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Cheech Tremendous

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Everything posted by Cheech Tremendous

  1. Cheech Tremendous

    NCAA BBall Tournament, 1st and 2nd Rounds

    I've got UNC beating them in the Finals, but I'm sort of regretting that pick now. After watching the ACC tourney I told myself not to pick them, and then I did anways. UCLA has everything. Great coach, good defense, guard play and a competent bigman. And as VX pointed out, it was Florida who stopped them from winning each of the last two years. Hell, they even got blessed with an easy bracket.
  2. Cheech Tremendous

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Seems a little harsh.
  3. Cheech Tremendous

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Who banned PongKong? Guy definitely wasn't my cup of tea, but I didn't notice him do anything to warrant a banning. He kind of sucked but he didn't post much and he always kept it civil.
  4. Cheech Tremendous

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    I don't know if it's necessarily a masculinity thing. Anything past medium-rare and it just doesn't taste like steak. It tastes like any other generic cut of beef, and that's okay if that's what you like, but it sort of defeats the purpose of ordering a decent steak. As for my steak... I personally shy away from rare, but warm red to pink is my sweet spot. A little salt, some fresh cracked pepper and a drop of A1 (if I'm in the mood). Cut? New York strip all the way.
  5. Cheech Tremendous

    South Park: Season 12

    I didn't care for last night's episode. They could have done a lot more with a Britney themed episode.
  6. Cheech Tremendous

    Spring Training 2008

    The Nationals cut John Patterson today (probably due to his 7.00+ ERA this spring). I would guess that he catches on somewhere else, but when Washington is giving up on you your career might be in trouble.
  7. UNC/Texas/UCLA/Kansas It's a boring year for brackets. Mrs. Tremendous, who has never seen a college basketball game in her life, has the same Final Four as well.
  8. Cheech Tremendous

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Okay, that may be so. I don't really know much about the board. In fact, I wasn't entirely sure what the Pit was until I went there today. It was just a little strange to see a bunch of people I don't know rip on me (I have no idea who Paul, dubs or any of those other guys are... Ana is obv. Leena).
  9. Cheech Tremendous

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Bizarro TSM indeed. There is something strangely compelling about a board made up of old, disenfranchised TSM posters discussing how bad TSM has gotten without them. Reading the mocking thread was surreal. Being mocked by a bunch of people I don't know for my contributions at a board they can't post at it is just too weird.
  10. Cheech Tremendous

    Post memorable PMs you have received

    I haven't posted in the wrestling folder in years, keep in mind. Someone help poor Dustin from Iowa now in Beaverton! Also, check out his myspace blogs. He doesn't wear deodorant and is frustrated with the way people drive here. Ride a bike/take the MAX, you schmuck. Ah, he's in a wheelchair? Now I feel horrible for making fun of him.
  11. Cheech Tremendous

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I checked out the Pit for the first time today and that shit is fascinating.
  12. Cheech Tremendous

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Just a small point since your post was addressing ratings and what should receive coverage, but I recently read an article that stated those Who's Now segments were the highest rated on the station last year.
  13. Granted, I'm not a Yankee fan, but I don't see what the outrage is. Who cares what the last event is? Does that in any way lessen the 80 years of history that have occurred at the stadium? Does anyone take the time to remember the last event at a major stadium? It's a trivia question and nothing else. Like if the Red Sox built a new stadium and the last event was a Billy Joel concert or something, I don't think I'd care at all.
  14. Cheech Tremendous

    Getting to know those voted as worst posters

    Posters who hate me (that I know of): EHME - Calls me Screech and says I need to stop hating. Not really sure why though, as I don't give him 1/10 of the shit that others do twiztedmind - Sore at me for the whole WWE Champ/Oscar comments Jericho2000mark - Probably because I called him stupid for saying Tommy Lee Jones sucks Leena - I think it's because I like Al Keiper, but who knows with her. courtneywasmurdered - I honestly have no idea why he dislikes me The WWE Folder - Yeah, we all know why
  15. Cheech Tremendous

    Getting to know those voted as worst posters

    Yeah, I belabored the point that MVP was much, much worse than Marvin on all levels. That may have caused me to lose favor with him. I've discovered that people don't like it when you call them terrible. I should do something about that. Okay, my TSM resolution for the rest of 2008 is to stop calling people terrible.
  16. Cheech Tremendous

    Unban Leena

    As courtneywasmurdered pointed out, it's impossible to ignore her. Trust me, I've tried. She shows up here every couple of days with a new account to bitch about us. How am I supposed to ignore that?
  17. Cheech Tremendous

    Getting to know those voted as worst posters

    The good poster/bad poster question is by far the most interesting. It really gives insight into why some people post here and what they get out of the board. I guess I sometimes fail to realize that a message board is less about good/bad or more about taste and preference. I generally think KKC, treble and Czech are among the 5 or 10 best posters on the board. I can't fathom anyone not liking those guys. Probably why I was lumped in with them in the "bad" category.
  18. Cheech Tremendous

    Spring Training 2008

    But the $40,000 number isn't something cooked up by the team. It was the actual amount agreed upon when the team signed off on the trip last year and MLB was intending to renege on that agreement without informing anyone. The player's union went to bat for the Sox players, but there wasn't anyone to stand up for the lower tier coaches. Also, the $40,000 number does seem crazy, but I believe the intention was to provide the players/staff with enough additional money that they could bring their families to Tokyo for the week and enjoy the city and all it has to offer. It was also the amount given to the previous teams who made the trip. When you figure that MLB will make millions on the trip, $400,000 extra (for approximately 10 coaches) is just a drop in the bucket.
  19. Cheech Tremendous

    Spring Training 2008

    He's a natural fit for the Orioles and I'd assume that he ends up there. They probably figure that it's easier to wait and sign him after he clears waivers so that they don't get stuck with the $4.5 million bill.
  20. Cheech Tremendous

    Unban Leena

    Whoa, Czech bringing some heat. Don't fight, guys... this is what she wants
  21. Cheech Tremendous

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    Really. If they aren't banning every poster who's been inactive for more than a year then I don't know what we have them for. Okay that's harsh, but we should delete those old accounts.
  22. Cheech Tremendous

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    HBW is still posting
  23. Cheech Tremendous

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    I re-nominate myself for mod. Or King. Or Dandy. Or Kinetic. Or someone who'll be around when this shit happens again.
  24. Cheech Tremendous

    boff Already Did It

    It's a consequence free environment.
  25. Cheech Tremendous

    boff Already Did It

    And now we get our third incarnation of this terrible gimmick today. HBW runnin' wild. This is so much fun.