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Cheech Tremendous

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Everything posted by Cheech Tremendous

  1. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    Source? I can't find that news anywhere.
  2. Cheech Tremendous

    Help me to decide upon a band name

  3. Cheech Tremendous

    Let's Talk About....WrestleMania IV

    Butch Reed was at the show where Honky won the belt. He was even seen celebrating with HTM after the match. Doesn't that debunk the whole no-show story?
  4. Cheech Tremendous

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2008

    Gordon was already taken by Vern Gagne in the 4th round.
  5. Cheech Tremendous

    What should my 1000th post be?

    Does it bother anyone else that twiztedmind's avatar seemingly flip flops between the ninja turtle and the ad for free avatars several times a day?
  6. Cheech Tremendous

    Who here hasn't changed their screen name?

    That's the worst name I've ever heard.
  7. Cheech Tremendous

    Spring Training 2008

    Nothing like putting a guy who will be lucky to have a .750 OPS in your clean-up spot.
  8. Cheech Tremendous

    Let's Talk About....WrestleMania IV

    It's funny how the whole "Greatest Intercontienental Champion of All Time" thing evolved from a joke to an accepted fact. The line was so tongue-in-cheek because of Honky's gimmick of getting DQed or counted out in every single match and having a joke of a reign. But it was said for so many years that he was the greatest that the new generation of fans just accepts it. Now, it's like "Wow, 14 months as champ? He must have been awesome!"
  9. Cheech Tremendous

    the new subway feast

    Angus steak patty? I don't know what that is, but no thanks.
  10. Cheech Tremendous

    Let's Talk About....WrestleMania IV

    We've heard this song and dance before from Honky, but I believe that it has been refuted by other sources who worked for the company. As others have pointed out, it doesn't make a lot of sense to change the booking of your world title program because the freaking Honky Tonk Man doesn't want to play ball. It wouldn't be the first time Honky pulled a fake story out to inflate his self-importance (see: Butch Reed fake I-C title story)
  11. Cheech Tremendous

    What should my 1000th post be?

    I was hoping that no one would repsond to this inquiry and twiztedmind would be stuck at 999 forever. You disappoint me so much TSM.
  12. Cheech Tremendous

    NFL Offseason Thread

    Yeah, it's still up like that on their site. I counted like 4 spelling mistakes, and the double use of the word quarterback.
  13. Cheech Tremendous

    NFL Offseason Thread

    From espn.com
  14. Cheech Tremendous

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I wouldn't even type them up anymore. Fuck them for being so ungrateful.
  15. Yeah, I could see him falling in with that second group I listed. The guys who have no real links to the steroid controversy but will get pulled in because they were big power hitters in the 90s. Granted, I could see Frank Thomas and Todd Helton getting pulled into that non-sense as well.
  16. No real controversy: Griffey, F. Thomas, Biggio, Glavine, Maddux, Jeter, Helton, Manny, Alomar, Henderson, Vlad, Schilling, Smoltz, Pedro, E. Martinez, Ichiro, R. Johnson No real links, but might be contested: Walker, Pujols, Bagwell, A-Rod
  17. Cheech Tremendous

    Spring Training 2008

    Rockies won their case against Fuentes as well. Tough start for closers looking for dough.
  18. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    I don't think they will make that deal. What does Randolph offer that they can't get out of Kenyon Martin, Nene and Linas Kleiza? It might give them a slightly better chance this postseason, but it kills them financially in the future (and in the locker room as well). Is the whole trade Randolph thing a result of the party he had in Portland when they played their last week? Doesn't seem like the organization was too happy with that.
  19. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    They didn't sign him to that deal. Portland gave him that ridiculous contract and then sold him off to New York for the right to give Steve Francis $30 million just to go away. It's not like they are getting anyone that good back in the proposed Denver deal outside of Kleiza, and even with all of Randolph's problems he's still a superior player.
  20. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    Even if we label the wholeRandolph thing a disaster, they still got rid of Stevie Franchise in the process so it's a mild thumbs up.
  21. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    The Knicks suck a lot and have many holes to fill so it's time to start cutting some money and get young players here and there. So basically the whole Knicks organization is run by morons? I mean yeah I knew that much, but Jesus, come on here! I think they've realized that Randolph sucks unless he is touching the ball on every possession. He's like an offensive black hole. I didn't realize this when he was in Portland, but now that he's gone I can see how badly the offense would sputter when he was in the game. Randolph can't play defense. They have two lazy fucks on the post who make way too much money and one of them has to go. Randolph probably has a little bit more trade value than Eddy Curry, so he'll be the first one they try to move.
  22. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    Well yeah, that's maybe what would happen. I thought it said that they wouldn't let him be included and that would be a deal-breaker for Cuban. I sort of oversimplified things in my post. They could still solve both problems (George and Stack) by using Keith van Horn in a sign and trade, but they don't want to because it would give them an exhorbitant luxury tax bill.
  23. Cheech Tremendous

    This week in the NBA

    So apparently the league might block the Kidd to the Mavs trade even if Devean George finally gives in and accepts the trade. If you remember, Jerry Stackhouse went running his mouth off about returning to Dallas once he is bought out by New Jersey. The league frowns on such action and would likely prohibit him from being included in any deal. What a loser. Learn to keep your mouth shut.
  24. Cheech Tremendous

    Help me to decide upon a band name

    I wanted to start a band that would be a Led Zeppelin/Shock G fusion. We'd be called Dirigible Underground.
  25. Cheech Tremendous

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    #482. Sensei Kreese takes the time to type up Observer notes and everyone bitches that he put too much commentary into it. You know, you cheap fuckers could actually buy the newsletter instead of sitting around your computers waiting to get it for free and then bitching about it once you do.