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Everything posted by CBright7831

  1. CBright7831

    MTV VMA awards

    I just watched Kanye's video for "Stronger". I marked for Daft Punk's cameo and all of the references to Akira. http://youtube.com/watch?v=cZd1Js0QaOI
  2. CBright7831

    MTV VMA awards

    Here's a video of the fight. Doesnt looks like much happened to be honest w/ you. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1569305/2...lee_tommy.jhtml
  3. CBright7831

    MTV VMA awards

    I dont know why they keep inviting Em to the awards ceremony. He hasn't showed up for the last four years that they've invited him. If he's not winning an award, he's staying the hell home to produce his shitty beats.
  4. I played some of the Mortal Kombat games (1, 2, and UMK) for the first time in about 10 years, and it brought back a lot of funtimes I had a as youth maiming people and whatnot. My favorite characters: Sub-Zero - Smoke - Shang Tsung - Scorpion - Reptile - Discuss.
  5. CBright7831

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    There is Kennedy, but that doesn't work because A) Kennedy might be suspended and B) is supposed to be the WM match. Don't forget Snitsky. Bottom line is that HHH hasn't exactly been doing much while waiting for the Kennedy program to start, which may now very well be delayed or aborted all together. Meh, he'll have a progrm w/ HBK when he comes back, reforms DX, turns on HBK and it's mid 2002 - mid 2004 all over again!
  6. CBright7831

    MTV VMA awards

    This was the first time in ten years that I had no intent on watching it. I do not care. I remember watching the 97 VMAs, the 98 VMAs I dont recall that well. the 99 VMAs had Chris Rock's opening monologue, the return of Aerosmith and Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg reuniting. 2000 had Eminem dissing everyone in the crowd and leaving Fred Durst hanging ffor a high five and the guy from RATM climbing a wall to protest the loss of Best Rock Video to Limp Bizkit. 2001 had Michael Jackson's surprise return. 2002 had the Eminem/Triumph/Moby debacle. 2003 had Britney/Madonna kiss. Since then, nothing has happened. It's watered down. The fun is gone.
  7. CBright7831

    Ric Flair quits WWE

  8. CBright7831

    Booker T Quits WWE

    Jesus...why do the wrestlers that I like keep being the ones who get suspended (Kennedy, Regal Umaga) or they quit (Booker and Flair)? Or die (Eddie).
  9. CBright7831

    Ric Flair quits WWE

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved Taker/Flair. That was my favorite match at WM18 and I've always thought people have overlooked that match.
  10. CBright7831

    Ric Flair quits WWE

    If they get him back, please don't send him back to RAW! I can't stand seeing Flair kiss HHH's ass anymore than he already did from late 2002 to mid 2005.
  11. CBright7831

    WWE suspends 10 wrestlers

    Im blind...who's shirt is this?
  12. CBright7831

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    So I expect a director's cut to be in the works in the near future. If so, then I'm all for it.
  13. CBright7831

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    I'm starting to feel like there's only 10 people in America that like this film...and I'm one of them.
  14. CBright7831

    Sunny days are here again?

  15. CBright7831

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    What a pop for HHH.
  16. CBright7831

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Ah, shit.
  17. CBright7831

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Wait...Vince says he's 50 when he showed us for a year and half of that pic of him on Muscle and Fitness that states he's 60+.
  18. CBright7831

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    I think cheech put it best... Drugs, drugs, drugs, drugs. Jeff Hardy does drugs. He snorts drugs. Smokes drugs. Ingests drugs. Drugs. He's immature because he could be a main eventer but insted he does drugs. He was sent home because he does drugs. Drugs. Is that clear enough for you?
  19. I saw Booker signed another 3 year deal w/ WWE. The contract also has a claus stating Booker now has the option to sit in on production/booking meetings now. I just found that interesting, I guess.
  20. CBright7831

    Ever been fired or let go?

    A customer complained on me yesterday citing that I didn't talk to her much ( I said "Hi, how are you? Do you have your card, told her the total, and then told her to have a good day) ...and well, long story short I have a five day vacation before I'm supposed to go back in and talk w/ my manager where I will get fired. I haven't felt this way since Vince McMahon hired and fired me a few years ago. Anyone have any stories they'd like to share?
  21. CBright7831

    Wrestlers You'd Like to See Return to WWE?

    Watch his match w/ Jarrett @ SS 99. He was over. Then after the Droz incident, his heat just sort of died.
  22. In middle school I proudly wore the Austin 3:16, DX (although I wore a jacket/sweater over it because "Suck it" was offensive) nWo, and Sting (Scorpian) shirts. I'm actually considering buying another DX shirt, and I have no idea why.
  23. Whine up! Whine up! Whine up! Whine up!
  24. CBright7831

    The OaO Raw Thread for August 20, 2007

    Didn't he break JR's leg or arm? Then again, Kane burned JR alive but JR quickly forgave him for that. He broke his arm, I believe.