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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. HHH v Kendrick v MVP v Shelton v Hardy is the most improbable Main Event in WWE PPV history.


    I'm not saying this as a bitter smark but there is no way Hunter is doing jobs for any of those guys. Six months ago I may have said Hardy but not now.


    There will be pinfalls in the match but Hunter won't be taking any of them. There is no way any of those other four guys are walking away with the title.


    Hunter doesn't have to take a pinfall to lose the title, if I'm reading this right. HHH can pin all four opponents over the course of the match but if Wrestler X pins Wrestler Y at 19:59 elapsed, Wrestler X walks out as champ.

  2. I thought it was simply if Kofi and Mickie won, they kept their belts, if Santino/Beth won, Santino would be IC champ and Beth the Women's champ? Or am I wrong?


    As the sense I get is "winner" means the "winning tag team", not the "single person who wins the fall wins all the belts" idea.


    The winning tag team gets both belts but the WWE preview doesn't specify that Beth is going for the Women's belt and Santino the IC belt. Yes, that's worrisome.

  3. http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/7841078




    Randy Orton was involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in him re-injuring his collarbone. Orton had initially injured his collarbone last June at One Night Stand, during his confrontation with Triple H in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship.


    As a result of re-injuring the collarbone, Orton will be out of action for three months.


    It must have been hard to post about Orton without using the word dumbass.

  4. So I've been watching this, and I really think that having Khali/Yang on NATIONAL BROADCAST TV is not a good wa to get people interested.


    This was basically paint by numbers. No brand champions wrestled, no ECW and the only woman who got significant on site air time was Jenny McCarthy. It was there just to be there, I guess.

  5. Edge vs. HHH for the WWE Championship

    Triple H - They might give Edge some cover with Vickie G. working against him but otherwise, I'm seeing Pedigree City.


    Batista vs. CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship

    CM Punk - Post-draft Raw ratings have been positive, excluding this week's Derby drop. That favors a retention.


    Tommy Dreamer vs. Mark Henry for the ECW Championship

    Mark Henry - Dreamer will put Henry over strong, it's what he does.


    Finlay & Hornswoggle vs. Jesse & Festus vs. Hawkins & Ryder vs. Miz & Morrison for the WWE Tag Team Championships

    Jesse & Festus - Can't keep 'em on Miz & Morrison forever, title goes back to Smackdown.


    John Cena vs. JBL in a NYC Parking Lot Brawl

    John Cena - The man has lot more than his share of PPVs recently. He gets the win here.


    Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho

    Chris Jericho - HBK already has the built in "not at 100%" cover for a loss.


    Shelton Benjamin vs. Matt Hardy for the US Championship

    Shelton Benjamin - Matt Hardy can always go after Henry, title #2 goes back to Smackdown.


    Michelle McCool vs. Natalya for the Divas Championships

    Natalya - Heel wins, face chases.

  6. Watch them book Punk to turn him MITB for an IC title shot....


    That would just be an insane worst case scenario.... possible but insane.

    Best case scenario, equally as unlikely.... Triple H gets by Cena, Edge uses shenanigans to retain against Batista but CM Punk cashes in MitB and beats Edge for the World belt to save Raw's credibility. If there was ever a time...

  7. Maybe since ECW is going to be taped w/ Raw, they'll have the BIGGEST DRAFT SELECTION OF ALLZ TIMEZ by having Raw draft the entire ECW roster.


    With Armando (Alejandro) Estrada a wrestler as well as being GM, I guess he could be drafted, and then says he's bringing ECW with him (being GM and all).


    Also the wwe might want to keep MVP on SD! because he gets on well with Michael Hayes and could be used to diffuse any situation in the future.


    Even if he had stayed a non-wrestler, Estrada could be drafted.


    In that vein, it wouldn't surprise me to see Vickie Guerrero drafted to Raw to be the new GM. She's one of the biggest heat magnets in the company. Why not move her to the flagship show?

  8. I don't look at MMA in terms of rankings. So maybe that's why I don't get why MMA hardcores are turning their nose up at this.


    Kimbo/Thompson no matter what happens will be a fantastically fun minute long slug fest.


    And Smith and Lawler have both looked very good in their last few fights.


    There's also the fact that it's the first MMA card *EVER* in Prime Time. Why shouldn't this show be supported for the good of MMA?



    First one on broadcast network prime time. How much does being on broadcast as opposed to a top cable station really mean, nowadays?

  9. I don't think they want to take Smackdown's biggest star off the show when they just moved to a new network.


    Except that for the next four months plus, Smackdown will be a lame duck show on the old network. It would make a lot of sense to pull Undertaker off TV after ONS and save him for a big return on the new network.

  10. Jonathan Coachman has not signed a contract with ESPN contrary to what may have been reported elsewhere. As I write this, Coach is still employed by the WWE and is still doing projects for the MSG Network. Will Coach eventually migrate to ESPN? Who knows, he would be a great fit there, but as of today he has not made any commitment to do so.


    - JR's blog.


    Coachman's at MSG for sure now. He's one of the regular broadcast crew for telecasts of the WNBA's New York Liberty.

  11. Yeah...Mick Foley is fucking horrible tonight, wow.


    There was some strangeness from Foley to be sure. Foley led up to the Batista segment by pushing Bats' single-minded focus on the title, a segue that made no sense since Batista talked the whole time about Shawn Michaels.


    I'm not sure where Foley was going with all the limbo/mambo jokes during the Kozlov match either. The point is supposed to be for the commentators to help get Kozlov over as a serious monster heel, a task undermined by Foley's dance references.


    As long as we're at it, Foley has to stop referring to Finlay as Fit Finlay. That was Finlay's WCW ring name, it has never been used duing Finlay's current WWE wrestling stint. If we're going to call Adamle on the carpet for referring to The Miz as Mike the Miz, let's do the same here.

  12. Keep in mind that these are the estimates. By the time the actuals come out tomorrow, Speed Racer could very easily lose to Ashton Kutcher.


    You called it. Speed Racer fell to $18.6 mill in the actual, behind What Happens in Vegas at $20.2 mill. Warner Bros. may have inflated its initial estimate to hold off complete humiliation.

  13. I usually enjoy a good "Fire Russo" chant but the heel heat should have been towards Love & Sky.


    The "beautiful people" laughing and acting like complete bitches while Roxxi is getting her head shaved and crying...damn, that got some real emotion out of this callous smart internet fan.


    Roxxi is the most sympathic person in TNA now and Love & Sky SHOULD be the biggest heels. But, unless the follow-up delivers, the biggest heel will still be Russo.


    It's that kind of reaction that makes TNA's desire to take PPVs out of the Impact Zone more understandable. This may (or may not) be an effective storyline but the Impact crowd is so jaded that it won't give the story a chance.
