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Everything posted by BrokenTiger

  1. BrokenTiger

    Live Free Or Die Hard (Die Hard 4) trailer

    Watched this movie during the weekends. Overall, it was fine enough action flick. Willis still got it(somewhat)...the movie moves along quite well without much dull spots. The main baddie's a letdown, though. Maybe that's harsh for Tim Olyphant (plus I don't get Deadwood in my neck of the woods - so maybe he's actually capable of more) but his performance in this movie...just...blah. Even that Asian girl (Maggie Q) was more menacing than him. And he's gonna play Agent 47(Hitman)? Well, I guess we'll just wait and see.
  2. BrokenTiger

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://www.gamerevolution.com/feature/worst_names The 50 worst videogame names. Just stumbled upon these.
  3. BrokenTiger

    The (You-Tube) Shoot-Style Thread

    Oops...that Tamura vs Mishima is from U-Style, not RINGS (still not sure about the date, though). Plus, Tamura finishes Mishima with a cross armbreaker. My mistake. Match ran around 11 minutes. Currently my internet connection is rather shitty, so I had no means of showcasing this match online...but here's some caps of it: Mishima and Tamura squared off. Loved the wacky red-and-blue wristband on the ref. The initial scramble. Tamura goes for the arm, and Mishima's targeting the leg. Tamura's in trouble. Desperately reaching for the ropes while Mishima's wrenches the leg. The finish. Mishima taps out to the cross armbreaker. I'll leave the reviews/analysis to more knowledgable people than myself.
  4. BrokenTiger

    The (You-Tube) Shoot-Style Thread

    Very fascinating. I thouroughly enjoyed the vid in the link & your review. Incidentally, I had watched Tamura against a fellow named Mishima, I believe (IIRC, from RINGS). I don't remember the date, unfortunately. Mishima doesn't strike me as a threat to Tamura, from my initial perception...so the outcome is somewhat obvious. Yet, Tamura cared enough to bring Mishima as someone who might have a chance to beat him - his facial expressions when Mishima had him in a leglock, for instance...and he goes for the rope quite a few times. He eventually won with a keylock/kimura. Well, I haven't watch that fight for quite a while, so apologies for any errors. I'm just new to shoot-style...and I'm hungry for more.
  5. BrokenTiger

    Favourite Obscure Country

    Nice. Then again, people tend to remember Thailand & Singapore more, since we're sandwiched in between them. Few years back, WWE made a stop at Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia) during a tour...we popped for everyone, even for Michael Cole. Oh, well... Foley & Big Show made several promotional appearences in the past, too....seeing Show live is unbelievable.
  6. Don't get me wrong here, I love Bruce Lee and all...but some of his stuff probably didn't aged well stylistically. I still loved his intensity especially in 'The Chinese Connection' (the dojo fight). Fist of Legend & Drunken Master 2 had some of my fav fight scenes as well. Loved Tony Jaa in 'Ong Bak' too...but I think he did better in 'Tum Yoong Gung'. He still does his 'knee in midair' spot...plus his fight scene vs the capoerista is breathtaking. All this and NATHAN JONES is badass in this one. Being in South East Asia, I was able to get this movie early...you guys may have to wait a while, though Someone mentioned Sammo Hung. There's a recent Hong Kong release titled 'SPL' said to have great fight scenes of him vs. Donnie Yen (Blade 2, Hero, Iron Monkey). I'm looking forward to watch this one in a matter of days and will provide my comments afterwards.
  7. BrokenTiger

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    No Mercy: my CAW against Chono (CAW). I already reached my 'special' and going for my finisher, but somehow Chono managed to counter it...had me in a fireman's carry (possibly for a DVD) but I managed to wriggle free and hit Burning Hammer for the victory. All this in one smooth, fluid motion. I'm still in love with No Mercy...
  8. BrokenTiger

    Superman: Red Son

    Recently, I asked a friend of mine to recommend good Superman TPBs for me...and he recommend 'Superman: Red Son' as well as 'Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told'. While I find the latter to be...a bit dissappointing (some of the stories don't age well at all...for me, anyway) I'm very, very pleased with the former. What I like: - Not really a fan of Supes (although I have passing knowledge of his history) I thought Mark Millar did very well with the story. The essence of who Superman is still there. - Dave Johnson. I always liked his style back when I read that one Image comic...Superpatriot, or something. He worked on 100 Bullets too, correct? - The propaganda style art on the covers. Being a former History of Art student, I kinda marked out for that. What I don't like: - The ending. Sending Kal-L back in time? Bleh. Just a minor gripe of mine, actually. - The costume design for the russian Batman. The furry Bat mask...COME ON! Green Lantern's was ok, I think. Dave Johnson's responsible for this one...dammit. Again, not really anything major. All in all, a good TPB in my opinion. I usually don't like an Elseworlds/What-If type of stories, but this one works for me. So what you guys think of it? Any other good Superman TPBs or even Elseworlds ones that I should pick up?
  9. BrokenTiger

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: - The triple threat gunfight - Any scene with Tuco. Star Wars Ep.I - Darth Maul with dual lightsabers. Hellboy - Anytime Kroenen appears. A Better Tomorrow 2 - The ending shootout. Somewhat ridiculous now, but still fun. Drunken Master 2 - most of the fight scenes Police Story I - just watch Jackie Chan (during his prime) trying to kill himself in the name of entertainment.
  10. BrokenTiger

    Superman: Red Son

    Thanks for the recommendations, JMA. I already have Kingdom Come and Dark Knight Returns, though. I heard a lot of good things for Astro City, Crisis on Infinite Earths...as well as Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow. Being an Alan Moore fan, I'll definitely check out the latter as well as Supreme. You're wearing The Comedian's badge, I see. Hell of a classic, that one.
  11. BrokenTiger


    IIRC, the visual fx for this movie were done by Weta Digital...same folk that worked on the LOTR trilory. They did a fine job on Constantine, I'd say. Hmm, Ebert seems to hate this movie. Oh well...*shrugs*
  12. BrokenTiger


    I watched this movie last week. The trailers made me skeptical at first...plus I had read 'Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits' the tpb this movie supposedly based from. So naturally I had set my expectation waaay down low. Suprisingly, Constantine turns out to be very decent and enjoyable...even with the many changes implemented compared to the comics. Hell, I don't mind Keanu...which is strange, to say the least. However, some story elements from Dangerous Habits were kept in...such as: 1. Constantine dying from lung cancer 2. Constantine giving the middle finger to the devil 3. Lucifer descends (his bloody barefoot entered the frame)...when Constantine cuts his wrist. I enjoyed this movie...even moreso than Hellboy (which I liked a lot, btw).
  13. BrokenTiger


    I watched it in the cinema few years back...only ten people watching at the time. Talk about underrated & underhyped. I really enjoyed this Movie. My fav scenes: the aforementioned crew hiring scene....the parking lot scene...as well as the stunt highway scene.
  14. BrokenTiger

    The Godfather- the video game

    Bah, I love the Godfather trilogy to death...but personally I don't see this game fare better than Mafia (loved that game). On the other hand...will there be a cutscene of Sonny's dramatic death?
  15. BrokenTiger

    The Punisher

    Just finished the Punisher game last night. A Max Payne wannabe, but still fun. Usually I kill the informants anyway after interrogating them. Ooh, too violent. I blame my workload. *wishing he could throw Heidenreich into the piranha pond*
  16. BrokenTiger

    The anime/puroresu connection

    Well said, sir. Living in South East Asia, I've been exposed to a healthy dose of Anime....as well as North American cartoon shows. There's pros and cons from both styles, of course. There's a friend of mine who HATES anime because he thinks animes just consists of those big-eyed, sailoormoon types. Sad but true. As a former student of graphic arts, I could tell you that most of us so-called 'creative types' prefer animes as the art style/drawing/character design is supposedly superior. Hope that doesn't sound too elitist...just presenting my perpective on it. Me? As long as it's entertaining, I'm gonna watch it...be it animes/cartoons or puros/wrestling. Speaking on the original topic: I remembered on one of the many 'Ultraman' series the Ultra guys fights with some wrestling moves, I kid you not. Front headlock, ddt, even suplexes...or maybe those overcaffeinated nights has finally broken down my brain.
  17. BrokenTiger

    The New Era

    Did he perform this move on his first PPV match against Jericho? This was....sometime before his rapper gimmick, and he won after reversing the walls of Jericho. I seem to recall he did a move that resemble a titl-a-whirl-slam or something similar. Back on topic: I would pick Benjamin over Cena as the future. But he's....in his late twenties, right? I hope he reach that next level of superstardom soon. Cena's current version of FU is so lame, even my housemate who's a casual mark can't buy it as a finisher.
  18. BrokenTiger

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    My country (Malaysia) is affected as well...especially the northern states. 37 people reported dead so far. An amateur footage (from a beach...aired on local news) showed people, boats, cars an other stuff thrown around by the Tsunami. That's a sight I wish to erase from my mind. Ironically, MrRant...the Christmas celebration is bigger this year. There are lots of Christians too on this part of the world, sir. Just to give a clearer picture, that's all.
  19. BrokenTiger

    Sin City trailer

    Loved the comics. Good lineup. Very promising. Me happy.
  20. BrokenTiger

    Sin City trailer

    I loved the Sin City comics. As for the film....can't wait. Quite a good lineup of cast there. They even adopt the visual style of the comic into the movie. Thanks for the link, Meatwad. You rule.
  21. BrokenTiger

    If you were a wrestler...

    Prefer to be given only finish and call everything else in the ring ? Lay the entire match out beforehand ? In the beginning, lay out everything beforehand...probably in a less detailed way than say, DDP or Randy Savage Like to have your promo's scripted ? Or just be given a couple of bullet points, and wing the rest ? Just give me a general direction, the rest will be taken care of. Blade often ? Only on occasion ? Would you rather never blade at all ? I not really crazy about blading...unless it's something monumental like say, Tully vs Magnum TA (I quit match) What style would you like to wrestle ? Why would you prefer to employ that particular style over others ? Utilizing stiff looking strikes (a la Tajiri/Low Ki) combined with mat-wrestling and submissions. Why? Just wanna see if I could matchup with RRR Refuse to take certain moves ? Only take them when working with certain wrestlers ? As long as the other person's not sloppy or someone I can trust, I'll take anything. Are there any match types you'd like to wrestle in a lot ? Some match types you'd rather never have to work in ? I like I Quit matches, ultimate submission, maybe Last Man Standing also. No ___on a pole matches for me please. What style of normal match would you like to do the most ? Would you prefer to sell or to dominate ? Would you like to do long matches ? More mat-based & submission type match for me. I want to dominate, of course. Not longer than 20 mins, though...my stamina/conditioning is rather suspect. Would you like to have a manager or valet to work spots with, or would you rather just do it all yourself ? Yes to manager...might help me getting over. Are there some types of angles that you would refuse to do ? Some types of angles that you'd love to do ? All the angles that Kane had involved in...no thanks. I'd like to have an angle similar to Benoit's pre WM XX... What promotion would you like to work for the most ? What promotion would you hate to work for ? ...WWE, for now. Any wrestlers today that you'd like to work against ? Any you would avoid working against at all costs ? Hmm...Regal, Tajiri, Noble, Benoit, Eddy, Jericho. RRR too No for: Heidenreich, Tomko....you know, useless big slugs. What wrestlers from the past would you like to work against ? What wrestlers from the past would you not want to work against ? Ricky Steamboat and at the risk of losing my brain cells, Kawada. Too Cold Scorpio during his prime would be fun. No for: Giant Gonzales, Yokozuna.
  22. BrokenTiger

    Ultraman - Live action film, looks pretty cool.

    Seen the trailer....so this one's called Ultraman Next Woah! No more rubber suits! Wow...looks good...hopefully they don't go overboard with the CGs.
  23. BrokenTiger

    Ultraman - Live action film, looks pretty cool.

    Being located in South East Asia myself.....I've had more than my fair share of Ultraman and its various incarnations/variations/families/whatever; so not sure if this one'll be any different. The ultraman design seems good enough to me...dammit, my office internet's slow, so can't view the trailer for now. Yes, I'm not from the US...so my opinion probably don't matter in this case. Just my two cents. These days to me Ultraman is more like Hulk Hogan: purely for nostalgia purposes only. Having said that, deep down, still an Ultraman mark. Some useless Ultraman observations: some incarnations of Ultraman actually fought like New Japan Juniors.....
  24. BrokenTiger

    Sin City Figures

    Hmm....Marv looks good enough to me. Can't wait for the others. Chalk me up as one of many fans of the original Sin City. Hopefully, the movie will be decent...
  25. BrokenTiger

    Armageddon Webcast Matches

    the 6 man HIAC from 2000 - in a nutshell, not very memorable. The match was rather...dull for the most parts. Probably the only interesting point in the match was when Rikishi was 'made famous' by the Deadman. And when I think about it, that bump is not exactly impressive, either (he landed on a truck filled with....something). The odds were stacked seemingly high against Angle, who still retained the belt.