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Everything posted by BrokenTiger

  1. BrokenTiger

    Best Rocky Movie Song

    Voted for Burning Heart, which slightly edges Eye of the Tiger (due to being overplayed most of the time). These two, however, were great choice of songs to fire up myself for workout/sparring sessions.
  2. BrokenTiger

    Best Actor of All Time Tournament

    Robert De Niro Russell Crowe Gregory Peck Jack Nicholson William H. Macy Kevin Spacey Bill Murray Clint Eastwood Al Pacino Tim Robbins Anthony Hopkins Dustin Hoffman Henry Fonda Edward Norton Sean Connery Gary Oldman
  3. BrokenTiger

    The Big One......

    I watched this a couple of months ago. IIRC, there's a scene where Moore met the head honcho of Nike (Phil Knight) and challenge him to a race...wait, am I thinking of a different movie? Damn the deadlines, my brain is turning to mush now.
  4. BrokenTiger

    Favorite Zucker/Abrahams Movie?

    I always have a soft spot for the Naked Gun Trilogy. Out of the bunch, loved the first movie. Haven't watched Airplane for the longest time...but I remembered being vastly entertained by the movie.
  5. BrokenTiger

    Graphic Novels

    For mangas, I have these in my collection: Dragonball (from the arrival of Goku's brother onwards) Slam Dunk (the whole stuff) 3x3 Eyes Crayon Shin Chan (I'm serious...I enjoyed it for some reason) Doraemon (please don't make fun of me) Also have read certain volumes of Rurouni Kenshin, GTO (wacky!), Ah! My Goddess, Love Hina...that's it, I think. A friend of my heavily pimped Azumanga Daioh and Excel Saga (manga or anime form) to me...wonder if I would like it.
  6. BrokenTiger

    Euro 2004

    Fairytale ending for Greece. (Felt like Funaki defeat Eddie for the WWE Title.) It's certainly a great upset...the Greeks have their gameplan, and followed it well. Portugal...*shakes head*...although having the majority of the possession, they just can't capitalize...they didn't move the ball upfield fast enough, giving the Greeks time to pull back every single player to defend. To their credit, the Greeks were very poised/confident in defence and launching their counter-attacks. Well, now it's over and done. Overall, Euro '04 was enjoyable...good matches and shocks aplenty.
  7. BrokenTiger

    Gunn, Holly unhappy with WWE

    Why out the door? Isn't there any windows nearby?
  8. BrokenTiger

    Graphic Novels

    Watchmen Dark Knight Returns Batman: Long Halloween Arkham Asylum Concrete Sin City Hellblazer (the one's used for the upcoming movie) Ronin Kingdom Come (not bad, not too impressed though. Is Marvels better?) Need to get my hands on: Other Alan Moore works (From Hell, V for Vendetta...maybe Killing Joke also) Batman: Hush Marvels Sandman (want to find what all the hype's all about) Preacher (same reason as above) Any good Punisher GN/TPB titles to recommend? Is there a Suicide Run TPB?
  9. BrokenTiger

    Best Graphic or text adventure game?

    Police Quest series, Quest for Glory, Gabriel Knight, Leisure Suit Larry...I'm such a mark for Sierra games. Didn't play most of the LucasArt games (waay into Wolfenstein3d and Gunship then). My loss, as I hear nothing but great things about them (Monkey Island, Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle...etc.) Does Sanitarium count? Fascinatingly weird game...never finished it, though.
  10. BrokenTiger

    Video Game Compilations

    ...and I remember got thrown out of the arcade after breaking the joystick, and my finger got sore from all the button bashing. I was waaay into the game, perhaps. Strangely, I actually played SF2 first...so I went 'WTF?' all the time when I first played SF1. Yeah, red-headed Ryu. Wacky.
  11. BrokenTiger

    Euro 2004

    Well, upon reflection...I guess 'boring' is probably a wrong word to describe Greece. Most of the time, they contain the opposition's attack and effectively breaking whatever flow & rhythm the other team has...which, IMHO the formula that give Germany much success in the past. But lately Germany fails because they lack strikers with the calibre of Muller, Klinsmann, Voeller...etc. (Kuranyi? Klose? BLEH) So, Greece is better at being Germany than Germany...if that make sense. PORTUGAL MUST WIN. Or I'll stop watching football. Hell, I'll stop dating girls, too.
  12. BrokenTiger

    Euro 2004

    Oh god. Greece is the new Germany. *looks at Otto Rehhagel* Damn you, Otto...for being so boring & efficient. ...well...Portugal will have to end it on a high note, then. They must. ... ...why I still have doubts linger in my mind?
  13. BrokenTiger

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Sinister Six?
  14. BrokenTiger

    Moves which went out of fashion

    Bearhug - THE choice submission for any hoss. God, how I'm sick of them...regardless whether executed standing or on the mat. A crowd killer for sure. Sleeper - Although effective in the real world (been in it on few occasions) it's just doesn't look devastating/compelling at all. Having said that, some workers could make these seemingly basic moves work/look convincing in a match (eg. Orton's cranking on the chinlock). Just my two cents.
  15. BrokenTiger

    Whats your favourite sports memory of all time?

    Liverpool vs Newcastle...4-3. Not sure about the year (in fact, they met in the previous season and ended with the same score), me head's dizzy at the moment, but goddamn that was a heartstopping soccer game...Collymore scored the winner for the Reds, IIRC. Strange, because I was a Man Utd fan then. '94 FA Cup Semi final...Oldham Athletic vs. Man Utd - Oldham hang on to a lead until toward the final minutes, Mark Hughes ran free of his marker and scored a dramatic, sweet volley. Marked out like a madman. On the flip side, when a certain Frenchman unleashed a spectacular Bruce Lee-like flying kick on a spectator. I miss ol' Eric. Not sure whether this fits here, but here goes: during a sparring session in my local dojo, when my partner attempted to enziguri my noggin...somehow I catched both of his legs and I Jacknifed Powerbombed him. Poor sod.
  16. BrokenTiger

    The Punisher (1990/2004) question...

    Dolph Lundgren is a Sylvester Stallone lookalike who can't act? *watches Rocky IV again* No. Or maybe I've gone senile. You're right about the 'can't act' part, though. I prefer the original origin of the Punisher (before Marvel Knights relaunch the title, I think) although Thomas Jane carried the role of Punisher/Frank Castle extremely well. Any plans for a sequel to the movie?
  17. BrokenTiger

    Euro 2004

    My prediction is right on the money...Portugal got through. Loved the second goal by Maniche. Absolute screamer. Figo and Ronaldo was ON during the game. Now, I want to see Czech Rep. in the final...but Greece time and time again proved themselves against supposedly better sides. Sorry, Czech fans, I hope I'm not jinxing your team's chances...
  18. BrokenTiger

    Euro 2004

    Baros is on fire...can't believe this is the same player that played for Liverpool this past season. Counting down the hours to the Portugal vs. Holland match.... As much as I like to see the Dutch gain revenge against the Czech, I'd give slight advantage to the home team here...well, provided if they're motivated (eg. vs Spain) and not being their laidback selves ( vs Greece). Anyways, I'm hoping for a kickass game. Due to time difference, the local time for the match would be 2.30 in the morning (I live in Malaysia). Better get myself loaded with enough caffeine, then.
  19. BrokenTiger

    Favorite Mel Brooks Movie

    History of The World owns me. Loved the Moses/Commandments part. Close second: Blazing Saddles. Also watched Young Frakenstein, Spaceballs and Dracula: Dead and Loving It. I need more Mel Brooks movies in my stressful existence.
  20. BrokenTiger

    Best "Old School" Action Cartoon

    Man...tough decision here. I absolutely loved most of the ones listed especially Transformers (which I voted for...just for the sole reason of being consistently good), G.I. Joe (some good story arcs...well, I thought so back then), TMNT ( I bragged about owning the BLIMP~ to my schoolmates...heh, those were the days. Got Raphael and Casey Jones, too. Haven't seen the new TMNT). ..Visionaries gets no love...M.A.S.K. just blew me away (got the Rhino as a birthday gift aeons ago)...Voltron (the lions, not the multi-vehicles version) still gives me joy. Sorry 'bout the lengthy words...got sucked into nostalgia there. I'm exhausted now. The 80's was sure a good time to watch cartoons...good show aplenty.
  21. BrokenTiger

    Euro 2004

    Hmm...Holland got through. I wonder if Kluivert will ever stop his bitching. Makaay or Van Hooijdonk makes better cover for Nistelroy, though. At least I think so. During the beginning stages of the tournament, I jokingly said that Greece will be champions. Damn, look at how far they've gone. The French was...I dunno...pathetic may be the right word. Even Zidane can't pull out a miracle. We've witness some wonderful games (eg. Holland vs Czech) how about the worst ones? I vote for Germany vs Latvia. Man, I was comatose watching that clunker of a match...which made me miss Holland vs Czech (caught the replay, though.)