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Everything posted by BrokenTiger

  1. BrokenTiger

    bret vs austin

    Would you happen to have this on your computer, Ray? It's always bugged me that I've never seen it. I need to see this match too. Austin/Bret....I totally bought the hatred shown by these two (was just a stupid mark, back then), it's evident in their eyes, words and actions. Very enjoyable moment in wrestling, for me.
  2. BrokenTiger

    Books you can read over and over again....

    Robert Ludlum's The Matarase Circle. Better than any Bourne books.
  3. BrokenTiger

    The Da Vinci Code

    Da Vinci Code....absolutely love this one. I've read 'Angels & Demons' too. Seems Dan Brown have a certain formula, hence the similarity in style.
  4. BrokenTiger

    Bourne Supremacy

    Hmm...that's probably one of my reason being not too crazy about the big screen version...because of the tv movie. Furthermore, I always envisioned Jason Bourne to be around Chamberlain's age...Damon's bit too young IMHO. I realised that the events in the book are so...outdated. In spite of my bias towards the big screen version, I marked out when they recruit various assassins to track down Bourne...just like in the book.
  5. BrokenTiger

    What beverage are you drinking right now?

    Dad's Old Fashion Root Beer. ...followed by a steamy hot cup of Nescafe.
  6. BrokenTiger

    Grey hairs

    *gazes proudlyy into a mirror, hands brushing his flowing black locks* ...Well, once in a blue moon, that happened to me also...due to stress (I'm 24, btw.) Now, a friend of mine, who's a year younger than me have lotsa grey hairs on the back of his head. Just out of control.
  7. BrokenTiger

    Bourne Supremacy

    I read somewhere that they stripped the whole storyline from the book and came up with a totally different storyline for the movie, but kept the name nonetheless. I'm a Ludlum fan, and I was pissed about the first movie when it came out...so many changes, so I have no clue how would they make Bourne Supremacy. But over time, I just treat the movie and the books separately. They probably gonna make a trilogy, with the third named Bourne Ultimatum...naturally.
  8. BrokenTiger

    Movie Characters

    Agreed. Motherfucker killed Apollo Creed, who was one of my favorite movie characters ever. "If he dies...he dies." Cold. Still not satisfied 'bout the way Rocky beat him, though. Peter Greene in any role. He just have that look/character that makes me want to...slap the fuck out of him.
  9. BrokenTiger

    The "what WWE are doing well" thread

    Let's see... Benoit's still the champ. JBL's heel character. Orton & Batista improving. Longer matches.
  10. BrokenTiger

    The Last Boyscout

    ...and then some. The Last Boy Scout - Willis at his sarcastic best. Loved his exchanges with Wayans. Enjoyable, fun movie. ...my fav scene is the one where at gunpoint, Willis jokes about fucking the gunman's wife. Or something like that.
  11. BrokenTiger

    A Congratulations Thread

    I finished Manhunt on the PC...hmm...a week ago. Quite violent for my taste.
  12. BrokenTiger

    What game for the PC...

    Everybody's trying to get me to play Far Cry. The game's got good reviews at gamespot, so can't go wrong there...right? Recently bought True Crime ...without realising its suckiness. Maybe I should reinstall Mafia. Now that's...a good game. *not caring for Doom3*
  13. BrokenTiger

    Good Sonny Chiba flicks

    Super Mega Ultra Seconded! Storm Riders is certainly a fav of mine, Sonny Chiba as the main villain kicks ass. However, you guys should check out the comic ('Fung Wan' - Wind & Cloud)from which it was based on. Hugely successful (in HK and South East Asia, my region)...they even have a Storm Riders online game for goodness sake. I need to get a hold on Chiba's Streetfighter. Heard nothing but good things for this one...just can't seem to find it.
  14. BrokenTiger

    Eddie vs. Kurt

    Kurt's negative energy/bitterness seems to be directed at Cena a bit moreso than Eddie. ...my scenario: how 'bout Angle vs Cena vs Eddie? *realises he made a stupid suggestion* Well, I'm a newbie, what do I know.
  15. BrokenTiger

    Various Questions From a Manga Newbie

    I agree with that point, Damaramu. It's always felt more authentic with subbed animes....however over in my region (Malaysia) sometimes we get amateurish/poorly translated subtitles, which might affect my enjoyment of it. Having read the DBZ mangas & watch the anime...preferred the manga version easily. The plot would be stretched/drawn out too much in the anime (hence, filler parts)...having said that, I find some of these 'fillers' entertaining.
  16. BrokenTiger

    Best Actor of All Time Tournament

    *takes a deep breath* Robert De Niro. *sigh* This is hard to do.
  17. BrokenTiger

    Who does better promos?

    Foley. Consistently convincing...he gets my vote. Hell, he could sell me on anything. Austin - loved his rants/taunts against Bret during their feud. Also loved forthright talkers like Arn and Bret.
  18. That is probably why the Ankle Lock is not a convincing finisher nowadays. I myself prefer the Ankle Lock+Legvine combo...or Ken Shamrock's version. Just like to see anybody pick up the BrockLock as their finisher/add to their repertoire of moves. What a badass looking move.
  19. Not good in describing, I'll do my best. No, they're not the same. STF (stepover toehold facelock..IIRC)...opponent lying on his stomach,you have the toehold on one leg and you have the facelock on the same time. Regal Stretch: similar position for the opponent, but both legs crossed (something like reverse indian deathlock) and simultaneously you crossface the opponent. My vote for best submission: Crippler Crossface. Can be executed from the left or right side...I also loved whenever Benoit reverses a chokeslam mid-air into the Crossface. Smooth.
  20. BrokenTiger

    DVD's obsolete in ten years?

    Or if I spilled my coffee on it...it'll dissolve. ::: ...Opps, spilled the coffee...OMG! My benoit dvd~! ::: Yeah, it's 51% paper, but still. Wacky futurists.
  21. BrokenTiger

    Best rogues' galleries

    Sounds like someone we HHHate so dearly. Gotta give the nod to Batman's rogues here...in Spidey's case, seems like it's the matter of quantity over quality...just look at The Man in Blak's post there. They probably would be...tacky or outdated somehow. However, they could be salvaged...I dunno...visual and origin makeover might just be the solution.
  22. BrokenTiger

    Best Actor of All Time Tournament

    Robert De Niro Marlon Brando
  23. BrokenTiger

    What kind of shape are you in?

    I'm about 5'6" and 192 pounds. Used to train actively in martial arts (Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Muay Thai, Pencak Silat) but hurt my back in '99. Whenever I tried to even do some light workout...the pain always return. Only recently, I'm medically cleared for any vigorous activity. Heh, I'm not sure whether I can be 100% again...maybe I just need to be mentally strong. I bet Sass would squash me in 00:07. Which would be a negative DUD, for sure.
  24. BrokenTiger

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    :takes out Lambada: ::raises hand:: *Seconds the Lambada nostalgia* And somewhere deep in my closet, lies a pair of huge-ass Mc Hammer-like pants. ...well, more due to the fact that I'm FAT. Not that I'm a fan or anything. *sings '2 Legit 2 Quit'*
  25. BrokenTiger

    Best Actor of All Time Tournament

    Damn, I enjoyed these actors immensely. Robert De Niro (sorry Jack, besides I'm always a mark for De Niro, no matter how bad his recent body of work is...well, except Rocky&Bullwinkle) Kevin Spacey ( 'Keyser Soze' still blows my mind. Tough call.) Al Pacino (I felt Pacino is overrated at times, but he KO's Freeman here) Edward Norton (New School of Method actor wins...by a slight margin). There.