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Everything posted by CBright7831

  1. I wonder what the hell they write down.
  2. I was expecting something more creative tonight. This is another rehas of the fist debate.
  3. I'm surprised by the low turn out in this thread considering the last two have 10+ pages.
  4. Hey, they're wearing matching ties tonight.
  5. Let's get this over with.
  6. CBright7831

    Steve Harvey Revokes Eminem's 'Ghetto Pass,

    I'm sure Em is real worried about his ghetto pass being revoked as he counts his millions and millions of dollars and laughs. Meanwhile Michael Jackson is almost bankrupt and this case will pretty much end his career.
  7. CBright7831

    Steve Harvey Revokes Eminem's 'Ghetto Pass,

    I'm enjoying this.
  8. CBright7831

    Eminem's New Song

    Bob Johnson pulled the video from BET and Steve Harvey was saying Eminem was out of pocket for dissing Michael Jackson. When qas it illegal to start dissing Michael Jackson??!?!?!?
  9. CBright7831

    Patterson gives notice?

    They're losing one helluva booker if they get rid of him. He books the rumble every year and even a few matches.
  10. What did it say. Anyway, the WWE is wasting money on Carmella.
  11. CBright7831

    Huge Update (wwe, memphis, etc.)

  12. CBright7831

    Potential Scandal

    Well, Mickey Mouse is the number one write in vote. He gets almost 100 votes each election. And I'm not joking with you either.
  13. CBright7831

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Kerry: 280 Bush: 254 Uh oh. The tide has turned yet again. Another interesting site I found is this one: http://www.americanresearchgroup.com/ev/
  14. CBright7831

    SNL last night..

    I watched the debate, and it was shit, so I turned it off. Both of the guys who impersonated Bush and Kerry sucked.
  15. CBright7831

    John Cena

    What's even more funny is this whole US Title thing was pointless. Him and Booker wrestled those matches, and Cena lost the title the next night.
  16. CBright7831

    Raw vs. Smackdown PS2 Review

    How the hell did they forget to put Eugene in? Is he that hard to make into a goddamn videogame character?
  17. CBright7831

    Your Predictions for Taboo Tuesday

    Why? Why would Bischoff get protected in any way, shape or form? He's freaking Eric Bischoff. Trust me, something will happen. Eugene may lay down, or William Regal may do a heel turn. SOMETHING will happen.
  18. CBright7831

    Your Predictions for Taboo Tuesday

    If you all actually think Bischoff is losing that match against Eugene, you're fucking crazy.
  19. CBright7831

    The OaO Presidential Debate II Thread

    It just feels that way. I'm like John Kerry himself, I say it, I can't explain it. But it just feel like we're getting ready to see a defeat for George W. Bush.
  20. CBright7831

    Eminem's New Song

  21. CBright7831

    Eminem's New Song

    Probably Eminem. I'll admit, when I first heard the song, I thought it was shitty. When I saw the video for it though, I began to like it.
  22. CBright7831

    The OaO Presidential Debate II Thread

    Tonight, I realized that George W. Bush is probably going to lose the upcoming election.
  23. CBright7831

    The OaO Presidential Debate II Thread

    It's no longer available. Someone reup it.
  24. CBright7831

    The Afghan Presidential election thread

    I'm going with the one that has a beard.
  25. CBright7831

    HHH's jab at Rock

    He has won matches over the man his childhood hero called the greatest performer of all-time(actually his father in-law has claimed he to be as well) Who might that be?