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Cheech Tremendous

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Everything posted by Cheech Tremendous

  1. Cheech Tremendous

    Whats the first pay per view you saw live?

    The first show I ever ordered was Summerslam '88. I remember seeing Wrestlemania II and III, but I don't think we ordered them live. Probably watched them on tape. First and only one that I attended was Judgment Day 2001 at the Arco Arena (and it sucked).
  2. Cheech Tremendous

    Unban Leena

    I don't think that she will move on. Hell, she supposedly got married in the mean time and is still pulling this non-sense. Would it be that bad to just ler her back? It would probably make the poor girl's day.
  3. Cheech Tremendous

    Unban Leena

  4. Cheech Tremendous

    Spring Training 2008

    It was dumb when they re-signed him and it's still dumb today. That move made no sense whatsoever.
  5. Cheech Tremendous

    boff Already Did It

    So she hates the board and finds all the good posters terrible, but she spends most of her waking hours stealing accounts to post here? I don't get this one at all.
  6. Cheech Tremendous

    Happy birthday, TiffaniMalibu!

    It may not have been originally, but the three or four posts from that account today are 100% Leena.
  7. Cheech Tremendous

    Happy birthday, TiffaniMalibu!

    Hi Leena. Can't find anything better to do with your time?
  8. Cheech Tremendous

    Boff is running wild

    I like how the Sports folder is being totally ignored. The precious TNA folder is cleaned immediately, but Boff's been on top in sports for like two hours now.
  9. Cheech Tremendous

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    I appreciate your response Slim, but I really wasn't trying to make any statement regarding women's basketball vis a vis men's basketball. Someone asked a question and I did my best to answer it based on my own experiences as a high school/college basketball player.
  10. Cheech Tremendous

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    I usually have TSM open on my desktop all day at work. Give me some banning powers and I'll nip this shit in the bud.
  11. Cheech Tremendous

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    Boff-a-mania still running wild in Sports. Let's just ban everyone who hasn't posted in the last six months and save ourselves from this continual non-sense.
  12. Cheech Tremendous

    Boff is running wild

    Fuck, I wasted my 5,000th post on this Boff character!
  13. Cheech Tremendous

    Boff is running wild

    Well yeah, that sounds nice now, but I wasn't really thinking about it when I came back from lunch today. My fault and all, but still.
  14. Cheech Tremendous

    Patrick is going crazy in TNA

    Dude, there are like three threads about this already. Boff/Patrick Takeover 2008 FTW!
  15. Cheech Tremendous

    Boff is running wild

    Nothing like opening a baseball thread at work and seeing a half dozen pics of old dudes blowing each other. I know TSM is a lawless country, but surely something is being done, right? Right... (crickets)
  16. Cheech Tremendous

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Mayweather/Show is being pushed as the most important match in all the advertising spots. It is the main event.
  17. Cheech Tremendous

    This Boff dude seems like a suspicious character.

    Forgive me because I am often internet retarded, but how is that Paul/Leena/whoever are able to steal accounts that have beeen dormant for years?
  18. Cheech Tremendous

    Boff is running wild

    Razazteca laughs at the people who find 200 posts in a day impressive.
  19. Cheech Tremendous

    Boff is running wild

    You know, I almost started a thread today to campaign for Leena's reinstatement. If this was her, I'm disappointed.
  20. Cheech Tremendous

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2008

    Meh, everyone loves their team on draft day. It's not until May rolls around and your ace pitcher is complaining about a bum shoulder, your hot prospect is back in AAA and your starting OFer is hitting .200 that things start to get fun.
  21. Cheech Tremendous

    Let's Talk About..........The Natural Born Thrillers

    Lance Storm was great in WCW. I don't know how they pulled it off, but they used him better than both ECW and WWE. His in-ring work was crisp and entertaining, his character played to his strengths and hid his limitations and the Team Canada gimmick actually worked. I really liked how he went over clean most of the time despite being a heel. He was one of my favorite wrestlers in early 2000. I actually think that if WCW had hung around, he could have worked as a heel World Champion.
  22. Providence, Temple, Cincinnati, Michigan
  23. Wasn't the game tied when NC State took possession? The idea would be to run down the clock to the last few seconds and take away Houston's opportunity to win the game on their final possession. Hurling the ball from 30 feet probably wasn't the way the coach drew it up, but a bad shot with no time left is better than a good shot with 5 or 10 seconds left.