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Cheech Tremendous

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Everything posted by Cheech Tremendous

  1. Cheech Tremendous

    NFL Week 7

    Holy fuck, it sucks to be a Raiders fan. This is the third sure thing win that they've blown this year. What a disaster. Icing the kicker is the most pathetic coaching move out there. Can the NFL do something about it?
  2. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I have no idea how to find these AIM chats you guys always have.
  3. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I guess WEEI just said that the game should be up in 25-30 minutes. Don't know if that's accurate or not.
  4. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    It's official. Upton owns the Red Sox.
  5. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    This is appalling. I can't believe that a national television network is capable of fucking up like this.
  6. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Some kind of power problem in Atlanta. Not sure if they are going to get the game feed soon or not.
  7. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    The game isn't on. TBS is having "technical difficulties." They better get this thing fixed fucking quick.
  8. Cheech Tremendous

    Scott Hall arrested

    Based on his half dozen or so appearances on the Howard Stern Show, I've come to realize that this is how he threatens everybody. The threats always involve the camel clutch, humbling and ass fucking.
  9. Cheech Tremendous

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    Never heard that one before. I find it doubtful they would have changed the Raw title so soon after Hunter had just won it, because it would have meant the Raw title had had two short-term reigns in a row, and HBK winning the title would have only led to a third one. I remember WWE was considering giving HBK a fluke win to give fans the impression that their votes really did matter, but HBK's knee (?) injury put a quick stop to that. They did have a pretty kickass match though considering the injury. This is correct. The company wanted the winner of the voting to get the world title to put over that the fans' choice meant something. HBK ended up winning the vote, but suffered a knee injury before the event. The company decided that they couldn't put the belt on him under those circumstances.
  10. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    What about Oilers/Bills 93 or that Lakers/Celtics Game 4 in the finals this year? Anything that keeps a score has potential for a remarkable comeback. Let me clarify. I don't mean to say that special comebacks only happen in baseball. That's hardly the case. Every sport has it's own special drama but the nature of baseball lends itself to unusual comebacks. It's a by-product of having no game clock.
  11. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Baseball truly is incredible sometimes. You really don't see that sort of comeback in any other sport. Sox fan or not, that was an incredible game.
  12. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    JD Drew
  13. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    We got ourselves a ballgame folks.
  14. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

  15. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Just think about how far he would have hit it if he had some lineup protection. EDIT: Ok, I'm done picking on Cartman. Let's be friends.
  16. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    It's just Cartman. That's his gimmick. The Rays were flat out better. I'm man enough to admit that. I don't think this is the critical end of the Red Sox as contenders, as some other fans are trying to claim. This team actually overachieved, all things considered. They were beaten down by injuries almost from day one (Schilling, Beckett, Drew, Papi) and had a lot of midseason stress with the whole Manny debacle. They will need to tinker with a few things in the offseason, but what team doesn't?
  17. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Thank you WEEI caller. Look, Ortiz is hurt. He missed a good chunk of the season and he hasn't recovered. Maybe this is the start of a age-related decline, but we don't know yet. Calling him worthless is a severe overreaction. Secondly, a product of Manny? Are you insane? Let's break this down. #1. Every study well, ever, has shown that lineup protection is a myth. In the most extreme cases some players see a small drop in slugging and an increase in walks. The net effect of this, however, is neutral to an offense. #2. If JD Drew, Kevin Youkilis, and Jason Bay aren't sufficient for lineup protection, then Papi must be a much worser player than I ever knew. Besides, Jason Bay had an OPS of .897 after the trade, compared to Manny's .927. There was almost no offensive drop off after the trade. #3. Ortiz in the past (in a small sample size) has hit better without Manny in the lineup. There is no indication that he is a product of Manny whatsoever.
  18. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I think I'll shoot myself in the face now.
  19. Cheech Tremendous

    TSM Rumors

    Jericholic82 actually works at Best Buy. His clueless Circuit City employee persona is a clever ruse devised to protect his real identity.
  20. Cheech Tremendous

    The Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt

    I'm hardly a health nut, but that looks disgusting to me. I feel my arteries clogging just looking at the picture. It's cool as a novelty item, but you guys would actually eat that? Really?
  21. Cheech Tremendous

    2008 NLCS: Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Philadelphia Phillies

    Someone tell Mark Grace that JD Drew doesn't play for the Dodgers anymore. LA is going to have a tough offseason ahead. I hope that they don't get sucked into believing that bringing back Manny is all they need to do. It was a great acquisition and he played out of his mind for a few months, but he's not the long-term answer.
  22. Cheech Tremendous

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    Then it would've been the "Cade got fired for botching a spot, in a match with DX" shit, which would've been wrong. It seems people are pissed that Jr killed a rumor before it grew it's own legs. WWE shouldn't be responding to internet rumors. It's beneath them. If they want to privately drop a word to Meltzer about the real reason for the firing, then so be it. However, using a public forum to discuss Cade's personal problems is very unprofessional. There is no need to bury the guy on the way out.
  23. Cheech Tremendous

    Is it just me or...

    Let's ban CBright for turning us all into a bunch of blubbering pussies.
  24. Cheech Tremendous

    Is it just me or...

    Yeah, fuck that Cheech guy. All he does is complain. The board is always going to exist in some manner, just because those who come here care about it for one reason or another. I was gone for three or four months earlier this year and thought I had moved on. But here I am, posting like I never left. Eventually (now?) we'll come to a crossroads where we have to decide if we want to move forward and attempt to grow the board or let it fade into obscurity.
  25. Cheech Tremendous

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    That's totally bush league for JR to mention Lance's personal problems in such a manner. Even if he was a total wreck on the flight, that's between him and his employer. I don't see how WWE gains by bad-mouthing Cade in a public forum. The company should be above responding to bogus internet rumors.