my opinion, these attacks can only be effective in two scenarios : - A face hitting his finisher on the bitchy heel. Case in point : Rock Bottom on Stephanie at WM 2000 or Austin giving the Stunner to Chyna at No Way Out 1998. Those were the first times Chyna or Steph were getting hit after months of getting away with their interferences. Those kind of attacks should only happen once since it will never have the same impact as it originally did. - For a heel, there shouldn't be any serious kind of attacks like Austin hitting Lita with a chair. There should be a threat of attacking a woman, getting a "ooooh" moment, but it can't go too far. Also, those scenarios should always have the face making the save to prevent further damage. A good exemple of a scenario was recently showed on 24/7 in the Dusty vs Tully match : the Horsemen pushed Baby Doll on the floor and they were about to break her leg like they did to Rhodes and the whole locker room made the save. You have great heat put on the heels but you haven't crossed the line. The angle where Tully slapped Baby Doll was great but it was pushing the limit, you can't go further than this. -
The only notable things I remember of Ahmed after the turn is him getting injured before his match with Taker at Canadian Stampede and getting kicked out of the Nation just after his return. The last time I recall seeing him after that was when he was a victim of the Kane Path of Rage. We haven't seen him for months afterwards (probably Shotgun duty, kind of like Faarooq when he got kicked out and teamed with Scorpio), he got his ass kicked and we never saw him again.
The "Vent about not having Program X on 24/7" Thread
10 Pounds replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in WWE Multimedia
I seem to have all the updates we can have, even if we pay more for less content. Wrestlemania 18, the Raw before it and the 2 MNW are in and everything that was WM 2 related is gone after one week. The only answer I had that wasn't half-assed was the complaint sent via the BBB this past Fall. I made a call to Cogeco when the missing programming problems first appeared in May (recent PPV, PYBO and roundtables) and they told me not to rely on the lists found on WWE.com since those listings are for American cable companies and are subject to change for Canada. Is there another fellow Canadian subscriber that can attest to that theory ? -
When I thought "Front Leg Back Kick" was the most convoluted wrestling move I've ever heard (what is it anyway? A kick to the back?), Bill Mercer takes the head position with calling Michael Hayes' neckbreaker a "Spinning rolling suplex sidedrop" right after he called Buddy Roberts' neckbreaker a "rolling head drop". I understand the "rolling head drop", but the other one doesn't make any sense. Anybody noticed that the footage where The Great Kabuki yields his sword on the bridge, he seems to be in a Darth Vader costume ? Now there a license-to-print-money gimmick if there ever was one.
I can understand posting news about small promotions like ROH or international promotions, because they're in no way serious competition to WWE, but when you see news about Congress being disappointed at Vince McMahon for not showing up to the steroids hearings....that's unreal to say the least. I don't see this feature lasting for long. If it does stays, it will be heavily filtered/censored.
I never saw the Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales before watching the 15-0 feature (on a side note, it feels weird to hear faux-Solid Snake narrating Taker's streak), I've read all these reports that this was a -***** match and the worst Wrestlemania match of all-time. While I didn't expected to see a great match, it's not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. It's still a bad match, but you can see far worse on any random jobber matches on the house show programs. Compared to any Undertaker vs Khali confrontations, or nearly all of Khali's matches for that matter, this was Savage/Steamboat. The match had good heat and Gonzales actually knew what he was doing in the ring. He was faster, showed more charisma and was more entertaining in that match more that I've seen in Khali since he debuted. Khali dreams he could work like El Gigante. I didn't even knew that Bill Alfonso, the best part of the ECW shows, was the referee for that match. Besides, I can't hate any match featuring the use of an ether-soaked rag
WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - February 2008
10 Pounds replied to DrVenkman PhD's topic in WWE Multimedia
I had the chance to catch ECW before it gets pulled out. I had no idea that Foley did the Royal Rumble spot three years before 1999. That guy must be insane to be willing to take so many chair shots at once, let alone to do it on two occasions. That final chair by Whipwreck was sick. -
I honestly think he will never allow any wrestler to do with his daughter what he did to Vince's. Anyways, congrats to both of them and wishing a heatlhy baby, etc. etc,.
The "Vent about not having Program X on 24/7" Thread
10 Pounds replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in WWE Multimedia
Some confusion in the MNW updates: - Only Nitro showed up last week, the one from 6/2. - Only Raw showed up this week, the one from 6/9 and we won't see the Nitro for that date, due to dubious reasons. Usually, the MNW updates are every two weeks, not one week. - I didn't got the last Raw before King of the Ring, have they skipped it or it's an error with my cable company ? The last Raw I remember is the one where Austin/Michaels get the titles, but their match at KOTR wasn't announced yet. It seems really hard to have this channel running smoothly. -
The "Vent about not having Program X on 24/7" Thread
10 Pounds replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in WWE Multimedia
Don't have Raw either. Maybe they're alternating Raw and Nitro each week ? -
I had to search to know what the Junior Kickstart video was but yes, they played the Ms. Pac-Man video before the show. I thought it went way too long. There also was a guest composer, it was one of the two guys who did the Halo soundtrack. He had the audiance do the monk chants before conducting the Halo theme. There wasn't a laptop as a prize but there was one of those arcade cabinet with hundreds of games in it and a DVD with all of the OC Remix songs on it. I didn't go to the meet and greet as there was way too much people going to the bathroom (first time I ever saw the ladies line go faster than the men's) and to the souvenir table. There wasn't much interesting stuff on sale : some CDs, plush toys and shirts......the only thing I think I would have bought would have been an t-shirt with "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start" written on it
Anybody here ever went to one of those Video Games Live concerts ? I've been to one of those last Friday and, quite frankly, it was great. They had as a guest the guy who put a video of himself on Youtube playing the Super Mario Bros theme on the piano blindfolded, he also played a medley of Final Fantasy and Namco tunes. This guy plays like an absolute maniac. There even were Space Invaders and Frogger competitions where the orchestra played the music. Overall a pretty good show. Highlights for me was Metal Gear Solid, Medal of Honor and the arcade classics. There wasn't anything Metroid or Castlevania related however. I've also never seen so much hardcore geeks and nerds in my entire life. I assume myself as a geek (as I do post messages about video games on a freakin' wrestling board) but as long as I don't bring a DS or PSP at a show, having an orgasm hearing over One Winged Angel nor cosplaying myself as a custom-made Mortal Kombat character, I consider myself pretty fine.