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Everything posted by sluggo

  1. sluggo

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    Maybe Cody gets screwed and Orton was in on it the whole time
  2. Rather have a new Hart Foundation on Smackdown than Legacy on Raw. We could have both then have them run into each other at the ppvs leading to a slow build for a Survivor Series match. Might as well cut Manu and Snuka now cause those guys aren't going to fly on their own.
  3. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 9, 2009

    I watched but it's kind of lame to get excited for a 2 week old show ( a show taped and shown the same week was the standard) . On top of that, SD has turned into a 2 hour WWF Challenge/All American Wrestling. We don't even get entrances for both wrestlers now.It's like here's a SUPERSTAR and already in the ring, the guy losing) That shit wouldn't fly on Raw now. It's like WWE is half ass'n Smackdown and they don't care because it's the highest rated show on the network. Storyline wise outside of the JBL/HBK thing, SD has a better product than Raw, but production wise, ECW blows it out of the water.
  4. sluggo

    The Time Is Now... to Change Cena's Theme

    WWE put out a PR on the new CD and there is no Cena track http://www.wwe.com/subscriptions/wwetunes/3242484/musicvol9
  5. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 9, 2009

    So I heard last night on the LAW that the reason Jeff wasn't on the show is because he and his g/f get in a car accident with "mystery person" which will be shown on the show this week.
  6. sluggo

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Winner: Triple H (he basically gave it away last night by saying SD wouldn't have a chance if he wasn't in it) Final Four: Triple H Orton Show Rey #1 and #2: Undertaker and Kane Iron Man: John Morrison In and Out Man: Santino
  7. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    hey it's nWo Wolfpack Sting
  8. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    he's here!
  9. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    the crowd was dead for the beatdown...just like last week.
  10. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    heh She got the Orton Knee Of Doom
  11. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    that was....random.
  12. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    Vlad cost HHH the title? That's news to me!
  13. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    this is some ol Kurt/Stone Cold heel verbal battle
  14. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - January 2, 2009

    HHH's excuse me made me burst out laughing.
  15. sluggo

    WWE Raw - December 29, 2008

    Women's Battle Royal? Sounds like a Gail Kim match to me! Well looks like I'm staying home to watch Raw instead of the house show.
  16. sluggo

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    Hmmm Gotta pick if I wanna watch Raw tonight or go to the Smackdown "live event" From reading the reports on WO, I won't be missing much at the show. Although, I may never get to see Jeff Hardy as WWE champ live again.
  17. Theres either some really poor taste or serious retardation going on in between your ears... Must be new...... I actually like the belt. Like I said before, the WWE title when JBL/Show/Angle/Brock/Eddie had it looked boring. The US strap looked better because it had some color to it. On top of that, every time I saw that belt, it just reminded me that it's the "unified" title. I'm not hating on the current WWE title because it's associated with Cena which is the "cool" thing to do. I don't hate Cena or anything associated with the guy besides his limited moveset... I'm hating on the gaudy, gimmicky strap designed for him that he hasnt worn in quite some time, as it's truly a disgrace to the WWE in general, and specifically whomever is holding the title. Gaudy spinner main plate? Check. Wrong brand's side plates? Check. The main plate not having the word Champion anywhere on it? Check. Looking like it can be picked up in any local ghetto from the bling store? Check. It's just time for a change. They could introduce a completely new belt and I'm willing to bet that the replica sales of the spinner belt would STILL be strong. Be careful what you wish for. WWE changed the ECW strap and now it looks like a giant silver belt buckle. It's weird when a commercial for ECW comes on and it says something like "As Mark Henry goes for the gold again".
  18. Theres either some really poor taste or serious retardation going on in between your ears... Must be new...... I actually like the belt. Like I said before, the WWE title when JBL/Show/Angle/Brock/Eddie had it looked boring. The US strap looked better because it had some color to it. On top of that, every time I saw that belt, it just reminded me that it's the "unified" title. I'm not hating on the current WWE title because it's associated with Cena which is the "cool" thing to do.
  19. the "spinner" belt is fine. The other belts were boring. Like a piece of gold on a strap. If you want tradition, go for the WHC. If you want a representation of WWE today, then the current belt is it. Cena will get that strap again after the next draft. man up.
  20. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    I'd buy that Edge shirt. Looks like it was a 1 night only shirt. It's not on wweshop.com.
  21. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    what's up with the jobber intros?
  22. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    new champ!!!!!!!!!! Maryse is more over than 1/2 the guys on the roster. Plus her facial expressions are awesome.
  23. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    that was a good match
  24. sluggo

    WWE SmackDown - December 26, 2008

    Helms should just ditch the head gear when he comes to the ring