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Everything posted by BrokenTiger

  1. BrokenTiger


    Zhang Yimou (the director of Hero) always known for captivating visuals in his work. In fact, recently he had released another movie called 'House of Flying Daggers'...same beautiful cinematography, but slightly inferior story (IMHO) compared to Hero. And no Jet Li. And look out for Donnie Yen, who fought Jet Li over the lake in Hero (as well as the star for Iron Monkey IIRC); these guys had an awesome fight scene in Once Upon A Time in China 2. Check it out, for this is my fav Jet movie aside from Fist of Legend.
  2. BrokenTiger

    What has wrestling taught you?

    I learned that the slightest physical contact to the referee would render the guy unconcious for ages.
  3. BrokenTiger

    Kidman + SSP = horror?

    How 'bout Double Axe Handle from the top? Top rope fist Drop? These are the safest (lamest, too) top rope moves I can think of. Or just use the flying crossbody, making Kidman fell into negative zone of genericism.
  4. BrokenTiger

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    Ah, yes. Driving with the stick. Just got my car few days ago...thing is, I pass my driving test in March '03...I hardly ever drive since then. Out of necessity (no public transportation to where I work) I got myself a new car (my country's own Proton). I managed to stall my car twice: after filling the petrol and after paying the toll. And this morning, I break the record for most frequent car stalling...it was a slow-moving traffic, so there. I sweated profusely whenever I reached my destination. And the air-cond was on. Every day's a Carmageddon day. Frequently practising to drive, and a will of steel, would drive away the nerves. I hope. Best of luck with your driving lessons, Sir Dames.
  5. BrokenTiger

    Kidman + SSP = horror?

    Whew, I'm not feeling optimistic here.... What if this incident lead to restriction/ban of most top rope moves? Kinda like when WWE limits the moveset and/or ban the overhead belly-to-belly due to lots of neck injuries on the wrestlers in recent years. I hope I'm wrong here. Anyways, I hope Chavito will be alright.
  6. BrokenTiger

    An Asian Gang nearly attacked me today

    Dunno why, I get visions of Raven's 'droptoehold onto a chair' spot when I read that one. Being an asian myself, living in Southeast Asia, I can vouch for the 'bad driver' part. We were demons on the wheel, and the highway's our personal hell. Very high rate of accidents (I live in Malaysia, btw). As for fighting...when I was twelve, I was so into the Brule Lee movies...and naturally liked his signature move, The End-All Flying Kick. So, during a fight I would deliver that kick, only to have my opponent block it...so I landed awkwardly and sprained my ankle. Embarassing, to put it mildly.
  7. BrokenTiger

    A simple question

    I've spent way too much for cabs, and the traffic piss me off...so flying it is.
  8. BrokenTiger

    Zatôichi and Oldboy

    If possible, try to look for Zatoichi vs The One Armed Swordsman. This one is quite rare, and said to be damn good...not to mention sporting an awesome showdown between the two...simply because they can't understand each other (OAS is chinese). I've seen this one many, many years ago...this is so rare, it's reaching mythical status. As for the cgi blood in the recent Zatoichi...I don't mind it at all. Again, the ending scene is what bothered me more.
  9. BrokenTiger

    Zatôichi and Oldboy

    Yes, Zatoichi had been around for decades...and the 'older' versions are said to be superior. Having said that, I still liked Kitano's version...although the dancing scene at the end I could do without. Cool fight scenes, especially the one when it was raining and Zatoichi dispose four (iirc) of bandits. There's some good side stories of supporting characters, too (the geishas, the samurai for hire, the gambler...) There's even an american movie which is loosely based on Zatoichi, called Blind Fury and had Rutger Hauer (I think) as the modern day blind swordsman. ...haven't watch Oldboy, though. I'll check it out.
  10. BrokenTiger

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    Much appreciated for the answers, guys. Thanks.
  11. BrokenTiger

    English Football

    Liverpool/Owen saga: When they got rid of Heskey, I'm sure fans were throwing parties (my brother, a lifelong reds, sure did) but selling Owen...I didn't saw it coming as I thought Real would've signed Vieira. As voiced by other people before me, Real doesn't really need Owen as they had Raul, Ronaldo AND Morientes at their disposal. Remember McManaman? True, at Liverpool Owen seems...to be reaching a plateau (even regressing, in my personal opinion) as a player. Aside from Baros, who else the Reds have at their disposal for the striker's position?
  12. BrokenTiger

    King of Colosseum II

    The cover looks so badass. Who's the guys anyway? Is that Misawa (second from left)? Sorry, not that well versed in Puro...
  13. BrokenTiger


    I loved Goodfellas...very much. Especially Pesci (eg. when he punks out Liotta in the bar)...he just overshadows both De Niro and Liotta. Anyways, how's the book? Any significant difference between the movie and the book?
  14. BrokenTiger

    Monty Python

    Life of Brian. ...the 'Biggus Dickus' scene and the 'emperor's address' scene', both featuring my fav phython member Michael Palin. "...people of Jewusalem! Wome is your fwiend!"
  15. BrokenTiger

    WWE Releases Sakoda....

    For Sakoda's fav moments: How could any of you guys forgot the EVIL LAUGHTER~! of his when Shelton Benjamin(IIRC) got drafted to Raw during the Lottery? Err, best of luck to Sakoda. Or something. I hardly knew you...
  16. BrokenTiger


    Hmmm...I'm actually in the midst of writing some TPB reviews for a friend...although I'm not a seasoned/intelligent comics vet. If it's alright, I may like to submit those in the near future. Just an idea: Since I have a background in Arts & Design,(also minored in animation and illustration) probably I can do a review that geared specifically in these areas. Not to sound uppity/snobbish/arrogant, just a POV of mine.
  17. BrokenTiger

    Last Words

    Last time you punched somebody: In 2001, a college mate...almost break the guys rib...because HE DARED ME TO. Last time you ate meat: Last Month. Last time you got arrested: Never have. Last person you sent an e-mail to: To my boss this morning. Last regret: Yesterday, when I should've make a move on this girl I had a crush on. Last time you wore a suit: December 2003, before going to S.Korea. Last country you visited: South Korea, company trip. Last injury you suffered: re-injure my back last month. Last family outing: don't remember Last item you put on your credit card: no credit card Last beer you drank: don't drink beer. Last movie you watched in full: King Arthur. I'll watch anything. Last time you lied: Yesterday, to a client of mine. Last meal you ate: Fried noodles with egg. Last time you laughed: Watching re-runs of 'Kings of Queens' last night. Last video game you played: True Crime: Streets of LA. Last album you listened to: Five for Fighting (The Battle for Everything). Yeah, I'm lame. Last time you said 'I'm sorry': Don't remember. Last sport you watched: Malaysian Soccer. Dreadful. Last time you said 'This is the last time': Last night, before eating a cholesterol-rich meal.
  18. BrokenTiger

    I witnessed a circus death yesterday

    Condolences for her family member/next of kin... Once in a while, i just hate the 'show must go on' mentality. How could anybody watch the show after that?
  19. BrokenTiger

    Most Underrated Match Ever

    I agree with the above statement. Rock-Benoit -Very enjoyable. Could be GREAT without Shane & Foley's involvement, IMHO. Jericho-HHH - Classic match. Rikishi-Venis - Don't know who's crazier, Rikishi for that stunt or Venis for taking the damage. Suprisingly good. T&A, Trish vs. Hardyz, Lita - another suprisingly enjoyable match. Saturn vs. Eddy Guerrero - perfectly good match for my taste...however they could do much better, I think.
  20. BrokenTiger

    The new Eddie vs. Kurt feud

    Here's to hoping that Angle/Eddie can bring the pre-Mania buildup goodness. They still got some time to get it right in that department and I have faith in them doing so. As for the match itself...I'm not placing my hope's too high though, due to their current physical state...well, at least it'll be miles better than JBL/Taker. I know, I know. I'm screwing myself for lowering my standards. Hey, as long as I can enjoy the product...
  21. BrokenTiger

    UK shops pull Manhunt off the shelves

    Over here in my country (Malaysia), wrestling's get the blame too. Hence the overly sanitized wrestling content on TV : no divas...no chairshots...hell for any TLC matches there's a lot of blurring going on. Wacky. As for Manhunt, I got it, completed it and not too impressed by it. It gets rather silly after a while.
  22. BrokenTiger

    Saddam's life in prison

    Heh, thanks for the welcome. I try. Been lurking for a couple of years, actually. I'm not gonna argue anything related to Islam/Muslims/Infidels/Terrorists/Whatever especially on this board. Bearing grudges is not good for my blood pressure (I'm too fat). I'm open-minded 'bout these matters, actually...especially being a graphics/web designer...I'm in the Southeast Asia region (Malaysia...it's 9.20 in the morning here in the office) hence the late, late reply.
  23. BrokenTiger

    Saddam's life in prison

    No, you misread that verse. It went "Blessed are the blueberries. RASPBERRIES, though, are the spawn of Satan and must be smitten." Don't worry --- many people make that mistake. -=Mike I'll be frank here...here goes: I'm actually a Muslim, yet somehow I find this funny. ... ... ...Is that wrong? Oh well. My soul's damned either way.
  24. BrokenTiger


    Being a web designer, I have to used a lot of browsers to test my sites. So I guess I could provide a valid opinion here.... Mozilla Firefox's relatively faster and safer(reasons provided by others above)than IE6. Opera's claiming to be fast...although I don't see much difference...not really liking it. Netscape 7.1....loads a bit too slow for my liking, maybe that's just me. The 'tabbed surfing' feature, though is not exclusive to Firefox only...also prevalent in Opera and Netscape 7.1 if I remember correctly. There, I covered the main browsers. Having said that, I have no probs with my IE...just have to use various browsers due to my work. Just begun to love Firefox a lot...perhaps the looks, or the speed. My heart just flutters whenever Firefox loads...and I'm feelin' fuzzy and warm inside...ok I should stop now. *starts Firefox*
  25. BrokenTiger

    Best rogues' galleries

    ^..out of those, I already have Dark Knight Returns and Long Halloween. Highly enjoyable titles. I'm going to get my hands on Killing Joke and Year One pretty soon. Astounding analysis of Two-Face/Harvey Dent there, Mr.Zsasz. Great read. Just curious...what's your opinion on the Arkham Asylum GN, seeing that is not on your recommended list of Batman books. I have it, btw, and while I somehow enjoyed the art style, the story's...I dunno, just can't really get into it.